Read Claimed by Three Online

Authors: Rebecca Airies

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Suspense, #Menage & Polyamory

Claimed by Three (13 page)

BOOK: Claimed by Three
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“Don’t. It doesn’t hurt.” She wanted them on for a little longer.

“Don’t?” Kassius stopped and looked at her.

Chapter Eleven

“Don’t take the cuffs off, please. I don’t feel any pain. I’d like to fuck both of you while I have them on.” Sephanie clenched her hands and then let them fall open to show there wasn’t even a twinge.

Kassius looked across her, probably to check if Teague had an opinion. She turned her head, wondering if he would try to coax her into taking them off, overrule with a flat-out denial, or take her at her word.

Teague stared down at her for a moment. “We’ll leave them on, but we’re changing the original plan.”

He reached over and began doing something to the chain where she couldn’t see. A thought flashed through her mind. They planned to release the cuffs from the bed and leave them dangling as if they were oversize bracelets. She immediately rejected that idea. It wouldn’t be the same.

What was their first plan? What are they changing it to?
She couldn’t help wondering. Did they plan to make love to her one at a time? She loved being with them that way, but she also wanted to experience the full depth of being with two or three men at the same time. The simple thought of it sent a wave of arousal rolling through her.

“Don’t take them off.” She twisted and turned, arching her neck to try to see what they were doing.

“Take it easy, Sephanie. We’re not unfastening the shackles, not completely. We’re loosening them. I’ll take one off and give it to Kassius. He’ll attach it with the other manacle on his side.” Teague’s palm glided over her arm.

“We’ll put you in a position where there won’t be any pressure from the cuff on your wrists.” Kassius took the chain from Teague. “Roll over onto your stomach for a minute, baby. We’ll start on your back, but you won’t stay that way.”

She did as he told and watched while he attached the chain. He tested the length. It was much looser than it had been before. She’d bet with the additional length, she could touch them.

“We’ll make sure the chains don’t pull tight again. Now, roll over onto your back.” Kassius finished adjusting the chain and climbed back up onto the bed.

She could still see the concern on his face. “I’m not hurt.”

“I know, but we won’t take the chance of causing you pain later.” Teague grazed his thumb over her cheek.

“Relax and let us get you ready again.” Berenger climbed onto the bed near her waist.

She saw him look at Teague. When he nodded, she realized Teague or Kassius must have given him some kind of signal. They certainly hadn’t said anything. She swung her gaze upward to look at Teague. He eased closer and cupped her breast. His other hand fastened around her wrist. He held her. His fingers on her wrist didn’t stroke, merely held her still.

She felt a grip on her other wrist. Even though she knew it was Kassius, she looked over at him. He stared down at her. His other hand lifted and traced her lips. His thumb pressed against her lower lip. She swept her tongue over the tip.

He smiled. He braced himself and leaned closer until his mouth hovered over hers. Sephanie lifted her head and gave him a teasing nip. She wanted so much more than that fleeting contact but knew it might draw him in for more without the extended teasing he probably planned.

“Not that way, baby. This way. We can’t go slowly this time. We both need you so much.” Kassius whispered the words and lowered his head.

His mouth opened over hers. She welcomed the thrust of his tongue. Her mind soon turned from kisses to how she yearned to feel his cock thrusting into her pussy. She stirred restlessly and moaned. Hoping to entice him, she nibbled and teased. His kiss deepened.

Fingers pinched her nipple before the soft lap of his tongue flowed across the peak as if to soothe any sting. She felt a palm on her thigh before a hand cupped her pussy. She widened her legs and gave herself up to their touch, letting them stroke and caress, building a fire within her.

Kassius eased back. He feathered light kisses over her cheeks and down her neck. There, he nipped and licked at the skin before letting his mouth wander downward. Her hands clenched. She tried to raise her arms. The grip at her wrists kept her arms from moving. She groaned in frustration and twisted.

Berenger’s fingers flicked across her clit. Pleasure shivered along her spine. She arched her hips. Her body burned. She craved more than his light, too-fleeting touches. The movement caused a short, direct pressure on her clit, and her hips jerked at the sharp spike of sensation streaking through her.

“More. Feels so good.” She could barely think to form the words.

“We’ll give you what you hunger for. We need it too.” Teague licked her nipple between the words.

Fingers plucked at her nipples, followed by brief, teasing licks. They drove her crazy. Two digits pushed into her pussy, and a thumb swiped at her clit. Beyond thought, she moaned and lifted into their touch. Her inner muscles clenched, tightening around the fingers stroking her.

“She’s ready,” Berenger said.

For a moment, she didn’t understand what that meant. The building sensations in her body and the desire for release tore at her. When the hands and lips left her, she opened her eyes. They couldn’t leave her. She strained upward, wanting to pull them back to her.

“Hush, Sephanie. We’re going to turn you over and pull you up to your hands and knees. Then I’ll fuck you.” Teague urged her back down onto the bed.

It was his touch more than the words that had her relaxing. They rolled her onto her stomach and turned her. While Teague urged her onto her hands and knees near the edge of the bed, Kassius strode around the bed and stopped in front of her.

His hard cock thrust forward. She licked her lips and watched as it jerked. He gripped the shaft and took a step forward until the head bumped her chin. She lapped at the rounded tip.

“Suck him, Sephanie. Let him feel how much you want him.” Teague stroked her buttocks.

The thought of taking that thick cock deep into her mouth sent a surge of lust through her. She began sucking on the head. Kassius’s hips shifted forward, pushing his dick deeper. His palm cupped the back of her neck as his fingers threaded through her hair.

“Oh, yeah, that’s so damn sexy.” Teague moved in behind her. She felt his cock brush against her thigh a moment before it tapped the lips of her pussy.

She tried to lurch back against his shaft. Her body desperately craved the fullness when it slid into her pussy, but Kassius tightened his hand, keeping her still. A rush of hunger rolled through her at that sign of control.

“We’ll give you what you need. Keep sucking.” Kassius’s voice sounded harsh and rough. “Teague will ride that pussy hard. I want you to make me come before he gives you your pleasure.”

She flicked her tongue over Kassius’s length while his hips swung forward and backward in a slow rhythm. The edge of her teeth delicately grazed over the crown every so often. She tried her best to rip away his control. She had to make him feel wild.

He groaned. His fingers tightened as his pace increased. He allowed the head to prod the back of her throat. She reveled in his reactions. The tight grip and the sound of his voice spurred her hunger higher. She was so focused on Kassius she gasped the moment Teague’s cock pushed into her pussy.

“Suck, baby,” Kassius encouraged while his hips continued to surge. “I’m so close.”

She followed the order without thought. Her mouth firmed as she worked his shaft. She desperately sought to bring Kassius the same pleasure they gave her. He guided her down on his shaft.

Movement of the hard dick within her pussy made her catch her breath. Teague drew back until only the crown of his cock remained inside. She clenched her fingers on the sheet. Teague thrust into her. His hips pumped against hers and drove her forward. Kassius’s dick pushed into her throat. Her throat tightened, but he immediately backed off to let her adjust.

“Swallow as I go deep again, Sephanie.” Kassius’s fingers stroked over the back of her neck, but she couldn’t mistake the intensity.

His hips didn’t stop gliding forward while she tried to take him deep, merely slowed. She swallowed when he advanced again. As she sucked, she concentrated on him and his pleasure, but Teague made it difficult.

Fingers danced over her clit, propelling her closer to the bliss. She moaned and jolted into the touch. Teague’s cock thrust into her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched around him. She wouldn’t last long.

She redoubled her efforts to rip away the last of Kassius’s control. His strokes quickened and deepened. He tugged at her hair, but she took him deep once more. Kassius tensed and came on a long groan.

She swallowed his salty essence and kept sucking, wanting to draw everything he had. His fingers combed through her hair in a light caress. Slowly, he pulled free but remained in front of her. His hands moved to her shoulders and stroked her upper arms and back.

Teague seemed to have been waiting for Kassius. His hips pumped faster, and his fingers pressed against her clit. She gasped. Her head tipped up as she swayed into the strokes. Orgasm remained out of reach until he plucked at her clit.

The tight sensation within her shattered and exploded. Tremors raced over her body. His hips drove against hers. The feel of his cock pushing deep into her pussy extended the waves of pleasure rolling through her. His arm pulled her back into deep, hard strokes. He shouted her name, and she felt the hot splash once he found release.

Kassius continued to stroke her shoulder and arms until Teague finally pulled away. She opened her mouth but contained the words that rose to her lips. She didn’t want him to go anywhere. Rationally, she knew they couldn’t stay in this position, but she felt so close to him, to them.

“I’m unfastening the cuffs. We’ll get something for your wrists.” Kassius knelt down in front of her. “Then we’ll all rest before we have more of you.”

She sat on the edge of the bed. The shackles popped open after he unlocked them. His fingers rubbed over the reddened marks. She could see the cuffs had caused some abrasion when she’d pulled and tugged.

Berenger came back with a bottle of clear gel. He knelt beside Kassius and put a thin line of it on one wrist before giving the bottle to Kassius. Kassius squirted the gel on her other wrist and gently smoothed it onto the reddened area.

“Now, come here and cuddle with me.” Teague’s voice brought her attention to him.

She peered at him. He sprawled near the center of the large bed and held out his hand to her. She smiled and crawled over to him. He put his arms around her and pulled her body close. She inhaled, relishing his musky scent. Relaxing against his chest, she savored the intimacy.

She didn’t know if she’d ever found someone’s scent as satisfying or soothing as she did at that moment. With a contented sigh, she wrapped her arm around his waist. She trailed her fingers up his spine and across the corded muscles of his back. She savored the solid bulk of his body, his warmth, and the opportunity to do some lazy exploring.

Another hard body settled in behind her, hauling her thoughts away from Teague. She slanted a look back and saw Berenger lying on his side, looking at her. He dropped a kiss on her shoulder, and his hand cupped her hip. Kassius slid onto the bed next to Berenger.

A picnic in the orchard and a night right out of her fantasies. Kassius, Berenger, and Teague made it so hard to remember she wanted to be courted and convinced. A few more nights like this one and she’d agree to anything they asked.

Chapter Twelve

Sephanie checked the clip securing her hair at the back of her neck while she paused at her front door. Satisfied it would hold for at least most of the day, she bounced out to her bright red Duce. The sun shone brightly, echoing her mood. The sweet smell of flowers and the tang of grass enticed her to laze away the day relaxing. The thought of everything she needed to do at work kept her gliding toward the vehicle.

Today her steps felt lighter, and the daily routine seemed interesting. Starting a day with kisses could become her preferred way to wake up. The workday stretched before her, but she couldn’t hold back a smile. She didn’t think anything could ruin this day.

The hatch opened as she approached, triggered by the remote she held. She climbed into the cockpit and settled into the black seat. As the hatch closed, she started the system. She took the Duce up to entry height. A dip in her stomach and the change in view signaled the rise in altitude. She focused on her commute and headed for work.

The skimmer flew easily along the well-known route, and part of her mind wandered while she kept an eye on the light traffic. Berenger had left before she’d woken that morning. She’d missed seeing him, but Kassius and Teague had made sure she started the day right. They’d wanted her to stay with them, but she’d promised to return right after work.

The controls jerked, pulling her mind from her men and the night before. At first, she thought someone had bumped the rear of her vehicle, because she wasn’t close to the skimmer in front of her.

It only took her a moment to realize the lurch hadn’t been caused by a collision. The controls bucked again. A whine reached her ears, and the noise grated, especially since her skimmer normally ran whisper quiet. She tightened her fingers. She lowered her gaze to the display to see the readouts.

The altimeter showed a steady decrease. Her mouth dried as her heartbeat kicked to a rapid pace. Buildings surrounded her flight path, and she passed over more than a few. She pulled up on the controls, trying to gain altitude. The Duce increased elevation, but she could see the altimeter fluctuating. The number went up, but if she lessened the pressure on the steering column, it began to drop again.

Images of crashing flashed through her mind, but she shook the thoughts away. That wasn’t the way she needed to think. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart.

The skimmer still flew and remained in the air. She could land it safely. She reminded herself of that. The problem was only with the lift. If she held the skimmer relatively level, she could put the machine on the ground.

BOOK: Claimed by Three
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