Read Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Chronicles of Eden - Act IV (52 page)

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act IV
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“My grace, we have returned,” the two sisters said humbly.

“I keep telling you two, you can address me by my name,” Charlotte mentioned as she turned her focus back to the viewing portal before her.

Apoch and Astreal walked over to her sides as they watched the glowing portal as well. Charlotte leisurely tapped her wand against her chin as she replayed the events that she had watched earlier with her seer, appearing to examine what her cat had watched with a careful eye.

“Ms. Charlotte?” Apoch asked. “Will you be meeting with that human again?”

Charlotte held her hand tiredly over her eyes as she sighed quietly, taking a moment to ignore the witch sister’s unique speaking quirk before she looked at the glowing image again with a slight smirk.

Triska cried out in ecstasy as she was ridden hard from behind by Daniel, his eyes watching her with a piercing gaze as he kept going with high energy and lust for the girls around him. As Triska lurched back and forth with each thrust from him Squeak was lying under her and licking one of her breasts before doing so with the other, causing waves of euphoria to ripple through the human’s body.

“Say it, Triska,” Alyssa ordered before she spanked Triska’s rear, the human letting out a sharp yelp before looking ahead with pleading eyes as Specca held her head forward to face her.

“Be a good girl, and say it, Triska,” Specca insisted with a smirk on her face, watching as Triska moaned loudly while Squeak started sucking on one of her breasts rather hard.

“I’m a bad girl!” Triska cried out with a blush. “I’m a bad girl; I let monsters have sex with Daniel! I’m a bad girl!”

Alyssa giggled before she started spanking her again and again, with Triska yelping and crying out with each hit.

“Yes you are, such a naughty girl indeed,” Specca mused before she pulled Triska into a kiss, the human holding the nixie by the back of the head while Alyssa kept spanking her.

“You really do love to be punished, don’t you?” Alyssa giggled as she spanked Triska again, getting an eager moan out of the teen as she kissed Specca deeply.

Charlotte watched the event with a curious eye before leaning over to the side with her hand propped up against her cheek.

“He gave them all his seed, just as he said he would. What’s more, they all appeared to enjoy it just as much as playing with each other,” she mentioned, with Apoch and Astreal tilting their heads curiously in the same direction and manner as they watched the images as well.

Specca was crying out in bliss as she rode atop Daniel’s lap, with his penis pushing into her as the human kept thrusting his hips up against her. The nixie cried out with a deep blush, her tail wrapped around Daniel’s leg, and then was pulled into a kiss by Triska who was right next to her. Squeak started to suck and lick the nixie’s breasts, causing Specca to moan loudly into Triska’s mouth, while Alyssa was screaming out in pleasure as she held onto Daniel’s head which she was mounted on and holding below her. In his lustful state the boy was using his tongue in her like she had never felt before in her long life, the witch crying out with a deep blush as her hips moved about on their own atop his face.

“Dear god, he’s devouring me!” Alyssa screamed before she keeled over and grabbed onto the bed sheets with both hands, struggling to keep her body in place while Daniel ate her out like a wild animal.

Triska and Squeak glanced to her with smirks then to Specca as the nixie moaned loudly while bouncing atop Daniel’s erection. Before Specca could say anything Squeak sat up and pulled her into a kiss, with the nixie again moaning from the euphoric sensation while Triska started fondling her breasts roughly.

“They’re so slick and smooth,” Triska mused playfully. “They feel better in my hands than I thought they would.”

Specca trembled as Squeak and Triska held her in place while Daniel continued to thrust into her from below, her mind swimming in sheer ecstasy as she moaned once again from the overwhelming pleasure.

Charlotte drummed her fingers on her chair before glancing up thoughtfully while Apoch and Astreal continued to watch the images.

“Monsters and humans living together in peace,” Charlotte mused shaking her head. “Choosing to love one another out of free will. Such a strange and peculiar concept.”

Daniel was riding behind Squeak as she was bent over against the edge of the bed, the ant girl gripping the sheets tightly as she squeaked loudly with each thrust from Daniel behind her. He kept riding her vigorously while near them on the bed Specca was sitting behind Triska and holding her legs apart, the nixie’s tail being wrapped around Triska’s hands which were bound behind her as the nixie was licking her ear playfully. Triska was watching Daniel with a glazed look in her eye, a shaky moan and sudden gasp escaping her mouth occasionally as Alyssa was lying down before her and eating her out.

“Alyssa… please… I can’t…” Triska pleaded before moaning and rocking her head back, with Specca continually licking around her ear as she held the teen’s legs apart. Alyssa was pushing two of her fingers up into Triska’s ass while she kept licking and sucking on her clit, her eyes glancing up to seeing Triska’s breasts bouncing a bit as the teen shuddered and moaned again.

“Triska, you like it in the butt, don’t you?” Alyssa giggled before sticking a third finger up into the girl’s ass, with Triska shuddering and squirming about as Specca held her in place.

“Alyssa…” Triska breathed out. “Please… not… not there…”

“Such a naughty girl,” Specca whispered before nibbling on Triska’s ear, with the teen letting out a shaky moan as she closed her eyes.

“It feels… it feels…” Triska shuddered before Alyssa swirled her tongue around inside the girl’s pussy and started thrusting her fingers into her ass, causing Triska to struggle with holding her voice in as she trembled from the feeling.

“Does that feel good? Tell us the truth,” Specca whispered into her ear, with Triska squealing before nodding as she started drooling in her bliss.

“I love it! I love it! Please don’t stop!” she cried out, with Alyssa letting out an amused murmur as she continued to eat the girl out and finger her asshole. Specca giggled then licked around inside Triska’s ear as the teen trembled with her orgasm.

“Such a naughty girl,” Specca purred before nibbling on the ear again, all while Triska moaned in a trance as her eyes struggled to focus on the sight of Daniel riding Squeak against the bed.

Charlotte stood up and slowly walked closer to the glowing viewing portal, inspecting the events that unfolded in the human residence while Apoch and Astreal watched her curiously.

“Do you believe what Mr. Daniel said could really happen?” Apoch asked skeptically.

“Peaceful coexistence with monsters and humans,” Astreal scoffed while shaking her head. “It is quite an absurd idea if I ever heard one.”

Charlotte nodded slowly then glanced back to them with a raised eyebrow.

“Perhaps, however what my eyes are showing me is certainly something I would have once said to be an absurd idea as well,” she pointed out before looking at the images again.

Alyssa let out a strained groan as she gripped the bed sheets tightly, her eyes rolling back slightly as she felt Daniel pushing his erection deep into her ass. The witch trembled with an orgasm then moaned loudly as Daniel started to thrust into her from behind, the girl gasping and grunting as she had a flushed face. Near them the other girls were watching with wonder while Specca was being held by Triska and fingered by Squeak, the nixie squirming about as the human held her arms still while the ant girl held Specca from behind with one arm.

“Oh my,” Specca shakily breathed out as she tried to keep her moan from escaping her mouth. “Does… does doing it in the butt really feel that good?”

Triska and Squeak glanced to each other and smirked before the ant girl quickly pulled Specca down onto her back, with Triska lifting the nixie’s legs up and over so Squeak could hold onto them. Specca opened her mouth to speak in surprise before Squeak rested her pussy down on her, with the nixie then murmuring something before she started licking and eating the ant girl out on reflex. Squeak let out a startled squeak as she held Specca’s legs down on either side of her, with Triska then letting some of her drool drop down onto the nixie’s exposed asshole. Specca shivered and tried to say something before Triska then pushed two of her fingers down into the nixie’s darker hole, with Specca then screaming something as her tail wrapped around Triska’s arm and tightened around it.

“Wow, you’re really tight in there,” Triska giggled. “We’d better help you with that or else Daniel’s going to destroy you.”

She started moving her fingers around inside the nixie’s hole, with Specca moaning loudly before Squeak started eating her out as well, the euphoric sensation causing Specca to have an orgasm as she cried out again from under Squeak’s hips.

Charlotte watched the images with a careful eye then turned and walked over towards her balcony, with Apoch and Astreal giving the viewing portal one last glance before quickly following after. As the witches walked out onto the overlook showing the village of Rystone before them Charlotte waved her wand back behind her, dissolving the viewing portal as she gazed around at the night sky.

“My grace? What will you do now?” Apoch and Astreal asked together.

Charlotte just looked around at the night sky, remaining silent while the witches of Rystone turned in for the night, the lights of their homes slowly dying down and vanishing throughout the village while the lampposts remained lit. After a while Charlotte drummed her fingers on the railing of her balcony before looking back to the witch sisters.

“It’s late, you two may turn in for the night. I’ll summon you tomorrow with my decision.”

“Yes, my grace. Sleep well,” Apoch and Astreal replied with a bow before walking off together.

Charlotte turned back and watched the clouds slowly drifting by overhead with a distant gaze, her hair gently fluttering in the breeze as she thought about what to do with this unusual proposal.


Sunlight started to shine over the horizon as another day was beginning. As the sun slowly rose up in the sky light crept along the land and over the village of Eston, revealing half of it to be burned down and destroyed from the previous night. Small pillars of smoke rising up from the remains still lingered here and there while silence had befallen the town.

The morning light slowly crossed over a residence and in through a window, lighting up the bedroom where a boy was snoring
loudly. Daniel was sleeping with an open mouth on a bed with a white sheet barely covering his legs, his loud snoring doing nothing to disturb four girls who were also sleeping with him. Holding onto his left side with one of his arms around her shoulders Triska was sound asleep, a few strands of her hair draped over her face as she held onto the one she loved so much. Across from her Specca was holding onto Daniel’s chest as she slept soundly with one of his arms resting on her back. Her glasses were lying off to the side while her tail was wrapped around Daniel’s thigh, the nixie closely holding onto the one she loved even in her sleep. Lying on Daniel’s chest was Alyssa, the witch sleeping quietly while her naked body was resting on his waist, with her arms holding onto his chest as her head was slowly and gently lifted up and down with each breath he took. And curled up into a ball above his shoulder and Triska was Squeak, the ant girl sleeping quietly while in her usual nighttime position.

Out in the living room of the home Falla was asleep on the couch, having a small pillow being held over her head as she had tried to muffle the sound of Daniel’s snoring during the night, while Luna was sleeping on the floor, having one of her wings folded over her like a blanket while she had a cushion under her head as she slept quietly. After a few more of Daniel’s snores echoed throughout the home Falla groaned and threw the pillow off of her while having a dull expression on her face.

“For the love of god,” she muttered with frustration as she slowly sat up and held her hands to her ears. “How the
can any of those girls stand sleeping next to that guy? Seriously, who in the world can sleep through this crap?”

Looking down she saw Luna sleeping peacefully even with the loud snoring in the room next to them, the peaceful butterfly’s antennae twitching slightly as she dreamed with a calm expression on her face.

“What the hell is wrong with everyone?” Falla grumbled as she slowly stood up and stretched out her arms.

From the doorway Kroanette came in through the door, lowering her head to enter the residence as she looked around to seeing only the butterfly sisters as well as hearing Daniel’s snoring.

“He’s still asleep, is he?”

“Can’t you hear him?” Falla grunted while glancing to the bedroom door. “I don’t get how anyone could sleep next to someone like him, it’s so irritating.”

“He is a rather loud sleeper, isn’t he?” Kroanette mused with a small smile.

Falla nodded then glanced to the centaur questionably as Kroanette took a moment to fluff her hair and make sure her clothing was straightened out.

“Where did you sleep anyway?” Falla asked.

“I took their horse to a stable nearby to rest for the night,” Kroanette replied while looking behind her and picking a few strands of hay off of her. “And I found a nice bedding of hay for myself there as well.”

“You slept with the horse, eh? That figures,” Falla snickered.

Kroanette blinked then looked to her with a dull expression.

“Are you implying that I engaged in some form of carnal act with their horse?”

“I don’t know, did you?” Falla asked with a shrug and a smirk on her face. “I mean, you
have the body of a horse yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised if centaurs did such a thing to be honest.”

“You know, we centaurs have a title for those who choose to lay with horses,” Kroanette mentioned while crossing her arms, with Falla watching her curiously as the centaur gave her a dull glare. “We call them
limquar del medsians.
Translated into your tongue, they are ‘fucked in the head’.”

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act IV
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