Read Chasing the Rainbow Online

Authors: Kade Boehme

Chasing the Rainbow (7 page)

BOOK: Chasing the Rainbow
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              “Anyway, I started thinking maybe it’d be easier to just stay with her. My mom loved her, even if I didn’t. Then you happened.”

              “Me?” Jody leaned back, almost toppling off his bar stool.

              “Yeah. Iz told us about you coming out.”

              “That big mouth of hers,” Jody repeated, knowing he smiled fondly thinking of his ex.

              “Exactly. Angie’s eyes kinda locked on mine for a minute when Izzy told us and it’s like she looked right through me. Things just started clicking in place. The way I felt when some guys talked to me, how I got more butterflies the few times I met you than I ever did with Angie. If I was bi, I’d have at least felt something, some compatibility with these women I’d been with.” Bobby seemed a little embarrassed to have said so much. Jody’s own stomach had started up with the butterflies at Bobby’s admission.

“I felt the same, you know.” Jody hoped his gaze conveyed his meaning.

Bobby gave a brusque nod and continued his story. “A week later I was in the doc’s office, discussing a vasectomy because she was all about kids suddenly, no matter how much I said no. Before I could even tell myself it was a dick move, I’d made the appointment, which told me a lot about that relationship, gay or not. She’d even told my older brother’s wife we were already trying and my brother congratulated me. It was like a kick in the teeth.

              “My doctor is the one who said it was an asshole thing to do without discussing it with my partner. Then I realized she’d never been my partner in any real sense of the word, and never would be. I didn’t want a woman partner, ever. I wasn’t bi. But what could I do? My mom could never know.”

              “Damn.” Jody thought his situation had sucked.

              “During the physical, he found that my lymph nodes were swollen, then he found the lump. Testicular cancer. Not something you think you’ll hear at thirty-one. But to me, it made sense.”

              “But you’re okay now?”

              “One more year and I hit that magic five year survival number.” The grudging way Bobby said that didn’t sound as joyful as Jody expected.

              “That’s good, though, right?”

              “Yeah. I guess cancer was good for me. I’ve got a fake ball and I was sick for a while since we caught it kinda late, so the chemo was rough. But I didn’t lose my hair, which is lucky. And it made me get off the shitter, so to say. I had the talk with Angie before my first round of chemo.” Bobby seemed embarrassed as he said, “I guess since then I’ve been making up for lost time.”

              Jody couldn’t stop himself from placing his hand on Bobby’s where it rested on the bar. “You know I don’t think less of you for that right? You heard my situation. It wasn’t like we don’t both have our closet baggage, Bob.”

              Bobby stared at where Jody’s hand rested on his then turned his gaze to Jody. “Could I convince you to be patient with me? I don’t know that I’m ready to be in a relationship yet, but I do want… more with you. Which is why I freaked out the other night. I felt like I was unsteady the minute I walked in your place. But maybe if we went slow….”

              Jody froze, not daring to hope. “I… What does that mean?”

              “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. You’re smart—” Bobby turned, cupping Jody’s face in one large palm. “You’re sexy and funny. I guess I’m saying I’m sorry for the other night. And I want to be more than casual, but I’m gonna fuck this up. So….”

              Jody closed his eyes for a second, and was surprised to feel Bobby’s soft, warm lips gently caressing his. Jody wanted to melt into the kiss, wrap himself up in Bobby. But he refused to just lose his head to this man.

              He leaned back, pulling away from the kiss. “Bob, you have to know I can’t go through what we did the other night again. I don’t expect you to be perfect, and I do understand where you’re coming from. But… that sucked, for lack of a more adult way to put it.”

              Bobby chuckled, the sound going right to Jody’s balls.

              “I’m not saying you have to call me your boyfriend, we can just be friends trying to see what’s going on. I’m a big boy; I can deal with that for now. Just be up front with me.” He meant what he was saying. He knew this was how grownups handled dating. Sometimes couples started as friends, which the two of them had done well so far.

              “I can deal with that,” Bobby said. Jody opened his eyes to see Bobby’s eyes sparkling with fondness. “But, do we have to wait three dates or something? Because….” Bobby glanced around the room before leaning in, licking the shell of Jody’s ear. “I’ve been hard since I saw you earlier… You’ve got one of the best asses I’ve ever seen. I really want to touch you.” Bobby looked down at the tenting in Jody’s pants. “I want to shake on our new arrangement.”

              Jody swallowed thickly, his breath coming heavier. He felt his pants get even tighter, knowing Bobby didn’t mean he wanted to shake Jody’s hand. He’d be damned for this, but he didn’t think even he wanted to go so slow that they had to put the brakes on sex now that they had cleared the air. No way could he not touch Bobby, knowing what was under those clothes and that Bobby wanted him. “God yes, I mean… no we don’t have to wait. Just….”

              Bobby laughed.

              “Check guys?” the bartender asked. They both looked at her, the attempt at hiding her smile not very convincing.

              “Please,” Jody rasped.


Chapter 8



WHEN THE DOOR to Jody’s apartment slammed shut behind them, Bobby wasn’t sure how to proceed. They’d made their way down the sidewalk and up the stairs, stopping to kiss a couple times. He felt like a teenager again, all laughing and heavy breathing; moaning when their lips touched, shaking each time their skin came in contact.

              But in the privacy of Jody’s home, staring at the couch they’d first fooled around on, Bobby suddenly felt a moment of guilt. He couldn’t believe how open and receptive Jody was, being with him after the way he’d acted last time. He still was surprised at himself when, instead of heading to a gay bar, he’d popped over to the bar he’d seen by Jody’s house.

              He’d had to know, though, if Jody was more. More what, Bobby didn’t know, but something pushed him toward the man. Who got chances like this? He’d seen Jody years ago and really craved a human being for the first time in his adult life. He’d obsessed over him after it’d come out that Jody was gay and had left Isabella. Then Jody’d been there at Iz’s house and Bobby had jumped at the chance to give him a ride. Since then, he’d spent more and more time with the man until his need for him had reached a critical mass. He knew now, there was no getting it out of his system, no going back. But he’d fucked up enough, he couldn’t fathom why Jody’d given him a second chance.

              “I’m the second chance man,” he said to himself.

              “What?” Jody asked behind Bobby.

              Bobby turned to Jody, realizing he’d said the words loud enough to be heard. “Sorry. Was lost in thought for a second.”

              Jody moved back into Bobby’s space. He wasn’t aggressive, just gracefully fitting into Bobby’s bubble, then against his body. Jody shuddered, his body delighting in the man’s presence. He felt that same unbalanced quaking he’d had last time he’d been with Jody like this.

              “I noticed,” Jody said, running a thumb over Bobby’s bottom lip. Bobby couldn’t help sticking his tongue out, licking the top of the digit. Jody’s pupils flared, eyes locking on Bobby’s mouth.

              “I was just thinking; I keep getting second chances I’m not sure I deserve.” Bobby wasn’t sure why he admitted that. This unbalanced feeling around Jody had him constantly saying more than he’d intended. He supposed after thirty years of suppression; he’d finally started sharing more. But Jody, he was like a lance every time Bobby got near him. Bobby not only wanted to say things to Jody, it’s like he couldn’t help but say them.

              Jody’s eyes flicked up, crinkling at the corners; accompanying an understanding smile. “You deserve them, so long as you make the most of them.”

              Bobby rumbled, descending on Jody’s mouth, crowding Jody against the closed door. Their kisses were wet and hot, sloppy and wild. Bobby had never felt such a hunger for someone. Even when he’d first started sleeping with guys, it’d definitely been way more satisfying than all of his sexual history combined at that point, but with Jody… it was like every bit of his skin was on fire, like a chemical reaction existed when joining their two bodies in particular.

              Jody’s smell, his taste, the way he moaned, even his aura felt like they were designed to bring one Bobby Gugino to his knees.

              “Bedroom,” Jody said into Bobby’s mouth. Bobby didn’t have to be told twice. He hooked a finger through the belt loop on Jody’s khakis and started pulling him toward the bedroom, quickly. Jody laughed; the sound happy and light, as Bobby shoved him onto the bed hard enough to make him bounce up once.

              Bobby felt something in his chest, watching Jody laugh. He looked so young and carefree. Bobby had to admit, he felt that way as well when he was in Jody’s company. Like he’d found the friend he’d never had, like maybe…

              He shook those thoughts off and yanked his t-shirt over his head. That silenced Jody’s laughter. Jody sat up and reached for Bobby, wrapping his hands around Bobby’s biceps as Bobby eased on top of him. Before he started kissing him, Bobby helped Jody take off his shirt as well. Damn the man looked nice. He was well built, with well-rounded pecs and biceps. His stomach was flat, covered lightly in dark blond hair that fanned up over his chest and pointed down toward his cock.

              Bobby unbuttoned Jody’s pants and in a quick, well-practiced motion, pulled them and Jody’s boxer briefs down and off. Jody blinked up at Bobby. Bobby couldn’t help looking his fill. He’d not taken the time to really get a good look at what a beautiful man Jody was last time. And he definitely hadn’t fully appreciated what a fine cock the man had on him. It wasn’t overly long, but its girth was definitely something to write home about.

              “Goddamn, Jo.” He leaned down; placing a kiss on Jody’s hip, using his tongue to trace a line down and around Jody’s cock. He inhaled deeply, loving the smell of musk, the true smell that was all man—all Jody. Jody let out a sexy little whimper. Bobby glanced up and could have cum in his jeans at the lust drunk expression on Jody’s face. He definitely had to make sure he took better care of Jody this time. The hand job had been nice, but he wanted to taste Jody.

              So without much more preamble than a brief tongue bathing of Jody’s heavy balls, Bobby took the thick cock into his mouth. He hummed, loving the feel and the taste of it. Jody let out an “Oh, fuck. Fuck, yes,” and Bobby laughed in his throat.

              “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” At Jody’s exclamation, Bobby popped off his cock; stroking the spit slick shaft with a tight fist. Jody’s body jerked. “Damn, Bobby.”

              “Already?” Bobby asked, slightly amused, and feeling a little cocky he had him so close already.

              “Yes. Damn. I’m embarrassed how fast you got me there.” Jody’s breathing was loud, labored. “Just seeing you. Knowing it’s your mouth.”

              Bobby smirked, trying to cover the fact the words meant so much to him. He shucked his own pants and eased on top of Jody. “You turn me on so much.” He kissed his way up, then back down Jody’s body, each kiss met with more shivers and gooseflesh. “Roll over, Jo.”

              Jody complied as Bobby put his hands on Jody’s waist and helped him roll, rubbing his hand over every inch of skin as it moved into his field of vision. His cock was thrumming as he rubbed his hands over the amazing mounds off ass. “This is the best ass. So nice, Jo.”

              Jody pushed his ass into Bobby’s palms. Fuck, the man was good.

              “I love your hands on me,” Jody said, quietly. Bobby kissed the base of Jody’s spine before moving himself bodily over Jody, slotting his cock between those luscious cheeks. He ground himself in there a few times, kissing Jody’s neck, his ear, and finally catching Jody’s mouth when Jody turned his head.

              Their tongues licked over each other and they both made animalistic grunting noises as Bobby humped the cleft of Jody’s ass and Jody humped the bed. Like fucking teenagers.

              And like a teenager, Bobby wasn’t going to last much longer. He plundered Bobby’s mouth, thrusting with abandon. He’d never just frotted a guy’s ass like this, but this was fucking hot, and Jody had the cheeks to make every second feel like heaven.

              “You want to fuck me. One day,” Jody said, “you’ll fuck me; sink that big cock of yours in my hole. But today I want you to cover me with your cum. You hear me, Bobby? Cum on me.”

              Bobby was shocked at the dirty words being whispered against his lips. They did the trick, though. His head dropped to Jody’s shoulder and with a shout, Bobby came, slicking the crack of Jody’s ass with each spurt and each thrust. He stilled, knowing if he thrust too hard he might breach the man’s hole and slide right home with all the cum slicking the way.

BOOK: Chasing the Rainbow
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