Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove) (41 page)

BOOK: Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove)
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“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She smiled up at him, waiting for his declaration of love. He offered nothing.

“I need the words, too.”

“Oh, that. It feels good to have you chasing me, I thought I would have you sweat it out for another hour or two.” She gave him a faux belly blow.

“You are mine, Ava. Of course, I love you.” With that he took hold of her hand and led them to the smooch booth.

Thirty minutes into Logan’s shift, not one person approached the booth. Logan knew Maribelle was behind the sabotage. No matter, he and Ava were in love, and would spend their lives together. Ava’s stiff posture told him she realized the abrupt loss of patrons was no coincidence. She smiled, but he seethed at the sadness in her eyes. Knowing his own mother may never accept her caused a tick in his jaw. He squeezed her shoulder.

“Don’t let it get to you. It’s their loss.” She hugged him tight around the waist. He wished he could shield her from any disappointment

“You are the best thing, to ever happen to me, Logan Masters. I love you so much.” A very, loud throat clearing had them looking at the counter.

His father, stood there, tall, broad shouldered, with a navy blazer, white cotton shirt and khaki trousers. In his hand, a stack of crisp bills was on display.

“I want a sample of what I saw Logan getting, young lady.” His father offered a devilish smile before winking at him. He could always count of his father.

“Gladly.” Then his Ava rounded the counter, threw her arms around Robert’s neck and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you for saving the day, again” he heard her whisper. That was an interesting choice of words.

“There’s no need to thank me. Seeing my son happy again has made this one of the best days of my life. Thank you Ava for coming home to him.”

“You are a very lucky man. Don’t let her get away, son.”

Ava chimed in before Logan could respond, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I know I am a lucky man, but I appreciate hearing it from you.”

“Little lady, that was the sweetest kiss I’ve had in a long time.” Robert Lee pulled his wallet from his back pant pocket and deposited at least thirty, one hundred dollars bills in the donation jar.

“Oh my goodness, are you for real,” Logan laughed aloud as Ava stared at the jar.

“You are awesome, Mr. Masters.” To see Ava’s face alight with joy, Logan could not be more proud of his dad in that moment.

“Did he do something I don’t know about?” Ava offered him a puzzled look.

“Logan, your Dad signed my employer endorsement. He’s the reason I’m in the Navy.” Logan was floored.

“You signed the packet, so she could leave?” He had no idea.

“You’re the one that asked me to eliminate whatever Randall was holding over her head. He denied her endorsement. Kathryn gave it to me once I started making inquiries about Ava. At your request.” Ava looked to him.

“You had your father, take care of Randall for me?”

“Of course I did. If you had confided in me the continued threats, he would have been taken care of sooner. Your career, my research was never in any real danger from Randall. An investigation revealed Randall had a long history of abusing his power. No one on SCMC staff will have to suffer his attentions ever again.”

“Oh my goodness, all these weeks apart. You were protecting me while I was protecting you.” The tears forming in her eyes made his heart pang in his chest.

“It’s over, sweetheart. You have your commission, I have my research funding, and we have each other.”

“Who did the foundation elect for the new board position?”

“Because of your knowledge and expertise, you are kissing the newest board member of the SCMC Foundation. I’ll meet the entire board during the annual meeting next month. With Randall gone, there’s another open seat.”

“Because of me? I don’t understand.” Logan went on to explain.

“I recently discovered Deacon Hill has been the caretaker for Susan Holbrook’s estate for over twenty-five years. Susan was one of the members in the tour you conducted on the pediatric unit. She’s a petite blonde, in her fifties with expressive eyes.” Ava look confused and said she did not get the connection.

“She was impressed with your clinical knowledge and professionalism. You did such a thorough job of explaining my research and how it impacted the patients you earned me her vote of confidence. I think Granny Lou had a hand in the Deacon speaking to Susan on our behalf.” Logan kissed her again. Tasting her love for him.

“Oh my God, when I told Granny Lou about Samuel Holbrook and the threats, I had no idea. This is a miracle.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

Logan pulled her into his embrace, feeling her tears through his shirt. Hearing his name called for the third time in under one hour, he looked up to see Lina’s runway stride moving towards them.

“Logan if you have hurt Ava again, I’m going to bury you in one of these sand traps.” Ava moved away for him, wiping her eyes. His father picked that moment to exit stage left.

“I’m fine, Lina. I’m great.” Gideon picked that moment to approach with his checkbook in hand.

“Lina you working the booth with Ava?” Neither woman paid attention to him. Ava retold his father’s generosity. Both women were busy celebrating the contribution.

“No Gideon, Ava doesn’t need me to be a back up anymore,” Lina said.

“Well sweetness, you’re standing at a smooch booth. And I want my kiss. From you.”

“You can’t be serious Gideon. I’m not on the menu.”

“Okay.” Logan watched as Gideon slid the checkbook into his breast pocket preparing to walk away. How was this going to play out?

“Come on Lina, it’s for charity,” Ava chimed in. Gideon halted his retreat.

“All right, all right Ava, but only with him.” No sooner had Lina spoken, Gideon cupped the back of her head, sealed his mouth on hers and kissed her. Hungry and insatiable, all mixed together.

When he released her, Lina’s eye remained closed. Gideon was smiling and Logan was holding Ava tighter at the waist.

“Don’t ever put your lips on Ava.” Logan said with a scowl on his face.

“Ava’s yours. Lina’s fair game,” was Gideon’s reply. Gideon retrieved his checkbook, ripped out the check and deposited it in the collection. And walked away. Lina’s eyes were open now.

“I think I’m pregnant with his baby.” Logan’s laugh vibrated through the tent poles, until Ava commented.

“Me, too,” Ava said. Logan offered a fierce scowl at her comment.

“I think I need a sandwich and a cigarette after that kiss. How much was his donation?” Ava’s nimble fingers phished out the check from the narrow deposit slit. Eyes resembling silver dollar pancakes, mouth open and closed, without making a sound. Logan reached for the check and read the amount.

“Five thousand dollars.” Logan smiled to himself. Lina was in trouble, whether she knew it or not. Lina shook her head from side to side, fingers pressing her temple on either side.

“This booth is going to have me stumbling back into serious like with another doctor. Take care of Ava. I’m punching out, girl. Call me tomorrow.” Good that she knows Gideon’s got her scent.

“Where do you think she’s going?” Ava asked him.

“Not my concern. But your babies will be mine, no vicarious impregnations allowed.” Ava looked up at him, head angled over her shoulder.

“You want to have babies with me?” He laughed at the shocked expression on her face.

“Yes, Ava I do. As soon as you marry me and let the world know that you are mine.”

“I am yours, Logan.” Her unrepentant affirmation brought him to his knees. At last she was his.

“Marriage? We are going to get married and have babies?”

“You have to know that husbands and wives, grow up to be mommies and daddies.” Her eyes widened. “Do you want to be married to me, Ava?” He would give her the sun and moon if it made her happy.

“I asked first, and I’m the senior officer.” His laughter rang out then.

“I’d be honored to be your husband. And make beautiful babies that look just like their mother.” The kiss between them was deep, raw, and breathtaking. Logan pulled away first. Smiling at Ava’s kiss swollen lips.

“Our time is up. I need to swing by the office, then I’m taking you home.”

Chapter 21

Darwin stood back and watched the sparks ignite between Logan and Ava. He was happy for his brother. He hoped his mother would see that they belonged together and stop her plotting and scheming.

Rebecca was gorgeous, but she would never hold Logan’s attention. But, he was thoroughly entangled in her web. He took off in the direction he had last seen her. She sat on a wrought iron bench, underneath a magnolia tree. Her garden hat rested in her lap while her blonde waves slightly lifted away from her face on the breeze. She looked serene until he approached. Venom and something else he didn’t care to investigate reflexed back in her soft blue eyes as she raked him over from head to foot.

“How long you plan on hiding out from these people?”

“I do not hide. I was relaxing until you came over.” She rolled her eyes heavenward, before perking that silly hat back on her head.

“You ready to leave?”

“Darwin, please. I am not leaving with you. Your brother has done enough to embarrass me. I’m not going to put another nail in my coffin by walking out of here with you. You don’t have to entertain me.”

“I like entertaining you. And you’ve known from the beginning your pursuit of Logan was a futile effort.”

“I do not believe I asked your opinion on the subject.” He ignored her clipped tone and extended his hand. 

“Take my hand, Rebecca. Walk out with me.” Her eyes were partially hidden by the hat brim, but he saw her decision before she spoke the words.

“I can’t.” His jaw tightened.

“You gonna let me in tonight?”

“Don’t I always.”

“See you tonight, darling.” He turned and walked away. Smiling to himself he headed for the exit. “You’re mine, Rebecca.”

Chapter 22

Ava and Logan entered SCMC at the outpatient clinic entrance. Saturday afternoon offered a reprieve from the heavy influx of patients during the weekdays. The familiar scent of orange oil as the doors slid closed behind them reminded her that she hadn’t touched a patient in five weeks. She’d been focused on learning the Navy’s customs and traditions. The expectations of a commissioned officer and command structure were her priority.

As they navigated the hallway Ava took in the skeleton crews manning the check-in desks through the glass fronts. A few patients scattered throughout in the lobbies of their respective clinics waiting for appointments.

“Why did we come this way? The main entrance is closer to your office.”

“Let’s stop in the physical therapy suite, first.” He was probably concerned about one of the patients enrolled in the wound research project. They stopped in front of the PT suite, and Logan opened the door for her. Ava entered with him close behind.

“Come with me. The session started ten minutes ago.” Ava followed as Logan led her through a series of corridors and deserted office space. Finally they reached an oak paneled door with a slim glass insert. Ava could see exercise equipment through the door, but the room appeared to be empty. Logan pushed open the door and ushered her through.

“Ava!” Monique Faulkner was perched on what looked to be a stationary bike, but pedals occupied the place handle bars would normally be. The girl came to a quick stop, pulling her hands off the pedals. Hopping off the bike Monique ran across the room and threw her arms around Ava’s waist. Ava hugged her back, having missed their unique friendship.

“Monique you look great. I’m so happy to see you.” Big, innocent eyes on Logan, tears swelling in her eyes, Monique squeezed her tighter.

“You did it Dr. Masters. You brought Ava back.”

“I told you that I would.” Ava looked over at him. Logan had plans to come for her. His eyes told her, indeed he was coming for her. Her heart raced knowing the truth, she loved this man.

“Dad.” Having ignored everyone in the room. A lanky, teenaged boy sat at the chair closet to the window with his head buried in a book. Ava looked over his head to find a familiar face seated in an armless chair hugging the wall. Intelligent eyes and that same military haircut he wore during the donor tour all those months ago.

“You’re Monique’s father?” Monique had released the bear hug, so Ava could shake hands.

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