Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove) (32 page)

BOOK: Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove)
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“If the answer lies there then I may never reach a solution,” Ava interrupted.

“Maybe, you should explore your own feelings. Separate them from what you feel for Logan.”

“You aren’t going to help. Everything is feelings and Logan.”

“Ava, just think about what it is you really want. What would you be risking?” Ava’s hope dimmed. Logan had ram-shackled her world. Hijacked her two friends. She had no one.

“I don’t need your help. I can do this on my own.”

“That’s not true. I’ll do what I can to help you. My friend Morgan, was a navy recruiter. Give me twenty-four hours to make contact and follow-up.”

A genuine smile stretched across Ava’s face. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your help means to me,” Ava sniffed. “Now that you’re my friend again, how are you and Dawson?”

“He’s committed to the Marine Corps, me the Navy. Neither one of us has the time for a relationship. We scratch one another’s itch.”

“A lot of itching taking place these four months. I don’t want to spring any surprises on you, with you being trained in self-defense, but you’ve been in a relationship for four months.”

“We have fun relieving some pressure. It’s nothing serious, not what you and Logan have together.”

“You are too stubborn for your own good, but I love you just the way you are.”

“I love you too, but be sure you are ready for what comes your way.”

“Thanks for answering my call. And don’t think I missed you changing the subject from you and Dawson, to me.”

“Goodnight, Ava.” Her tears had all but stopped.

Ava was excited when she ended the call. She had taken the first steps in securing her own future. She had made a decision for herself, a smile shone through her tears. She could move forward without Logan.

Chapter 15

Two weeks without Ava. She had arranged her schedule to avoid working with him. Logan refused to talk with anyone in his family. When he heard their voices, images of Ava’s face looking at him with unshed tears in her eyes replayed the personal horror movie in his head. Sunday golf outings with his father and Darwin were a thing of the past.

When he heard the distinct hum of his father’s engine in his driveway. Logan did not budge from his office chair when Robert Lee all but tore the front door off the hinges trying to get inside. He had finally taken Graham’s advice to lock all the doors. Logan didn’t answer his front door or let his father inside. He didn’t want to hear what his father had to say. He did not want to hear what any of them had to say. Not even Darwin. Darwin suggested giving Ava space. Now Logan could not find her. He had exhausted every possible avenue available to him save one. Not wanting to pull Ava’s best friend in the middle of their rift, he had no other choice. Lina was his only link to Ava. He was angry with himself for not being able to protect her. He was angry at his family for jeopardizing what he had with Ava. And he was angry with Ava, for not caring enough about him to resist running away.

As he walked through the door of the psychiatric unit he reassured himself the opportunity to reclaim her would come. If he had to seize the opportunity by the throat and drag it punching and clawing he would do it. He had to believe he would get her back. He saw the nurse he was searching for directing a patient into a group therapy room. “Lina.” She turned in his direction.

“Yes, Dr. Masters.” It took a moment for him to comprehend her words. He directed her to step into a private therapy room, “Lina?”

“What is it that you want?” Logan closed his eyes in frustration. “You’ve talked to Ava. Lina please let me explain. I never meant to hurt her.”

“Of course you didn’t, taking an unmistakably black woman to brunch with a family full of elitist and possibly closet racists, is protective by anyone’s standards.”

He ground his teeth, fingers into fists. “Lina, my family is not racist. My mother is a snob and a drunk, but she is not what you said.”

“In my experience the -isms stick together.” Anger reflected on her face.

He looked at her in bewilderment.

“Classism, racism, sexism, you get the picture. You meet one, scratch their surface, low and behold, there’s another -ism reinforcing the one you see. Save your song and dance for some other sucker, because I’m not buying it. The most generous, kind hearted, woman in the world isn’t good enough for the Masters family.”

“My family is none of those things. It was my mother, no one else in my family. We are friends. What happened between my mother, Ava and I has no bearing on our friendship.”

“You know the old adage,
mama’s baby
. Most of us are a byproduct of our mother’s beliefs and values.”

“I am not a hen pecked boy nor am I an ignorant man. I have my own beliefs and values. None of them include treating people differently because of money, status, and definitely not because of their skin color.”

“Logan, I thought you were different. Ava trusted me. You don’t understand the significance of having Ava’s trust. I foolishly entrusted my best friend to you. That night at the party, you made me hopeful for both of us. But Ava was right to be leery. Women like us, don’t belong with men like you. You had both of us whitewashed. We never saw the curveball coming.”

“What are you talking about a man like me? Lina explain to me what is really happening. Tell me what Ava said to you. This is not adding up. Explain everything that you said. I want specifics because I need your help to get her back.”

“You want me to help you hurt her again? I helped when I saw her look at you with hope in her eyes. I helped when she called me the morning following the party asking about you. I helped you destroy her. I won’t do it again.” Tension and anger rose in equal measure inside him. Ava was hurting and he didn’t know where to find her.

“What do you mean destroyed her?” His pulse raced, wild and untamed. “Please Lina, I am begging you. Tell me where she is. Let me go to her. I will not lose her over some antiquated belief system that I don’t practice. Ava is mine. I would never intentionally hurt her.”

“Leave her alone.”

“It will never happen. I will tear this city apart until I find her. I told her and I am telling you, I am coming for her. Nothing or no one will stop me from finding her.” Logan felt a presence at his back. He turned to see his friend, Gideon Rice, a former Marine now adult psychiatrist approached them.

“Lina, is everything alright in here?”

“Lina is fine. We are talking.” Logan could not afford Gideon’s interruption. Lina was a romantic at heart. If she refused, it would take that much longer to find Ava.

“I didn’t ask you Logan. I am asking Lina.”

“I’m fine Dr. Rice. Thank you.”

“I have additional information regarding my patient. Finish your conversation with her, Logan. Lina is essential to daily operations in this unit.”

Logan peered over his right shoulder staring at the other man. Wondering what this scene was about. Lina had a similar expression on her face. Logan turned a slow curious glance down at Lina.
Something was not right.
Gideon looked ready to snatch Lina away from him. He hated not knowing. Something had happened that he was not privy to.

“Lina what’s going on with you and Jace?” Her body stiffened, the tiny veins of redness crawled across the white of her eyes. She narrowed them, but not before he saw the tears threatening to fall. The pain he saw in her eyes made Logan want to find Jace and pummel him into the ground. What had he done to Lina?

That was it. Ava and Lina were both hurting. Feeding from one another’s pain.

“How does it relate to Ava avoiding me?”

“I will not sacrifice Ava’s friendship for any man.” The rise and fall of her chest came faster, more panting than actual breathing.

“You are like a sister to Ava, but I am not just any man. I am your friend. I practically cried with you watching that Steel Magnolias movie.” A hint of a smile from Lina was a good sign. “I don’t know what Jace has done, but I am not him. Ava is my life. This is my promise to you, tell me where I can find her and I will make things right between us. I will make her happy again. Believe me Lina. I am telling you the truth.”

“Logan.” He released a shaky breath. Lina addressed him with familiarity. She trusted him. If they were anywhere other than the hospital he would be on his knees.

“Point me in the right direction. I know she’s not sleeping at home or her parent’s house. Before I can even turn off the car ignition, Granny Lou is on the front porch shaking her head no.”

“I can’t tell you where Ava’s holding up. I believe you care about Ava and more importantly you know her. You’ll figure it out. After weeks sitting at the Walters’ dinner table I am sure you know where Ava is spending her nights.”

“What kind of clue is that? She’s not at home with me where she belongs. The places she frequented are the church, the track, and the farmer’s market. You have got to give me more than that to go on?”

“No, I don’t.” Lina was not divulging useful information.

Logan could howl in frustration. He didn’t know what Lina was trying to tell him. Cymbals clanged against his temples only to collide with the bells ringing in his ears.

“I have seen everyone from Sunday dinner except Ava.”

“Interesting. I helped Ava lug eight chairs and a dining table into her house. In fact, last Thanksgiving we had to add two chairs to the table for my mom and Shaylah.” Comprehension dawned, a slow smile spread across Logan’s face and the vice grip around his heart loosened its hold.

“Lina James, I could kiss you.” He leaned forward to do just that when a harsh voice stopped him.

“Lina come with me, now please.” They both turned to see Gideon Rice’s broad frame filling the doorway to the individual therapy room. He looked ready to attack.

“Gideon, what is your issue? Find another nurse to help you.” Lina interrupted Logan before he could say more. She stepped around him as she spoke.

“Ah, Logan. I should go back to work. Remember, you made me a promise. I expect you to deliver. Thanks Dr. Rice for being patient.”

“I’ll wait for you. No one else.” He looked pointedly at Logan.

Logan replayed Gideon’s behavior, the muscles in the man’s jaw was twitching, his shoulders had been loose at his sides on a fully erect spine. He had been readying himself to launch at him.

That was a question for later after he acquired the address for one Mr. and Mrs. Aron Walters. “I am coming for you Ava mine.”

Why had she agreed to go to that country club? She and Logan were good together, before business meetings, blackmail and Maribelle. Most nights she stayed at Aron and Zari’s townhouse. But she didn’t sleep. Occupy a bed was more accurate. Logan had never visited their home, so she was safe from unwanted visits. She couldn’t be with him, but it was difficult to be without him.

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