Read Claimed by Three Online

Authors: Rebecca Airies

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Suspense, #Menage & Polyamory

Claimed by Three (17 page)

BOOK: Claimed by Three
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“Take it all the way off, Sephanie,” Teague ordered. His voice dropped lower, and he stared at her intently.

She slipped the shirt off one shoulder, revealing her flesh a little at a time. His gaze fixed on the hardened nipples of her breasts. He and Kassius had taken her bra from her before she could put it on this morning. She didn’t mind, especially since she knew he’d be touching her breasts in a few moments.

She’d hoped for something such as this. In fact, she’d planned to lure one of them away if they hadn’t made a move. She couldn’t resist the urge to touch them anytime they were close.

Whenever she watched them walk or looked at them, desire flared and began to build. After discovering how good their touch made her feel, she’d chase them.

His hand extended in blatant demand. “Give it to me.”

She looked down at the shirt. With a shrug, she placed it in his hand and watched him put it on a hook. Her thighs clenched.
What will he do now?
She loved the orders and the dominance, even if she resisted sometimes because she had to keep them from getting too arrogant.

“Face the worktable and unfasten your pants.” He glided forward to stand close to her.

She opened the closure and began to push the pants over her hips. His hands closed around hers, stopping the movement. His body pressed her forward until her hips touched the edge of the table.

“Did I tell you to push them down?” He nuzzled her hair out of his way and nibbled on the shell of her ear.

She shivered and shook her head. “No, I was helping.”

“You do what I tell you. Only what I tell you.” His breath puffed over her ear, sending tingles through her. The words hung in the air, barely above a whisper.

“Maybe.” She smiled slowly. That would probably earn her a swat or two, but she so looked forward to the sting.

“Perhaps you need a little encouragement. You are practically asking for it.” He stepped back from her. “Put your hands on the table and bend forward.”

She placed her palms on the cool surface and pushed her ass back toward him. Her muscles tightened in anticipation. He clasped her hips and then peeled her pants down her legs, baring her ass.

“No panties. You are being daring today.” His fingers swept around and traced slow, circular patterns up her inner thigh.

She shivered. He trailed his palm over one cheek, letting her feel the contrast of his warm palm with the cool air inside the shed. When he lifted his hand, she tensed at the thought of the burning pang.

His hand landed across her butt in a stinging swat. She gasped. The press of his palm over the spot seemed to make the bite of pain more intense. He rubbed the spot before sliding his palm down between her legs. He cupped her pussy.

“You’re already wet, baby.” He pressed his fingers between the lips and lightly stroked.

Chapter Fifteen

“I want you.” She didn’t deny the obvious. Eagerness mixed with her imagination, and her desire rose high. As his hands stroked over her skin, she knew it wouldn’t be long before she begged him to fuck her.

His finger curled, stroking her clit. She rocked into the touch. The caresses became harder and faster. Her inner muscles clenched. She moaned and pushed back into his touch, hoping to feel at least his fingers spearing into her, but he moved his hand.

“Not yet, Sephanie. You need more for making me wait and sassing me.” Teague drew his wet fingertips across her buttocks.

His palm came down across her ass in two sharp swats. She caught her breath and trembled. The ache combined with the desire rising inside her. Her skin felt so sensitive the cool air sent prickles through her, especially after he brushed his hand over her buttocks.

“Your ass is nice and hot.” He stepped up behind her and pressed his hips against the rounded swell.

She pushed back and rubbed against the ridge of his cock. The fabric of his pants frustrated her and kept her away from what she craved. She moaned and reached back for him.

“It’s time to tie your wrists. I get to do the touching right now.” He grasped her hand and placed it back on the table before releasing her momentarily.

She heard a slithering rasp, the sound of cloth rubbing against cloth. He again grasped her wrist and lifted it high. She watched as he tied a piece of wide, soft cloth around her wrist. He threaded it through the open shelf.

Gripping the cloth, he lifted her free hand with his other. She remained still as he secured it. When he released her, she tugged. The cloth binding constricted around her wrist but didn’t pull too tight.

“You can’t reach me, and you wish you could so badly.” He cupped her breasts.

He was so right. Fingers squeezed her nipples, tugging and pulling. Her back arched, pushing her breasts more firmly into his palms. That felt so good. His hands tightened, giving her a little extra pressure. Her hips rocked, but he still wore his pants.

“Fuck me, Teague.” She lowered her head and drew in a ragged breath.

“You think you’re ready?” His lips pressed against her shoulder.

“I’m ready.” She rubbed her ass against the ridge of his erection.

“Let’s see if you are.” One of his hands skimmed down her stomach. The light touch left a tingle in its wake all the way to her pussy.

His fingers pushed between her folds. Her slick juices provided easy lubrication.

“You’re so wet for me.” He nipped at her neck.

He stroked her clit. She moaned and gripped the cloth, pulling. Her hips bucked forward into the touch. Everything he did and said made the lust headier. A low laugh rumbled against her back.

“I wanted to take you again before we made it out to the orchard.” He drew his hand back and teasingly circled her entrance.

“But then you wouldn’t have done this.” She tilted her hips and tried to urge his fingers deeper.

“I would have taken you this way if I’d fucked you right before we walked in here,” Teague whispered.

She craved the feel of his digits thrusting in her but held back the growing desire to come. Not until he thrust his cock deep into her pussy. He traced around her entrance once more before plunging into her channel. Her inner muscles tightened.

“So wet and hot. Your muscles are pulling at my fingers. But you need something deeper and bigger than my fingers, don’t you?” He licked along her neck as his digits withdrew before sinking deep again.

“I want your cock. Fuck me, Teague.” Sephanie shoved back into his stroking fingers.

She quivered. He pulled back. The move drew a moan from her. She craved more, but she didn’t want him to stop. She turned her head and looked back at him. He opened the fly of his pants. She watched as he lowered them only enough to free his cock.

He stepped up behind her and nudged her forward. She pressed her hips back. His cock grazed against her pussy. A tremor raced down her spine. The fierce hunger built. She slowly wriggled her buttocks back and forth. Her clit ached to be touched. Aggravation at not being able to alleviate the need amped up the desire. She yearned for more than the press of his skin to hers.

He guided his cock to her slick opening. This time he didn’t tease, but thrust deep. She moaned. Her hands tightened into fists as she struggled against the confines of the cloth ties. She yearned to feel the ripple of his muscles under her fingertips. One of his palms cupped a breast, and the other arm hooked around her waist. His hand dipped before sliding across her pussy.

She pressed back against him. Frustration battered at her. She couldn’t touch him, but the annoyance intensified that desire. He shifted back. His cock withdrew until only the head remained inside her pussy. Her muscles clenched, trying to keep him inside her.

He hauled her back as his hips thrust forward. His cock sank deep. He fucked her hard. Sephanie welcomed the force and met it with her urgency. His fingers eased between the folds of her pussy and stroked over her clit.

She drew in a shuddering breath. His fingers found that sensitive bundle, and the feel of his shaft driving into her pussy spurred her nearer to the edge. She reveled in the rough sound of his voice when he groaned her name. Her muscles tightened, and she ground against him.

More, just a little more.
The words sang through her mind, but with the fast, panting breaths and the pulsing need rocking through her, she couldn’t form the words. She surged back against him and tried to force some kind of sound from her lips.

“Please.” She strained to find that extra something that would send her over the edge. Her voice barely rose above a whisper.

His fingers firmed over her clit. He stroked the bundle of her sensitive flesh. Her entire body tightened as the pleasure burst. The powerful sensation washed over her. Each stroke of his cock caused a frisson of heat to ripple through her, which extended the searing orgasm.

Teague continued to thrust into her. She arched into his driving hips, savoring the intensity. His chest brushed against her back, and he spread kisses over her shoulder. The feel of his teeth grazing her skin sent a shiver rippling down her spine. He pulled her body tight to his while he came with a low groan.

The strength and warmth of his embrace delighted her. She wished this could last all night. His body shook with the force of his climax. He continued to move against her, as if he didn’t intend to give up the feeling. His arms tightened, holding her against him. He panted.

“You undo me. I planned to play with you more than this.” He pressed kisses to her shoulder and neck.

She understood what he meant. He did the same to her. She’d never been so ready so fast with any other man. Well, anyone other than Berenger, Kassius, and him. Her body seemed so sensitive to their touches, but she knew the connection went deeper than sex. The deep attraction and lust simmered between them, but for her, at least, strong emotion combined with the desire.

“You make me wild for you, and it’s more than I ever expected.” She tried to will strength back into her legs. The only things that kept her from hanging by her wrists were the table and his body pressing her against it.

“Now, that gives me incentive to make it better for you. I aim to keep exceeding your expectations.” Teague reached up and untied one of her hands.

She pulled both of her arms down and unfastened the cloth from around her other wrist. His arms came around her. He hugged her tight for a moment. She leaned back against him, savoring the feeling of having his body next to hers.

“We’d better get dressed and go back to the grove. Kassius will be looking for us if we don’t return soon.” Teague released her and stepped back.

“I’m sure he’ll know you lured me off to have hot sex in the nearest private spot you could find.” She looked over her shoulder and smiled while he went to get her shirt. “There isn’t a bathroom or sink here, is there?”

“Not in this building. This is strictly machinery. Next time, I’ll take you to the winery. Wherever we go, I’ll bring something to clean up with.” Teague shrugged but handed her the strip of cloth he’d used to tie her hands. “Use the cloth to clean up. There is a water spigot where you can wash your hands and wet the cloth if you want.”

After she’d finished, Sephanie pulled up her pants and fastened them. Teague waited with her shirt. She took it and slipped into it. It didn’t take long before she was ready to go with him. Even though she yearned to be with Kassius too, she’d love to stay here and play. Teague didn’t linger. He led her out of the shed.

Teague held her hand while they strolled through the orchard to where men still worked at the harvest. No one seemed to notice when they arrived, and Kassius stood on the platform, busily filling a crate. He turned toward them as they walked up to the platform Teague had been using.

“Come here.” Kassius pointed at her.

She stopped and blinked. She didn’t know what to expect from him. It was the first time she’d had sex with only one of them. She had no idea how he’d react. Would he be jealous? She’d thought she was prepared for a relationship with two or more men, but suddenly that certainty disappeared. She didn’t want to cause trouble between them.

Teague sent her off with a push in the small of her back. She studied Kassius as she eased over to him. The moment she arrived at the platform, he held out his hand. She let him pull her up in front of him. His arms came around her, and he held her tight.

“I missed you, baby.” He inhaled deeply. “You smell so good. I can’t believe he beat me to it.”

She frowned up at him, not quite understanding. Between enjoying his embrace and relaxing after worrying what he’d think about her going off with only Teague, she couldn’t focus on his words.

“Beat you to it?” She hugged him back and breathed in the fresh woodsy scent of his soap or maybe cologne.

“I planned to steal you away later during a break and give you a tour of the property that might not have gotten past the first building we came to.” He laughed. “But don’t worry, baby. I haven’t changed my mind. I’ll still take you away during our first break.”

* * * *

Sephanie looked at the array of tools spread out on a cloth beside Berenger’s legs. She sat on the floor beside him. After he’d returned to the vineyard, he’d come straight to the grove where she was still helping Kassius and Teague.

She’d jumped from the platform to hug him. Berenger caught her close and held her tight. When he’d said something about going to fix some harvester in an equipment barn, she’d been sad she wouldn’t be able to see him longer. After he lowered her to the ground, he didn’t release her. He took her hand and led her away with only a call back that she was going to help him.

She’d half expected him to get her into a building and for the clothes to come off. Not that she would have minded that at all. He hadn’t done anything except hug her and cup her ass before gathering his tools.

“I saw you looking at skimmers last night. Do you know what you want?” Berenger’s voice sounded muffled.

She’d viewed some of the latest models of skimmers on vid last night. Since the accident had been caused by someone’s sabotage, her insurance coverage would pay for most of a new vehicle.

BOOK: Claimed by Three
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