Claiming His Chance (10 page)

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Authors: Ellis Leigh

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“Dragons don’t do the whole insta-mate thing,” Piers replied. “There’s no immediate knowledge of a match or soul-mate magic. We simply choose a mate and mark them.”

“So you’re almost humanlike when it comes to love?”

“Sure,” Piers said with a shrug.

I shook my head. “It’s more intense than human love and way more” —I paused, my face growing hot— “uh…sexual. Their attraction becomes intense once the dragon chooses a person to focus on. Sex becomes nearly…unavoidable.”

“Sounds familiar,” Cahill murmured low, his eyes on mine, his look so intense, I knew he understood where my mind had gone. “Lucky dragons, though the whole instant-attraction thing has its benefits.”

“I bet.” Piers grinned, interrupting our heated stare. “And now I get to celebrate kicking the ass of the toughest competitor I’ve ever seen. Let’s get you two the hell out of Dodge. I’m sure my cousin here would like to put you into bed so you can heal, and there’re a few human females who’d I’d like to do the same with now that I get to be single again.”

Cahill glared. “You’ve always been single.”

“True,” Piers said as he hurried toward the door. “But I didn’t get to act like it. Having your cousin sleeping in the same bed as you sort of puts a damper on your love life.”

“Looks like you’re staying with me tonight.” Cahill leaned on me, leading me out of the room even as I shored him up. “I bet I can get one of these humans to take us to the nearest hotel. It might take a few hours for someone from my pack to get here to pick us up.”

I bit my lip, nearly squealing as his hand dropped to grab my ass. “Don’t go getting any ideas, mister. You are officially out of commission.”

“No, I think I could—” He winced and ducked to one side, obviously in pain.

I raised my eyebrows. “You were saying?”

Lips pursed, he avoided my eyes as he grabbed hold of Piers and let my cousin help him down the hall. “Maybe one night to heal wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

“Told you so.”

Trinity’s EPILOGUE

amn it
,” I hissed, pressing my hands against the headboard of the bed to stop the banging of my skull on the wood. Cahill laughed breathlessly from behind me, easing off his thrusts.

“Sorry, Raindrop.” He grabbed my hips and dragged me down the length of the mattress, sliding back inside me once we were settled and I was no longer in danger of a sex-acquired concussion. “Damn, you feel so good.”

I nodded, unable to speak, too close to coming to form words. For three months, we’d lived in Cahill’s little cabin in the mountains. We’d taken advantage of every inch of space, every counter and chair and table. We’d learned so much about each other. He was like a kid in a candy store the day he figured out I could make him come almost instantly by tugging on his balls as he pressed all the way into my mouth. As for me, the best surprise was finding out how much of a dirty-talker he was. He hadn’t been able to let loose when we were at the fighting compound, but once we were back in his cabin, the words had sprung forth. I swear, there were times when I thought he could make me come without touching me if he said the right things. And he always said the right things.

“Damn, baby. You’re so soft and wet. I can’t get deep enough.”

But this—this time in our mating bed on a rainy Sunday afternoon—had to be the best we’d had, the longest and most intense. Or maybe that was just because we knew it’d be our last for a couple of days so we were taking advantage.

“Fuck, spread your knees for me. Need to open you up,” he said, groaning. I did as he told me to, my entire body shivering at the new angle the position put me in. Loving how deep he was. “That’s it. Fuck, so close. Gotta get you there. Want to feel that pussy come around me again.”

“Almost,” I said, pushing back against him. His hand snaked around my hip, fingers finding my clit with ease. Another thing I loved about the man—he never, ever, left me wanting. Three rubs of his magic fingers, and I broke, coming with a keening moan. Cahill followed right after me, shoving into me hard, going still as he roared his release.

We finally collapsed in a heap, sweaty and tired and blissfully happy.

“When did Piers say he would get here?” I asked, wrapping my body around my mate’s. I loved these moments. The quiet ones after sex, when we would rest all skin on skin. When it was just us.

Cahill kissed my forehead and wedged one leg between mine. “Later this afternoon. He said he didn’t want to come up the mountain after nightfall.”

“Can’t blame him. That road’s hard enough to follow in the day.”

Cahill didn’t answer, instead sliding down my body to press kisses along my neck, my collarbone, my sternum. He lapped at his mating bite, the one in the exact spot on my breast where he first said he’d put it. He’d claimed me two days after we arrived on pack land in a beautiful, peaceful moment. No big buildup or showy gestures. Just us, together, alone and joined as one.

I’d wanted us to officially claim each other the night of his fight, the night I thought I’d lost him. I had been terrified still, completely on edge about leaving and missing Piers and Cahill’s heart stopping again. Luckily, he’d refused. He’d wanted to claim me at home, in a safe place where we could be relaxed. So we’d waited, and I was so glad we did. He’d professed his love to me the night he claimed me, had made me promises that he’d always be by my side before he sank his teeth into my flesh and joined us forever. That sweet moment was one of my absolute favorite memories between the two of us. His too if the way he was obsessed with my mark was any indication.

“We should take him to see the memorial,” I whispered. Cahill stiffened underneath me, but only for a moment. We’d been dealing with the loss of his packmates and sisters slowly, sometimes painfully so. He’d resisted going to the hand-carved stone the pack had installed on the highest ridge overlooking packgrounds for weeks when we finally made it to the mountain. Not that I could blame him for his resistance. He needed time to come to grips with the brutality the fates had shown him. Only recently had he agreed to accompany me to the ridge. I found the spot full of peace and hope, a beautiful spot in the wilderness. He saw it as a final resting place for two girls taken away from him far too soon.

“Think he could fly up there?” Cahill asked, his almost joking words not hiding the catch in his voice.

I stroked a hand over his chest, wishing I could take all his pain away. “Maybe. He’s been known to fly a time or two.”

Cahill kissed the top of my head and pulled me in tight, almost clinging to me. “Now that’s something I’d like to see.”

“Then you shall.”

We lay quiet for long moments, him staring out the window, me watching him. Waiting. I knew he’d untangle his feelings soon enough; he always did. It was just so raw for him still.

“They would have loved you,” he finally whispered.

I smiled. “And I bet I would have loved them, too.”

For the next hour, he regaled me with stories of his twin sisters. I’d heard most of them before, but I didn’t interrupt him. He needed this. He wouldn’t heal if he hid the pain of his loss away. As the words flowed, we stayed cuddled under the quilt. My body wrapped snugly around his, offering the only kind of comfort I could give. And when the stories moved from his sisters to the witches, the mood changed as well.

“I’m telling you. This little slip of a woman had me almost on my knees.”

“That little slip of a woman with fire in her blood.”

“Yeah, she did.” He raised his scarred arm, smiling as he checked out the handprint. “I nearly gagged at the smell of myself on fire.”

“Well, that’s a lovely visual.”

He chuckled. “Sorry, but it’s the truth. There was a guy at the denhouse named Klutch who had to take me outside to deal with the burns. He actually did gag.”

“Poor guy,” I said with a laugh.

“He was cool about it all, even though I’d been a total ass.” He grew quiet, but not the heavy sort when I knew he was thinking of his sisters. This was a calm silence, one of anticipation more than loss.

“Maybe we’ll go see them sometime,” he said at last.

“See who? The witches?”

He shrugged. “All of them. The Feral Breed guys, the witches… I need to apologize for…everything.”

His words were simple, but the conviction behind them was fierce. This was more than a simple apology, and I knew it. “You want to atone?”

He sighed, staring at the ceiling. “Yeah, I sort of do.”

“Then we’ll go.”

His head whipped in my direction, his brow furrowed. “Really?”

“Sure, why not? If you say we can trust the witches, then we can.” I inched up his body to place a soft kiss against his lips. “I trust your judgment, Cahill.”

He wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss. Stoking a fire inside me that would never be extinguished.

“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he whispered.

I ran a hand down his cheek, holding his gaze. “Back atcha, Appalachia.”

One last kiss and we went back to our quiet little bubble. Heads together, legs tangled…his hands firmly on my ass. Such a peaceful moment. But eventually, I grew too excited to sit still any longer.

“Should we get out of bed?” I asked, anxious to see Piers again after so long apart. His call saying he was done with the fighting had come as a surprise, but my mate had told him he was welcome with our pack at any time. So Piers was on his way, and he was staying with us until the pack found a spot for him to get settled. Alpha Killian was already looking forward to having a dragon to spar with.

Cahill sighed and dragged his fingers between my legs…the tease. “I suppose we should, considering our guest is on his way.”

His voice killed me, and he knew it. Knew exactly what would happen when he dropped that tone down deep and let it get all gravelly. When he spoke in that voice, I practically stripped no matter where we were. Luckily, I was already in bed with him and naked. Time-saver.

I rolled on top of him, pushing him onto his back and wiggling down the length of his body. “You know, we probably have another hour or so before he arrives.”

Cahill chuckled deep, fisting my hair as I licked from his navel down. “Maybe more than that.”

“Maybe.” I took his dick in hand, letting my fingers slide up and down the length as I rested my head on his hip bone. “Maybe we should take a shower.”

His eyes lit up. One thing I’d learned about Cahill, he liked shower sex. Said the steam increased my scent and drove him mad. Made his wolf come out. He would get so rough, be so aggressive with me, I’d end up screaming his name or falling into his arms as I came, unable to keep my feet. I’d walked away with many bruises from our time spent in the stone shower stall of the master bath, and I loved every one of them.

“We probably should shower,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Though, we don’t have much time.”

I sat up, letting my fingers trail over the head of his dick. “Just a quick one?”

“Am I ever quick?”

“No, and thank the fates for that.”

He grabbed my hand, dragging me up the length of his body so he could press his lips to mine. “I thank the fates for a lot, most of all anything having to do with you coming into my life.”

I melted against him, but my sweet Cahill had a naughty side that couldn’t be hidden for long.

He smacked me on my bare ass and jumped out of the bed, pulling me along with him. “Now come on, let’s get dirty. I want to feel you come on my cock at least one more time before Piers arrives.”

I giggled as I padded behind him. “Whatever you want, my mate.”

He spun, dragging me into his arms. “Fuck, that still sounds good.”

Kissing me hard, he led me into the bathroom and under the hot water, pressing me against the stone with the weight of his big body.

“Mate,” I said as I hopped into his arms. My legs around his hips, my back to the wall, he slid inside me, strong and fast and sure. Making my eyes close, my body shiver.

“My mate,” he growled as he bit down on my mating scar for what had to be the hundredth time. “All mine.”


Thank you for reading Cahill and Trinity’s story. Hopefully, you loved their mating as much as I did. Please think about posting a review to help other readers who may be looking for a story just like this one. Reviews help readers and authors in many ways, so thank you in advance for leaving one!

If you’d like to know what happens to Piers before the epilogue, check out book two in the Feral Breed Followings series,
Claiming His Fight

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Also by Ellis Leigh
The Gathering Tales

Come and enjoy tales from the biggest shifter event of the year as wolves from around the country fall in lust, in love, and in fate at the Gathering.

illian and Lyra

Gideon and Kalie

Blasius, Dante, and Moira


Feral Breed Motorcycle Club

Wolf shifters, motorcycles, witches, and a threat lurking in the shadows.

His Fate

Claiming His Need

Claiming His Witch

Claiming Their Forever

Claiming His Beauty

Claiming His Fire

Claiming His Desire

Feral Breed Followings

Stand-alone stories of characters first met in the Feral Breed Motorcycle Club series. Featuring cage fighters, dragon shifters, second chances, and young love.

His Chance

Claiming His Fight

Claiming His Grace

Claiming Her Heart

Stand-Alone Romance

Bearly Dreaming: A Southern Shifters Kindleworlds Novella

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