Read Claiming Trinity Online

Authors: Kali Willows

Tags: #Wiccan, #shape shifter, #ménage, #erotic, #paranormal

Claiming Trinity (13 page)

BOOK: Claiming Trinity
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“Oh, you think so?” Arawn folded his arms across his bulky chest. “What if one of us wins?”

“Oh, that’s still going to take some work on your parts.” She pursed her lips. “You won’t get off easy, either way.”

“How so?” Kane cocked his head.

“Well, once the game is over, you’ll have to pamper me. Perhaps we will start with a massage, a shower, and then you plaster your lips all over my body….”

“Talk about a lack of motivation.” Arawn tossed back his drink. “Let’s up the ante, or we three fierce competitors might be at this game all night.”

“Your proposal would be?” Anything that could create the need to land on top of him, of them, would definitely improve the game.

“For each move, we have another shot.”

“I like the way you think, old friend.” Kane rubbed his palms together and flashed a wicked grin.

“You’re both on.” Trinity sucked back her shot and set her glass at the side of the mat. “Positions, boys.”



Once they got back into the places they left off, Arawn took the lead. The start had been easy; each of them squatted in their corner of the mat, no contact yet. He hoped that would change soon. A few more spins, three more rounds, and next came Trinity’s turn. The sweet warmth of licorice trickled down Arawn’s sternum and into his stomach.

“Your go, darlin’,” Kane prompted her.

With her hands crossed over one another, her left foot in front, and her right foot to the green dot angled behind her, she carefully reached her right hand back and spun the needle.

“Ha! Right foot, red.” Arawn crooned. He occupied the red side, which meant she would have to cross her back leg and thread it through his to keep playing. He ached for the chance to have her body rest up against his. Even if this was a childish ploy to get close to her, she was having fun, and it worked.

Trinity persevered and managed to maneuver into position with ease, to his astonishment. “Wow, you really are agile.”

“You have no idea.” She giggled.

“I’d like to.” The words slipped past his loose lips before he could catch them. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Trinity shot him a wanton gaze.

“Uh…” Arawn found himself at a loss. Usually, he had a decent amount of confidence, but not only did this woman make his cock strain against the confines of his zipper, she disintegrated his tough, boastful façade.

“My go.” Kane glared at the spinner far out of his reach. “Hey, darlin’, do a gargoyle a favor and give it a spin for me?”

Trinity reached over and flicked the thin black needle. “Ha ha, left hand, blue.” She giggled. “I’d like to see how you’ll manage this move without falling. I’m completely in your way.”

Arawn watched his buddy’s face light up as he placed his feet and moved in for contact. Kane swung his left hand over Trinity, curled his arm around her waist, and placed his palm on the elusive blue dot under her ass. Now, he effectively cradled her contorted curves in his arms, which left him face to face with the coveted beauty. A twinge of envy rushed through Arawn when he caught her smile of acceptance.

Trinity’s cheeks flushed bright red. “You were right,” she murmured to Kane.

“About what, darlin’?”

“This is getting complicated.” She bit her lower lip. “Arawn?” She peeked over Kane’s shoulder.


“I could go for another shot.”

“I’m on it.” He inched out of position, not entirely sure he could get back in and not knock the lot of them down.

Arawn poured three more shots at the side of the mat. “Ladies first.” He knelt beside her and held the rim of the glass to her lips.

The pupils of Trinity’s pupils expanded, leaving a slim ring of the luminous blue. The corners of her mouth curved up into a naughty grin. She parted her lips and waited for him to feed her the drink. As he began to empty it, she eased her head back and let the liqueur spill onto her chin. It drizzled down her throat to her chest and settled into the delectable crevice of her burgeoning cleavage.

“Oopsie.” Trinity moaned. “Now we’ve gone and made a sticky mess. With my hands busy, how will I ever get this off me?” Kane let out a low growl of excitement. “Are you sure?” he rasped as he hovered above her mouth with his. “Does this mean you forfeit?”

“I’m sure I want both of you to help.” She stuck the tip of her tongue out and traced the outline of Kane’s lips and retreated. She glanced to Arawn and motioned him closer with her head. “Quit isn’t in my vocabulary, but I want to play a grown-up game now. Come here, you big lug.”

Arawn’s cock stiffened at her melodic voice. He inched closer to her, ready to finally taste her kiss. Another urge he had been itching to scratch took hold first. “May I?” He motioned to her hair.

Trinity nodded. He unfastened the bun and let down her thick mane, finally. As he had envisioned, her white locks spanned the length of her back and dangled around her waist.

“Beautiful.” He threaded his fingers through the silky strands and fanned the curls out. “I’ve wanted to do that since you first straddled me.”

Trinity lifted her chin and gazed at him. He couldn’t take it anymore and descended on her lips with his. Her sweet, decadent lips, so plump and inviting, and her talented tongue curled and danced with his.

Kane growled and shifted. “This is getting hard to hold.”

Their banshee pulled back and laughed. “Your arms must be sore.” She plunked her ass down on the mat and Arawn cradled her in his grasp.

“I wasn’t referring to my arms.” Kane got onto his knees and adjusted the front of his pants. “You’ve got me so stiff right now, it hurts.”

“We can’t have you in pain.” She reached for his chest and tugged at his T-shirt.


Chapter Twelve



“Perhaps you can both help me get this mess cleaned up?” She motioned from her sticky chin down to her breasts.

“Should I get a cloth?” Arawn side-eyed her, uncertainty filling his rugged features.

“Aw, sweetheart, I think we’re all out of cloths.” She shook her head and pouted. “Try again….”

Kane let out a guttural growl and clambered to his hands and knees. “Any preference who and where, darlin’?”

“Whatever strikes your fancies,” she cooed. “I’m yours for the taking.”

“You might regret giving us free rein, beautiful.” Arawn eased close and traced the tip of his tongue along her lips then sucked the licorice aphrodisiac from her chin.

The heat of his mouth sent ripples of excitement down her spine.

Kane moved in and licked the length of her throat and blazed a trail of fiery kisses down her chest. “Mmm, there seems to be something in my way.” He glanced up with a wicked smirk then slipped a finger under the neckline of her sticky tank top and tugged it away from her. He gripped the material with both hands and tore it wide open, as easy as if it were tissue paper.

“Whoa.” She chuckled with astonishment. “It wasn’t my favorite anyway.”

Kane reached his massive arms around her and unfastened her lace bra and freed her aching breasts. The delightful aroma of citrus, nutmeg and bergamot wafted up her nose. “Mmm,” she cooed.
Armani, one of my favorites
. He whisked her left nipple with his skilled tongue, causing desire to curl around her spine.

“I hope he doesn’t get to have all the fun,” Arawn breathed into her ear. He nipped gently at her lobe.

“I’m all for equal rights,” she declared with desperation. This was really happening. She surprised herself with how naturally she responded to their touch. It had been a long while since she was intimate with anyone, supernatural, or mundane.

Cupping the nape of her neck, Arawn guided her back onto the Twister mat, which left her open to their sweet invasion.

Kane continued his delicious assault on her nipples, and Arawn slid his finger inside the elastic waist of her yoga pants.

“Hope these aren’t your favorites, either.” He flashed a one-sided grin and tore the pants open as easily as Kane had her shirt. He tossed the scrap of material to the side and worked his passionate lips down the length of her belly.

Left in her lace panties, she was putty in their hands, and their mouths. Trinity reached out beside her and flicked the spinner on the game. “Your turns.” She trembled with excitement. “Shirts and pants off.”

They complied with her demand and tugged their T-shirts off. At last, she got to admire their flesh canvases of artwork all over again, only this time it would be every glorious inch of them. Her breath hitched when Arawn stood and unbuckled his belt. The clank of the metal shot a flutter of anticipation through her core. He pushed his cargo pants down his lean hips, dropped them to the floor, and quickly discarded them, along with his boxer briefs. Trinity licked her lips at the spectacular view of his distended cock, already fully erect and massive. To her other side, Kane had gotten to his feet and taken off his clothing as well.

“Oh, my,” was all she could muster.

They knelt on either side of her and laid her down gently. Arawn inched her panties over her curvy hips as she watched him. “Do you even know how sexy you are?” he growled and skimmed his fingers along her thighs.

Trinity’s cheeks burned with excitement, and, yet, shyness rolled over her with his words. “You don’t have to say those kind of things….”

“We know.” Kane skirted his palm along her belly and up her chest. “Sometimes you need to be told what we’re thinking, instead of trying to read it.” He cradled her neck with his palm while he pressed his lips to hers with an all-consuming kiss. The zesty sting of sweet licorice layered her mouth as she welcomed his tongue.

“Tell me, princess.” Arawn crawled toward her feet. “Are you still limber?”

She released Kane’s lips to respond. “I think so.” She giggled. “Why?”

“Because I want to wrap your legs around my neck.”

Without waiting for her reply, he lifted her feet and tucked them over his broad shoulders as he nestled between her thighs. Arawn caressed her bare pussy with his warm hand and slid his fingers along her slick folds.

Before she could moan with excitement, Kane claimed her lips again, with more urgency. He brushed the knuckles of his free hand along her jaw and down to her right breast. Their tongues intertwined while he pinched and rolled her swollen nipple between his fingertips. He cupped and kneaded her breast then bestowed his affection on the left one.

Arawn massaged her clit in delicious circles with his gifted tongue and dipped a finger inside her pussy. He massaged her inner walls with a talent she hadn’t anticipated. Trinity panted, every nerve ending ablaze with fiery lust, and her rapid pulse thrummed behind her ears.

“Kane,” she let out with a winded breath.

“Yeah, darlin’?”

“I want to taste you.”

Her gargoyle shifted around and knelt above her head. He stared at her with his incredible emerald eyes that melted her insides like hot butter. Kane leaned over and kissed across her neck as he slid his other hand up underneath her back and gripped her skin tight.

Trinity reached her hand above her head and scraped her nails along the taut skin of Kane’s tummy and then eased farther down and palmed his rigid cock. She slid her right hand along her stomach until she could grab a handful of Arawn’s thick hair. She arched her back as he darted his tongue in and out of her throbbing pussy and massaged her clit with a frantic finger.

She tilted her head back. There, dangling over her famished lips, her snack was within reach. She brought the tip close and ran her tongue around the stiff ridge. Kane let out a throaty growl. She licked around the head, found the salty pre-cum, spread it around with her thumb then lapped it up. Trinity cradled his massive head on her tongue and accepted him farther into her mouth. He bucked deeper and dropped his palms on the game mat on either side of her.

“Fuck, you’re amazing.” He groaned.

She worked his length with her palm and her mouth, rhythmic and determined, but lost her focus when the onslaught of white hot ripples of electricity arced out from her clit.

“That’s it, come for me, baby.” Arawn sucked her clit and rammed his fingers in and out. “Fuck, you taste so sweet.” His husky voice curled through her. The walls of her pussy convulsed. She gripped Arawn’s hair tight as he dove deeper with his mouth. Trinity screamed with ecstasy between mouthfuls of Kane’s cock. Every muscle in her body spasming, she arched her back as the dizzying explosion rocked her to the very core.

Kane pulled his cock back and claimed her lips with a devastating kiss. She exploded into a thousand pieces with both their mouths on her body.

“I want you,” she pleaded with desperation.

“Which one, darlin’?” Kane traced his thumb over her bottom lip.

“Both of you, now,” she begged.

Kane got to his knees and scooped her up into his grasp. He headed toward the bedroom and Arawn followed them.

Trinity wrapped her arms around Kane’s muscular neck. “Let me down,” she panted.

He did as she asked. Arawn hovered so close to her she could almost taste his lips. She stepped to her immortal and pressed her hands against his tattooed chest. His heart pounded hard and fast against her palms. She pushed at him until he backed up to the wall.

“What is it, gorgeous?” He tilted his head with confusion.

Trinity grinned and crouched down to admire his fully extended cock. She ran her palm along the inside of his thighs and cupped his balls. With her other hand, she grasped his steely shaft and leered up at him as she licked her lips and then fed the head of his cock slowly into her mouth. Groaning, he dipped his head back. Trinity savored her fleshy treat and took him in deeper with each stroke.

Arawn growled and jerked back from her mouth. “You’re gonna make me come fast if you keep doing that.”

“I hope so.” She returned to feast on him with determination.

“I want to fuck you, Trinity…please?” Arawn braced his stance against the wall.

Trinity gripped his waist and rose to her feet then wrapped her arms around his neck. She tilted her chin up and kissed him. He lifted her under the arms and she wrapped her legs around his lean hips.

BOOK: Claiming Trinity
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