Claiming Emerald (11 page)

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Authors: Kat Barrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Claiming Emerald
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“You have no odor. Why shower?”

He was right. She didn’t usually shower at home. It was just that it was nice to get the belt off even if she was supervised. “If you want the honest truth, I just want to get this stupid belt off. It is irritating.”

He pushed her back onto the bed and tugged her jeans off. The soft touch of his fingers to her thighs made her want to whimper, but Em didn’t. He examined the places where the belt was connecting with skin and shrugged. “I see no signs of chaffing.”

“It’s not that it’s irritating my skin. It is irritating my mind. I don’t even wear panties, and now I have his sheet of metal over my crotch twenty-four-seven.”

He pulled a key from around his neck and unlocked it. Air rushed in, surrounding her mound with coolness. Rather than sate the itch, it made it worse, her flesh prickling with freedom. “If I see you so much as touch yourself, I will snap it back on.”

“Thank you. Is there anything else to do here beside watch humans have sex and sit in your room reading porn?”

He walked away and Em slid the belt off, tugging her jeans back up. “You could use a change of clothing. I’m getting tired of looking at you in that.”

“I agree.”

Vidar held out his hand and Em got up, taking it. She wasn’t sure if he was doing it to irritate her or to claim her, but he always had his hand on her body when they were outside his rooms. “Then we shall go shopping.”

Shopping? That was a novel idea.

Vidar led her to the stairs and they went up a level instead of down. Em was stunned. The upper level had a wall of sheltered glass that overlooked the valley below. There was a huge gathering area in which people were lounging in chairs or on couches. He ignored them, walking her through into a section that looked like a shopping mall. There were food stands scattered around, places to get clothing and furniture. Obviously someone had done some serious scavenging before the sonic had gone off. “What do you do at home when you are bored?”

“I’m rarely bored. We go running at night. I like to run and often we go to the mall that is about ten miles from the fortress. We pick up things for the humans and bring them back. We go hunting and our last mission was to try and retrieve some windmills. Our generators are getting clogged up as the fuel ages and our solar batteries are aging also. With the lack of really tall trees, the idea of windmill power seemed viable. We also have a good variety of board games and cards to play with.”

“Interesting. What is your favorite game?”

Em shrugged. “I like canasta. Rory and Salt have been teaching me to play.”

“I like that game myself. Do you play spades?”

“I have.”

“Good. Then I shall pick up a deck of cards.” Vidar pointed to a shop and Em walked inside. There were stacks of jeans, racks of different shirts, plus cabinets filled with panties, socks, and accessories. “See if you can find things in your size. I will be back in a while.”

She was free. To be away from him even for a little while was a gift to be cherished. She had to make a point to do as she was told so he would trust her further. Maybe he would even let her sleep through the night if she acted tired enough. She was exhausted.


* * * *


Rory was running, the forest dark, yet the snow was reflecting off the moon and to him it was almost like daylight. Well…as much as he could remember daylight after over a hundred years.

His mind was on Em, he was really worried about her. He didn’t trust Vidar, and Em was such a sexual creature, Vidar could really mess with her mind. He was also a bit worried about the humans. Granted, they could live inside the fortress, staying in the main room, but they had no privacy there. They had grown accustomed to having their own homes and their own space. If they couldn’t get the windmills up and running they would have to make other arrangements. They couldn’t have their friends freezing to death.

Adrial had suggested that maybe there was a way to filter the gas to make it run cleaner. It sounded good, but as of yet they hadn’t figured out a way to accomplish it. They had gotten the windmills up and spinning, but had yet to actually get them working. It had been a tiring task that had required all the strength of everyone who was capable of helping. Of course it was so cold during the night that it was difficult for the humans to be outside. It had pretty much been up to the vampires and Russell to get everything mounted into place.

Rory was thankful that Adrial and his crew had come to live at their fortress. They had knowledge that he didn’t. He had learned quite a bit in his lifetime, but other than basic mechanical, he knew nothing. Rory supposed that the humans could go back to the old ways, but that would mean finding or making brick so that the homes could be outfitted with fireplaces. They were too used to cooking on stoves and baking in ovens that didn’t require wood to heat. It would be a very difficult transition for them.

He wished that Em had been around to help. It wasn’t just that she would have been an added hand, but that it had been her idea. To be erecting the windmills without her had only added to his depression. He missed her desperately. Running wasn’t even fun without her anymore. He was only running because he had been unable to sleep properly. He needed to sleep. He needed her back in his arms. It was oddly cold to be sleeping without her body pressed to his. Rory wondered what she was doing at this exact moment. He could only hope that she was safe and would be home soon.

With a heavy heart, Rory turned and headed back to the fortress.


* * * *


When Vidar returned, Em had four pairs of jeans, seven shirts, and a pair of cute little slip-on shoes. She didn’t figure that she would be going outside much. A young man walked in behind Vidar. “Em, this is Christian. Christian likes to run as you do. I think it would be good for you to burn off some stress. Are you interested?”

“I would really like that.”

“Good. Then pick yourself out a pair of good shoes. You may go running tonight if you wish. I only have one requirement.”

“What is that?”

“I think you know and I will hold you on your honor. Stay with Christian.”

She knew exactly what the stipulation was. Em also had no plan to give up this small freedom. “I promise that I will.”

“Then go pick out a pair of shoes.”

Em tried not to bounce as she went over and grabbed some socks. She headed to the shoe area and found a pair of very comfortable sneakers. She returned to Vidar with them on her feet. Vidar handed her a coat. “Humor me.”

“I will.” Em tugged the coat on as Christian slipped one on himself. Vidar gave her a sweet smile and handed her over to her new keeper. Christian led her back down the stairs and through an outer door.

“Do you think that you can keep up, Queen, or do I have to curb my speed for you?”

“You don’t have to curb anything, baby. Flash me.”

Christian chuckled and streaked into the night. Em was beside him a moment later. She ran with the joy of a woman liberated, the activity and the scenery distracting her mind. There were mountains all around, the moon hanging in the sky like an oversized white basketball. Christian took her hand as Rory and Salt often did. Em accepted, glad for the comforting embrace. It suddenly occurred to her that Christian was quite attractive. In a way, he reminded her of a taller version of Salt. Did Vidar know what Salt looked like? Was this a purposeful set up? She slowed. “Can we talk or that isn’t allowed?”

Christian shrugged. “No one
me to do anything. I’m over four hundred years old. I do as I please.”

“Then why are you out here running with me? I’m sure you have better things to do.”

He dropped it down to a fast walk. “I do other things. I don’t know if they are better than being out in the night air. I like to run. I like the land around me and I’m not particularly fond of being inside. It stems from being captured and locked in a dungeon for almost fifty years.”

“That sounds horrible. Why would anyone do that?”

“I was accused of being a witch. They tried to burn me at the stake, but I didn’t die. They didn’t know what else to do with me, so they locked me up and left me. It sucked. I was burned, but as I healed, I used all the fluid in my body. Then I was too weak to break out. I simply starved until someone got curious and made the mistake of coming into my cell. I drained him of every drop of blood. I drained quite a few people before I regained my strength. Not something I am proud of.”

“I find it slightly ironic that Vidar teamed me up with you. I am here because I was caught out in the sun. I didn’t want to take all the blood that was available because of the other vampires in my fortress. I won’t harm the humans. I ended up screwing myself. Now I’m here until my warden allows me to leave. Not including the fact that you resemble one of my mates.”

He chuckled. “I would be careful about calling Vidar your warden. He can be a very kind man or a very nasty one. Which mate do I resemble?”

“Salt. You have the same build and almost the same hair color. The structure of your jaw is also similar.”

“Ah.” He smiled. “Has Vidar mentioned Nicco to you?”


“He will. Nicco is a shifter and I have to think he looks like yours.”

Em stopped walking completely. She glared at Christian. “How much do you know about me?”

“I know what Vidar told me. He said that you have three mates. One is Rory. I know Rory. We hung out for a few years in Paris. We weren’t actually friends, well… as much friends as you can be with Rory. Does he really love you?”

Em nodded. “Yes. He really does. I miss him so much. I know he misses me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. It would be amazing to see Rory truly happy. He puts on a good façade, but there was always an underlying sadness about him.”

She lowered her eyes, knowing exactly what Christian was talking about. It was a sadness stemmed from losing his wife and his daughter in a fire. Em had often wondered if Rory loved Rebecca more than her, but over the years, the dynamics had changed. Now Rory loved her more than anyone. “That’s gone now. Or it was before I left.”

“Do you want to run or go back?”

“I want to run.” Em wanted to run even more because tears were welling up in her eyes. She had fed so well, that they would be blood red as they ran down her cheeks.

Chapter 11


Em sagged into bed. She was not tired from running, but simply weary from thinking. She had been unable to clear her mind, her thoughts on Rory. She had talked to him on the second night over the radio connection, but he had sounded very sad. Em was determined, no matter what Vidar did to her, to go to him in a dream.


* * * *


Em was bound. She was hanging naked by her hands and ankles. The ropes were biting into her skin. Her nipples were protruding between the ones that were flattening her breasts to her chest. A warm finger trailed over the pert pink skin. Em turned to see Russell and smiled. “How?”

“Vampires aren’t the only ones who can communicate in dreams.”

“Russell, please fuck me. I am being sexually tortured in my dreams and while I’m awake. My pussy aches.”

“So you miss us?” asked Rory.

Tears sprang into her eyes. “I miss you so much. I want to come home.”

“Then why don’t you?”

“I’m afraid of what Vidar will do. The deal he made with me was that I had to get ten couples pregnant by biting them. I guess my saliva promotes conception. Vidar wants to fuck me, but he said if ten couples got pregnant then I can leave. I don’t want to bring his wrath down on our fortress. In the meantime he is doing everything he can to make me sexually insane. He is making me wear a chastity belt.”

“Then fuck him. Make him happy.”

“I don’t want to. I feel as if it will be a betrayal to the three of you.”

Rory stroked her cheek. In a flash he had untied her. He dropped back onto the bed with her in his arms. “The only betrayal will be if you can’t come back.”

“But if I fuck him, it will make him want me more. What if he falls in love with me? I seem to have that affect.”

Rory smiled, the expression warming her like nothing else. “I guess you do. Swing your little ass around and let’s see what we can do about that pussy itch.”

Em smiled and sat up, shifting her position. She crawled over Rory, running her tongue up his amazing cock. It sprang to life, inviting her to fill herself with it. Rory tucked his hands behind his head. “Let me see how insane you have become.”

Em straddled his dick. The first touch of his chilled flesh was like a lightning bolt. Sensation flared hot and wanting into her mind, her body shivering from the intensity. Russell was behind her. He swiftly rubbed oil into her anus and then filled her with his heat. Warm shimmers seemed to radiate out from his dick, but he didn’t move. Em moaned, her mouth open, her eyes squeezing shut. She rocked between them, shifting both cocks. They had filled her to the brink, their heads rubbing against the depth of her cunt and her ass. It was wonderful. It was glorious. Her orgasm raged hotter and hotter, she was so close.

“Em!” Someone was shaking her. “Em! Wake up.” Vidar.

“What?” she asked trying to control her rising fury. He had denied her moments before climax.

“I don’t know. You were crying out in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare?”

Em didn’t know if Vidar knew that she knew the dream trick and she had no intention of telling him. “I guess. It had something to do with the mutants.”

“What mutants?”

“A few years ago, Rory and I ran into some beasts that drank water from a contaminated pool. They were huge, oversized dogs, and they tried to kill us. Luckily they didn’t, but I dream about them occasionally.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Do you think that you can go back to sleep?”

“Yes. I’m very tired.” She was watching his face for some indication that he knew she was lying. She didn’t see any.


Vidar walked over to his bed and slid back into it. He was wearing only a pair of satin shorts and Em couldn’t help but notice the contours of his body. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and closed her eyes, trying to go back to the dream.

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