Chasing Joshua (17 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Chasing Joshua
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It was two in the morning, and Joshua was exhausted. Evelyn had thoroughly worn him out. They hadn't had actual sex, but they had licked, kissed, sucked, and hummed themselves into a haze. Evelyn came at least three more times, and he found a second release. She was sleeping on her back, her body open and exhausted, her legs twitching involuntarily. Joshua was starving. He remembered the cake, pulled on boxers, and headed downstairs.

Ethan sat at the table eating a slice of cake and drinking milk while Gray played with his toy cars, and watched a
Bob the Builder
CD. The kid had a schedule, and two a.m. playtime was a part of it.

"Big Dog.” Ethan looked up at Joshua. He looked sated.

"Playtime?” Joshua washed his hands in the sink, took a glass down, poured some milk, and opened the cake tray. He thought about it and decided to just bring the whole thing over to the table.

"Every morning, just like clockwork. You just run a marathon?” Ethan lifted a knowing brow. Joshua's hair was wet and his body flushed. He smelled like sex, but so did Ethan, so who was he to judge?

"You clean this table off?” Joshua stood looking at his cousin. Ethan looked like he just ran a marathon himself.

"Of course.” Ethan then realized he knew. “Wait a sec..."

"Evelyn came back for the box of condoms.” Joshua sat down, satisfied Ethan was embarrassed.

"She didn't.” Ethan sighed and shook his head. “It wasn't my idea."

"No, it was mine, but I don't want to talk about it. Where's Grace?” Joshua expected her to be up with the baby and would definitely retreat if she was on her way back to the kitchen.

"Sleep.” Ethan snorted. “It's so unfair. We do all the work. They get all the sleep."

"We get all the cake.” Joshua nodded.

"That's right.” Ethan dug into the tray. “You know, I think she's the one."

"Grace, I'd hope so since you got her knocked up again.” Joshua snorted.

"No, ass wipe, Evelyn.” Ethan really liked her. She was tough, and she had eyes only for Joshua. Unlike Candace, who had eyes for everyone except Joshua.

"You want them both?” Joshua wasn't getting into this conversation, not now. He was way too happy. Way too content. He could deal with reality tomorrow.

"You know what I mean.” Ethan glanced at Gray and then back to Joshua. “She's rough, tough, and don't take shit off anyone. That would include your mother."

"Not now, Ethan, I'm trying to bask in the glow here.” Joshua drank half the milk in the glass before setting it down.

"Joshua.” A soft whisper floated in the kitchen. Evelyn peeked around the bottom of the stairs. She was sleepy, but once she turned to get in her nook, she realized he was gone.

"It's okay, baby. Come on in here.” Looking at her, she was sleepy, her eyes were heavy, hair was a mess, her lips swollen from his kisses. He wanted to get up, take her back to bed, and have her all over again. His T-shirt hung mid thigh, and she was in a pair of his boxers again. That's when he realized, he had exactly what Ethan had with Grace, passion.

"Grab a fork,” Ethan advised.

Evelyn made a face and shook her head no. Joshua scooted the chair back and held an arm out. Evelyn started to walk past him, but he grabbed her and pulled her to his lap instead.

"What's wrong?” Joshua asked and took another bite of cake.

"I'm tired.” Evelyn laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. It was official, she couldn't sleep without him. How ridiculous, she thought.

"You're tired? I have to go to work in a few hours.” Joshua laughed.

Ethan winced at the thought. “You're gonna be hurtin’ for certain."

"What about you? Grace said you get up with Gray every night,” Evelyn asked sleepily as she nuzzled Joshua's shoulder.

"I set my own hours, besides, you get used to sleep deprivation when they're infants and need to eat every five minutes. I couldn't do much till he got on the bottle, but I can now.” Ethan pushed what was left of the cake to Joshua. “Besides, Grace keeps up with him all day. It's the least I can do."

"She doesn't work?” Evelyn lifted her head and gave him a concerned look.

"She writes and she takes care of Gray. He's a full-time job alone. Ask Megan, kids change you. Make you better.” Ethan stood and walked to the living room to play with his son. “I know he's made me a better man."

"Come on, let's get some sleep.” Joshua situated Evelyn in his arms and carried her through the kitchen.

"Come back in an hour, Big Dog. You can carry me upstairs, too,” Ethan called.

Evelyn flipped Ethan off behind Joshua's back. He laughed hard. He really liked her. She was tough, except when it came to Joshua, and even as he carried her like a princess, she kept her edge and flipped him the bird. He hoped that the meeting he set up would help get her out of trouble and quick. His cousin needed a good woman in his life.

* * * *

The alarm clock went off, and Joshua didn't want to get up. Evelyn was on his back snoring hard. He thought about what Ethan said. Sleep deprivation. Surely Evelyn had experienced it in the military and in her job. He knew he sure had as a cop. Yet somehow it took all his might to get out of that bed.

"It's too early.” Evelyn groaned.

"Have to work.” Joshua smiled and lifted a little more.

"I hate work.” Evelyn climbed more onto his back.

"I love my work. Not as much as I like being in this bed with you, but I have to go to school. You can sleep in.” Joshua pushed harder and turned anticipating her grabbing him.

"Oh all right.” Evelyn was cranky, really cranky. She wanted to sleep longer, maybe forever, just lay in bed with him and shut out the world. Forget her problems, forget her past, and forget about the future. She wanted to live in the moment, as long as it included Joshua.

"Whoa, Miss Cranky Pants. You can still sleep in. I have to go face twenty-five seven-year-olds. They'll wear me out today.” Joshua kissed her on her wrinkled brow and it softened. She was tired, so was he. But he had to go to work.

"I'm not cranky. I'm just.” Evelyn pouted. Full lip puckered, arms crossed pouted.

"You're so cute when you're angry.” Joshua smiled and kissed her pouting lip.

Evelyn had to smile. She wasn't angry, and when she was, cute would not be a term to describe it. She was frustrated and confused. She had to check her voicemail, see what was going on. See what she could do to get this mess over with. Figure out what she would do if Noel wasn't found. Would she search forever? Give up her chance to be with someone she loved? It was going to be a long day. At least she had company.

* * * *

Joshua was all business in the shower erasing last night quickly from his body. He even shaved in there this morning. He didn't want to be late for school. It was tough having to leave Evelyn, even for a workday. He hadn't laid out his clothes because of the delightful distraction and had to ignore the fact he wanted her again this morning. Pouting. No one would believe she pouted, even if he took a picture, and that reminded him of the postcards. He had them in his desk at school, built lessons around them. It was cool to the kids to see different states and landmarks. He could sort them on lunch.

When he turned off the water, Evelyn opened the door. She walked in with a pair of black slacks and a yellow button down shirt. Two ties hung on the neck already tied, just needed to be slipped on. His heart swelled.

"You don't like it?” Evelyn lowered the outfit.

"Yes, I do. I just ... wasn't expecting it.” Joshua grabbed the towel and dried off.

"Oh, well, I just thought...” Evelyn looked at his feet. They were big compared to hers. Everything on the man was long and thick, even his toes. She smiled, thinking she should treat him to the same type of shower he had given her or maybe a bath. She enjoyed a hot bath. His feet got closer now.

"Thank you.” Joshua lifted her chin, planted a soft kiss on her lips, and took the outfit out of her hand.

Evelyn blushed. Such a girl, she thought. But she felt like a girl. No, she felt like a woman. Soft and gentle, the same way he treated her. God, it felt good. The residual crankiness melted away.

She took her clothes off and hopped in the shower. If she moved quickly, she could be done by the time he was ready to leave. Once she was showered and dressed, she headed downstairs and was just in time to see him off. On the front porch she straightened his tie and kissed him, waved to the neighbors who were out at this time every other day for their walk, and went back inside.

Everyone else was still sleeping, so Evelyn decided to get some work done in the meantime. The voicemail was full. People from all over were calling her trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then she heard her. The woman. She said that the rain had caused her car to get stuck, and by the time she got to the bar, Evelyn was gone.

"Blade, I can meet you again, two weeks from today, same place, at ten p.m. If I miss you this time, I'm out. Word's out about you. I'm scared. I won't risk Noel.” The woman's voice was direct and to the point. It was weird how she knew about the bounty. It gave Evelyn a dark feeling. It may be a trap, may have been all along. She would be there all right. She had no choice. It was the link to Noel, the only one she had.

The next message she found even more suspicious. It was Stones’ wife, wondering if she had seen him. Yeah, she thought, last Thursday when they fought. He wasn't a bright man, and to use his wife to bait her was proof of that.

Gray started crying when she hung up the phone. She remembered Ethan up all night and poor Grace pregnant again. She knocked on the bedroom door then opened it. They were sleeping snuggled together on top of the blankets. Ethan was behind Grace. Grace had some type of pillow between her legs, probably to take the pressure off her belly and she was waking up.

"Gracie,” Evelyn whispered.

Grace opened her eyes and looked up to see Evelyn's head just inside the door.

"I can get him. I'm up.” Evelyn smiled.

"Oh, E, you don't have to do that.” Grace started to move, and Ethan held her firmly.

"Are you crazy? Let her take him. We haven't slept in for over a year now.” Ethan pushed his face closer to the back of Grace's head.

"Okay, if you want. Diaper bags next to the playpen; he likes
. Wake me if you need me, E. I'm serious.” Grace laid her head back down.

Evelyn opened the door and watched as Ethan spread his large hand over Grace's belly. The pangs hit her inside again. Ethan really was a good man, but she enjoyed taking him down a couple pegs. It was fun. It meant a lot that he trusted her with Gray. It meant a whole lot.

Downstairs, Gray got a new pull-up and a change of clothes. He wanted his cereal and juice. He was calling her E in no time. He had a lot of energy to burn, so Evelyn took him out back. She did her morning yoga then practiced some real moves. Gray tried to copy her every move. It was cute. He was cute. He learned fast, too.

* * * *

"You teaching him how to kick my ass, Evelyn?” Ethan stepped outside and into the yard.

"E, daddy watch. E, do it.” The little man pointed at her.

"Well, come on, E, do it.” Ethan followed Gray back to Evelyn.

"All right, go to the step, take your daddy. Remember to stay there.” Evelyn loosened her shoulders. She had already scanned the yard, knew where everything was. She took a cleansing breath and jumped.

Three back-flips later she landed, did a forward roll, stood, did another handspring forward, and then a full forward flip landing on her feet in a fighting stance.

Ethan sat in silence, his mouth agape. Grace put a hand on his shoulder, patted it. Gray ran to the yard and hugged her. Then he did his own cautious forward roll that got rave reviews from his new heroine.

"I told you. You should see her actually use weapons. It's like one of those martial arts movies. This was more like a gymnastics routine.” Grace pinched her stunned husband. “Help me sit before I get jealous."

"Of what? She just scared the shit out of me.” Ethan helped Grace sit on the step next to him. “Look at that kid. He thinks he's a ninja now."

"Good, maybe she'll wear his little ninja ass out.” Grace laughed. “Evelyn, you should start a business, teaching kids yoga and gymnastics and stuff. Wear them out."

"You mean scare their parents? I didn't teach him anything lethal, Ethan, don't worry.” Evelyn helped Gray do a handstand. He was an energetic child. That was for sure.

"No, I was kidding. But seriously, where did you learn all that? Does Joshua know you ... do all that?” Ethan tried not to sound too impressed, but he was.

In New York he had joked with Chase, thought she was a joke. But then seeing her with Joshua, he felt like she was a nice woman, good for Joshua. Now, he realized she was everything Grace and Megan said she was, amazing. She could kick a man's ass all right. She was too fast. And weapons, he didn't want to think about the weapons.

"Of course he knows. I learned most of it in Okinawa, the martial arts part. Karate, Kung Fu, Jujitsu, Aikido, Sho-Da-Kan, you know, stuff. Then the Marine Corps taught me about law enforcement maneuvers, weapons in that field. I worked with special teams in Okinawa, not a lot of women get to do that. I got trained with the crossbow and some sniper rifles. You know, stuff.” Evelyn shrugged as Gray was eager for his next flip. She pulled his legs up again and helped him roll.

"Well, I'm sorry I asked.” Ethan shook his head in disbelief, but he had to let her know he was okay with it. She would face enough trials from Amelia Young. Joshua loved the woman, and from what he saw last night, Evelyn loved Joshua, too. That's all he needed to know. “I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Evelyn laughed. “I could always knock you out, you know?"

"I got my eye on you, Evelyn. You're suspect.” Ethan pointed at her with his face drawn into a mean expression. As mean as he could fake it anyways.

"You make that face you may get the best of me. I'm no good when I laugh.” Evelyn shook her head. Ethan realized Gray couldn't see it, so he flipped her the bird as he walked inside. Yep, he liked her. He would call Chase and get everyone ready to welcome her with open arms.

"E, E, E.” Gray demanded her attention. Looking down he was indeed ready to stand on his hands again.

"Gray, leave Aunt Evelyn alone, show Mamma your moves.” Grace always had faith in Evelyn. And since the noise creeping out of Joshua's bedroom last night was the sound of passion, she knew she was here to stay. Whether or not Evelyn knew it was still to be seen.

Evelyn couldn't help but tear up. Grace referred to her as the child's aunt, and they were of no relation. She tried to hide it as she sat on the step next to her, but Grace noticed.

"Don't get all girly on me now.” Grace rocked into Evelyn's shoulder. “You might as well by my sister. Megan's my cousin and I refer to her as my sister. You know what; we could say you are my sister. We're both redheads, about the same height, yeah. You could be my long lost sister."

"Thanks, Gracie. I see why you like him. He has a sense of humor.” Evelyn brushed the tears away and took a deep breath. She wanted to tell her about the calls, but she couldn't. She wasn't sure if she was going to tell Joshua. He would want to be there, and that wouldn't be safe. She wouldn't risk him.

"Yeah, but I love him because he sets my world on fire, E. I was dead. You know that. When my mother died, I died, too. You were there. I didn't cry, for years. Then Ethan came along. He saved me, E. Saved my life.” Grace took Evelyn by the hand. “He didn't fight any bad guys or pull me out of a burning building. He forced me to face myself and realize that I had to move on. Truth is a hell of a thing to face when you don't want to hear it."

"So what's my truth, Gracie?” Evelyn searched her hazel eyes.

"You tell me. Or at least tell Joshua.” Grace let go of her hand. “Now help me up."

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