Read Claimed by Three Online

Authors: Rebecca Airies

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Suspense, #Menage & Polyamory

Claimed by Three (11 page)

BOOK: Claimed by Three
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“I can do this.” She pressed on his arms.

“So can I.” He angled her on his lap.

“Teague.” She turned her head and glanced up at him.

“Don’t argue. Watch and feel.” Teague’s hand rose.

He cupped her chin and brushed his lips across hers. His tongue probed lightly. She opened her mouth for him. When the kiss deepened, she felt the hunger rising in her. The touch incited a desire for more.

His teeth grazed her lip as he pulled back. “Watch them. We’re determined to please you.”

She groaned softly and leaned into him. The last thing she wanted to do was sit back and watch. She ached to touch, kiss, and inflame.

“But I need to play too.” She stared at him. She loved the way they focused their attention on her, but her palms and fingertips tingled with the urge to explore their bodies.

“And you will, Sephanie. But watch.” Teague gently turned her back to Berenger and Kassius.

“You’ll enjoy this.” Berenger drew his fingers across her cheek. “Watch and feel. Don’t hold back. Let me hear what you like and what you love.”

She smiled at that. Her gaze remained locked on his until the moment something cool and wet grazed her chest. She glanced down and saw Kassius holding a pinkish piece of fruit. It was cut into a cube. She couldn’t tell what it was from the color.

He swirled the fruit up her breast, painting circles around her nipple and into the valley between the two mounds. Her breath caught in her throat as he ran the cool fruit over the hardened bud, coating it with the juice.

Kassius leaned in and lapped at the stiff tip. His soft hum of appreciation vibrated against her nipple. She reached for him. She barely skimmed over his hair before she felt a grip on her arms and they were pulled back.

“Feel, baby. Just feel and watch.” Teague kept his hands loosely clasped on her arms.

“You’re demanding tonight.” She glanced back at him.

“This is only the beginning, Sephanie. We’ll get much more demanding before the night is over.” Berenger cupped her cheek and turned her face back to the front.

“Sometime tonight, I’ll kiss and stroke you, all of you.” She scowled at him and then looked to Kassius.

“If you have the energy after we’re through with you.” Kassius smiled. His head lowered to her breasts again. “Baby, I believe I was licking juice off your breast. I think I need more juice.”

“If you’re thirsty, there is more to drink in that basket.” She’d noticed it while they’d pulled out food earlier.

“I’m not thirsty, baby. I’m hungry for you.” Kassius took the square of fruit and drew it up her breast. He squeezed the fruit.

Juice dribbled over her breast before running across her belly. She shivered when the light wind blew over the damp trails. Kassius leaned close and began lapping at the juice. He flicked at the taut nipple as he followed the path of the sticky liquid. The fleeting contact sent sparks of hunger shooting straight to the growing knot low in her stomach.

He lapped at the juice on her belly, but he kept returning to her nipple. The tormenting licks contrasted sharply with the graze of his teeth. The prolonged tease drove her crazy.

She tried to reach for him and pull him to her breast. Teague’s grip on her arms kept them at her sides. She wanted to draw Kassius closer so badly she trembled. He didn’t seem inclined to release her. Forced to watch, she couldn’t help anticipating where Kassius would lick or kiss. She wished Kassius would close his mouth over that nipple and suck.

“You’re not cooperating, Sephanie.” Berenger tapped her lips with the piece of fruit he held.

Unable to resist, she licked over the spot the fruit touched. The sweet taste of ripe
left her wanting more. She didn’t understand what Berenger meant about not cooperating with them. She hadn’t tried to stop them. The thought had never crossed her mind.

“You’re not telling us what you need. We’re not letting you touch, but tell us where we should taste, stroke, or lick. Tell us what to do to you.” Berenger leaned close and lapped at her lips. His palm rubbed over her shoulder.

She’d been so wrapped up in her frustration she’d forgotten Teague’s instruction to tell them what she liked. Would they give her what she wanted?

“Your mouth on my nipples. The licking and teasing makes me burn.” She looked at Kassius, because he was the one teasing the most.

“Does it? Let me see if I can feel how hot it’s made you.” He drew his hand over her thigh.

She clamped her thighs shut and crossed one foot over the other. It was one of the few things she could do to slow them. She definitely ached for the pleasure she could find with them, but she had to see if they’d do what she asked.

“Not until you show me you mean what you say.” She raised a brow and struggled to keep a straight face. She knew he could easily push her legs apart, and beyond the first touch, she’d offer little resistance. She might want her way too, but she craved the pleasure they could give.

“Would you be talking about this, my Sephanie?” He leaned down and lapped at the nipple once before he closed his mouth around the tip. His teeth scraped gently before he began sucking on it.

“Yes.” She arched her back to press the flesh harder against his mouth. The light suction sent shards of heat straight to her core.

His palm stroked over her thigh as he tormented her nipple. Her senses seemed to heighten and zero in on those two sensations. She shifted restlessly and spread her legs.

“That’s right, baby. Show us you enjoy it,” Teague said. His voice sounded rough.

Another hand pressed on her legs. Berenger. It had to be Berenger. The hand brushed up and down her thigh, moving inward with every pass. She widened them in invitation. Her focus narrowed to his strokes. She willed that caress to move higher. Her clit ached. All she could think about was fingers stroking the sensitive bundle.

“My pussy. Touch my pussy.” Telling them what she needed had worked to get Kassius’s attention on her breast. She hoped it had similar results this time.

“We can do that.” Berenger’s fingers brushed over her pussy.

Her legs tensed, and she fought the urge to lift into the light contact. She wanted more than them teasing her. The feeling of confinement and being helpless combined with her arousal and whipped it higher.

“I like touching your pussy, and I love fucking it. I also love seeing you go wild with passion. Could we get you to say anything if we made you crazy with it?” Berenger danced his fingers over the folds again.

They probably could, but she still had enough reason to know not to answer that question. She licked her lips and let her gaze fall to Kassius’s mouth at her breast. She saw him cup her other breast. He squeezed and raked his thumb over the darkened nipple. A spear of sensation shot through her. Her back arched, and she bit her lip.

A light smack landed on her thigh. She gasped. Her gaze lifted, meeting Berenger’s hard stare.

“Don’t hold back your sounds. Give them to us.” His hand tightened on her thigh. “I can definitely give you some motivation.”

Berenger traced a path up to her pussy. He pressed his fingertips between the slick folds. She spread her legs to encourage his touch. He didn’t disappoint her. He stroked her clit. She moaned and tensed.

“That’s it. Give me more of them.” His eyes were locked on her face as if he didn’t want to miss the smallest expression.

He swirled his fingers downward. She lifted against that sweet touch. He pressed them into her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched. Tremors shook her while the sensations built. His thumb flicked over her clit. Her hips lifted into the stroke. So good. Her breath hitched. She tried to reach for him. Teague’s grip tightened, keeping her hands behind her. Frustration and desire mixed.

“Berenger,” she whispered, the word more a plea than a demand.

“Lift against me, Sephanie. I’ll give you what you need.” Berenger’s fingers slid deeper and then pulled back.

Her hips lifted, trying to take the thick digits back deep into her pussy. The only thing that would feel better than his fingers did at the moment was his cock pushing deep. She moaned. Her heart thudded, and her breath tore from her in ragged pants. His thumb circled on her clit with each downward stroke.

Her hands clenched. She strained against Teague’s hold as the heat burned through her. Their touch drove her need higher and higher. Kassius’s teeth scraped over her nipple before he sucked hard at the nub.

“Not too fast, Berenger.” Teague’s voice filtered through the haze.

Sephanie didn’t understand what he meant. Her entire mind focused on the building need. She lifted her hips against his hand. His thumb stroked her clit. The orgasm crashed over her. Her body shook as the pleasure rolled through it. She collapsed back against the hard muscles of Teague’s chest. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. She didn’t know if she could move at all if Teague chose to let her go. Her body felt limp and heavy.

“Damn it, Berenger. This wasn’t what we discussed.” Teague’s hands released her, but he ran them up and down her arms in a slow, soothing motion.

“Calm down, Teague. We’re good. You didn’t feel how wet she became when you held her arms back. There won’t be a problem. On top of that, after she gives her consent, I don’t want her to be able to say we coerced her with sex and back out later.” Berenger’s finger circled her clit again, sending aftershocks through her body.

Her hips jerked and lifted in response. She might feel sated, but her body already began to warm to the idea of more. They were good. She wanted to experience everything they had to give. She looked forward to whatever they had planned tonight. However, now that some of her sanity was returning, their remarks intrigued her.

“What are you talking about?” She looked at Berenger.

“You’ll find out soon. We’re taking you back to the house.” Berenger patted her thigh.

“You do like to tease me. Come on. You have me curious now.” She rose to her feet and straightened her dress.

“Impatient.” Teague gave her a nudge and urged her forward.

She looked back. Kassius and Berenger took a few moments to gather their things but soon followed.

Chapter Ten

Sephanie waited as they gathered the basket and the pad. They walked back to the house in silence. Her mind whirled with possibilities. She didn’t give up on nudging some answers from them. She asked and probed all the way to the front door. Even ventured a few guesses. They seemed good-natured about it and told her no or gave her satisfied smiles. It was their smiles that kept her asking. She enjoyed this, and she hoped they did too.

Once at their house, they took her inside. The mat and the basket were left in the kitchen. They led her back to the room she’d been in the night before. Today, she noticed more about it. The walls were a deep cream trimmed with brown. The large furnishings and rich dark fabrics gave the area a masculine but welcoming air. The warmth of the room seemed to wrap around her.

She walked inside and stopped to stare at the bed. There were a few things attached to the sturdy headboard that hadn’t been there last night. Gleaming silver manacles dangled from two posts on the headboard. She’d have noticed those. The meaning of their words suddenly became clear.

“You know the shackles aren’t necessary to make sure I stay the night.” She glanced over at Teague and grinned.

“Tying you to the bed is a possibility if you try to slip out on us again.” Teague put a hand on the middle of her back and urged her into the room. “How do you feel about them?”

“Are they for me, or do I get to play some interesting games with you three?” She definitely had some ideas about what to do with the cuffs, but she knew Kassius, Teague, and Berenger secured the shackles to the bed to play out their fantasies. There were more advanced models, but the shiny silver harkened back to an older time.

“Those are to shackle your pretty little wrists. If you plan to play games, you’ll have to set the scene and get the restraints.” Berenger walked around in front of her. “Are you ready to play with us?”

“I’m not scared, Berenger. I’m ready for your games.” She lifted her hand and caressed his cheek. His concern touched her, but she wouldn’t panic when the cuffs closed on her wrists.

“That’s what I hoped to hear. Let’s get you out of your clothes.” Teague strode up behind her. “But if you should get scared, I want you to say ‘dessert.’ Do you understand?”

She nodded. “If something frightens me, I say ‘dessert,’ and you’ll stop. I won’t say it. I haven’t yet said no to anything sweet and satisfying.”

Teague laughed. “What about salty? Do you like that too?”

“Yes, but you’d already know if you’d done more than hold my arms behind me out in the grove.” She leaned back against this chest. An image of sucking on his cock filled her mind. She’d love to get her mouth or hands on him.

“But if I hadn’t held your arms, we wouldn’t know restraint makes you wet.” Teague drew his hand down her arm.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken you long to discover that. I’ve got a lot of fantasies, and this is only one of them.” She looked at Berenger. The thought of them discovering which of those fantasies made her hotter and acting out a few of them was enough to have her pressing her buttocks back against Teague and tightening her thighs.

“We’ll have to pry your fantasies out of you later. I want to know everything that makes you burn.” Kassius walked around them. “And I believe you were taking her clothes off.”

“Got distracted.” Berenger began unfastening her dress.

He pushed it wide. His palms cupped the full mounds as if he couldn’t resist. His fingers tightened on the nipples briefly. She stiffened and drew in a slow breath when the sharp tingle from the pressure zipped through her. Her body responded so intensely to their touch, and the thought of being cuffed to the bed inflamed her. She wouldn’t need much foreplay to go right over the edge.

“Well, let’s peel her out of these clothes and see how she looks in the cuffs.” Teague stepped back from her. His hand landed with a smack on the curve of her buttocks.

“I’ll look fabulous.” She peeked back over her shoulder to give him a quick grin.

BOOK: Claimed by Three
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