Read Claiming Trinity Online

Authors: Kali Willows

Tags: #Wiccan, #shape shifter, #ménage, #erotic, #paranormal

Claiming Trinity (14 page)

BOOK: Claiming Trinity
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“Kane,” she rasped. “Come here.”

Arawn leaned his shoulders against the wall with her clinging to his hips. The length of his massive cock pressed against the folds of her swollen pussy. Kane approached from behind and blazed a trail of fiery kisses along the back of her neck and shoulders, his erection skimming the cheek of her ass. He grazed his teeth along her shoulder and bit gently.

With each kiss, nip of her skin, and tender touch, her juices coated her thighs. Kane slid his fingers over her swollen pussy and spread her wetness over her anus, priming her for the ultimate game point of the night. Arawn massaged her clit again, and her thighs jerked with his touch.

Kane cupped her tits in his palms, and Arawn gripped her ass cheeks.

Staring into the depths of her immortal’s dark eyes, Trinity reached down between her legs, gripped the head of Arawn’s cock, and positioned it, ready for him. He gave a long, slow thrust upward and plunged deep inside her. She cried out with elation. He filled her with every inch, while dark, delicious pleasure fluttered throughout her core. Arawn captured her mouth with hungry urgency.

She grasped Kane’s hand and eased it down to her back. He continued to moisten her anus and then slipped a finger inside. Her breath hitched at the stinging sweetness. He worked his finger and inserted a second, the surreal bliss making her want more.

“Take me, Kane,” she panted between frantic kisses from her immortal while she rode his rigid flesh. Pressure built inside her pussy. Her muscles tightened with every stroke.

Kane replaced his fingers with the tip of his hardness and gently eased in. Arawn pushed up deep inside her pussy and held her onto him as her gargoyle worked himself farther inside her ass, inch by inch.

“More,” she begged, and he slid all the way in. “It feels so good,” she huffed with pleasure.

Both men completely filled her. She angled her pelvis as she gripped Arawn’s shoulders and inched herself up and down on their thick staffs. They followed her rhythm, and both thrust long and deep inside her. Arawn slipped a hand between them and rubbed her swollen clit. Kane cupped her tits in his massive hands and rolled her hardened nipples between his fingers.

Jolts of electricity shot down her spine and throughout her muscles. “Oh, by the gods, I’m…I’m….”

“Yes.” Arawn growled and kissed her harder.

“I’m going to come with you,” Kane rasped in her ear. He gripped her hair at the base of her scalp and pulled gently.

“Oh, yes!” The rough play spurred her on. “Harder!”

They rocked together in sensual tempo, their pace increasing, their breaths growing ragged. Arawn worked her clit to another frenzy of simultaneous explosions that spanned over her muscles and clenched deep inside her. Her pussy clamped down hard on his shaft, and she cried out as she came with soul-shattering intensity.

“Aw, baby, I feel you coming,” Arawn uttered with punctuated gasps. “So tight.” He slammed up harder and faster.

Both men collided into her with perfect rhythm while she rode wave after wave of her glorious peak. Her immortal let out a hoarse growl then stiffened in release as he pressed deep inside her.

“Fuck!” Kane gripped her hip with one hand, tugged on her hair with the other, and pounded her ass even harder. “Oh, yeah,” he roared and bit down on her neck like a wild animal claiming his mate as he pushed deep and came wildly inside her.

Trinity shuddered with a chain of spasms, pressed tight between their shaking bodies. They panted for air, and she savored every sensation of their masculine moans of satisfaction, how they pulsed deep inside her, and how they both held her tight as the three of them tremored with completion.


Chapter Thirteen



Kane took Trinity’s hand and led her to the bathroom. “We promised you a shower. We always keep our promises.”

True to form, Sage had left a plethora of colored, fragrant candles on the long marble sink counter top, alongside a basket with matches, soaps, towels, and facecloths. Kane lit the candles to set the ambiance in the spacious room. The brief odor of sulfur from the match wafted up his sensitive gargoyle nose, soon replaced by the delectable scents of vanilla, jasmine, and cinnamon. He headed to turn on the water. The luxurious shower had a wide glass door, white porcelain tiles, wall-mounted multi-directional jets, a large rain showerhead above, and enough room for the trio, with a convenient bench on the far wall.

Trinity remained quiet, her alabaster face flushed from their high-intensity romp. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” Kane brushed her loose hair back from her eyes and kissed her luscious lips. “Hey.” He pulled back and studied her. “You okay, darlin’?”

She gave an emphatic nod. “Better than okay.” She nuzzled into his chest. “I’m happy.”

“Come here.” He stepped into the steamy shower and held out his hand to her. “Hey, Arawn, you gonna join us?”

“Oh, Tartarus, yeah.” Arawn pulled out towels and set them on the handrail beside the shower. He grabbed body wash and a face cloth from the wicker baskets on the marble countertop and followed them in.

“What took you so long?” Trinity glanced at him.

“Had to get the feeling back in my legs. That was….”

“Incredible.” Kane finished his sentence.

“That’s one word for it.” He pulled the glass door shut behind him and planted a feathery kiss on Trinity’s lips. Then, he opened the bottle and poured a generous amount of soap on the face cloth, lathered it up, and caressed their banshee’s shoulders and down her back while she faced Kane.

“I do recall,” Kane grumbled, “you’re supposed to get some rest tonight. You’ve got a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”

“I’m more relaxed and clear minded than I’ve been in months. I promise, I will sleep soon.” She plastered her hands on his chest and glanced over her shoulder at his friend. “Besides, I can’t let you break your promise.”

“Fair enough, princess.” Arawn chuckled. “But be forewarned. We could easily be convinced to continue this all night.” He glided the soapy cloth up to her neck and down her chest.

“I think we’ll have to show some restraint before sunrise.” Kane growled. His dick stiffened against her belly when she leaned closer to him. With a lathered palm, she stroked his cock and then let the warmth of the cascading water trickle over it.

“You may, but I can’t guarantee I will,” she cooed. Their banshee stepped to the side and sat on the tiled bench. Steam filled the air and wrapped around her voluptuous form. “Front and center, you two.”

They did as she asked, and she reached for Kane first. She palmed his shaft with a slippery grip. Trinity released him, to his protest, but then cupped her tits and pressed them together. Kane licked his lips at the erotic invitation and stuck his cock between her creamy mounds. The sensational pressure against his flesh as she stroked his cock between her breasts shot tingles along his spine; his balls tightened. Their banshee stared up at him, and she stroked him to the brink of eruption—how quickly he peaked. Kane let out a throaty growl and exploded between her tits.

Arawn got the same delightful treatment. After more lather and steamy shower, they soon whisked her off to bed.



Kane took a place on the far end of the bed and held out his hand for her to join him in the middle. She snuggled up close to him, and Arawn took his place on her other side. He pulled the blankets over her curves and smoothed his palm down the cotton shield.

“After you’re asleep, I’ll take point on the roof while you both get some rest.” He kissed her forehead.

A frown tainted her beautiful face. “You won’t stay the night?”

“I would, darlin’, but we still have to keep you safe.” Kane stroked her damp hair back from her eyes. “Arawn will sleep next to you. Perhaps after you’re done with your trip to the Elysian Fields, I can get a nap with you tomorrow.”

“Fine, but I’ll hold you to it.”

Trinity turned on her side, with her back to Arawn, settled between them, and closed her eyes. Arawn spooned her and dozed off within minutes. Kane watched their sleeping beauty between them with amazement. How fortunate had they been? After all Trinity had been through, she still managed to trust them and let them close to her.

He listened to the soft sounds of her breathing as she slumbered. It took every ounce of strength he had not to fall asleep beside her. Instead, he indulged for what seemed to be an hour of quiet admiration at her side. Her skin was flawless, her brows fine and perfectly shaped, and her luscious mouth still beckoned him after a full night of passionate lovemaking. He leaned down and planted a feathery kiss on her delightfully swollen lips. She didn’t stir. He took solace in how sound she slept.

In the same position he had been since they’d lain down, tension filled his stomach. His acute hearing kicked in. The silence outside was bested by a distant rumble of thunder. He turned and glanced out the window. Brief flashes lit up the sky. Something was coming, but it was far more than mere rain. Darkness took hold of his keen senses. He tapped Arawn who bolted upright in an instant. Kane pointed to his eye and motioned toward the window—their signal for
I’m going to check this out
—and eased the covers off.

They slipped out of bed, covered her curves with the blanket, and darted to the living room where their clothes lay scattered. He pulled on his boxers and pants. Kane snatched the handheld radio. His shoulder blades burned with caution.

“Stay with her. I’ll go outside and call in and see what’s happening.”

“Go,” his comrade concurred.

Kane unlocked the door and shinnied up the porch pillar to the rooftop. Although his shift was an instinctive response when he detected danger, he warded off the change, fearful of their banshee seeing him in that form. He scanned the dark stillness along the water line, and back to the island. His gargoyle senses screamed trouble, but his acute vision and sense of smell picked up nothing.

He clicked the button on the radio and called out. “Checkpoint, all posts, over?”

The radio crackled, but no reply. “Checkpoint, does anyone copy? This is Kane.”

More crackles resonated, and then a voice sounded. “Yeah, Kane, this is Rekkus. What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure…but something is up. There’s a storm brewing over the water.”

“We heard it, too. Any sign of the Dread Ones?” Rekkus replied.

“Negative.” Kane released the button and waited for direction.

“All units, this is team leader, sound off location and status, over.” Rekkus’ tone was stern but calm.

“Check point one, all is clear here.”

“Check point two, nothing to report.”

Eight units sounded off, but no one had spotted anything unusual. Kane’s gut knew different. He waited for the final two to respond, but they didn’t. A blinding bolt of lightning lit the black sky, and a thunderous crack boomed in the air. Residual tremors of the long rumbles shook the roof he stood on.

“Unit nine, sound off,” Rekkus demanded.

They didn’t reply. Kane lifted his head and drew in a long whiff of the dry air. No threat of rain, but vicious flashes repeatedly filled the entire sky. Horrific cracks of thunder pierced his sensitive ears. Kane scouted the landscape and the water for any sign of danger. Not a single gust of wind, yet the clouds rolled by like a speeding train. Out of nowhere, a torrential downpour started and then shifted to horizontal rain with blasts of wind of epic proportions. More cracks of lightning bolts lit the sky. The gusts hit in solid waves, so fierce it nearly knocked the rock-solid gargoyle off his feet. A brutal fireworks display of nature threatened to strike close. Another crack of lightning hit a tree at the forest beside the dock. Kane jumped down from the roof in a single leap and ducked inside the cabin.

“What is it?” Trinity stood, draped in a sheet, with Arawn’s arms wrapped around her trembling body.

“It’s just a thunderstorm,” he lied. He caught Arawn’s stare and feigned a lighthearted shrug.

The cabin lights flickered then blacked out, and everything went deathly silent. The rain, thunder, and lightning all stopped, and the lights flickered back on.

“What in Tartarus…?” Arawn hissed.

“Kane, do you read me?” a different voice rang out from the radio.

“This is Kane,” he called back.

“It’s Cemil. I’m at the barracks. Everything is okay.”

“What happened?” Rekkus hollered into the radio.

“I’m with Brody Natura,” Cemil sounded winded.

“This was Brody?” Rekkus roared.

“Yeah.” The static increased. “He had a nightmare. It’s under control now.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.” Arawn widened his eyes. “The teen with kinetic abilities,” he murmured in a low voice to a visibly stunned Trinity. “He’s had trouble with his talents, hasn’t been able to control them.”

“I can relate.” She flashed a weak grin.

“Copy that. Rekkus,” Kane continued, “Be advised, there is one more unit not checked in.” Adolescent nightmare or not, his gut kept him on alert.

“Unit nine, sound off,” Rekkus ordered.

Silence ensued for several seconds.

“Yes, sir, this is unit nine.” The radio crackled.

“Where were you?” Rekkus snarled.

“The post we were at got struck by lightning, sir. No injuries, but we had to run for it.”

“Damage report? All units,” Rekkus demanded.

“Three trees down and a small blaze by unit nine, sir. It’s under control now. Over.”

The rest of the units checked in, casualty and damage free.

Trinity rushed to the bathroom, returning with a towel, and approached Kane. Worry shone in her bright-blue eyes as she patted down his soaked hair and face. “Did you get hurt?”

“No, darlin’, I’m fine.” He cupped her hand against his cheek and then kissed the inside of her wrist. “So much for a peaceful night.” He grinned.


Chapter Fourteen



The warmth of his body against her back eased Trinity from her restless sleep.

I so want to wake you up with me deep inside you.
His naughty words filled her head and sent flutters of anticipation throughout her core.

BOOK: Claiming Trinity
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