Chasing Joshua (21 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Chasing Joshua
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Joshua lay in the bed with Evelyn on top of him. It was six at night, and they had been making love all afternoon passionately, slowly, and deeply like it was the last time they would ever get to touch one another again. She was asleep. He was worn out and starving. It had been two hours since they stopped for sleep. Evelyn slept while he held her, savoring every moment of peace with her. He knew that they had business to tend to, tonight.

"Evelyn.” He kissed her forehead.

She moaned.

"Come on, baby. We have to eat and take care of plans.” Joshua nudged her and kissed her again.

"I have it all sorted out already.” Evelyn groaned and shifted just a bit.

"Well, then we have to eat. I'm starving.” Joshua stroked her hair still damp from the shower.

"I guess if we have to.” Evelyn sighed heavily. She never wanted to leave the bed again. What they had done was too powerful. They connected, deeply, spiritually. She could never leave him, and she would never let him risk himself for her. She would protect him. She loved him more than Noel, and that she never thought possible.

* * * *

Something felt off this morning. He scanned the street looking for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. He walked back into the house and closed the door. He didn't want to worry Evelyn, but he could tell she sensed it, too. She was nervous this morning. They had plans. They would meet with Ayden and then find a way to turn her in without turning her over. Ayden still held a badge, so he could arrange things.

"Don't go anywhere today. Stay inside, lock the doors. Don't open them for anyone.” Joshua heaved a long breath.

"I'm okay. Nothing's going to happen today. I'll stay inside. Maybe read some more.” Evelyn smiled but inside she was nervous. Something was weird; the air was different. Even the birds were quiet this morning.

"If you need me, you call. You call 911, and then you call me.” Joshua kissed her lips. “I'll be home right after work. I'm leaving early. I should just call in.” Joshua headed for the phone. Evelyn grabbed his arm.

"No, you should go to work.”
Where you'll be safe.
Evelyn smiled. “Go, you'll be late."

"I'll check in every hour.” Joshua hugged her tightly. “I don't want to let you go."

"I know,” Evelyn whispered. “But you have to go to work."

She pushed out of his arms and pointed toward the door.

"Lock it, don't forget.” Joshua kissed her lips. “I'll call in an hour."

"Okay.” Evelyn looked him over. He wore jeans and a black shirt since the kids were doing art projects today. She smiled. Somehow it felt like the last time she would get to do it. That sent a cold feeling down her spine.

* * * *

Joshua waited until he heard the lock tumble then he got in his truck. Looked around the street one more time and started off to work. He made it halfway there before the hair on the back of his neck stood straight on end. The cold that blew over him chilled him to the core.

Joshua called the house, third ring. No answer. He slammed on the brakes and did a U-turn.

* * * *

The knock was so soon after him getting in the car Evelyn knew it had to be Joshua at the door. Instead, it was the big bad Wolf.

"Evelyn.” The Wolf huffed and blew cigarette smoke to the side. “Never thought I'd see the day."

"The day I kicked your ass? I've been looking forward to it.” Evelyn nodded and moved to a defensive position.

"No, the day you sucked face with someone. Young's a good guy. I hope you live through this. He could be good for you.” Wolf entered the house and took a good look around. “Nice place. Let's not wreck it, darlin’”

"What do you want?” Evelyn studied his every move. He wasn't there to attack her, but he was sneaky, like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Like her.

"Blade, what else?” Wolf walked further into the house, down the walkway toward the backdoor. “He has Noel. He also has an FBI agent, Page McKinna. As in Page Landreth-McKinna."

Evelyn didn't have a chance to speak. Hell, she never even saw it coming. It was like a roar of thunder when the two men hit the ground. The Wolf and the Big Dog were fighting.

Wolf heard the screen door creak but barely had time to flick his cigarette and prepare for Joshua's attack. They hit the ground rolling. And for two big men to go down, shit started to break. The drywall buckled and popped on the wall. Joshua landed a strong right. Wolf countered with a left.

"Get off me, Dog!” Wolf rolled and stood. Joshua was standing at the ready.

"I will fucking kill you for touching her.” Joshua's words dripped with menace. His body oozed murderous rage. His lip dripped blood.

"I never laid a hand on her, Big Dog.” Wolf had his hands up. He didn't want to do this. He knew Joshua wouldn't trust him, not with a woman. Joshua didn't know him other than as an informant though they had been friends for years. If he got to Evelyn first, she would convince him to work together. She always suspected his cover anyhow.

Joshua never took his eyes off the Wolf. “Evelyn?"

Pain dripped in that word. Already he thought she was hurt. It ripped her apart. She was in shock. He came back, and he attacked the Wolf without warning. She only had time to pick up the cigarette butt before it caught something on fire. She stood there in awe of the damage they had done. The wall leading to the backdoor was all but falling down.

"I'm okay.” Evelyn fought back tears. Joshua was bleeding. That was killing her. She looked at Ayden and realized his eye was laid open, too. “It's okay. He's not here to hurt me."

"Then why did you wait till I left?” Joshua's voice was back to growling.

"Under the circumstances I figured I would have a better chance with Evelyn. I was right.” The Wolf reached in his pocket.

Joshua remained at the ready.

He pulled out a smashed pack of cigarettes then gestured to Joshua, who didn't move a muscle or drop his gaze of fire for one second. “Got a light? Mine's in the car, along with my weapons. I'm not stupid, Big Dog. She would kill me in a heartbeat."

"Joshua?” Evelyn picked her heavy feet up one at a time and stepped toward him. It felt like she was wearing lead shoes. “Please look at me."

Joshua sniffed and snarled, then slowly lowered his gaze to Evelyn. She was crying. But why? Because he hit Ayden?

"You're bleeding.” She reached up to touch him but lowered her hand when he shook his head.

"She crying?” Wolf cocked a brow. “I need a seat."

"Shut the door, Ayden. Tell him what you were telling me.” Evelyn glanced at him and then focused all her attention on Joshua.

"Top drawer is a towel for your eye. No smoking in here."

Ayden Wolf put the cigarette back in the smashed pack with no dispute. He walked to the front door and closed it. He went back to the counter, opened a drawer, pulled out the towel, and headed for the kitchen table. He had a feeling something was weird, but Evelyn threw him off. He had never seen her react to a man like this, and he had been watching her for years.

Evelyn could tell Joshua needed stitches. They both did, but neither of them was going to accept that right now. Joshua stared at her in silence. She worried that he might feel betrayed by her actions. “I thought it was you at the door. It was stupid I know, but he knocked like right after you left. I thought you forgot something."

Joshua was so relieved she was safe he didn't care about his lip, his old friend's eye, or the fact that she opened the door, but he was still processing the threat. It still loomed over him. “Something is off, Evelyn."

"I don't understand.” Evelyn searched his expression.

"He's right.” Ayden stood, his eyes darted around. “I thought it was you, but you came in the front..."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 12

"Someone else is here.” Joshua no sooner got the words from his mouth when the backdoor smashed open and the dart hit her. She collapsed within seconds, and then he felt his own sting. He watched through blurring eyes as the Wolf escaped out the front door.

"Run Ayden.” His voice faded.

* * * *

Ayden knew that Stevens had passed Evelyn's file on to the men from West Virginia claiming to be bounty hunters. He was a good cop, but the money they offered was more than the man could refuse. Of course they killed him and took the money back. Blade really fucked up when he snatched Noel from Tom. He had no idea what he was getting into. Ayden would kill Blade this time, like Blade killed his father, and Evelyn and Noel's mother, and countless others. He had to get to her first, and he had, but Joshua messed everything up. He couldn't see the real threat because he was ready to kill anything that looked at Evelyn much less threatened her.

His only hope now was that John Stix and John Stones, two quirky old cops that decided to become the Stix and Stones Agency for Bail Bond Enforcement, were still on the right side of the law. Stones had somehow sent a wire to the agency, and it took forever for them to authenticate the damn thing. By then they had Noel, and thanks to Stevens, they now had Evelyn.

Ayden Wolf got to his car and spun out. He furiously barked orders into his cell phone and got the director. He explained that Stones was carrying a cell phone secretly, and they were tracking it. As long as the damn thing held out, they could track them. It wasn't ideal. They wanted to walk into the complex not have to break in, but his sisters’ lives depended on him. The director's daughter's life depended on him. Hell now even Joshua's life depended on him. Yes, Ayden thought, retirement. If he lived through this case, he would retire.

* * * *

West Virginia...

Joshua blinked and felt like he had just been run over by a Mack truck. The blood on his lip had dried. He was parched, dehydrated. He tried to move as his vision came in focus. His eyes burned, and he had a weird taste in his mouth, like metal.

"'Bout time you woke up,” the crackling voice said.

His arms were tied behind his back, his feet bound to the chair he sat in.

"Took four men to lift your big ass.” Blade blew smoke in his face. “I need to ask you a few things."

Joshua looked at the man. He was tall but not big like Joshua, probably six foot even. Scrawny, his hair was salt and pepper, his voice low and crackly from smoking. He wore a white T-shirt and old jeans, dingy and tattered. He had a beard, long and scraggly. His arms were covered in tattoos and scars. His face held several scars of its own. He knew in an instant this was Martin Blade.

"Bring my girl in.” Blade motioned to Stix.

The tall man stepped outside the room. Joshua waited in sheer horror for what would come back through the door. Stix returned with a limp Evelyn in his arms. Joshua's eyes lit with fire at the sight. He would kill him, all of them. He would spend the rest of his life in prison for murder if he lived through the night.

"You had another hunter with you. The men saw you fightin’ over her and you ready to hit her when they darted the both of ya. Other one got away.” Blade surveyed the man. “You after the reward?"

Joshua realized then that he wasn't dressed like a school teacher. Blade thought he was a bounty hunter. The question now was how to answer. The tall man stood in his view with Evelyn in his arms. He could have sworn he motioned his head yes. He looked him over again. Stix was one of the bounty hunters that had jumped her the day before she showed up at his house. His gut twisted.

"Yes,” Joshua answered and realized his voice was strained. His throat was dry.

"Good, then I'll let you watch the show. You'll feel better spending that money once you see what it paid for.” Blade turned to Stix. “Lay her on the floor."

The way the tall man situated Evelyn on the floor said a lot about him. He could have dumped her lifeless body, but he eased her down, protected her head. He didn't want to hurt her.

"Don't get any ideas.” Blade pulled a butterfly knife from his pocket.

"No, boss.” The man held his hands up and headed for the door. He glanced sorrowfully at the closet.

Joshua tried to focus on the closet. The more he concentrated the more he thought he could hear movement inside, see shadows and maybe a fingernail through the slats. God, this was Evelyn's nightmare, and he had woken up in the middle of it.

"Get up, Evelyn. Daddy wants to play.” Blade stood over her, tipped the knife in little pokes along her right bicep, causing just a little blood to surge like a needle prick.

Evelyn sat up quickly. She was fully aware of what was going on. She knew what she had to do, but then she saw Joshua and the look in her eyes betrayed them both.

"You know him?” Blade croaked. He stood and stepped back. He held the knife at the ready, ready to throw it.

"Fuck you.” Evelyn jumped to her feet. She had to get his attention back on her.

"Well, you got a mouth on you, girl.” Blade put his attention back on her. “I hear you track down men. You tracking him? Or was he tracking you?” Blade looked down with drawn brows. He flicked his cigarette butt at her, and she caught it.

Evelyn rolled the burning cigarette in her hand. She didn't feel the pain. She didn't have time for pain. She had been training all her life for this moment. “Where's Noel?"

"Evelyn.” The voice came from the closet, and a scuffle was heard.

"Nice touch, Blade. You fuck up.” Evelyn took slow breaths. She needed all her focus. Her mind began to move. Her body prepared to follow.

"Come in boys!” Blade called over his shoulder. “My little girl wants to play."

"You won't live to see morning.” Evelyn was calm and even-toned. Stix had only moments alone to explain things. She hoped it worked. The six men entered the room. Big, fat, dirty. They weren't legitimate peacekeepers or bounty hunters. No, they were Blade's henchmen. Not nearly as skilled as Blade himself, he didn't allow them weapons, unlike himself. This was her slaughter. He wanted to watch them die. “They will. They'll hate the pain, but I'm not going to kill anyone ... but you."

"Ha! You filthy, little girl, you know what I told you about bad girls. You saw what I did to your mother, and you've been bad, Evelyn, very bad.” Blade scowled and lit another cigarette. “I ran into one of your so called jobs in a bar. Said he was running from Blade. Imagine my surprise."

"I'll see it soon enough.” Evelyn moved like liquid, soft and fluid motions, so subtle no one could really see her loosening her body, gathering her center. “Let's see. You have about four knives on you, at least one gun. The lighter, cigarettes, too bad you won't die of cancer. I hear it's slow and painful, not nearly as slow and painful as I'll make your death."

"You little cunt. When I get through with you, you're gonna wish you were dead.” Blade narrowed his black eyes.

The men moved around her. Laughing, of course they thought she was a joke. Thought Martin Blade was going to let them have a little fun with the girl. They had no idea he was feeding them to the wolf. The tall skinny one and the short fat one flanked her.

Joshua was bursting with rage. He felt the ropes burning as he twisted and pulled to get them free. He knew this was going to be ugly. Evelyn seemed calm. She was preparing to fight slowly like an animal shifting, setting herself.

He knew at that moment, by the look in her eye that she meant every word. And the men, though they surrounded her, were just a warm-up.

"Move the Bounty Hunter. Get him a good view. Let him loose.” Blade motioned. “You stay there. You move, I'll kill you."

Joshua caught her eye. He winked at her letting her know he was all right, and as soon as he could get out of this chair he would take care of this for her. She blinked, a strange expression, and then went back to her blank stare toward Blade. Surely she didn't think he would just sit there and watch.

Evelyn saw him wink. She was grateful he was tied up. He was safe, unless Blade knew who he was. For that reason alone she couldn't look at him anymore. Joshua had no idea who Blade was, how much training he had, or how many lives he had taken ruthlessly. He didn't seem like much to contend with, old and ragged. Evelyn knew better. He was scarred from head to toe. He had tried to scar her the same way, inside and out.

Two large men came over, and Stones followed. They pulled him into a corner with a lot of labored effort.

"Can't untie you, hero. I know that look in your eye,” the fat one whispered in his ear. It was then he felt something drop in his hand. It was small, thin, metal, and sharp. It sliced his finger, a razorblade. It would take forever, he thought, but it was better than nothing. The men returned to their positions. Why wouldn't he untie him and let him save Evelyn? Joshua watched in horror as Evelyn closed her eyes. She took a deep breath, let it out, and opened her eyes as the first man took a running start.

Evelyn clothes-lined the first man. She was fast, like lightning. Blade watched from a safe distance. He stood just a few feet ahead of Joshua, flipping his knife open and closed. His forty-five stuck out of his pants in the back. Joshua thought if he could just reach the gun, he could get it all over with.

Stix and Stones seemed to hold back, like they were waiting their turn. The tall one inched toward the closet. Evelyn left carnage in her wake. Men dropped as she touched them. Had it been a movie it would have been an awesome sight. But it was real, and she was his world. The fear of her getting hurt consumed him, and he forced the ropes against the razorblade. Stix reached for the closet door. Blade threw the switchblade so fast he couldn't have seen it coming. His hand was speared to the door. Blade moved calmly to the door and removed the knife.

The short one attacked. He wasn't as lucky; the knife landed in his throat. He gurgled to the floor. The man just lost his life, defending Evelyn. He understood why he didn't untie him now. Evelyn was in full fight mode, unaware.

Joshua pulled his hands free and worked on his legs. Blade hadn't noticed, not yet. Evelyn had one more man to fight. He landed a solid punch. The closet door screamed and shook with fury. It gave Joshua the distraction he needed, or so he thought. The blade stuck out of his leg. Martin had thrown it faster than the eye could see. Blade's foot followed with a roundhouse to the face. He blocked some of it but hit the ground hard. He was fast for an old fucker. His foot stomped over and over. Joshua felt the ribs cave. He hadn't realized how weak he was from whatever they had used to drug him. Hell, he didn't know how long he'd been out or where they were. He just knew he had to save Evelyn.

Evelyn didn't want to kill anyone but Blade. She took out the last man's knee. It was only fair, she thought. He had reopened her lip with that punch, but it was Joshua she saw fall, and the fury inside her broke into a murdering rage. Her feet landed in Blade's back knocking him to the floor. She stood, looked at Joshua, and froze. She felt the blade sink in her calve. That's three knives, she thought, coming back to the moment. Hopefully he only had three more.

Evelyn watched the women bust from the closet as Stix finally opened the door. The knife blade snapped. He must have pulled it out. Yes, she thought as a blade landed in Stix's left shoulder. He cried out in pain. She was moving forward but saw Noel. That stopped her dead in her tracks. She was alive. The relief didn't have time to wash over her.

She felt his feet punch her in the back knocking her forward onto Joshua who was getting up until she slammed into his back. She rolled off him and quickly stood. Pain was a secondary force. He was injured worse than she was. He hadn't had anything to drink since that morning at breakfast.

The drive to West Virginia was at least nine hours. They sedated him at least once more on the way. Evelyn was bound and gagged, and Stix pretended to cover her mouth with the rag, but he didn't. Blade had stomped into Joshua's chest, and his shoe prints stood out against the black shirt. She was losing it. She had to keep her center, had to stay focused. Between Joshua and Noel, she lost the balance. To save them she had to get it back. She hovered over Joshua, and Blade stood. He smiled at Noel grabbing Evelyn's leg pressing over the wound.

Noel saw her sister, her protector, and she was hurt. Her leg was bleeding. Blade had stabbed her, like their mother. She wouldn't let Evelyn suffer the same fate. The blade was embedded, not deep, but if it slipped deeper, she could be in trouble. Evelyn was running on adrenaline, feeling no pain. That was to her benefit right now. The man at her feet was hurt. She watched him try to save her. He was as big as a grizzly bear, but he had sat in that chair knocked out for two hours she knew.

"I'll do it!” Noel screamed. “Let her be, and I'll do it!"

Blade rolled his shoulders one at a time.

"Well now, that Daddy wasn't expecting."

Noel pulled the silk pajama top off and tied it on Evelyn's leg. She heard the tall man in the background yelling, “No! Don't do it, child.” Page was over him assessing the damage or something. Noel pulled the silk pants off. She was trying to get to Joshua's leg, but Evelyn wouldn't move. Blade stepped forward. She stood and faced him bravely in just panties.

"I said I'll do it!” she screamed pushing the tears from her face.

"You're not touching them. You sick son of a bitch!” Joshua pushed against the pain, stood in front of them both. There was no way in hell he would let them sacrifice themselves. Not while he had air in his lungs. His arms pushed back closing them both in behind him. Like angel wings expanding he wrapped the women together behind his back.

Evelyn knew he was going to sacrifice himself, and she wasn't about to let it happen. She couldn't live without him. Her sister, Noel sandwiched her. She was fighting both Joshua and Noel to get free, so she could save them. Noel was begging her to be still. She gripped her so tightly Evelyn could barely breathe.

Joshua's hands cupped toward them without holding them. Her back was pressed into his. Evelyn felt the labored breaths through his back. He was hurt. She felt the world closing in on her and then heard the snap then a pop. She held her breath, waiting for what seemed an eternity.

Joshua dropped to his knees, hard. Noel screamed, a loud glass shattering scream, reaching for Joshua over Evelyn's shoulder.

As Noel dropped to the floor reaching for Joshua, Evelyn saw Page McKinna. The nickel plated gun in her hand was small. It was aimed toward them, her gaze beyond them. She heard the body hit the ground, and slowly she turned. The room spun around her in slow motion. On the floor was Blade. Blood seeped from the single shot between his eyes. Joshua fell to the side, and she lunged for him. It was then Evelyn saw what Noel was reaching for.

Joshua watched Blade pull the gun and then the trigger. He couldn't move. It would risk the girls. Then the snap of the bullet passed his ear and landed between Blade's eyes, throwing the shot aimed at Joshua off center. He felt it rip through his shoulder with a pop. Blade was dead. Evelyn was safe.

He was dehydrated, too weak to move, felt the room spin, darkness closing in around him. He fell to his knees. He heard the scream, must be Noel. He closed his eyes as he fell. Hands moved around his head. Evelyn, he could smell the jasmine. Wetness fell to his cheeks. He heard the door bust open and the sound of the Wolf howling orders as feet thundered around them, and everything went dark. Silent.

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