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Authors: Lily Gets Her Man

BOOK: Charlene Sands
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ily knelt down, picking a perfect array of recently bloomed flowers from her spring garden. She held the bouquet in her hand, carefully checking the delicate petals.

“You forgot one, honey.” Tyler crouched next to her, handing her one beautifully formed white lily. He cast her a big smile and Lily’s heart hammered in her chest.

Darn the man.

One smile from her handsome husband had her acting like a foolish ninny. It would never change.

And she’d never been happier.

With hands together, they placed the last lily of the season in the center of the bouquet.

“I think Joellen will be pleased,” she said.

Tyler stood and with both hands under her arms, gently helped her up. She felt cumbersome and awkward, but when her husband caressed her growing belly, Lily knew a moment of complete joy.

“It’s a right fine bouquet, sweetheart, but I think Uncle Jasper is the one who’s really pleased,” Tyler said with a grin. “It isn’t every day a man gets a new
wife and a second chance at happiness.” He kissed her cheek. “I should know.”

Lily smiled. The baby rumbled inside, kicking and reminding her he’d be greeting her any day now. “I hope our child doesn’t pick this exact moment to enter into the world. I really do want to attend Uncle Jasper’s wedding.”

“Anytime our baby decides to come is fine by me.” Tyler cast her a somber look. “Are you worried, honey?”

Lily chuckled. “Heavens, no. I can’t wait to have our baby, Tyler. It’s more than a dream…it’s a miracle.”

“It’s a miracle I got you to agree to marry me in the first place,” he teased. Tyler never failed to remind her how she’d made him ask her three times before she said yes.

“I wanted your love,” she said quietly.

“You have it, until the day I die.”

He brought her close, carefully wrapping his arms around her. His lips took hers in a passionate kiss, then he set her away to look deeply into her eyes. “I suppose I shouldn’t worry over you having our child. There isn’t anything you don’t do well.”

It warmed Lily’s heart that Tyler had such faith in her. Her husband sent her a thrilling smile and Lily might have melted right on the spot if Bethann hadn’t come running out of the house.

“Bethann, you’re all dressed!”

The little girl grinned, holding on to Miss Blossoms, the new doll Lily had made for her. “I took my own bath and everything,” she beamed.

“Why, sweetie, how grown-up of you. You did a fine job with your hair, too.” Bethann had managed
to make two crooked braids in her hair. Lily had never seen anything quite so adorable.

“Papa says I have to help out more, because I’m going to have me a new sister soon.”

“That’s right, sweetcakes. And you’ve done me proud today,” Tyler said.

“And me, too,” Lily added, “but remember, you may be getting a brother instead of a sister. Only God knows for sure.”

Bethann looked at her father then to Lily. “Don’t matter none. Rhonda Mae loves her brother just fine.”

Lily smiled and looked at the man she adored. “Love is most important of all, Bethann.”

Tyler took Bethann’s hand, then Lily’s. He led them to the buckboard.

Lily stopped for a moment to take a look at the house that had become her home. Flowers bloomed from each and every corner of the yard. Her heart filled with immense joy.

“Couldn’t be any prettier,” Tyler whispered in her ear.

“I know, my garden.” Lily sighed.

“The garden’s nice enough, honey. I was talking about you.”

Lily blushed and he kissed her quickly.

“You’re the most beautiful flower I’ve ever seen.”

ISBN: 978-1-4603-0932-2


Copyright © 2001 by Charlene Swink

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