Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove) (33 page)

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The emptiness had returned. It was worse, because she knew how it felt to be cared for. Maybe, even loved. She needed Logan more than ever. He would love her hurt away; help her get over the heartbreak.
. She was pining for Logan.

A car Ava didn’t recognize blocked her driveway. She slowed the Jeep to a stop and cut the engine at the curb. Robert Lee Masters stood beside a classic blue and white 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 wearing chinos and a Caribbean blue golf shirt. As she approached him, he extended his hand.

“Good to see you again Ava.”

“The feeling is not mutual I assure you,” Ava said not offering her hand.

There was no hesitancy in his voice rather a beseeching tone.

“I apologize for what you endured at the hands of my family. Words cannot express the remorse I feel for how we treated you.” Ava took in the dark circles under his eyes, and the tension lines at the corners of his eyes. He looked unnaturally aged, where she had considered him handsome at their first meeting.

“You didn’t have to show up at my house to tell me that. You don’t owe me anything.”

“That’s not true. I owe you a great deal. You make my son happy. His happiness is important to me; therefore, you are important to me.” The sincerity and weight of his words surprised Ava.

“Mr. Masters, Logan and I are no longer together. You are wasting both of our time. I have nothing to say to Logan.”

“I know that, but I also know the two of you would still be together if it wasn’t for us. My son cares a great deal about you. I believe you feel the same way towards him. Logan is a stubborn man. He’s gone to extraordinary lengths to show his family how important you are to him.”

“I don’t think you should be sharing this with me.”

“My own son won’t accept my calls. Logan won’t let me in his house because of what we did to you.” Ava was speechless.

“I’ve been playing golf with my boys since they were knee high to me. They’ve stopped visiting me. I am married to a power hungry woman that drinks too much.” Robert Lee’s face looked stony. Ava’s lips tightened at the mention of Maribelle.

“My sons are all I have.” His voice pitched low. At the mention of his sons emotion filled his voice. “Logan believes he’s lost you and if he’s lost you, I’ve lost them both.” He cleared his throat.

“Ava please, talk to Logan. Take one of his telephone calls. I’d be indebted to you if you would just have one conversation with him. Logan deserves to be happy. You do that for him.”

Ava didn’t have a response for Robert Lee. She knew Logan was upset with his mother after what happened. Shunning his entire family was an unforeseen consequence. The strained relationship with his mother made sense after meeting the woman. But he treasured his time with Darwin and his father. This separation had to be difficult for him.

“Thank you for listening. And I want you to know, I’ve done everything in my power to help you and Logan.” She was unsure what to make of the comment. The derailment was in progress for her and Logan.

He offered his hand and she accepted. He held it a few seconds before releasing her hand and returning to his car. He gave a slight smile in her direction, backed out of the drive, and revved the engine. She heard the deep, rumble of the car as he turned the corner, and disappeared from sight.

Robert Lee’s heartfelt request tossed her back into emotional turmoil. For such a powerful man to humble himself, admit his wife was obsessed with power and status, and that he was a father that loved his sons. Logan had alienated his family because of her. Before her courage failed, she went into the house and dialed his number.

He strained to complete another pull-up. Forcing his body past the point of physical exhaustion. Logan needed the physical pain, a momentary escape from the emotional wasteland that plagued him. Arm and chest muscles burning from overuse, he dropped to the floor. His breath coming in short gasps, he began the third set of crunches. He needed to pack and review his presentation one last time. The conference was in two days and failure to secure funding was not an option.

When the phone rang, Logan continued his rhythmic contract release sequence. Having deleted Darwin’s and his parents’ previous messages, the voice mailbox was ready to hold another round of unsolicited calls until he deleted those, too. Expecting another of his mother’s rants, he dug deeper. Wanting the scream of pain to drown out her dictates.

“We need to talk.” Recognizing Ava’s voice, Logan took to his feet, noting her home number displayed on the television LCD. He wiped his face, exited the gym, and grabbed his keys from the countertop. He made double strides in the direction of the garage. Whatever she had to say, she would tell him in person. He would not be discarded via phone message.

In record time he pulled in her driveway. He banged on her front door, prepared to battle Heaven and Hell to get her back.

“Ava,” not caring if he roused the neighborhood, his baritone boomed in the still night. “Open up.” She opened the door. Her familiar sundress and bare feet had his pulse racing.

He scooped her off her feet, into his arms. He missed her. Burying his face in her soft ringlets, her vanilla scent unleashed havoc in his body, the muscle pain he felt, was now a dull ache. Blood rushed to his lower half. She was back in his arms.

Ava was his and Maribelle’s tirade would not be their undoing. Their relationship had unique challenges, but he and Ava would overcome this hurdle.

“You never have to see them again,” he mumbled into her hair. He held her tight against his body, fusing them together. He stroked up and down her back, reassuring himself this moment was real.

“Logan let me go.” She leveraged her weight on his shoulders, pressing up to meet his stare.

“Never,” he responded and tightened his bear hug hold on her waist.

“Just to close the door. Anyone driving by can see us.”

He stepped into the living room, kicking the door closed behind them, never loosening his grip on her. With one arm around her waist, he used the other hand to tunnel into her loose tresses, bringing her head to rest on his shoulder. Nothing had ever felt so right, as having Ava pressed against him.

“I missed you, sweetheart. Nothing is right without you.” He kissed her, slow and thorough, with a new reverence. His heart leapt in his chest when she opened wider, welcoming his oral invasion. She returned his kiss signaling an end of this purgatory they found themselves in. Her heat, her scent, her presence filled his body with electricity. A fire spread through his veins, nothing in his life could match what Ava did to him. What he needed only she possessed.

“My family messed us up. I am sorry about everything. We hurt you. It will never happen again. I will protect you better.” He said every thought aloud. Praying she heard his sincerity in the words.

He crossed the entryway and lowered them to the couch, setting her astride his legs. When she attempted to rise, he gripped her waist, anchoring them together.

“Stay with me.” Slowly, her muscles relaxed and she settled into place.

“Just let me hold you. Feel your body close to mine.” He took a slow deep breath pulling her scent down into his lungs. The tension of two weeks of separation started a steady retreat. He was back where he belonged. With her. Forever this time.

Her arms circled his neck, and then she pulled him in close. Her warm breath teased his ear when she spoke.

“I missed you, too.” They remained locked in each other’s arms. He was grateful she wasn’t fighting him.

He pulled at her forearms, breaking the hold around his neck. Maintaining possession of her arms, he positioned her so their eyes met.

“Do not ask me to leave you ever again. You are the only woman for me.” She nodded.

“I don’t care what anyone thinks about me being with you. It is you and me against the world.” And he meant every word. It did not matter if his friends and family accepted Ava. Their opinion held no merit.

“Please, say something. Tell me we are back together.” For once, he could not read her expression.

“My legs are going numb. My calves are tight from running up and down the stairwells, last night.”

He stood with her in tow, gently placing her bare feet on the area rug. Ava had not said one word to allay his concerns about their relationship. As usual, he was doing all the talking, but he couldn’t stop himself. He’d talk all night trying to find the right words to make her understand what she meant to him.

“Ava I’m in misery. Tell me something about where we stand as a couple.”

“Is that all?” She snorted at his comment. “I moved past misery and plummeted into despair one week ago.” She scrambled off his lap, to stand over him.

“You invited me to brunch with your family and I get blindsided by an old south sympathizer. Forgive me if I need more than flowery words and a weekend to get over your betrayal.” Ava was breathing hard, with that lower lip trapped between her teeth.

“I don’t know where to go from here Logan.” A sad expression marred her beautiful face. That’s when he noticed his heart pendant wasn’t around her neck.

His internal alarm signaled in warning. The look on her face was not good. His stomach dropped to his feet.

“What do you mean you don’t know where to go from here? My family and I are separate and distinct. Not a package deal. You have to be willing to separate my mother’s actions from the man you are in a relationship with. How can you justify throwing away what we have, because of someone else’s actions?”

“I’m not throwing us away.”

“You gave yourself to me. We share a life together. I am not walking away from you.” She was quiet and watchful. And she was doing the lip thing again. Did she think he would hurt her? True, she was trying to end their relationship, but he’d never hit a woman in his life. He could see it in her eyes. Fear. Say the right words Logan. Don’t mess this up.

“This isn’t about my mother. This is about you, me, and trust.” Logan ran his fingers through his hair trying to calm his racing pulse. His words got her attention. She focused on him again.

“I trust you more than anyone else. I’m not throwing us away.”

“What’s your term for what’s happening? You have a wall around me and another around your heart. I have been chasing after you for weeks. Do you care about me at all?”

“I called you, remember? You know how I feel about you. I didn’t start this.”

“I didn’t start this either. I’m trying to hold onto you while you’re backpedaling away from me. I thought I knew your feelings towards me, but right now I’m not certain of much. This one sided conversation is not very reassuring.”

“I liked being with you. If I hadn’t cared about you, what happened wouldn’t have hurt so much,” she said, when their gazes locked.

“Everything you said is past tense, Ava.”

“I know.” They could be mistaken for statues since neither moved.

“If you don’t want me anymore, just say it. Don’t use my mother as an excuse.” Fear of losing her made his voice hard and dry.

“I want you Logan, but...” He interrupted her. Whatever she said would not help his cause.

“Good enough.” Standing, he swept her into his arms and headed for the bedroom. She opened her mouth. “Do not say one word to undo what you just said. I am miserable and so are you. We make one another happy, that’s our fresh start.”

“I can’t forget everything that happened, with a snap.” She snapped her fingers. “I’m not wired that way.”

“I could never forget anything I did that caused you pain. You offered us a new beginning, I’ll take it.” He entered the bedroom and he placed her bare feet on the carpet. She looked nervous and unsure of herself.

“Will you please climb into this bed with me?”

“I am not having sex with you. Don’t try anything to tempt me.” Her voice was less than confident, and Logan smiled. She definitely wanted him. He sent a silent thank you to heaven above.

“Define tempt?” Her grin was sexy and playful. He felt himself thickening. His heart beat double time. He could not force her hand. She had to do this on her own. If any part of her body touched the mattress she was his.

When he saw, those red, polished toes flex, foot off the ground, knee bent, body leaning forward moving toward the bed; his entire body tensed with anticipation.

The moment her knee made a slight indentation in the quilt Logan pulled her to him, partially covering her body with his larger frame.

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