Christmas Delights 3 (27 page)

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Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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 “It looks great,” Jackson said and nuzzled and nibbled on
his ear. “It’s just little damp to be standing around out here.” He begin
leading back inside. “So let’s go sit by the fire.” He then started a series of
kisses from cheek to chin. Knowing they were being watched, he continued doing
so right up to the porch.

“She’s going to send a note.” Kevin said trying hard not to
giggle too much.

“Let her, she’s just mad cause I’ve already snagged the best
guy in town.” And he kissed Kevin again

 “Sorry we wasted your whole day off_” Kevin started to say
but was cut off by Jackson who placed a finger across Kevin’s lips.

“Not wasted. I spent it with the one I love. What could have
been better?” They went on inside and curling up on the sofa together.

“This party we’re having, you should invite your uncle. He
shouldn’t be alone on Christmas,” Kevin said, as he snuggled as close as he
could get to Jackson and laid his head on his shoulder. Kevin was very content
sitting there watching the flames dance in the fireplace as well as the tree
all lit up in front of the window.

“I’ll call him tomorrow,” Jackson said, as he gently
caressed Kevin’s back.

“Don’t forget your sister and family.” Kevin let out a soft
moan as he nuzzled in close he slid his hand up under Jackson’s shirt to run
his fingers through the soft hair.

“Should we be taking this into the bedroom?”

“Oh there’s no need for that,” Kevin said with a devilish
smile as he moved to open Jackson’s pants and pulled them down enough gain
access he reached into the drawer of the side table and pulled out lube and
condoms, opening one he rolled it on to Jackson and picked up the lube, which
Jackson took from him.

“You’re a bit over dressed don’t you think?” he said.

Kevin just gave the same devilish smile stood up, and in
seconds he was naked and tugging Jackson’s jeans off, and then his shirt
fluttered to the floor. As Kevin began to smear lube on Jackson, who had reach
behind Kevin and rubbed the rim before he slipped a finger in. Kevin let
another soft moan escape his lips as a second finger found its way in.

“J, you know it’s not your fingers I want in me.”

“And you know I don’t want to hurt you,” Jackson said
scissoring his fingers before adding a third. Kevin grabbed hold of Jackson’s
cock and began stroking it getting it all slicked up. Finally fingers came out
and Kevin positioned himself and began lowering himself down, feeling first the
head slip pass the rim, and began to slide in filling him up. He waited for a
few moments before setting a pace of rising and pushing back down. Jackson had
his hands on either side of Kevin’s waist, he began controlling how fast they
moved and to keep Kevin from slipping off. More moans escaped from out of Kevin
as he grabbed hold of his own and began to pump and both came within seconds of
each other. Kevin collapsed trying not to land on Jackson who pulled him close,
both were silent until they got their breath back under control and continued
to sit still covered in the cooling mess. Eventually Kevin got up and grabbed
toweling from the kitchen and wiped himself off then he headed back to the sofa
with more for Jackson. When both were cleaned up they sat back down and cuddled
together under a throw and just enjoyed each other’s company for the rest of
the evening.


* * * * *


Kevin made his way along Main Street heading for the café.
Reaching the front door, he walked inside to find Amy taking advantage of the
lull between breakfast and the lunch crowd to put up a few decorations.

“Morning, Amy.” he said.

“Morning, boss man,” Amy said. She knew he didn’t like it
when she called him boss man, but she did it anyway.

“There’s someone waiting to see you at the counter.” She
added draping garland. Kevin looked beyond her to the counter as Kyle turn to
look at him,

“Hi Kev,” was all Kyle said as Kevin walked over to his
older brother, who he hadn’t seen or spoken to in all most three years. Kevin
was at a complete loss of words other than “Hi.” and stood silently.

To get things started Kyle asked, “So Kev, how did you go
from working here, in the cafe to owning it?” Then it occurred to him. “Did you
use all the money you got from mom and dad?” To which Kevin said no only half,
Neil wouldn’t let him use it all, and the rest had been put in his retirement
fund. Neil was still part owner. His shares of the profits were sent to him
down in Florida. The contract stated that if something happen to Neil, Kevin
would be sole owner. Everyone thought it was nice of Neil to have given Kevin
such a good deal.

“You look good,” Kevin finally said.

“I know you're mad,” Kyle said when Kevin was silent again.
“I know I shouldn’t have just disappeared like that, I didn’t know what to say,
I still don’t know what to say, going off and leaving... abandoning you like I

“Kyle you didn’t abandon me. You had a job offer which took
you into the city,” Kevin said getting the coffee pot and refilling his cup,
because he needed to be doing something. “I can’t speak for Sarah, but I never
felt abandoned.”

“I left you on your own with a cast on your leg,” Kyle said
looking down at the mug of coffee.

“I didn’t take care of you the way I should have.”

“Kyle, I had a job here and a place to live. So did Sarah.
She got married you know, to a great guy who has two kids and they are coming
over Christmas Day. Your very much welcome to join us if you will still be
around. How long do you plan on staying?” The bell over the front door rang as
it was opened, bringing in the sheriff.

“Morning Sheriff,” Amy said turning towards him. “What can I
get you? Have you time for breakfast this morning?”

“Not today, just getting coffee,” he said stepping up to the
counter. “Harris you’re early, you don’t start till tomorrow. I like that you
got here early. It says a lot.”

“Yes sir,” Kyle said standing up and shaking the offered
hand while Kevin poured coffee for the sheriff.

“So then, it’s more than just a visit.” Kevin commented
handing the to-go cup to the sheriff.

“Oh you two already know each other?” The Sheriff dumped a
packet of sugar in his coffee cup. Kyle explained that he had been five when
his mom remarried and then came Sarah followed by Kevin when he turned seven.

“So you’ll have family in the area. That’s a plus for you.”
The Sheriff's radio crackled to life. He unclipped it. "Cooper…yeah, I got
it.” He looked at them both and said. “Duty calls, thanks for the coffee, see
you tomorrow Harris.” He was out the door talking on the radio.

“Are you going to be ok with me back?” Kyle asked. He was
finding it hard to read Kevin’s face, mainly because he wasn’t looking at him.

“Yes I’m very glad you’re back and Hank Cooper is a good
sheriff, I’m sure you’ll get along with him.” Kevin said. “So does Sarah know
you're back yet?”

Kyle indicated that he planned to let her know that night.
He also asked where Kevin was living now because he’d stopped by the apartment
yesterday and been told he hadn’t lived there for awhile. Amy, who had been
hovering, butted in to say that he and Jackson have a cute little house on
Louis Street.

“Thank you Amy.” Kevin said giving her a look that said, ‘go
away.’ Taking the hint she went back to her decorating. “In case you’re
wondering, I met Jackson when you went on the job interview, remember, I broke
my leg, and he was the doctor I saw at St. Anne, but we actually met a few years

“So he’s the one who read you and Denny the riot act for
messing around in a public restroom, or was that someone else?” Kyle asked. He
noticed the look of shock. “I’m guessing from that look it was him. Tell me you
never did anything like this before or after?”

“No, just that one time,” Kevin said softly he was too
embarrassed by what he’d done back when he was sixteen. “I didn’t know you knew

“I didn’t until a couple of months ago, ran into Denny, who
got picked up for hustling, how he thought this would help I’m not sure.” Kyle
said. He always thought that Denny was trouble and was glad Kevin stopped
hanging out with him.

“Where are you staying?” Kevin asked changing the subject.
He desperately wanted to put the past, back in the past.

“I was sort a hoping to crash on your sofa for a few nights,
until I find a place,” Kyle said. “Do you think your Jackson would mind,
because I don’t want to be a problem?” 

 “Of course you can,” Kevin said, hoping Jackson wouldn’t
have problem with it. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t. “Of course I’m not too
sure how comfortable you’ll be.”

“Kev I spent last night in my car, and yes it was cold, but
it was my only option when I didn’t find you. So your sofa is going to be
better,” Kyle said.  

“I’ll give you the keys and directions so you can head on
over.” Was all Kevin said.


* * * * *


Jackson finished another very long day and was walking out
of the men’s locker room when he saw Josh heading his way. Jackson knew that
the little weasel probably wanted him to do something that would make his day
even longer. Jackson ducked back into the locker room and into the restroom to
hideout until Josh moved on and found some other poor soul to do his work.
After a bit there came a knock at the door and one of the orderlies told him
Josh was gone. Opening the door he discovered that the orderly had sent Josh in
the entirely wrong direction leaving Jackson's way to the parking lot clear. He
didn’t waste any time leaving, after thanking the orderly.

An hour later he pulled up in front of the darkened café and
Kevin came out of the door, locked the door and climbed into the passenger
seat. They shared a quick kiss before Jackson put it in gear and headed home.
It was a cold and damp night. Jackson couldn’t wait to get home.

“My brother came into today; he’s the new deputy sheriff.”
Kevin said when Jackson had asked about his day. “He asked if he could stay for
a few days, till he finds a place. I know I should have asked you first...he
slept in his car last night_”

 “Kev, it’s ok, of course he can stay.” Jackson said. There
was no way he could tell Kevin his brother couldn’t. “As long as he needs to.”

When they pulled into the driveway they found the Christmas
lights on. When they got inside they could smell dinner, which was a great
welcome home to both of them.

Jackson and Kyle got along from the start, and by the end of
the evening Jackson found he really like Kyle and hope he felt the same about
him, he also hadn’t realized that he was a year older then Kyle


* * * * *


Kevin looked up as Jackson came into the room. “I know it’s
a bit of an inconvenience having him here, but it won’t be long.”

Jackson finished getting undressed and got into bed next to
Kevin and pulled him close,

“He’s your brother and I happen to like him.” Jackson said
before giving Kevin a quick kiss.    “Course it will mean a few changes while
he’s here, like no impromptu sex in the living room or bathroom. But I’m sure
we’ll manage.”

“I hadn’t given a thought to the loss of privacy,” Kevin said
softly. He snuggled up close pulling the comforter up over them. “I’m not sure
if I can be quiet having sex.” The look on his face told Jackson he wasn’t
being totally serious. And Jackson tilted Kevin’s face and leaned into a deep
tongue probing kiss that left Kevin moaning softly and chasing for more.

“As much as I’d like to pursue this further,” Jackson said
settling down. “I’ve got to be at the hospital by seven tomorrow.”

Kevin let his head rest at Jackson’s shoulder and felt the
warmth coming off Jackson,

“Why so early, no wait it’s your brother again is in it?” he
said letting his finger glide over Jackson’s chest.

“No, not this time.” Jackson said with a bit of a smile, and
used his own hand to stop Kevin’s from straying down past his waist or they’d
never get to sleep. “I’m actually helping someone else out.” He closed his eyes
and just relaxed with Kevin cuddled up close to him. Kevin also closed his eyes
and snuggled down. It seemed he had just drifted off when Jackson’s alarm was
going off. He started to shift and move when Jackson told him to stay; it was
way too early for him to get up. Kevin dropped back down and back to sleep.

When Jackson got out of the shower and was getting dressed,
he smelled coffee and wondered if Kevin had gotten up. Then he remembered Kyle
was sleeping on the sofa. A quick look into the room showed Kevin still in bed.

“Sorry if I woke you,” he said coming into the kitchen where
Kyle was pouring himself coffee.

“You didn’t. First day and don’t want to be late,” Kyle
said, moving out of Jackson’s way.

“I know my being here is an inconvenience and I’ll try and
make it as brief as possible.”

“You’re not in the way,” Jackson said, before getting out
his travel mug and filling it.

“It’s good that you’re back in Kevin’s life. I don’t like
leaving him alone as much as I have to so that it’s good that you’re here.”
Grabbing an energy bar and his travel mug he headed to the door and was gone.


* * * * *


When Kevin got into work he found every seat taken. Amy, Sam
and the rest of the crew were running nonstop. He took his coat off and pitched
in where he was needed, taking orders, serving food, or clearing tables. When
everyone had been served and the crowd began to thin out he went back to the
office to get a little work. He was working on the accounts when there was a
knock at the door and he looked up to see Kyle, the look on his face prompted
him to ask,

“Is there something wrong?” Kyle came into the office and
closed the door.

  “Kev, I’ve been going through back files putting them into
the computer and I’ve been wondering why you told me you fell and broke your
leg and yet it’s listed as an attack, a hate crime. Why did you lie to me?”

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