Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore #5) (13 page)

Read Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore #5) Online

Authors: Scarlett Dawn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal

BOOK: Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore #5)
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I raised a brow. “Thanks. I think.”

Chapter Twelve

I sat in a booth inside the lodge’s bar the next night staring out the window into the dark night. Laughter and merriment continued around me. I was lost in my twisting thoughts of Leric. And always Sin. I ran from any romantic relationship put in front of me. Even my longest, being with Isa, I had run from. I could have come back to her…and I hadn’t. Instead, I ran from everything romantic, mainly out of confusion. I was not sure how someone could actually love me, a twisted fuck of an individual. I knew my uncertainty arose from a lack of trust, a long-honed survival instinct.

And fear.

The one emotion it always came back to.

The terror that currently had my palms sweating and my muscles clenched tight. It was also making me nauseous, which wouldn’t be a great thing since I had eaten an enormous meal again at dinner. Fear was literally making me feel ill.

I wasn’t hiding it well because Brann’s deep voice rumbled across from me. I hadn’t even noticed that he had sat down at my loner booth. “Are you all right?”

I sipped from the lemon water I was drinking before answering. “Not really.”

Liquid amber eyes scanned my face. “Relationship sickness?”

I chuckled quietly, spinning my drink on the table slowly. “Always lately.”

He hummed quietly, sipping from his brandy, watching me. “He’s an asshole. You deserve better than that crown-toting fuck.”

Again I chuckled. “I know.” I peered up to him. “I’m horrible with relationships, Brann. Like, anyone who has a real interest in me should fucking run, horrible. You know?”

His lips quirked before he took another sip from his drink. “Or it could be said, you haven’t met the right person yet.”

I blinked, and my gaze wandered over his flawless features. “I’m a little off tonight, Brann, so you’ll have to tell me if you’re implying…” I mean, fuck, we had talked about this.

“Um…no. No offense, of course.”

I snorted. “No offense.”

His lips curved, and it was most definitely the scoundrel in him staring back at me. “I’ll tell you a little secret about myself, Felon.” He twirled his now empty glass on the table. “Not many men would ever own up to this, but it’s true nevertheless.”

I waited, leaning forward.

His lips quirked sardonically as he glanced at his empty glass. “I lost my virginity when I was sixteen. And…well, I thought I was in love with the woman afterward. It was the experience of a first sexual encounter, awkward at first, but definitely intimate as it progressed. So intimate, I didn’t think I would ever meet someone quite like her.” He twirled his glass again before gazing up into my carefully blanked expression—I understood where he was going with this. “My point being, no matter what, the first person you have sex with always leaves a lasting impression. It’s inevitable, but it rarely ever lasts.”

I stared into his eyes, as still as a statue, again hating another person voicing what I had already worried was a real possibility. I had actually seen poor idiots think themselves in love after they lost their virginity.

His brows bounced slowly before he tapped his glass twice on the table, then he slid out of the booth, running a hand over his amber dress shirt. “And I didn’t say that just so you would feel horrible.” His lips tilted on one side in an ironic fashion, completely self-deprecating. “I’m fucking horrible with relationships, too.” He snorted, running a hand over his face. “And although I loved Dakota, she and I were far from perfect. And we were mates, which scares the hell out of me for any future nightmares of a life with someone else.”

My lips tilted, the smile of the jaded. Sometimes matings weren’t always what they were cracked up to be, and I repeated myself, “Anyone who has any real interest in you should fucking run, horrible?”

“Undeniably.” He glanced into his empty glass. “And, after that cheerful bit of honesty, I do believe I need another drink.”

As he started to turn, I grabbed his hand, stopping him. I quickly released his warm palm, saying honestly, “Brann, thank you.” I peered up into his molten amber eyes. “It’s nice having someone around who I can be myself with and who’s not…” I bit my lip, wondering if I should be completely honest or if it would just be rude.

A black brow arched. “Who’s not tough and perfect like we pretend to be?” Still nibbling on my bottom lip, I nodded once, and he chuckled quietly. “Likewise, Felon.”

I smiled down at my lemon water as he walked away. With Sin gone, it was nice having a friend nearby. I finished off my water and stood, walking to the bar to get a refill. When I was on my way back to my table of solace, I was flagged down by King Collins where he and the other Rulers and Elders, plus Leric’s parents, sat at a table. Everyone was drinking moderately, but they were definitely relaxed and having a decent time.

“Sit with us, my Prodigy,” King Collins murmured, tapping the empty seat next to him. “It’s better than being alone over there.”

My brows lifted, seeing him tilt a bit, and I realized he had imbibed a bit more than moderately. The tipsy look was interesting on him—his expressions were much less guarded. “Sometimes, I prefer to be alone.” And that was the truth.

“Eh, that’s the talk of the lonely.” He pushed out the empty chair.

My lips twitched, but I quickly placed a steadying hand on his shoulder when he tilted just a little too far. “Whoa there.” I pushed him back up straight. “I’ll sit, if you stay sitting. How about that?”

Blue eyebrows waggled as I sat next to him. “Gotcha to sit with everyone, didn’t I?”

My eyes opened wide in surprise, and I couldn’t help but laugh as he suddenly sat straighter in his seat, less slouched. I had just been played. “Sympathy card? Fuck, I can’t believe I fell for it.”

He grinned happily, taking a drink from his beer. He was definitely not drunk. “It works both ways between the fledgling and the experienced.”

I grinned and my mouth opened to say something else, but my lips stalled as a sudden cool breeze wafted through the room, ruffling the hair of everyone at the table.

The flames in the rock fire pit in the center of the room flickered in the draft.

“Christ,” Queen Ruckler shivered, glancing around. “Did they leave the doors open?”

As King Zeller turned to see the back of the room where the wide, glass paneled doors and the enormous windows were, the unnatural breeze still floated around the room. My veins froze in instant horror, my heart hammering. This really was a shitty night.

But I pushed past my dread.

I had to, because this was who I was. What I was born to be. What I was born to do. My nose ring was like ice against my skin, and I instantly thumped my enormous purse on the table. Mechanically, Mrs Damon, Mr Damon and I stood, each one of us beginning to prepare. I dug through my purse, my hands trembling as I panted and tried to regulate my breathing. This was why I fucking hated being what I was. T

The entire table went mute, seeing Mrs Damon lift a knife made of diamonds from her purse.

“How long?” I asked Mr Damon, fumbling for the hidden zipper in my purse.

“Minutes,” he muttered, taking off his white blazer, but he stared at me hard. “You shouldn’t be involved. You’re still young.” He paused. “Leric would not approve, and neither do I.”

Finally getting the zipper undone, I shivered past the icy breeze and pulled out my specially made ‘brass knuckles’. Except they weren’t brass, because when I hit the switch on the side of each, diamond spikes jutted from each knuckle. I quickly slid them on. “Leric does not own me, and neither do either of you. This is my fucking world. I chose here, not the damn Temple, fully knowing the dangers.” I glared as I dug out a diamond spiked choker, clasping it efficiently around my throat. “And furthermore, I’m the damn Prodigy of the Elementals. I chose that, and I won’t run from the responsibility that entails.” I jerked my head at the door. “In fact, this isn’t your fucking battle, so why don’t you two run along while I take care of business?”

“What are we missing?” King Collins asked slowly—standing just as gradually—and stared at our weapons.

Mr Damon grinned at me, flashing his teeth, most definitely not in his friendly way. The grin was more like Leric’s, showing the side he hid from everyone.

Nostrils flaring, I glanced at King Collins. “I don’t have time to explain, nor can I.” I peered past him to Queen Cooper, asking her hurriedly, “What was it that you did the day I woke up after being kidnapped by you? When you did a spell…” I couldn’t say anymore.

Her beautiful face went instantly alert, glancing about the room. “It was a simple protection spell.”

“Well, you’re going to need another protection spell,” I muttered, dropping my purse under the table quickly. I rolled my shoulders, just as Mr Damon and Mrs Damon were beginning to do, working out their muscles. “Do it for everyone in here. Put up the spell. And no matter what, don’t drop it until we’re done.” I held up a hand when everyone at the table instantly stood and started to argue. “No fucking questions. Just trust me. You’re going to see something, and you’ll want to help…but you
. Just stay behind the fucking protection until we’re done.” I pulled my gun out from my back holster, already starting to move away. “Understood?”

“You should really stay back, Ms Jules,” Mrs Damon argued, her voice stern. “Leric’s going to be very upset.”

“Leric can kiss my ass,” I muttered, then I pointed at King Collins. “Get everyone to the back of the room.” When he didn’t immediately respond as I thought he might not, since this was all a bit sudden and King Collins was normally not one to be told what to do, I jumped onto the nearest table. The wind was starting to pick up. I raised my gun, firing two rounds into the wooden ceiling. And beautifully, and abruptly, all sound stopped, even the damn loud music. Everyone’s eyes trained on me. I holstered my gun, which was a bit harder to do with my ‘brass knuckles’ on, and rubbed at my ear that was throbbing from the loud shot as I shouted, “I am Caro Jules, the Prodigy Elemental. I’m ordering every damn one of you to move to the back of the room right now for your own safety.”

I let my power out and opened my Core, my eyes flaring brightly as people visibly flinched.

Every single one of the Elementals, and even most of the Shifters who had scented my
instantly moved to do as told—plus, there was the added bonus of the freaky unexplainable wind occurring inside the closed room. But when the rest only stood there, I inhaled heavily and ramped up my power. The tables, lamps, and pool tables shook violently as I shouted furiously, “
Get to the fucking back of the room, people!”

Lovely. There was a mad dash to the back of the room, people tripping over each other in their haste. Almost everyone here had never felt that sort of power before.

I shouted just as furiously, “
Elder Farrar, Queen Cooper, London, protect them!”

Brann walked forward casually toward me in the shaking room as everyone raced past him, an eyebrow quirked. “Nice to know you can do that, too.” His head cocked nonchalantly, but his eyes were dimly glowing in their alertness. “Want to explain what’s going on?”

“Just get back with them, Brann,” I mumbled. Mrs Damon and Mr Damon were already beginning to glow on the floor next to me, staring out the picturesque windows, and I heard Mr Damon mutter a profound curse as he stared outside. “Brann, you’re just going to have to trust me, since I don’t have time to explain. I can’t worry about protecting you while I do this. Just get back.”

“I can protect—”

“I’m sorry, Brann, but I don’t have time for this,” I muttered. I raised my hand, sending a pulse wave at him. He flew through the air toward the back of the room. Elder Jacobs caught him in a magical wind, bringing him down carefully. I hollered, “Keep him back, goddammit!” My nostrils flared at the furious and surprised expression on Brann’s face. Elder Merrick instantly stepped in front of him, pushing him back when he started to come toward me again. I had to trust they would do what I ordered and keep my friend safe.

I opened my Core fully, head flying back, arms outstretched and palms up, glowing bright silvery white, just as Mr Damon and Mrs Damon were doing. Each of us were mentally flying through the beautiful galaxies to our own hidden cache of weapons. From Mr Damon’s reaction, I decided on the swords I had once found, or had found me—either way, they were fucking mine—hidden in my own treasure trove of diamond weapons. The handles were brushed platinum, the eighteen-inch-long, sharp deadly blades pure, beautiful diamonds.

I whispered, calling to them, before I focused myself back into the saloon bar, still glowing but now more dimly. My swords were now gripped tight in my hands. I grinned, ignoring the shocked gasps I heard from the back of the room where a golden protection spell now completely sectioned it off. Everyone stared at what had to be a phenomenon occurring in front of them. I only had a moment to glance at Mr Damon and saw he had two diamond axes, while Mrs Damon had two short daggers in her hands. Both spirits did not at all appear like ‘just parents’ right now.

“Turn around, Caro,” Mr Damon stated way too calmly. “And see what we’re facing.”

Mrs Damon snorted. “Maybe then she’ll wise up and get back there with them.”

Rolling my head on my shoulders, I ignored not only Brann who was arguing with Elder Merrick and Queen Ruckler, but also Aria who was shouting at King Zeller and trying to get past him to me. Luckily, London was doing what he needed, a hand against the protective golden wall, helping to keep it strong, but I could see he was seconds away from stepping through it. I hoped he wouldn’t.

I inhaled slowly and then turned to the windows.

Chapter Thirteen

I froze, a silent scream caught in my throat as I stared out at the moonlit snow. My power zapped through my veins. The depths of evil outside—an amount I had never seen before—had the diamond blades of my swords instantly glowing white. I went to full power, a cold sweat taking over my entire body. At least fifty to a hundred Shadows lurked under the moonlight, amazingly organized in ranks. All shapes and sizes, each one of them pure evil. Their black forms were unseen to anyone not spirit Elemental as they marched closer to us. My mouth was still opened in terror. This type of frozen fear would get me killed in a heartbeat. My wide, terror-filled eyes glanced back to where King Collins paced in the little section he had behind Queen Cooper with her palm on the golden wall, and he stopped at my expression.

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