Chasing Joshua (25 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Chasing Joshua
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"Charlie, Charlie Mann.” Charlie extended a hand toward the woman.

"Evelyn, Evelyn Young. I'm Ayden's sister.” Evelyn shook her head. Now she understood what all the fuss was about. The men had came through the door like a bunch of wild dogs hooting and howling talking about little red riding hood. She came to see for herself. And sure enough, a woman was here for Ayden.

"The Bounty Hunter?” Charlie lit up. He had finally told her they were family. God a lot had happened in the last year. Charlie knew all about his family. Apparently they had no idea who she was.

"Yeah, how did you..."

"Darlin'...” Ayden wanted to stop this conversation right away. Charlie had a way of talking, or rather getting him to talk. She knew more about him than anyone, he realized in that moment.

"Yes?” They answered in unison then looked at each other.

"Are we related too?” Evelyn looked her over closer now. She didn't look like either of them, but she answered to Darlin'. And Ayden only called women he cared for Darlin'.

"No.” Charlie said blushing, and Ayden said distinctly at the same time.

This was exactly what he didn't need in his life. Confusion and reminders of the past. He wasn't in the Navy anymore, he wasn't in the FBI anymore. He was a regular guy trying to lead a regular life. Charlie was complicating that just by being there. She knew things that other people didn't know about him. He knew the same things about her. But they didn't
know each other.

"Oh. Well, anyways, you met my husband Joshua earlier."

"Actually I didn't meet anyone. They left moments after I got here. Someone asked if I was red riding hood, but that was it.” Charlie shrugged.

"Black or brown hair?” Evelyn smiled though she already knew who it was.


"That was Joshua. The one with brown hair is Ethan, the blonde is Chase, and the guy who looks like Warrick from CSI, that's Malcolm.” Evelyn shook her head. Ayden was practically blushing. That threw her for a loop. He loved his family, that he was open about. But when it came to outsiders, Ayden was withdrawn and cautious. Charlie had him almost flustered. No one would believe it. “They have been working, and I use that term loosely, all afternoon."

"We have been playing video games most of the afternoon, only working for a few hours when Charlie showed up.” Ayden smiled and nodded to Evelyn. Oh, Joshua would get it good now.

Nothing made him happier than getting Joshua in trouble, he didn't have a brother and he and Joshua were so much alike they could have been. Besides, he needed to get her attention off Charlie, at least until he could figure out what to say. Of course Evelyn didn't wait to take charge.

"How long have you known him?” Evelyn could have sworn Ayden was now smiling. The big bad Wolf, a man even she once feared seemed nervous in this woman's presence. But who was this woman and why had he never spoken of her before?

"Almost eleven years."

Evelyn choked though there was nothing in her throat. “The hell you say?"

"Evelyn, Charlie is a very old friend of mine. Please. We'll be down in a bit but I need to catch up with her first.” Ayden needed to get Evelyn out of there. He needed to talk to Charlie. He needed to sit down and plan. He hated surprises.

"I bet you do.” Evelyn looked at Ayden with a very suspicious eye. This didn't seem right at all. Ayden had been trying to date unsuccessfully over the past year, now this bombshell drops in and says she has known him eleven years? Evelyn felt an itch, an old itch. She didn't like it. She closed the door behind her and planned to make a call if Charlie was still there come Monday.

Ayden walked over to Charlie's bags and picked them up, two large suitcases on wheels and two duffle bags. “Follow me."

"You don't have to do this. I mean I can find somewhere else to stay.” Charlie followed him. Thankful she was staying. She had no place else to go. She was running. Hopefully she ran far enough.

* * * *

Ayden sat the duffle bags on the guest bed. The house had five bedrooms, set up almost the same as Joshua and Evelyn's house but bigger. He had stocked them with furniture, good solid wood beds and dressers. He turned one into an office where his secrets remained safely locked. “You carried all this?"

"I set the duffle bags on the suitcases and rolled all that.” Charlie pointed at the wheels.

"You pack everything you own?” Ayden looked around the room, anywhere but at her. Each bedroom had a different theme, thanks to Evelyn. This one was serenity. It was earthy and comfortable, he liked it. The main reason he put Charlie there though was because it was right across from his bedroom. He needed to keep tabs on her, something wasn't right.

Charlie had come a long way to see him. He didn't know why. She told him years ago that she loved him. But Ayden knew that was just her grief talking. She had a lot of living to do then and he was a green FBI agent eager to get promoted. No time for a woman. It was the same when he was in the Navy, he was a part of the SEAL team, always on an operation. No time for a woman then either. Actually Ayden hadn't made time for a woman since high school. He had been with only a few women in the last fifteen years. He gulped hard at the realization. He was always on the move, always on a case. He was so busy he never realized the time had passed him by so quickly.

"Yes.” Charlie looked around the room. The queen size bed looked like an antique. The dresser and bed were made of cherry wood and aged. A nice sitting chair next to the window gave a welcome and peaceful feel to it.

She knew he was opening a bed and breakfast. That's what the business license was for. As far as she could tell he should be open already. He had the license for six months. Charlie thought it was a stretch for him to let so many strangers into his life. Maybe he was still debating it. Or maybe he had met someone.

* * * *

Ayden had been dating a year now, and it wasn't going well. He considered himself a nice guy. But he didn't like the dating scene. Women seemed too fast. Ready to jump into bed on the first date. That just wasn't his way. He had to know a woman before he could sleep with her. His past could catch up to him any day now. Apparently today, since Charlie was in his house. He wasn't afraid to let Charlie stay here. It seemed almost natural for her to be in his home. An old memory from hiding her surfaced.

A serial killer had murdered her sister and other girls. They thought the killer was after Charlie next. Ayden broke several rules to keep her safe. He kept her at his apartment. Charlie knew him all right, she had nothing else to do but sift through his stuff and watch television. He never touched her sexually though he was rarely home to indulge the thought. When it was all over she made him promise to come see her.

"You wearin’ that to dinner Darlin'?” Ayden looked her over again.

Damn he had to stop looking at her like this. He knew she was beautiful by any standard. The twins had just accepted a contract for a well known lingerie company when their lives got turned upside down. Of course the contract was cancelled when Michael was murdered. It wouldn't have been smart to put Charlie in the public eye. It was a shame though. She could have been living a good life, her and Michael both. Instead she was stuck in Vegas, on the stage, night after night performing.

"What are

"Different pair of shorts, t-shirt, some flip-flops.” Ayden was sure she wasn't expecting that. But it was July and the coast was hot and humid this time of year. He had long hung up his suits and ties. Now he only wore them when he taught classes at the college for their Basic Law Enforcement Training known as BLET classes, or when the FBI called for him to give a class for them. “Those kids will be all over you."

"Kids?” Charlie gulped. She was a showgirl. She was single, not many people she knew had kids. They were all young single women like herself. A couple may have been married or dating, but many were too caught up in the career to have a life much less children.

"Three of em.” Ayden nodded.

"Are you taking a shower?” Charlie let her eyes wander over him freely now. His feet were in the work boots, big socks pushed down above them, a pair of green cargo shorts and no shirt.

Ayden had one impressive chest, smooth, tan, a light sprinkling of hair around his nipples and across the upper part of his chest. She could still remember cuddling up to it though it was never bare like it was now, sun kissed and sweaty. He had a new scar on his eye. That must have happened this year she thought. His brown hair now cut in a military fashion, going from nothing at the neck up to two inches of hair on top. His eyes were such a baby blue they made her heart thump hard in her chest just looking into them.

Charlie looked him over slowly, and it felt like she stroked him with her fingers everywhere her eyes traveled. Ayden was grateful she was at his chest by the time his shorts had tented. He had to get out of there and fast. What was happening to him? Charlie needed his friendship and his protection, he was sure of it. Not his wandering eyes, definitely not his wandering hands.

"Yeah. I'll meet you downstairs in a few.” Ayden hurried out of the room.

* * * *

Fifteen minutes later he had talked himself down from the ledge of lust he had been standing on. Cold water poured over him and he scrubbed his hands over his face. After another five minutes he was ready. He had showered and was now prepared to take Charlie down the street to meet the family. He would never hear the end of it. No amount of planning would be good enough, and now there wasn't time.

* * * *

Charlie sat on the couch in a pair of cut off jean shorts and a t-shirt. She owned flip-flops too. Looking at the men earlier they were all tall, at least her height. But Evelyn was shorter. Tall for a girl but not tall like Charlie and that had always been a problem in her youth. She didn't want to draw too much attention but she always did.

"You ready?” Ayden asked. When she stood he wanted to just die. The shorts weren't real short but Charlie had legs so long that anything looked short on her. The t-shirt clung to her like a second skin showing generous breasts and a flat stomach. This was going to be one hell of a family dinner.

"Yes.” She walked to him. “I'm a little nervous. I didn't plan on meeting so many people."

"It'll be fine.” Ayden pressed his hand in the small of her back to lead her out the door. Charlie stumbled and then caught her self. “You okay?"

"Fine, just caught my shoe.” Just caught her breath was more like it. Having him touch her always threw her off balance.

They walked side by side to the house a block down. Charlie felt more nervous by the step. “So, why did you choose to live here?"


"So how long have you been here?"

"Almost a year now."

"Your house is beautiful.” Charlie was really running out of things to say. Yet she had so much she wanted to tell him.

"Charlie.” Ayden stood outside the front door. “I'll follow whatever you tell them about how we know each other. If you don't want to tell them..."

"No, I'm fine about that. It's just ... women tend not to like me."

"What's not to like?” Ayden smiled. He knew she was afraid of crowds, he knew this would be a challenge for her. So he would stay next to her, protect her. Even though, she wouldn't need protection from his family. “You'll do fine."

He opened the front door and walked in. Charlie stepped in behind him and he could have sworn time stopped. Everyone froze and looked at them. Everyone, even the kids.

"Holy cow, you're as tall as my daddy!” Chase Jr. ran right up to meet her. “My name's Chase, what's your name?"


"Charlie? That's a boys’ name lady.” Gray was now at his cousins’ side.

"Yes, it is. My dad named us, he thought me and my twin sister were boys because he showed up to the hospital late and saw twin boys in the nursery.” Charlie smiled down at the little monsters. Leave it to kids to tell the truth.

"What's your sisters’ name?” Chase asked.


"Is she here too?” Gray looked around to see if anyone else was coming.

"No.” Charlie swallowed hard.

"What is this? You guys with the census bureau?” Ayden looked down at the boys.

"No.” They answered in unison.

"You're very pretty.” Gray informed her.

"Gray Alexander Young, are you flirting with another woman in front of me?” Evelyn teased the toddler who up until Charlie walked in was in love with Evelyn.

"She is.” He shrugged and went about his business.

"He is his fathers’ child.” Grace walked to the door to meet the woman. “I'm Grace. It's a pleasure to meet you. Come on in."

"Thanks. I'm a little nervous.” Charlie admitted. Grace was about the same size as Evelyn. Both had red hair but Grace's was bright and curly, wild. Evelyn had dark red hair, pulled into a ponytail. “I'm not used to being in large crowds."

"We're harmless.” Grace smiled then looked at the three year old boys who now followed behind Charlie. “Most of us anyways.” To the boys, “You guys go play out back with your dads and uncles."

"Are you coming Ayden?” Chase Jr. Looked up at him.

"No. I'll be out in a while.” Ayden stood by Charlie. Evelyn circled around him.

"Ayden, go play out back with the boys, you'll be the only man in here.” Evelyn came around and pushed him with both hands toward the back door. “Scoot."

"I'll be just outside if you need me..."

"For what?” Evelyn cut him off and shook her head. “Get!"

"Men!” Evelyn turned back to Charlie. The poor woman looked like a deer trapped in headlights watching Ayden go.

"Are you okay Charlie?” Evelyn looked at her with a concerned eye.

"I uh, yeah, I'm just not used to crowds.” Charlie felt like she would hyperventilate. Being on stage in front of hundreds of people was one thing. Actually talking to people, that was another matter entirely. She never went out. The world was a dangerous place. She learned that the hard way. She did all her shopping on line. Getting to Ayden had been one of the most challenging events of her life. But now she had to be in a crowd and talk to people.

"Honey, this isn't a crowd.” Grace added with a warm smile. “We're all family."

"Oh.” Charlie swallowed. It sure seemed like a crowd to her.

"Hi, I'm Stephanie, Joshua's sister.” Stephanie Young entered the room and Charlie felt her whole body relax. Stephanie was almost as tall as she was, blonde and beautiful. “Megan's on her way in to meet you too. We're all excited to meet Ayden's woman."

"Oh, well you may be disappointed then.” Charlie looked away. “He's not interested in me. Not like that."

"That's absurd.” Megan bounced in the room. Her brown curls were pulled back in a loose ponytail. “Chase couldn't stop talking about you. Now that I see you, I know why. I'm Megan, Grace's cousin and Chase's wife. There are a lot of us I know."

"Uh.” Charlie was feeling cornered. The four women were all looking at her. And apparently they thought she and Ayden were an item, she wished it. But it was far from true. They were friendly and expectant. “No."

"Well why not?” Evelyn took a seat at the kitchen table and motioned for everyone else to do the same. They followed, with all eyes on Charlie as she sat down.

"You'd have to ask Ayden.” Charlie shrugged. “I love the man. I do. But he's never indicated we could be anything more than friends."

"Have you told him this?” Grace asked.

"Yes. Years ago."

A collective gasp followed.

"What did he say?” Megan looked scandalized.

"That I was too young for him.” Charlie didn't care. It was the truth and she didn't hide her feelings for Ayden. He rejected them flat out. Besides, they would know now that she had eyes for Ayden only and none of their men.

"How old are you?” Stephanie asked.


"You don't look a day over twenty-one.” Megan looked at the woman with a new appreciation. Charlie was thirty with a face like an angel and a body of a supermodel.

"Guess that doesn't help my case."

"How old is Ayden, Evelyn?” Grace asked.

"Thirty-six” Charlie and Evelyn both answered.

"He looks younger than that.” Stephanie nodded.

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