Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore #5) (29 page)

Read Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore #5) Online

Authors: Scarlett Dawn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal

BOOK: Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore #5)
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“Bindi!” King Collins’s eyes were wide as he tilted his head toward the door, but he was bellowing loud enough to be heard two counties over. “Hurry up!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she stated breathlessly as she raced into the room, already glowing. Her eyes assessed the wounded in a professional manner. She went to the One since his body was ridden with bullet holes, bleeding silver and red. “Christ, he gets shot a lot.”

King Zeller bent back on his knees, and Bindi’s hands were on the One, working immediately near his heart.

The One’s chest expanded, sucking in a vicious breath. His back arched off the floor and a resounding shout echoed in the room; the work Bindi was doing was definitely painful.

She ordered, “King Zeller!”

“On it,” he mumbled, blurring to grab the One’s hand with a bloody one.

The One went slack, his back hitting the floor. A soft sigh emitted from his lips. “Fuck, that hurt.” He stared up at Bindi, his words slurred. “Hey…I know you…what the hell’s going on?”

“I’m pulling a bullet out of your heart,” she explained. “You’re lucky you’re alive because someone definitely wanted you dead.”

A cocky, slurred laugh. “I still knocked his ass out.”

King Zeller snorted. “He’s only unconscious, while you had stopped breathing.”

“Wait…” His head tilted to the left and right. “Where’s Ms Jules?”

I lifted a hand, slanting to the right, into his line of vision. “Right here.”

Silver eyes stared into mine. “I didn’t know it was—”

“I know. Be quiet and let Bindi do her job.”

King Collins asked, “Is there too much silver in his bloodstream?”

“No, not with me here to patch him up fast,” Bindi muttered, hissing as she extracted a silver bullet from his body. “Half of them were stopped by his bones, which are strong like a Shifter’s.” She eyed one wound closely. “Remarkable, really, his internal body structure.” Another hiss as she extracted another bullet. “It’s like a mixture of all the Mysticals.”

“Don’t you have some type of patient-doctor confidentiality clause, or something?” the One muttered, sounding drunk from the blood loss. “I mean, really, talking about my body like I’m a cadaver rather than a living, breathing Mystical is a bit offensive…especially when I’m right here.”

“Sorry.” Her golden eyes glanced to his. “But your body’s fascinating.”

Another cocky, lethargic chuckle. “You’re not the first to say so.”

King Zeller actually snickered, his shoulders shaking with the action. “Man, just lie there and shut up and let her fix you.”

His blink was dreamlike, but his eyes turned to me.

A quiet growl erupted deep in his throat. It vibrated like a tiger’s.

But just as quickly as it had occurred, it stopped.

He blinked. His teeth bared. “I thought you were…hurt.”

My head cocked, and I wiggled one of my ears with my right hand. I glanced at King Zeller, King Collins, and Bindi, wondering if they had heard what I had. They were staring at him, perplexed expressions all around, like they weren’t sure if they had heard a strange noise, too. I shook my head and glanced out the door to see if Tristan was nearby. I didn’t see him, so I returned by regard to the One. “I’m not mad. Just don’t fight with Sin again.” I lifted one brow. “I almost shot you in the back.” And I had aimed to kill.

“There. He’s done,” Bindi muttered, wiping her sweating forehead with the back of her bloody hand. “Try to keep bullets outside of your body in the future.”

He snorted and pulled his arms back, resting his hands on the ground and pushing up.

Just as another shot fired, the cracking sound ringing in my ears.

The One’s frame flew against King Zeller, his throat squirting blood like an out-of-order water fountain.

I rolled, lunging at Sin. The gun was still smoking in his hand. Bindi dove at the One in King Zeller’s arms, her glowing hands instantly going to the fatal wound. King Collins landed on Sin’s back, holding him down when he tried to raise for a better shot.

I grabbed Sin’s wrist, slamming it down onto the ground and shouting over the buzzing in my ears, “Dammit, stop shooting him!”

“After what that fucker did to you?” Sin hollered, the side of his face smashed against the carpet, furious green eyes staring at his target. He wouldn’t let go of the gun I was trying to wrestle away from him. “Are you under another spell?” An angry pause. “And I thought he was dead!”

I blinked. Sin was extremely behind on information. Staring into his face on the ground, holding his hand down with the gun between us, I stated loudly, “I did kill the other one. The man you keep shooting like a damn target dummy is the real One. He’s here to help us track down the other bad fucker.”

Sin grunted when King Collins altered his elbow to the back of Sin’s neck, keeping him completely immobile, but he grumbled loudly, “Why the hell didn’t you write me that?”

“I was planning to but I hadn’t gotten around to it yet because I knew you wouldn’t like it,” I stated honestly. I glanced up at King Collins. “Did Bindi save him?”

“Goddammit, that fucking hurt!” the One growled instantly from behind me, his heated words even more slurred than before. “Take that damn gun away from him before I really do slit his throat.”

“Answer your question?” King Collins muttered dryly then reached with a quick hand and grabbed the gun I hadn’t been able to wrangle from Sin. He tossed it across the room—still keeping Sin immobile with his elbow and weight. Probably using his power too, his eyes now bright with brown light.

Sin grunted again, but he muttered, “You’re right, love.” Green eyes glared into mine from our low positions. “I don’t like it.” Green flicked up to King Collins. “Now, get the fuck off me before I remove you myself.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Sin’s arms wrapped around me from behind, holding me tight and steady. Bindi worked on Frost and Farley. Roselle and Reese were now in my room, right along with Queen Cooper, her magic fixing all of the broken furniture while she muttered British accented obscenities.

King Collins’s eyes were firm on Sin. “You owe him an apology.” He stood in the middle of the room with King Zeller, holding his arms out to either side of the room. Sin and I stood on one side, the One, Roselle and Reese on the other. “In fact, I would say you owe him more than a few apologies.”

Bored words. “Your point being?”

“Sin, he thought you were here to attack Caro.” He glared. “Apologize.”

Apparently there were still a few things my King needed to learn about Sin.

Sin snorted. “I thought he was here to attack Caro, so it sounds about right for what we did to each other.” His grip tightened around my waist. “And I think it’s time for everyone to leave, so Caro and I can speak privately. She left a few issues out of her letter.”

“Sin…” King Collins growled. “Make an apology, now.”

Before this escalated any further—I was sure I knew what was about to erupt from Sin’s mouth—I held up the hand that had the One’s blood now dried and disgusting on my flesh. “He apologizes for using the One as target practice.” When Sin made a noise behind me, I stepped on his foot—hard. “As I’m sure the One apologizes for almost slitting his throat.” I waved a hand at the door. “Plus, I apologize for asking everyone to leave because your assistance has been much appreciated, but Sin and I do need to speak privately.”

As the One leaned heavily on Reese, his silver eyes glared across at us. “Is he going to stay in the same room as you?” And…there was more than a bit of jealousy lacing his tone. Obviously, the blood loss was keeping him from hiding emotions I hadn’t even known he felt for me.

Like clockwork, damn near everyone in the room froze and blinked back and forth between us…except King Zeller, who stared at the ground, and Roselle, who studied her nails.

“Oh,” Sin muttered, sounding awed. His voice was a whisper. “Caro, you’ve got to be fucking joking.” I felt him move behind me, staring down at me. “This one, too?”

I cleared my throat, ignoring everyone but the One, keeping eye contact with him. “Yes. He’ll be staying with me.”

Instant reply. “In the same bed?”

“Yes. Although that’s really none of your business.”

His jaw clenched, his eyes flicking over my head to Sin then back down to mine. “I thought you had decided the two of you were never going to be together because he hasn’t found his mate, and you want him to be happy with her when he does.”

Ice…ice ran through my veins as I stared back at him when he spoke of the intimate thoughts he had stolen from me at the Temple. The room was deathly quiet, and Sin stiffened behind me while I glared into drooping silver eyes. My voice was the softest of tones as I murmured, “I think you should leave now.”

His nostrils flared. “If you want him to be happy—”

Sin interrupted, his voice stonily quiet, “What you’re saying isn’t news to us, but you still have no right to speak of our relationship.” He was completely frozen behind me. “I suggest you leave as Caro requested, and go rest. Even I can see you aren’t thinking clearly.”

The One’s mouth immediately opened, but he hesitated. He gazed at the ground before he nodded once. “Yes, I think I should rest.”

I wavered for the briefest moment as Reese and Roselle started helping him from the room, but still feeling cold inside, I finally said, “Leric…” I used his name, and it sounded weird coming from my mouth. The three of them stopped, his head snapping to me. I swallowed and said what I needed to so that nothing was hidden any longer, “I want you to know, I’m taking a break from romantic relationships. I need it.” I shook my head. I was finally being completely honest. I had only just now realized how much I needed to back up and re-evaluate. “I can’t handle it right now. Mentally. It’s just too much after everything that’s happened.” I stared directly into hardened silver eyes. “I hope you understand.”

Long moments of silence ensued, silver staring deeply into my eyes. He still kept his mouth shut. After what felt like another stalemate, he nodded once then began moving forward again with Roselle and Reese’s help, exiting my room.

King Zeller watched them leave before he turned his head to me. “That, Caro, was one of the smartest decisions I’ve seen from you yet.” Spring green eyes peered up to Sin, with a head tilt. He eyed him…with his respect reflected. “I’m happy you’re back. You’re needed.”

Everyone filtered from my room except for my scowling, conscious guards.

I turned inside the hold of Sin’s familiar comforting embrace and met his gaze.

His lips curved. He gave a small smile of knowledge, which was so full of love that my chin started trembling, my eyes instantly burning. He whispered, “Now, none of that.” He stroked my cheek softly. “I’ve known for a long time, love.” His voice quaked with his next words. “I love you. I always will.” His lips pinched. “Maybe one day we’ll get there…”

My voice was a mere croak, unstoppable tears falling from my eyes. “I know.” I nodded hurriedly. “I know, but…” My chest ached and a broken sob escaped. “I love you so much.”

His arms enveloped me, holding my head close to his chest, hushing me.

“I’ve missed you.” My words came in spurts and stutters. “I’ve…needed you.”

“I’m back. I’m here,” he crooned, gently guiding me to my bedroom. “Now that all the shooting and bleeding is done, tell me what’s been going on.”

Once he had closed the doors on the guards, who had carefully blanked their faces while stuck in the room with us as we had our life-fucking-sucks moment, I told him in code everything I could. We lay in bed, holding each other…and it was seamless. Safe in Sin’s hold, I dreamt peacefully.

Sitting in the conference room with the Royals and the spirits, I was in serious need of getting the hell out of here—the place was making me claustrophobic. Not to mention, since I was on a complete hiatus from romantic relationships, the One had been glowering at me—pouting, in my humble opinion—for the last forty-five minutes while we sat in the meeting and reviewed the intel the MSA filtered us. The agency had done their homework on a list of businesses Philip Masterson owned, which Sin and I had given them. But Christ, I just needed some fresh air.

When King Collins’s cell phone rang, I eavesdropped on his side of the conversation.

I was able to decipher that four other Elders were finally here. They should have arrived the previous day but had been held up while working on a Mystical dispute in South America. They had been there for the past couple of months, and supposedly the place had Third World facilities, going by how much my King said they bitched about it. The Elders were the four Kings right before the current Rulers’ reign, and they were here to provide extra brainpower to track down Philip Masterson and Jacob Angel—without sending someone into a deathtrap.

It was time to take advantage of the situation. Placing a quick hand on King Collins’s arm when he started to stand, I mumbled quietly, “Let me greet them.” I pleaded with my eyes. “Please.”

His lips actually trembled with humor, whispering, “I don’t think he’s said one word yet. He’s been too busy glaring at you.”

I rolled my eyes. “I know.” Again, I begged with my eyes. “Please.”

Lips still quivering, he rested back on his chair, tilting his head at the door. “Go ahead. They’re just pulling up in the driveway.” I was already lifting from my seat, my feet taking me quickly toward the door, but I still heard him mutter under his breath, “
You’re welcome.”

“Thank you,” I quipped happily, but I wasn’t sure he heard me since the door was closing behind me. Hurrying down the hallway, I breathed deeply the free air, my shoulders relaxing instantly. It was damn hard being in the same room as the One. Attraction was one thing, but finding that one person…I wasn’t positive that was a path I wanted, or needed, with him—a man I hardly knew. I patted at my clothes; I was probably not respectable enough in holey jeans, a vintage gray t-shirt, and flip-flops to be meeting the Elders in, but it would have to do. Hearing masculine voices ahead, I quickened my pace and turned the corner to the foyer.

And tripped. Badly.

I shrieked and fell over someone’s luggage on the damn floor, and I reached out to find purchase of something…anything, really. I managed to grab a plant, taking the enormous thing down with me. Along with multiple suitcases, which fell like dominos. The hard tinkle of shattering pottery echoed against the walls. I grunted, my shoulder and hip slamming into the solid, colorful tiling, while dirt and leaves and branches fell everywhere inside the grand Elemental foyer.

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