Charlene Sands (8 page)

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Authors: Lily Gets Her Man

BOOK: Charlene Sands
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“My skirts?”

Tyler scratched his head and looked from her waist to the hem of her skirts, then back up again. “I know. We’ll have to get you some riding gear, but lots of women can ride wearing a skirt.” He cleared his throat. “Proper riding skirts, that is.”

Lily’s mouth went dry from his perusal of her body. She nodded. “Then, I guess I’m ready.”

Lily put the toe of her boot into the stirrup, grabbed at Pearl’s speckled mane and raised up. She threw her right leg up, but it caught in the folds of her skirts. She heard Tyler barking orders, but it was no use. She lost her balance, swayed too far right, felt her boot release from the stirrup as she toppled up and over the horse, landing with a thud on the hard dirt.

Tyler rushed over to her. “Lily! Are you hurt?”

Lily untwisted her long legs and sat in a heap, her skirts making a wide circle around her. The horse
snickered and turned her head to give Lily a long look. Lily only imagined she saw sympathy in Pearl’s round brown eyes.

Tyler crouched down. “Lily, say something.”

Lily looked around. Wes had an arm on Bethann. Both had the most startled looks on their faces. Tyler was equally stunned. Then the absurdity of it struck her. She began to chuckle. Tyler narrowed his eyes on her, concern rapidly changing to confusion.

Lily’s rump was sore, her legs ached and her pride was all but gone. She shook her head and laughter emerged, full and deep. She threw her head back and gave in to it, her eyes fixed on Tyler’s. Soon, the confusion marking his handsome features changed once again. Lines around his eyes crinkled, his lips curved up and amusement sparked in his dark irises. Within seconds, his mouth opened and laughter poured out in a deep low rumble. Such a wonderful sound.

Their eyes locked as they continued to laugh. Lily’s shoulders shook, her body trembled. At one point tears welled up and threatened to flow. Then, when one sole drop escaped down her cheek, Tyler reached out with his finger to brush it away.

His touch, sure and gentle, seared her skin. She grew quiet, as did Tyler. His eyes roamed over her face. She felt tenderness in his searching gaze almost as if he were truly touching her again. Lily’s gaze dropped to his lips. His smile straightened to a fine line.

Wes and Bethann came running over. Bethann giggled. “I thought you was hurt, but then you laughed. You ain’t hurt, are you, Miss Lily?”

Lily tore her gaze from Tyler. The moment was
gone. She glanced up at Bethann and Wes. “Just my pride, sweetie.”

Tyler stood up and offered her a hand. She took it without looking at him. Brushing off her skirts and stomping the dirt from her boots, she said, “Well, as you can see, I’m not much of a rider.”

“Aw, missy, you ain’t so bad. Just takes a little practice,” Wes offered kindly. “Sure glad you ain’t hurt.”

“What do you say, Lily? Want to try again?” Tyler moved to the mounting block. This time he offered his hand. “I won’t let you go, till I’m sure you’re on.”

Lily ignored the stiffness in her joints. She walked over to the mounting block. “I’m willing if you are.”

Tyler gave her a look of approval. “Take my hand.”

Two hours later Tyler, Lily and Bethann reined in their mounts by the creek where it wound around a crop of ironwoods. They set their horses to drink and stretched their legs. Lily prided herself on only falling off Pearl three times. Each time, no matter the pain, she managed to get back up, determined to complete the ride.

Bethann did marvelously well for her first time, or so her proud father announced. Pint-Size seemed to take to the little rider on his back. But the child was tuckered out.

Bethann rolled out a blanket and laid herself down before Lily could even offer her a cup of lemonade. Within minutes the little girl was napping under the shade of an ancient ironwood. Tyler bent to comb a few stray strands of hair off her face, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead.

He leaned back against a tree and watched the creek
waters. Lily, too, stared at the creek. The water raced by, heightened by a recent rain, looking refreshing and more inviting than Lily wanted to admit. Besides the fact she thought the scrapes on her legs might need cleansing from the last fall she took. She’d landed on thorny underbrush and was sure she was bleeding a little.

She poured Tyler a cup of lemonade, trying to forget the slashes on her legs, and walked over to him. He accepted the tin and motioned for them to sit down on a nearby blanket he’d rolled out. Lily spoke quietly, “Bethann is exhausted. She’s quite a little rider.”

Tyler glanced at his sleeping daughter. “That she is. I’m real proud of her. She did fine today.”

Lily sighed. “It’s easier to learn when you’re young.”

Tyler shot her a look. “You did fine, too, Lily.”

“Did not, but thanks for trying.”

Tyler shifted to give her his full attention. “I mean it, Lily. Not too many women would’ve taken the kind of punishment you did today. But you got right back on that horse and kept trying.”

Lily’s chuckle was one of wry condemnation. “Shows you what I know.” Absently she rubbed her leg through her skirts. The scrape just above the knee burned now, and she felt some oozing. Lily winced, then hid her pain by plastering on a smile.

She cringed when Tyler noticed. He sat up to stare at her leg. “Lily, you did get hurt. Look at your skirt.”

When Lily did, she gasped. Her brown skirt showed signs of seepage. The red patch had made its way through three layers of petticoats. “Oh, dear.”

Tyler moved to her side. “Let me take a look.”

“No, I’ll…I’ll be fine.” Lily jutted her chin up. “Thank you, anyway.”

Tyler ran a hand through his hair. “Lily, your leg needs tending. Look, the bleeding’s getting worse.” And it was. The stain on her skirt had grown larger. She could only imagine what the gash looked like. Her leg was on fire. “Tarnation, Lily. I want to help.”

His eyes pleaded and his face took on stubborn determination. Lily knew she’d not win this argument. “All right, Tyler,” she responded softly.

“Lean yourself up against the tree.” Tyler moved the wool blanket to the base of the tree trunk. Lily positioned herself, resting her head against the thick bark and laying her legs straight out. Tyler sat down next to her. Slowly he lifted her leg, placing it over his thighs. With sure fingers, he inched her skirt up. Lily kept a hand on her other leg, so she could retain some degree of modesty.

Tyler lifted her skirt nearly to her waist and Lily blushed. He looked at the wide gash on her leg, shook his head and cursed.

“Tyler, please don’t—”

“Sorry, Lily. I’m just surprised to see how bad this is. If I don’t take care of it right away, it could get worse. There’s dirt in there. I’ve got to clean it. Stay still. I’ve got what I need in my saddlebags.”

Lily closed her eyes and tried to forget the feel of Tyler’s hands on her bare leg. He’d been gentle, but the roughness of his hands contrasted sharply with her smooth white skin. No man had ever touched her there. She thrilled at the sensation of being held so tenderly by him. It almost made up for the humiliating position she was in and the fiery pain shooting through her leg.

He came back with a jug of creek water, a clean bandanna and a small round covered container. When he sat down, he took her leg in his hands again. “This is going to sting.” His eyes filled with concern. “Ready?”

Lily nodded. Tyler washed out the slight hole in her leg, rinsing the bandanna several times by pouring clean creek water over the stretch of material. He tipped the washed-out lemonade jug onto the open wound and let the water run down her leg. Blood oozed out for several minutes. Then it stopped.

All the while, Lily bit down on her lower lip. The pain wasn’t unbearable. In fact, as soon as Tyler started tending to her wound, she began to feel much better. Once he was done, she felt her shoulders relax and most of the tension ebb from her body.

“I think it’s clean enough.” Tyler cast her a worried look. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. It feels much better. Thank you.” Lily tried to remove her leg from his grasp, but he held firm. She shot him a startled look.

“I’m not through yet.” He smiled. “I keep a salve for injuries in my saddlebags. Never know when one of the hands is in need. ’Specially since we’ve been using barbed-wire for fencing.” He held up the gray container for her to see. “Stuff’s made from aloe vera, grows down south a’ways. I have a batch sent up from San Antonio every year.”

Lily tried to remove her leg once again. Tyler wasn’t letting go. “It helps the healing. Takes the sting out, too. I’ll just rub some on. Sit still, woman. You’re about as bad a patient as I am.”

Lily chuckled and gave up her leg. “No one is as bad as you.”

Tyler grinned. He opened the jar and dipped two fingers in. “Steady now.”

The ointment felt cool and soothing. But Lily’s blood heated when Tyler laid his palm full-out on her leg and began stroking. His fingers seemed to linger as they grazed her skin. One hand cupped her leg from underneath, while the other rubbed, massaged and nearly drove her to distraction. Lily gave in to the feeling. She rested her head against the tree, unable to watch Tyler’s powerful hands stroke her so tenderly a moment longer. But closing her eyes only made the sensations come more to life.

Her leg tingled while her pulse accelerated. Could he hear the rapid thumping of her heart? Sweet heaven.

“How does this feel?” he asked.

There was a deeper, huskier tone to his voice. Lily couldn’t answer him, her throat tightened. “Mmm.”

Tyler still held her leg, but there was silence. When Lily opened her eyes, she found Tyler leaning back on his haunches, watching her. His eyes seemed darker and his expression looked…well, Lily had never seen that expression on his face before.

While she was gathering her thoughts, Tyler took out a small knife from his back pocket, lifted a clean section of her petticoats and paused. “Sorry, but the wound needs dressing.” He proceeded to cut a strip of cloth from her petticoat. Again, his hands were gliding along her leg. Carefully he tied the cloth not too snugly around the wound. “There, that should do.”

Lily sat there staring at the newly dressed wound, at Tyler’s hands on her leg, then up at the man who caused such stirrings in her heart. Tyler’s lips curved up and he reached for her skirt. Lily hadn’t realized
she’d been clinging to the folds bunched up high on her thigh until Tyler’s hand brushed hers. She released her hold, blushed and watched as he settled her skirts back down to her boots.

“Th-thank you,” she said numbly.

Tyler stood and looked down at her. “It’s a shame such a pretty leg had to get injured.” He turned and walked to the creek.

Tyler had an itch that needed scratching, was all. He couldn’t recall how long it had been since he’d driven himself deep inside a woman and eased the stiff ache that had settled between his legs. He thought of Renee, the accommodating “lady” at the Golden Garter who’d done just fine relaxing his pent-up tension from time to time. Yes, the good-looking redhead was just what he needed. Soon.

He glanced at the nape of Lily’s long, sleek neck and noticed fine curling wisps of hair clinging to a drop of moisture there. He couldn’t help noticing. She sat sidesaddle on his horse, nearly across his lap. He’d insisted it was the only safe way to get her home. Now, as his arm brushed along the side of her breast while he held the reins, he wondered at the wisdom in doing so.

The woman couldn’t ride Pearl back to the ranch—not with that leg all bound up. One more fall could open the wound further, before it had a chance to heal.

Lily shifted in the saddle, pressing her hip against Tyler’s groin. He held back a groan. “You uncomfortable, Lily?” He sure as hell was.

“Tyler, this is silly. I can ride my own horse.”

“Lily, we’ve been through this already. You can’t
ride Pearl back to the ranch. You couldn’t take another fall.”

“Are you saying you’d think I’d fall again?” Lily turned slightly in his arms to look at him. She was a tall woman. Their eyes were nearly level.

“I’m saying we don’t want to tempt fate.” He smiled.

Lily’s eyes flashed. She pursed her lips. “I told you I couldn’t ride. Look at Bethann. She’s doing great.”

Tyler turned his head. Bethann was several steps behind them strapped into the saddle. Wes had cooked up the device to insure the little one’s safety.

“Yep, she is, but she’s also nearly hog-tied to the horse.”

“Maybe I should tie myself to Pearl,” Lily said wistfully.

Tyler chuckled. “You’ll get there, Lily. Be patient. Ain’t seen a thing yet you haven’t taken to. Seems riding will just take some time, is all.”

She shifted position again, this time her long braid whipped around her shoulder to rest over her left breast. The tip of the braid landed on Tyler’s wrist and tickled him. He sucked in a breath.

The soft hair gliding over his lower arm brought his thoughts back to the mounting tension, the warmth spreading between his legs. And the need. Damn. It’d be another hour until they reached the Circle K. Another hour to think about the soft, milky-white skin he’d caressed just a short time ago.

When he’d lifted Lily’s slender leg to tend to her injury, he’d been surprised at how shapely her limbs were. Under all those skirts, he’d expected stick-thin legs. Bird legs. Instead he found beautiful thighs, just the right size for a woman of Lily’s height.

He’d applied the salve to the wound, but instead of stopping there, he’d massaged her leg, spreading the thick ointment all over the other small scratches. He’d taken his time and enjoyed the feel of her. Delicate, smooth, creamy.

And when he’d glanced at Lily, she hadn’t seemed to mind. She’d had her eyes closed, a slight smile graced her face. She let out a tiny sigh, a sexy little moan of contentment that startled Tyler. She probably hadn’t even realized she’d made a sound at all.

A deep hunger washed over him. A yearning he hadn’t felt since Lizabeth was alive. Putting that look of contentment on Lily’s face stirred something inside Tyler. She’d never been with a man. Her innocence made her all the more appealing.

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