Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove) (23 page)

BOOK: Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove)
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“Tell me to stop Ava. Anything less, I will have all of you before the sun rises tomorrow.” His voice a deep rumble. Filled with the same hunger stirring in her. Why did he have to talk now? She wanted to feel, not think.

That little reserve of doubt and insecurity started to expand. Her body cooled. She felt the tautness in her muscles. What if she couldn’t satisfy him? Pulling back a fraction, she let her head fall forward. As if reading her mind, Logan spoke the words that broke through her doubts.

“You don’t have to do anything. I’m in charge.” She tilted her head back to meet his eyes. She didn’t see a demanding male, she saw his sincerity and care, and immediately her body reignited.

He would satisfy both of them. Would he take responsibility for their pleasure? Not blame her if he was left wanting. Could sex be this simple between them? She reached up, ran her fingers through his ruddy colored locks, more for herself than him. He groaned at the contact.

“Don’t stop.” She had said the words out loud. For them and where tonight would lead. His chest expanded as he took a deep breath. The smoldering look in his eyes said she was about to get the answers to her questions.

Don’t stop
. Two of the sweetest words in the English language Ava had spoken to him. He wanted her to enjoy what he did, but he could feel the tension in her body. He needed her relaxed. Let him introduce her to a world of new pleasures. Stroking the length of her arm, he caressed her back, sweeping lower to cup her bottom until she began to soften in his arms. Logan watched the play of emotion flicker across her face. Nervous, but desire lit her eyes, the rising color of her skin outweighed the anxiety about the next step they were taking.

“Taste,” he said pulling her down to press their lips together. Savoring her exquisite blend of vanilla and honey. She was the only thing that existed in his world. Kissing her and feeling her warm body atop his was more than a want. It was a basic need. Breaking their kiss he bent his head and took her breast into his mouth, lavishing them with attention in equal measure. Feeling a tug at his belt buckle he reluctantly released his bounty. Their first time together would be in his bed, not on the couch. He heard her whimper and his erection pulsed in response.

“Logan?” Confusion at why he’d stopped in her voice. Lips swollen and wet from his kisses, breasts taut and full, she looked beautiful.

“Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere without you. Our first time making love will in the bed we will share from this night forward.” He sat up with Ava still pressed against him from chest to hip. He swung both feet onto the carpeted floor.

“Wrap your legs around me.” With a sure hold around his neck, she followed his instruction. Gripping her bottom in his hands, he lifted Ava higher and stood to his feet. He took purposeful steps, moving them up the stairs to his bedroom, breathing fast in eager anticipation of claiming Ava as his own.

Logan’s bed was spacious enough for six people. The room bathed in moonlight, was classically rugged, with warm shades and squared patterns. No rounded edges in sight, all clean, sharp angles so indicative of the man. The hardwood floor was bare, except for a gingham rug near the bed that complemented the luxurious bed covers. The tufted leather headboard reached a quarter of the way to the ceiling. Metal artwork hung on the wall overlooking the bed draped in an alternating pattern of warm and neutral shades. A fireplace surrounded by a media console and built-in bookcases occupied one wall. The only window in the room would rival a department store display, and overlooked the side yard leading to the detached garage. Her mouth felt dry at the thought of what was about to happen between them.

“I’m not on birth control.” At her statement Logan looked momentarily stunned. “I haven’t had a reason to,” she stumbled on.

“I’ll protect you.” He crossed the room to the bed carrying as if she weighed nothing at all. Ava released the hold around his neck when he lowered her to the bed.

“You look beautiful in my bed.” She gave him a shaky smile as she continued to scan the room. This man was changing her. No, she changed for him. The thought came to her unbidden. She was going to have sex with Logan. “Undress for me Ava. Let me see.”

His voice was a low, sexy grumble. She felt her body quicken as it flushed with heat all over again. She hesitated. What was his expectation? Should she take everything off fast or slow? Did he want her to lie back or stand up? Her head started to pound.

“Logan, I don’t want to mess everything up. I don’t know what you want and … ” He cut her off mid-sentence. He bent his long muscled frame to her and trailed a single thumb down her cheek. Gently, he kissed her lips, before looking into her eyes.

“What I want is to be with you. Your scent, your hands, your mouth, I want them on me.” He laved wet kisses the length of her exposed neck as he spoke. “I want to love you. I want to wake up to you in my arms. We can go as slow as you need. I won’t rush what’s happening between us.” She released a breath of relief. Logan stood tall now, looking down at her.

“Take off your blouse and your bra, then lie back on the bed.” She did as she was told. The room air was cool against her skin.

Turning her head to the side, she looked up expectantly and her breath caught as Logan dropped to his knees. His face now even with her parted legs. She felt as he slid his hands up her inner thigh under her skirt.

She held her breath, when thick fingers gripped her thong and pressed into her hips, before retracing their original path. Burning with need, she trembled, when wide shoulders filled the space between her spread thighs. Pulling air back into her lungs, heart drumming in her chest, Ava felt primal pleasure wash over her when a warm breath touched her moist folds. Then delicious suction had her digging her nails in the bed covers for purchase as his mouth drove her past the shore of unknown passion into the cresting waves of ecstasy.

“What are you doing to me?” She barely got the words out before another onslaught of unrestrained pleasure assailed her body. Bolts of sexual energy shot through her, and her legs began to quake. Her body bowed off the bed and she screamed Logan’s name as she scattered into a million pieces as passion so raw and deep exploded in her center. Each particle imprinted with Logan’s name.

Ava screamed his name with her orgasm and he nearly came undone. Logan stood, discarded his clothing, and retrieved the condoms from the bedside stand. Sheathing himself, he dropped the foil roll of discs onto the bed by Ava’s right hip. He stood between her legs, watching as she glowed with sexual satisfaction from the release he’d given her. Hair loose, wild curls framing her face.

“You are gorgeous when you cum for me.” Her orgasm was explosive.

“Seeing you naked makes me want to do it again.” Her skirt had ridden up to her waist.

“Lift up, sweetheart. I’m going to give you what you want.” Eyes open, still drawing in short breaths, she repositioned herself higher on the mattress, raising her hips. He made quick work of removing her last article of clothing before climbing on the bed with her. He spread her legs farther apart and positioned himself at her entrance. “That was the most powerful orgasm I have ever witnessed. You are so responsive I almost came with you. Has it been awhile since your last time?”

“No,” she responded still trying to breathe. “I have never had that happen before.”

“You mean the force of the orgasm,” Logan flashed what he knew was a slow, cocky smile.

“That’s not what I meant. I’ve never had an orgasm,” Ava said into the air, still chasing her breathe.

His hands stilled on her thighs, he shifted back onto his knees trying to see her expression in the shadows of the room.

“Ava. Tell me you have done what we are about to do before tonight.” He wasn’t in the business of deflowering virgins, but he knew he wasn’t capable of walking away from her at this point.

“I have been with a man, but I have never had sex. I mean I’ve never experienced an orgasm. Is it always this awesome with sex? I never came with Mar....” He interrupted her next word, firmness in his tone.

“Don’t say another man’s name while you’re in bed with me. I don’t want to hear ‘Oh my Todd’ either. To answer your question, no, it’s not this way for most couples. It will be for us.”

Ava rose onto her elbows, studying him. When her eyes landed on the condom roll near her right hip they widened in what looked to be disbelief. She moved her arm to reach for them.

“Stay where I put you Ava.”

“That’s a lot of condoms. Should I be concerned that you keep a stock?”

“I am not a player, too possessive of what I consider to be mine. I bought them the night of our first dance.”

“That confident in your abilities to woo me?”

“Confidence has its merit. I find unrelenting determination more beneficial. No more talk.” He bent forward to claim her mouth, rubbing against her body, exploring her curves. He captured her very sweet sigh and responded with a growl of his own.

Positioned over her, he pressed his erection against her womanhood and she made a throaty sound that had him straining not to drive into her and bury himself to the hilt.

He pushed forward and she tensed. He repositioned himself and started slowly moving into her, her body resisted his invasion.

“Sweetheart, relax and open for me.”

“I’m trying,” she said in a small voice.

He started with a light kiss on her lips, then her neck and up to her eyelids.

He felt her body relax. He angled to enter her, he looked down, sought her face wanting to see her passion as he claimed her. When he looked down at her face, he didn’t see shared passion. Ava’s eyelids were squeezed tight. Tension lines bracketed her mouth.

He leaned forward and cupped her face in both hands. Her eyes opened then and he recognized the emotion reflected in their chocolate depth. It was shame.

Ava looked away from him. “I’m so sorry.” She wiggled underneath him, in an attempt to push her slender frame backward on the bed.

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