Claimed By All Three (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Menage)

BOOK: Claimed By All Three (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Menage)
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Copyright © 2015 Leona Bones


All rights reserved









As the moon rose high in the sky and beamed its cool radiance down into the cave, I found myself surrounded by not three men, but three bears.


, I corrected myself.


They approached me slowly, their warm muzzles rubbing against my goosebumped flesh. I looked into Bran’s eyes, seeing the same conviction, curiosity, and was that even…desire? My mind reeled as the bears closed in. I should have been scared. I should have been running for my life.


But I never did what I was told anyway.


Every cell in my body seemed to sing at the presence of the bears around me, skin pulling and tugging as I felt a gnawing in my chest. Something in there was trying to
get out
. It should have been crazy, and maybe it was, but I felt for the first time something inside of me telling me this was finally where I belonged.


But could these three bears – these three
pack brothers
– ever come to accept me? Even if they said I was one of them, surely there were others as well. Some kind of pack ordering, perhaps. They were being nice in memory of my father, but there was no way they’d actually want to be with me
like that
. Besides, there were three of them, and one of me. It would be unfair to choose…




“We like you, Harper,” started Bran, slowly morphing back to human as he did so. Fur and teeth retracted, he straightened, and he was a rock solid mass of man all over again. His statement was backed up by something else rock solid, too: his cock stood at attention, pointing toward the sky as he stared into my eyes.


“We like you a lot,” continued the other man to my left. “I’m Aaron, by the way.”


“We’ve been thinking,” said the third man tentatively, sticking out his hand. I shook it dazedly. “I’m Jack.”


“There’s another option, you know,” said Bran. They were surrounding me, the heat from their skin enveloping my senses. It was intoxicating. I felt a rush of wetness seeping between my legs, breath escaping me with a gasp.
I couldn’t be getting aroused, not now…


“If you really doubt the truth of your heritage, Harper – there’s a way we can show you.” Bran was so close to my neck now, his breath hot against my flushed skin as he snaked his arms around my waist. Breath hitching, my cheeks burned red as my pussy throbbed.
Was I really going to go through with this?


At the same time, Jack reached around to move his strong hands down my shaking arms, his yellow eyes boring deep into my own.


“Let us awaken your beast, Harper. Let us show you what you really are.”








I held the keys in my hand, the metal jingling as it unlocked the old rusty lock. With a slow creak, the door swung open, and there it was. “It’s all yours,” my father’s voice rung in my head. He had given me the keys to his old cabin in the woods in the last minutes before he died. I’d hardly known he had a cabin in the woods, much less that he’d give it to me. Sure, he went out on hunting trips sometimes, but hunting had never interested me much. Killing animals seemed repulsive, and I’d always had a penchant for animals in other ways.


Now I stood on the threshold of my father’s cabin, and he wasn’t at my side. I sighed, stepping into the house.
Always thought he’d be with me if I ever came up here
, I thought, looking around at the house. He hadn’t been here in months, as far as I knew, and yet the house seemed well maintained, as if someone had come through only yesterday.


Fingering a few books on the bookshelf lining the wall, I cocked my head trying to read the titles. “Bears of the Argus Valley”, “Bears and their Habitats”, even a strange looking pamphlet titled “Bear-ology”.
Hmm, hadn’t known he was so into bears
, I mused, moving on. I sunk down into a comfy chair on the side of the room, letting the sun filter in and warm my body.
He’s gone, Harper
. The thought repeated in my head like a drum, causing an unwelcome headache.
This is yours now.


Leaning back, I stared at the ceiling and then closed my eyes. It had been a long day, and the sun felt really nice…


Suddenly, I jolted awake by a knocking at the door. It sounded urgent. I flailed from the chair, rubbing my eyes. One moment I’d been sitting here thinking about my father and the next I’d fallen asleep! Well, that was one thing people had always said about me. I could sleep through anything. Remembering the books before, they struck a memory in my head: “
you sleep like a bear!”
It was all a joke when they’d said it, but with all the books I’d found on the shelf and the strange cabin in the woods, I began to wonder if it meant something else after all.


The knock came again, and I got up to answer it. It had gotten dark while I slept, and the moon hung full and bright in a cloudless sky.
No idea who it could be at this hour
, I thought, but strode to the door anyway. As far as I knew, no one even knew I was here. But then again, I thought, looking around, maybe someone else had been sharing the house with my father.


Anxiety gripped me.
Oh man.
What if they didn’t know he had passed? What if they didn’t know about me? With a deep breath, and not much of an idea what I was going to say, I opened the door.


There was a completely nude man standing at my doorstep.


I shook my head a bit, wondering if I was still dreaming. He looked like the men in my dreams – tall, dark, and handsome. His skin was stretched taut over bulging muscles and the lines of his body were perfectly proportioned, like he was a statue. Given that he was nude, I couldn’t help looking down, and…oh my. This random naked man definitely didn’t disappoint in
department. I smiled a little to myself, putting a hand to my head.
Okay, now I’m definitely dreaming


If I’m dreaming, though, no shame in fantasizing a little
. I could just imagine those strong arms holding me down, his massive frame hovering over me, his cock spearing me in two…my pussy clenched at the thought, and suddenly I felt too hot all over, the arousal making me flushed and a little breathless.


The smile on my face turned quickly to a gasp when I saw his cock twitch in response to my gaze, sending a shock of pleasure straight between my own legs. Bringing my eyes back up to his face with a rush of blood to my cheeks, I noticed the man’s face was stunningly handsome as well. He wore an unreadable expression – something between confusion and amusement. His body was covered in small black curls of hair, and his head was no exception. A bushy beard filled out his face, making him look exceptionally manly. His eyes were searching, hard, and a steely shade of grey. I narrowed my eyes, staring into the orbs for a moment. So fast I wasn’t sure if I imagined it, they flashed a brilliant shade of gold for only a second.


“What are you doing here?” The voice brought me out of my fantasies.


“W-what do you mean? This is my house.”
Be cool, Harper, be cool
. I took a breath.


“You sure about that?”


“Of course I’m sure!”


“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”


I put my hands on my ample hips, indignant.
Just who did he think he was?
“Excuse me?” I asked, tilting my head in challenge. “As far as I can tell, you’re the intruder here.”


The man looked annoyed, running a hand through his curls. “Ah, woman. You don’t know. You don’t belong here. Now go before I say anything about it to my clan.”


Clan? Dude had a clan? Oh, come on now. What could possibly happen—


Suddenly, two large grizzly bears appeared behind the naked man.


I stopped in my tracks, fear tracing a web of adrenaline through my cells as I pointed a shaking finger at the bears behind him.
No one had said there’d be bears!
My heart beat at the prospect and at how close they were. I’d never known bears would get so close to a human, and if they did…I gulped. I was going to get mauled by a bear, wasn’t I?


“B-bear…” I croaked, staring at the two hulking frames behind him.


“That’s right woman, these are my people.”


Bears? Just what was he talking about? Dude had to be crazy
. He was a human, not a bear.


“Just leave me alone!” I yelled, backing away slowly. “I own this house now! Take your…bears and go!”


“I can’t do that. This belongs to my people too, you know.”


“My father gave this to me! It’s in his will! Look!” I shoved the paperwork at him frantically. As if showing legal paperwork would sway a man who thought he was a bear.


He took the paper, holding it gingerly in his large hands. Suddenly, something changed. His eyes grew wide, and I could almost see a flash of gold within them again. The man spoke slowly, carefully.


“Your father is Evan Stone?”


“Of course he is. Now see, its legal paperwork, and I’m sorry to tell you, but he’s dead now. Saw it myself. The cancer got him. He handed this to me as he died, so unless you want to disrespect a dying man’s wishes, go now and leave me be.” I felt on the brink of tears. I was trying to deal with the death of my father and this strange new place, and some naked guy had to come and insult me over it? What did it matter if he
extremely sexy…


The man looked back to the bears behind him, nodding to them. He exhaled a long breath. “Well, this changes everything. Come along.”


“Come along? Where? I’m staying here, thank you very much.”


“Listen, woman. It may not be…” he looked around warily. “…safe if you’re here alone. And besides, there’s some things you need to know.”


I gazed up at him, part of me wishing that he was right. I was curious – I wanted to go with him, but who knew what would happen if I did. My mind flitted back to the books about bears again.
What if my father had known these…men?


“I knew your father,” said the man in the doorway, almost in response to my thoughts. “He was a good man, and we worked closely with him. It is a tragedy to hear of his death. Would I have known…I would have come sooner. But I sense, Harper, that there were things he was not telling you. Come with us, and find out.”


Chills like ice water ran down my spine.
I hadn’t told him my name… Was it all really true then? Did he know my father?


“He talked about you a lot, you know. I’m sure he would have wanted you to trust me. Even if you didn’t know about it, we were great friends.”


“Why didn’t he ever tell me about you, then?”


“It’s…complicated, Harper. But please, you have to understand that he wanted nothing more than to protect you.”


“I can protect myself, thank you very much.”


“ you want to find out the truth, or not? You can stay here if you wish, I won’t make you come along. But know that you made that choice. There are…things out in these woods.” He grimaced. “Not all of them as friendly as I.”


I gulped. If this man was actually right…this could change so much. I could finally see the other side of my father that I’d never been able to figure out. I could finally see what all of this…hunting…was actually about
I’d been so wrapped up over losing him, I’d nearly overlooked all the mystery, all the frustration I’d had with him. It led all the way up to his deathbed, sadly. All that was left was the will, the key, and these strange men that promised answers. Taking a deep breath, I gazed up at him again. “All right, then. Let’s go.”


“Good choice,” said the man, smiling broadly. “And by the way, you can call me Bran.”


“Bran,” I repeated, tasting the way his name fluttered across my tongue. And with that, he took my hand, and we were off.


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