Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove) (38 page)

BOOK: Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove)
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“I am with Ava, and nothing is going to change that. I will not have you jeopardizing my relationship.” He didn’t want her getting any ideas about them being together.

“You can’t be with someone who isn’t here. We can come to an arrangement. Our partnership can still work.” He was done with pretenses. Ava was his woman and the rest of the world would have to adjust.

“Good bye Rebecca Lynn.” He ended the connection, then transferred the line back over to Ava.

“Sorry I took so long, some business I had to finish up.”

“You sound upset. Who was on the other line?”

“One of my mother’s friends.” He wanted to talk about their relationship.

“Which one?” Ava’s tone was curt though she tried to camouflage it.

“Rebecca Hol...” Before he could finish his sentence, Ava was speaking.

“Why is Rebecca Holbrook calling you at this time of night?”

“My mother keeps orchestrating events to push us together. It’s not going to happen.”

“I remember your mother mentioning her. Have you been seeing her while we’ve been together?”

“I just told you. Nothing happened between us. We have a difference of opinion regarding a business arrangement. I handled it. She’s coming over to deliver some paperwork regarding the research grant. That is it.”

“You invited her to our house! Have you been dating other women?”

“You left me. I will not have you grilling me about what’s happened in my life since your departure.” She was jealous. She was angry at the thought of him with another woman. This was a first, but he would not have her accusing him of wrongdoing.

“I left, but I never left you. You are mine. You will always be mine. So, you had better get rid of that woman Logan Masters. I’m not the pre-game show, either.” Ava’s voice was so loud he could probably hear her from the garage. “I don’t trust your mother. In all the time that I’ve known you, no woman has ever called you in the middle of the night. Did you sleep with her?”

“Sweetheart, calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down. Answer the freaking question.” The sound coming through the receiver resembled a bull getting ready to charge out of the pen.

Whoa, this conversation had disintegrated fast. Leave it to Rebecca Lynn and his stupidity for answering the call to make matters worse. Hindsight is a cruel teacher.

“I haven’t been with anyone else Ava. Put the lioness back in the cage. It’s still just you and me. No added drama.”

“I want you to come up to Newport for the ceremony. Mom and dad will be here as well.”

“I will be with you in spirit, but I can’t come.”

“What do you mean you can’t? Why not?” Because I have plans for us to be together he wanted to say. I have to be here to follow through on securing our new life. He didn’t say that either. He remained silent.

“Not that week, but I will see you soon.” And that was a promise.

“Only two days are allotted for travel between Rhode Island and my duty station. I want to see you.” He wanted to tell her everything, but it was too soon. When he had confirmation he would tell her.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We will work something out.”

“When? I can’t come there, and you won’t come here. Logan, you gave me your heart.” The sorrow in her voice sneezed his heart.

“I did, but you never gave me yours. I have a busy surgery schedule tomorrow. We can talk again tomorrow.” He needed to get off the phone, before he was on a flight straight into her arms.

“You’re dismissing me!”

“No sweetheart, I am saying good night.”

She would be back in his arms, soon.

Chapter 19

Graduation day had finally arrived. It was so nice to look out into the audience and see her parent’s proud smiles. Aron and Zari had surprised her by accompanying her parents to Newport. When she saw them she had hoped Logan would be amongst the familiar faces. She was a little sad that he didn’t change his plans for her. The old Logan would have been there for her, but the new Ava wasn’t waiting to be rescued. After her conversation with Logan she knew she wouldn’t move forward without him. She had two days to convince Logan she loved him.

Ava was grateful Janna had introduced her to Morgan. He had enlisted in the Navy prior to becoming an officer. The first few weeks of officer development school it was his encouragement that kept her from quitting the program. He was a dear friend and a mentor. Her family loved him. They had a great time getting to know one another over lunch following the ceremony.

“Ava, you both look so sharp in your uniform,” her father beamed. “The entire Walters family stands proud this day because you are the first commissioned officer in our family.”

“Everyone sends their love, especially Granny Lou. Your father and I tried for weeks to convince her airline travel was safe. She said if she couldn’t see the driver she wasn’t going.”

Her mom could not stop talking, she was so excited to tour the training base and meet Ava’s instructors. “We took a picture with anyone who was stopped including the housekeeping staff.” Her mother giggled. Flashing her smartphone scene at Morgan.

Her father and brother helped her load the car with her luggage. Her military uniforms had added another thirty pounds to her garment bag. Thank goodness she had a Jeep, since Morgan’s things would be making the return trip.

She followed her family’s rental car to the airport. They all looked puzzled when she boarded the rental car shuttle with a carry-on bag.

“Where are you going?” Her father asked.

“I’m going back to Shell Cove. I love Logan and he needs to see it.” Logan needed the words, but she needed to show him how much she loved him. That he was worth fighting for.

The direct flight from Newport to Shell Cove was quick. Ava could use an additional hour or two to harness her courage. To face Logan needed every ounce of mettle she possessed.

She buckled into the passenger seat of Aron’s SUV. Monkeys flipped in her stomach. “You can drop me off at Logan’s house. I want to be there when he returns from his evening run.”

“Ava are you sure you don’t want me to come back to pick you up in an hour.” She cut her eyes at Aron, allowing her annoyance to show.

“No Aron. What’s between Logan and I will take more than an hour to fix. If it makes you feel better you can wait in the driveway until Logan arrives. Seriously, little brother don’t worry about me. I can handle Logan.” At least, she hoped so.

“I’m not convinced Ava. I don’t want to interfere with your relationship, but …”

“Then don’t. I can manage my own life without a junior chaperone.”
God, I shouldn’t have said that. He wants to help.

“Maybe I deserved that sharp jab, but I doubt it. Just hear me out. Not two months ago, you were sleeping in my spare bedroom because of Logan and his family. You left him for a reason. Do yourself a favor and remember it. I have to believe your reasons for abandoning your life in Shell Cove were substantial, considering you didn’t tell him in advance.” Ava winced, jab returned.

“That was a mistake. I should have trusted Logan with the truth.” She inhaled a deep breath. She would not be deterred. She loved Logan.

“Ava you didn’t tell anyone you were leaving. You joined an organization that is designed to take you away. It’s counterintuitive to establishing a home life. The real kicker is I never realized you were unhappy.” The pain lacing his words pierced jagged splinters into her heart.

“I never meant to hurt anyone, but everyone treated me like a porcelain doll, I was being buried in everyone’s concern for me. I’m bruised up a bit, but I’m not broken. And I won’t break.”
Aron smiled at her then.

“Since you met Logan you have acted out of character.”

“I disagree. With Logan I can be the woman I am, flaws included.”

“You value the safety of a routine life. In five months, you have morphed into a woman I don’t recognize. Your behavior is not the Ava I know.”

“I am glad I have a brother that loves me enough to care about what is happening in my life. Truth is I’ve been hiding in plain view. I feel good about most of my decisions. My relationship with Logan should’ve been handled differently. The opportunity to leave presented itself, at the time I believed that was the best way for all involved.”

Aron briefly slid his eyes from the road to glare at Ava, “you have to be joking.”

“Okay, it was better for me to keep everyone in the dark. I was afraid the family would convince me to stay in Shell Cove. Without a doubt, Logan would have sequestered me at home, chained me to the …”

At Aron’s sharp intake of breath, Ava quickly rephrased her sentence. “He would have kept me under lock and key.”

“I would have helped him. Thanks for not completing the sentence, the visual that was forming in my head was causing stomach pains,” he shuddered for effect.

“That attitude is why I didn’t say anything. You are my younger brother. Somehow I had allowed myself to become everyone’s charity case. I’m the big sister. It’s my responsibility to mentor you. I don’t regret joining the Navy, it’s a dream come true.”

“So, the Navy is good?” She nodded her head in the affirmative.

“In some ways, I have to thank Logan for pushing me to leave my comfort zone in several areas of my life. Something terrible happened to me in college. I got involved with the wrong type of man and he hurt me.” Aron’s expression darkened.

“Before you ask for more information, I don’t want to go into details. It was years ago, I will not channel anymore energy into that period in my life.” She was focused on her future with Logan. The man she loved.

A smile near to bursting spread across her face at the sight of their house. Aron had been driving slower during their conversation, so she didn’t have much time before Logan would be home. Fingers curled around the door handle before the vehicle came to a stop in the driveway.

“How are you going to get in the house?”

“Logan always forgets to lock the side entry door.” At Aron’s disapproving glare Ava grinned. “Ava?” Disapproval reflected in his eyes.

“I have a key, Mr. Overly Cautious.”

“Any man that enters another man’s house uninvited has a reason to be cautious. When you left, Logan made a point of sharing with mom and dad you had left the keys to his house.”

“I returned the extra set from my house when the movers packed my household goods. I kept my personal set. A sadness crossed Aron’s face. “What?”

“Nothing. I am grateful you weren’t here to see Logan after you left.”

“What happened with Logan after I left? I’ve asked him, but he won’t tell me.”

“It wasn’t pretty. You go on inside, we’ll talk more when I bring the luggage.”

Ava grabbed her purse from the center console, opened the passenger door, and walked past the front porch toward the side door.

The image that greeted her anchored her feet just inches shy of the door threshold.

A pair of long, tanned legs were in her kitchen, rummaging through her refrigerator. The legs were attached to a shapely young woman with warm sun kissed blonde hair cut to perfection at her mid back. Instinctively, she knew this was Rebecca Lynn Holbrook. Ava’s replacement. Logan had taken the bait. The beautiful, blonde haired, blue eyed, perfect bait.

Ava took in the gray pumps by the entryway. A designer handbag, a key ring and what looked to be the mail was strewn across the kitchen counter. The same things she did when she lived here. She had lost him. Tears swelled in her eyes as if tsunami force rains fueled the current. “No.” That single word resonated in her mind, heart, body and soul.

The tanned legs must have heard her because she turned in the direction of the side door.

“Ah, hello I’m Rebecca. Logan’s not home yet. I’m about to get a cold drink, do you want something?” She wore a short gray business skirt with a sheer white blouse with a delicate lace border at the cuffs and collar. Flesh colored nylons and French manicured toes. Not the red Ava wore on her toes. It was the perfect combination for a woman in corporate America. Classic colors, feminine cut with a hint of sexy. The right kind of woman.
Rebecca was her rival. Not anymore. She was Ava’s successor.

Ava stepped away from the door, slowly backing herself onto the brick paver driveway.
She had lost everything. Her heart, her home, her hero.

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