Claiming Trinity (10 page)

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Authors: Kali Willows

Tags: #Wiccan, #shape shifter, #ménage, #erotic, #paranormal

BOOK: Claiming Trinity
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The dancing butterflies bottomed out at the thought of the extreme pain she’d suffered earlier in the day. “I don’t think I can—”

“We’ll be right there with you. We won’t let anything happen.” Arawn cradled her cheek in the heat of his palm. “If you start to feel, we leave, right then and there.”

“Okay.” Her inner strength resurfaced with the touch of his skin to hers.

“We’ve got you.” Kane tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

His words resonated through her body like an aphrodisiac.

Oh, I hope so. Both of you

A shimmer of excitement curled around her spine at the thought of having them all to herself. Trinity cleared her throat and inched back a little. She still couldn’t read them, or how they could possibly feel about her. They’d shared their tales, and they were devoted to protecting her. But aside from a few kind words and a gentle affection, they’d offered no concrete indicators they wanted her as much as she wanted them.

“I’d better freshen up.”


Chapter Eight



Trinity dreaded her pending arrival to the dinner hall. The mere thought of the pain she had endured earlier sent her anxieties through the roof. Trinity gripped the cool talisman in her palm and drew in slow breaths, desperate not to feel anything, except maybe relief.

She had not been prepared to have the companionship of two sexy men, let alone be so completely taken by them. The reason for her trip to the island had been to work through her grief, but this became a temporary distraction promising to result in heartache. After all, they were assigned to her for protection. Once the week passed and she returned to New York, what would happen then? She’d be all alone, and likely further attacked by whatever forces meant her harm.

What could she have possibly done to warrant an attack of any sort? She made her entire existence about helping others in pain, not producing it. Could it have to do with the pieces of her memory that had mysteriously disappeared, especially the death of her uncle. She’d been there. Did some entity blame her for his death? Or had she in some way been responsible for the vile torture he endured before he died?

“Hey, you okay?” Kane, on her left side, rubbed her back as they strolled into the Haus.


“Just say the word, and we’ll take dinner to go.” Arawn brushed the back of his knuckles against her cheek. “We’re right here with you.”

She drew in a deep inhale, and the savory aroma of roast chicken filled her nostrils. Her stomach gave a vicious grumble, and she gripped it with embarrassment. “I am pretty hungry,” she confessed.

“So we hear.” Arawn smirked.

“Hopefully, Sage will let you have more than salad tonight.” Kane rubbed her shoulder.

“That would be nice.”

Arawn held out a chair for her at the quaint circular table, and she sat down. He and Kane took their seats across from her. Facing the eye candy made it difficult to hold onto the mental decision to stay focused on the treatments the Rowans offered her this week and nothing more.

Minimal eye contact
, she coached herself.
Don’t look at their captivating eyes, their succulent lips, or broad shoulders
Don’t stare at their bulging biceps or rock-solid chests, and, whatever you do, Trinity, do
glance below the waist. You can’t handle the curiosity right now.

Thirst countered her hormonal distress. She licked her parched lips, picked up her wine glass filled with ice water, and downed half of it.

“I know that look.” Arawn cracked a one-sided grin.

She choked mid-sip. “Excuse me?”

“You’re starving.” He patted her hand.

Trinity’s core rippled with longing under his penetrating gaze and his simple touch. “You have no idea.”

A half chicken, a plate full of salad, potatoes, and sautéed vegetables later, she began to feel more like her old self.

“Wow, I had no idea you had such an appetite.” Arawn gawped at her empty plate with amusement.

“Hope you don’t mind. I’m not much of a dainty girl when it comes to food.” Although she was a voluptuous para, she was grateful her curves were in all the right places, and she loved her food. Finished with her meal, she contemplated chocolate-anything to gratify her sweet tooth. At least these cravings she had the means to satiate, unlike her sexual starvation.

“Not in the least.” Kane wiped his mouth and discarded his napkin onto the table. “It’s a relief to see a beautiful woman not afraid to enjoy a good meal.”

Surprise cascaded over her with his kind words. “You think I’m beautiful?”

“Uh, yeah, we established that last night when you scolded me for my…immoral thoughts.” Kane flashed a roguish grin.

“I did?” She glanced between him and Arawn and rubbed her temples with irritation. “You must think I’m a complete basket case.”

“No, we don’t.” Arawn spoke in a deep, velvety tone. “And in case you don’t recall this either, I think you’re pretty damn sexy, too.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks flooded with heat.
Did he really call me sexy? Thank the gods. I may actually have a chance with these incredible men.
Did we discuss this last night?
Trinity tried to recall their comments. “Maybe there is a hint of….” She fixed her gaze on her water glass. What did she remember? Their swim in the hot springs, but she couldn’t read anything there. Last night was a blank page. Then, one memory rushed back—their first encounter. “My spectacular entrance through the portal,” she announced with triumph. “That, I remember.”

“What exactly do you recall?” Arawn popped his eyes wide with amusement.

“I remember I crash landed on you!” She pointed at him. “I felt so clumsy and embarrassed. And I tried to sit up.” Her core fluttered as the images settled in her mind of how she sat on top of the tall, dark, exotic man.

“When you pinned me to the floor?” He chuckled.

“I accidentally straddled you, after I tackled you.”

Arawn dropped his napkin in his lap. “I didn’t mind in the least.” His gaze held an appetite she recognized.

Unease settled over her body. “I find you both extremely attractive, too, but—”

“Pardon us for interrupting your cozy dinner.” A sultry voice broke through their heated topic.

Trinity glanced to her side to find three familiar women skulking toward them. They circled their table, their ample cleavage spilling over each of their too-small, ebony ribbed corsets. Dressed similarly—the only difference the colored trim of their bodices, one dark purple, one crimson, and one gold—their curly locks of blonde, red, and brunette cascaded over their shoulders. They were three versions of a female rival’s basic nightmare—exquisite. Draped with flimsy black miniskirts and adorned with Gothic styled lace bracelets on their right hands and black beaded chains attached to rings on their index fingers, these women screamed horny bitches with an agenda.

“What do you want?” Trinity seethed.

“We couldn’t help but overhear your conversation as we passed by,” the redhead purred in a seductive tone. “If you’re not into these fine specimens, we’re happy to…take care of their primal needs.” She narrowed her eyes, and her lips curled into a sadistic grin.

Searing red filled Trinity’s vision, and she jumped up. “It’s rude to eavesdrop, and it’s even more offensive to crush on someone else’s escorts,” she spat with hatred.

“But these two”—the blonde behind Arawn hummed and caressed his shoulders—“are so handsome and virile. You shouldn’t be greedy, sweetheart.”

Arawn remained still, dazed, as the object of Trinity’s irritation groped his muscular arms. She chewed the inside of her lip while tremors of rage rolled over her body.

The brunette paused at Kane’s side and ran her long fingers through his auburn mane. He held the identical blank stare his immortal friend wore. “My sister is right,” the brunette blathered. “We’re here to work out our grief, and these rugged men could easily distract us from bereaving the tragic deaths of our parents. It was a murder-suicide, you know. Horrific,” she tsked. “We can’t work past the ghastly images burned into our memories…. Do you know what I mean?”

“Maybe you should seek therapy,” Trinity sneered.

Fraught with the desperate need to rip the women’s hair from their scalps and gouge their eyes out, she froze on the spot, powerless to respond further. She stared helplessly as her tormentor trailed her fingers over her cleavage and leaned in to whisper to Arawn. Trinity spied the ring on her right hand, a symbol of a red serpent’s eye framed in a triangle of three lightning bolts.

With her glasses on, she couldn’t see their auras, but would bet her life they were each cloaked in a veil of dark evil. Other than the slutty overstepping and their obvious interest in robbing her of her escorts, Trinity couldn’t read their thoughts either. Frustration mounted. She reached to pull her protective talisman off, frantic to decipher their intentions….
By the gods, I can’t move!

Trinity ached to scream profanities at their intrusion. Her lips had numbed, and she found it impossible to force the words out of her mouth. She was helpless even to storm away.

One of the harlot's black eyes morphed into the same blood-red serpent eyes from her ring. The other two twisted toward Trinity, glaring with the same terrifying red orbs.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and she fought to keep them open. A magnetic pull drew her focus from her tormentors. The bright lights overhead blared, and she squinted to block it out.

“But you don’t want to hook up with two guys?” Kane’s voice faded.

“W-what?” she muttered. The air grew thick around her. Her chest constricted, and she struggled to breathe.

A firm grip on her wrist jolted her. “Princess?”

She shook her head, surprised to find Arawn and Kane both stood in front of her with wide eyes. “What?”

“Where were you going?” Kane crooked his head and blocked her line of vision. “Hey, are you with us?”

The haze around her vision started to lift. She glanced around. “Where did they go?”

“Who?” Kane cupped her cheek.

“The three women.” She swallowed hard.

“What women, darlin’?” Kane gripped her shoulders, his voice low and stern.

“Those.” She spun around as she tried to locate the trio of seduction. “They were just here!”

“There is no one but us,” Arawn told her. “There are other guests dining here, but no one has approached us. We were talking, and you went quiet and stood to leave.”

“But they hit on you both. I couldn’t move or speak.” Tears pricked her eyes. “Tell me you saw them.”

“We need to get you to the siblings, now.” Arawn took her by the hand. “Can you walk?”


The immortal headed out the dining hall door, his strides so long and fast she had to jog to keep pace with him. Kane followed.

What the hell happened?
How could everything come crashing down so hard in a matter of minutes? Have I really lost my mind?

Chapter Nine



In the Rowans’ office, Trinity took a seat in the wooden chair and shivered. Kane sat beside her and held her close with one arm.

“Tell me what you saw.” Sage soothed in a soft voice. “Did you feel anything?”

“I couldn’t read their thoughts, just what they said out loud.”

Cemil entered the room with Cyrus, and Rekkus and Myron followed them in. “Trinity, bear with me, but I need Myron to read for you.”

She hesitated and glanced up to Arawn.

“It’s okay. She can see things in her cards. It might help.”

Kane removed his arm from her shoulder and Myron sat down across the desk from her. The redhead shuffled her deck and began to lay the cards in what seemed to be a random order.

“These are my baba’s cards.” Myron flipped them over one at a time. “Oh, my.”

“What do you see?” Trinity gawked at the cards in terror.

“See here, this is a one-eyed royal, the king of diamonds. Beside him is the queen of diamonds, and here, is the three of diamonds.”

“Okay?” Trinity shrugged.

“On top is the three of hearts. That’s you.” Myron cocked her head to the side, her eyes widening. “I see the evil eye. That’s the king.” She pointed to the card in question. “I’m not clear why the queen is here. Perhaps a spouse? And the three of diamonds. I see three women on the attack.”

Trinity glared at the shape the cards had been placed in, and a wave of ice-cold shock rolled over her skin. “A lightning bolt?”

“Yes, it would seem so.” Myron agreed.

“I remember….” She glanced around the desk. “I need a paper and something to draw with.”

Myron tugged open the drawer and handed her a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Trinity closed her eyes to better see the image flashing across her mind. She drew in crude strokes. After a few minutes, she set the pencil down.

“This is what I remember. Three lightning bolts in the shape of a triangle with a red serpent’s eye in the center.”

“You two didn’t see anyone?” Cyrus stared at Arawn and Kane.

“No,” Arawn concurred. “We just ate dinner. She seemed fine. We talked, and then she went blank and got up to leave.”

Myron placed the remainder of her deck down. “Trinity, you didn’t imagine this. There were three women there, tormenting you.”

“Who?” Rekkus stepped closer.

“It would appear to be the three sisters in question.” Myron nodded. “The blonde, brunette, and redhead. They’re the three of diamonds.”

“How could they get to her? We were right there.” Kane put his arm around her again as she trembled. The warmth and tenderness of his touch was only topped by the safety and strength she cherished, nestled under his muscular arm.

“My guess would be the same way they managed to get to her last night and cause the severe headache,” Cyrus remarked. “And put Kane in a trance of some sort.”

“The talisman worked a little tonight, but not enough,” Cemil muttered. “You couldn’t read anyone’s thoughts, you’re not in pain and didn’t get overwhelmed with other’s baggage. But they attacked you on a subconscious level.” He pursed his lips. “I’d guarantee they’re the ones messing with your memory, too. Since you could remember this symbol, maybe they don’t have the same control they did before.”

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