Chasing Joshua (12 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Chasing Joshua
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Evelyn kissed his lips and tasted herself. It was strange yet sensual. His tongue was thick and heavy. She sucked on it, and her mind thought of sucking him. Something she swore to never do. Yet it seemed natural to want to taste him everywhere as he had tasted her.

"Let me taste you like that, Joshua.” Evelyn licked his neck, and he groaned.

"Can't,” he rasped. “I won't last."

"Sure you will.” Evelyn thought he could do anything, especially, after what he just did.

"No, honey, I won't. I'm dying to be inside you right now.” Joshua pulled at her neck with his lips. He had his hips lifted off her because if his cock hit that wetness, he wouldn't be able to stop. He needed a condom. He needed to know she was prepared for it. “But, I don't want to hurt you."

Evelyn shocked him by wrapping her legs around him and pulling herself up to meet him. Her weight wasn't heavy but more than he could stand once the slick hot mound hit the middle of his erection through the cotton boxer briefs.

Slowly he lowered but remained still. Her wetness slid over him, and he wished he could take her right then, push his briefs down and enter her, flesh on flesh.

"I need a condom.” Joshua stretched for the drawer in the nightstand. Nothing.

In exasperation he laughed. He hadn't needed any in a while and remembering the video, he had an idea where the ones he had went. “I'm going to kill Ethan.” Forgetting she was underneath him for a moment, he let his entire bodyweight settle.

"Can't breathe, ... Joshua."

"Oh, I'm sorry.” Lifting himself again he looked into her eyes, losing himself in them. “Evelyn, I don't have any condoms."

"Oh.” Her brow drew together. “So I guess we can't."

"No, we can't"

"Can we?” Evelyn wanted to, needed to feel that rush again. “Do anything else?"

Lifting a brow at the saucy little minx, Joshua smiled. He had fought his release because he wanted to be inside her. That wasn't an option now, and neither was holding it back.

He took her mouth hungrily and pushed his erection against the moist wet folds. The cotton soaked her up and spread around him. He had to move or he would slip in. It was too tempting, and his manhood strained over the top of the elastic waistband. Sliding down he let his erection run the length through the wetness and that almost tipped the scale on its own. He could release this time. When she came, he would let it go.

"Evelyn, watch me, you'll get more out of it.” Joshua licked his lips and tilted his head still holding her gaze.

His mouth locked onto her, and her hands twined in his hair. It wouldn't take much effort this time, and that was good because he was ready. His release was throbbing to get out.

Pushing the two fingers past her lips and into the wetness, she rocked against him. His name was on her lips, her hands in his hair, holding him close to her mound, her eyes intent on his.

Her thighs tightened on his shoulders, her tight vagina gripped his fingers, and he struggled to pull them back, the thought of that force on his cock was enough. He felt the warm liquid on his abdomen and the sheet beneath him. His cock throbbed and strained. He moaned into her, and the vibration sent her over the edge. Her head fell back, and her chest lifted. Again she cried out his name. It was like a howl, started at the beginning Josh, held the u for a long second, and then a low ah.

He stilled, caught his own breath, and felt every little aftershock with his fingers. He slid another lick over her clit, her legs jumped and her breath caught. She was limp and lifeless. Joshua pulled his fingers out slowly and then took her mouth again settling next to her, so he didn't drip on her.

"I can't wait till my next lesson.” Evelyn closed her eyes sleepily and slid a soft warm palm across his face. She wanted to tell him everything she felt, but Grace was right. She wasn't good enough for him. For the first time in her life, she thought a man was actually better than herself. He was kind, and he treated her like a delicate flower when she was really just an old weed. “Thank you."

"No, thank you.” Joshua shook his head. No one had ever thanked him before.

He kissed her again and pulled his briefs off, wiped up his mess. The bed was wet and he knew it, but she was already drifting off to sleep. He pulled the sheet up over her and turned to his side. Her nose pressed into his back and then her lips followed. He knew he always ended up on his stomach, and he knew in the morning Evelyn would be on his back. For the first time in a very long time, Joshua felt like his life was good.

Evelyn snuggled onto his back, holding him. Breathing him, he smelled a little musky from sweat, tasted a little more salty. She felt calm inside all the way to the core. A balance, a peace she searched for every night. Her eyes closed as she began thinking she would never let anything happen to him. She would get him out of this mess. After the birthday party, she would leave and come back when it was safe, when he would be safe.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 7

"Apparently she's headed to West Virginia.” The woman seemed shaken by the thought. “You have to get to her first."

"She's not stupid. By now she knows the score. She'll stay low,” the tall one said.

"Unless you have information on the girl.” The short one crossed his arms and lit up a cigarette.

"But that could bring her out to everyone.” The woman paced in the confined little space.

"Shh, he's coming,” the tall one said.

"We'll figure out something. I got a wife and kids myself, honey,” the short one whispered, and both men crossed the room away from the door.

* * * *

Sunday morning. Joshua awoke to the scent of jasmine tickling his nose. Evelyn was indeed across his back, snoring. He couldn't help but laugh. She must have been exhausted. The jerking of his shoulders with the quiet chuckle stirred her, but she didn't wake up. She just crawled an inch higher on his back. He never pictured himself with such a rough and tumble chick. All the girls he knew were ladies, almost divas. They put a lot of time and effort into themselves and none into him.

Joshua tried to slide out from under her to avoid startling her, but she grabbed him.

"Where are you going?” Evelyn tightened her grip. “Stay here with me."

"I didn't want to wake you.” His voice was husky with sleep.

"I'm awake now.” Evelyn nuzzled her nose in his neck. He let out a low grumble. She loved when he growled. She lifted as he began to roll underneath her.

When he settled on his back, Evelyn lifted and was moving away. He grabbed her gently pulling her down to him. Her face settled on his chest, and her fingers twisted in his hair. “You were snoring, you know that."

"Loud?” Evelyn wasn't going to get all girly on him. She knew when she slept hard, she snored. The Marines in the field said she could keep the bears away.

"Not louder than me.” He kissed her forehead.

"Joshua?” Evelyn lifted her eyes to look at him. His eyes were closed, his breath was heavy, and a sleepy smile tugged at his lips.

"Mmm,” he grunted. His left hand started playing with a lock of her hair.

"Can I sleep with you in New York?” Evelyn had a week to prepare. Thoughts of her own danger seemed crowded by the thoughts of meeting his mother and father and the rest of his family. Hopefully she could get to Grace first and get some pointers. After last night, she needed a lot of pointers.

"Depends.” Joshua didn't want to think about it. Not if they stayed with his parents, no. His mother would have a fit. If they stayed with Chase or Ethan, absolutely, they could sleep together, but his mother would really have a fit if he visited New York and didn't stay at home. And how could he bring Ethan's cousin home? They had to act like they just met in New York. There was no other way.

"Joshua.” She bit her lower lip.

"Mmm?” He grunted and smiled.

"I don't think I can sleep without you,” Evelyn whispered.

"Then sleep.” Joshua felt satisfied. He had a beautiful woman in his arms, and even if she was a little unstable, and a lot trouble, she was his. And no one was going to take her from him.

"Joshua.” Evelyn closed one eye and waited for the dog to growl but felt his chest rumble with a quiet laugh instead.

"Yes, woman?” Both eyes were closed, but he knew there was no sleeping in this morning.

"I'm hungry.” Evelyn knew he wanted to sleep, but now that she was awake, she was awake. And after last night she was starving. “I can cook breakfast if you want."

"I'm up. I'm up. No need to threaten me.” Joshua sat up forcing her off his chest. “I need a shower first."

"Me too.” Evelyn enjoyed his back. It was ripped with muscle but long and lean. She loved to press her nose between his shoulders and breathe him in. Evelyn pressed one cool hand on his hot back and gently squeezed. He growled. “You growl a lot."

"I'm a dog what can I say.” Joshua felt like a dog, ready to turn over and take her.

"I think you're more like a bear.” Evelyn studied his back as she slid her hand over it. “A big ole grizzly bear."

"Great Dane, I'm the Great Dane, Ethan's the Doberman, and Chase is the...” Joshua began laughing at the thought. “Chase is the Poodle."

"You call a man a poodle, and he lets you?"

"You'll see when you meet Chase. He's married to Megan.” Joshua was relaxing at her touch. She wasn't massaging, but whatever it was she was doing it felt magnificent. He hadn't had a woman touch him like that in a long time.

"Say no more, I know the princess.” Evelyn remembered meeting Megan when she was in college. “How is she?"

"Dethroned, thoroughly."

"How, Chase the poodle?"

"No, Chase the toy poodle, her son. He's the second birthday boy. They throw one party for both of them right now. When they get bigger, they'll actually hold it on their birthdays, but for now it doesn't make much sense.” Joshua thought about the upcoming event. He missed the boys, both sets, Chase and Ethan, and Gray and Chase Jr. Being away sometimes made it easier to deal with the fact that he was out of the loop in some ways. He couldn't relate to married life or fatherhood.

"Megan has a baby, too?” Evelyn frowned at the thought. She would never be a mother. It was a fantasy, a deep dark fantasy. No man who knew her would trust that she could mother a child. She was too rough, too dangerous. And abused children grow up to be abusers.
. She would never hurt a child.

"Yep, and Grace is on her way to the second installment.” Joshua couldn't force himself from that spot. His feet and legs just wouldn't agree. Her fingers dug deeper into his muscles, and he sensed something was wrong. “What is it, baby?

"You said it.” Evelyn smirked. She never thought she would be the kind of woman that would let a man call her baby, honey, or babe, yet Joshua had been using those terms since she arrived, and they felt good. Like a term of endearment not a chauvinistic statement.

"Grace? Are you afraid too much has changed over the years? You know you shouldn't worry about that, not with Grace. If the woman loves you, she loves you no matter what.” Joshua rolled his shoulders back. He wanted her to grab them and knead them. She knows all sorts of martial arts moves. He wondered if maybe she knew some eastern healing as well.

"You're right.” Evelyn couldn't help but smile. He really had her best interest at heart. Maybe she could wiggle the rest of her in there as well.

* * * *

Sunday seemed like a slow day, and then night fell too quickly upon them. Joshua busied himself with her new identity, and of course she made pencil changes every time. He looked ready to bust when she finally accepted everything on the last draft.

"I could dye my hair you know?” Evelyn set the paper on the counter, put both hands on the ledge, and pushed herself up to sit on it. He was looking at it, and now he looked at her.

"Don't you dare.” Joshua looked at her directly. He knew he had no say in the matter, but he loved her hair. “I mean, that seems a little extreme."

"It is extreme but so is hiding out. I know you have a preference. What is it? Blondes? You look like a blonde kind of guy.” She owned wigs and colored contacts but was curious if he had any preference. She wanted to know more about his thoughts on the ideal woman.

"I do have a preference.” Joshua tapped her nose. “I prefer you just the way you are."

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

With that, he headed up the stairs to make her final changes and print a new and final copy. She didn't like learning about art, but if she was an Alexander, she had to.

Evelyn sat on the counter, swung her feet a little, and then gave up and jumped back down. Joshua seemed distant today. He was all business, and she was all about being close to him. She wasn't going to tail him like a puppy dog, but she felt the urge to.

When he came back downstairs, Evelyn was searching the refrigerator.

"Hungry?” The sight of her bent over made him think very naughty things.

"What do you want for dinner?” She looked over her shoulder and could have sworn he was drooling.

"Hmm?” Joshua was looking way too hard at her, and he knew it. Then she looked over her shoulder and took his knees right out. To have her in that position naked would be a delight.

"Are you drooling?” Evelyn stood, closing the refrigerator and walked to him. He seemed dazed.

"What? No. I just lost my train of thought for a second.” He wiped his mouth though just in case he was drooling. “I have to work tomorrow you know."

"I know.” Evelyn stepped closer to him, took the paper from his hand, and set it on the counter next to them. “Joshua."

"Mmm?” He looked down at her. Those big brown eyes said it all. She knew. She knew he wanted her. He had exposed a weakness, and she was like a wolf, about to sink her teeth into him.

"What do you want for dinner?” Evelyn knew she could take the upper hand at this moment, but she didn't want it. She didn't want him to think of her as an aggressive woman out to control him though she wanted to touch him in the worst way. His eyes were lit with fire, and his body was emitting heat.

"Dinner?” Joshua was taken off guard by the question. He laughed. God, she could have taken the upper hand then but maybe her lack of experience would save him. She didn't know it was sex he was thinking about, or she would have taken it. Shaking it off, he took a deep breath. “What do you want?"

"Pasta?” Evelyn shrugged innocently. He seemed to relax. That was good.

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