Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (5 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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Kayden sat with his head down. He was clenching his fists so hard she saw his knuckles turn white. He relaxed them. He had not restrained her yet so she took the silence and calmed conditions to mean he was letting her go. She stood up nervously to leave, only to feel his hand slip into hers gently and pull her back down.

‘Cassie, stay with me a while and talk to me, please.’

Cassie sat with a gesture of agreement. ‘You’re not mad at me, then?’

He shook his head. ‘Not at you, Cass.’

He immediately put her at ease. Cassie had never had anyone ask her to talk before, only ever been talked at. She suddenly realised what it must feel like to have a friend, to have someone who wouldn’t just yell, stomp off and ignore her, but wanted to know more about her. It was unsettling but nice.

‘Why didn’t you use your protective power on me when I hosed you and was mean to you?’

‘I don’t know. I was scared but I knew somehow that you were only angry with me, not out to harm me. Although, now you know the truth, I’m not so sure. Other signals from you are confusing me,’ she said honestly.

‘I’m hardly going to hurt you for doing what comes naturally to you, Cassie.’ He pulled out a hanky and passed it to her. ‘Why, if you are from overseas, haven’t you a stronger accent? You speak as if you have been living here for years.’

She dried her eyes and sniffled into the hanky he gave her. ‘My nanny was an Aussie and was the only one who was ever kind to me or even talked to me. Everybody loved her and I tried to model myself around her so that others might like me too. That’s how I knew about the outback and kangaroos, because she would sometimes sneak me into the garden and tell me stories of your land.’

‘What’s your surname?’ His eyebrows curved questioningly.

His question made her catch her breath and she talked quietly. ‘They want me dead. Please don’t send me back.’ She started to freak out.

‘Settle down!’ he growled. ‘Cassie, here in Australia, once you are eighteen you are old enough to make your own decisions on where you live. Nobody can send you anywhere you don’t want to be now that you’re nineteen. If I can trust you enough, girl, to listen to your unusual tale without chucking you out on your ear, the least you can do is start trusting me in return.’

Kayden was right.
He could have tossed me out days ago
. She screwed the hanky up in her lap timidly. ‘Wyatt—Cassandra Wyatt. My parents are connected to royalty and live in a castle in the northern parts of France on the river Seine,’ she said, shaking, hardly able to put her thoughts into words.

Kayden had a serious expression: his eyes locked onto hers and his forehead creased with concern. ‘I know you’re scared but if these people did that to you it’s not only illegal and wrong, but immoral. You must trust me and that means doing as I ask.’

Cassie slowly nodded. ‘Okay. I want to trust you but what are you going to do?’

‘Firstly, I’m going to verify your identity as you have no papers. After that Jason and I are just going to do some research to see if they’ve filed a missing persons report in case the authorities are involved. We will need to cover any tracks if they have.’ He stood up, his height looming over her. ‘In the meantime, just in case you are being watched, I don’t want you to go anywhere, even to answer the door. Don’t make me tie you to this bed, Cassie because I need you safe until I can get to the bottom of this. If you want my help you’ll do as I say. Do you understand, Cassie? Am I making myself clear?’

She shivered at his livid tone of voice although she felt it was not so much directed at her as it was about her. She was hardly going to disobey him. She had nowhere else to go and he was right: she had no papers and was here illegally. She really did need his help. Cassie just hoped she hadn’t put Kayden in danger by staying with him.
What if the kidnappers come back to retrieve my dead body and follow my trail here?
Although she somehow knew that Kayden would have already thought of all those things in just a few minutes, long before she had, as if he was used to handling such matters. Well, the way Cassie saw it, for now this home of his felt safe and so did he.

‘I promise,’ she said, knowing that her fate was in his hands. Looking at them, she could tell they were very strong and capable hands at that.

Kayden held Cassie’s shoulders and made her look up at him. ‘If you run from me again, Cassie, unlike them, I’ll be able to find you and trust me: I will not be so kind next time.’

Feeling tough and confident for the first time ever, she shrugged off his hands. ‘Okay, I get it. I’m in big trouble with authorities if I’m found here without a visa. I trust you, Kayden but if you let me down I swear I’ll fight you and anyone else who tries to stop me having this freedom that I’ve grown to love. I promise that whatever this thing is in me it will come out to play.’

Amusement spread across his face. ‘Just stay put, girl. Nobody is going to take your freedom ever again. Not if I have anything to do with it.’

Cassie heard him talking to Jason before they sped off in the car. She lay back on the bed, trying not to fear what might lie ahead. A big part of her had started to trust Kayden. She had to give him a chance. Cassie had finally had a taste of something real in the last few days and for once in her life she finally wanted to live, to explore this new land with or without this stranger she had just met.

Smiling, she stood up, happy for the first time ever. ‘I really want to live,’ she giggled. Her mind drifted to the foal and the birth: watching it, Cassie had felt like she was being reborn too and the feeling exhilarated her. She felt excited and even though had promised to stay put the feeling to share her joy was too strong. Cassie wanted to see the foal, feel its soft coat, smell its newness and run with it; yes, run with the foal.

Finding some old gumboots to keep the wound on her foot from getting dirty, she forgot about her pledge to Kayden about leaving the house. As her wild abandonment at this new life overtook her she trudged off down the dirt track towards the horses. When she made it to them they were all drinking from the stream except for the big one she had slept beside. It came up and nudged her for a pat.

It looks like I’ve made a friend
. Cassie smiled cheerfully.

He followed her over to the little foal that she bent down to cuddle. She could smell his baby milky breath and feel his soft curly fur against her cheek. He was so sweet and not at all wobbly now. He was frisky and jumped around her as if he wanted to play. He nudged Cassie before he galloped off so she playfully ran after him, laughing as he spun around and came back at her. She laughed and rolled on the ground as he knocked her over. ‘You’ll cop it now,’ she stood and hugged him, feeling the happiest she’d ever felt.

She heard a noise and spun around. Kayden was standing behind her, looking annoyed but also with a grin in his eyes. ‘I told you to stay! What part of that did you not understand?’

‘I put on boots so my foot didn’t get dirty.’ She stuck her foot up in the air.

‘I can see that. I’m not sure if they go with my T-shirt that you’re wearing as a dress. Couldn’t you find anything in the box Jason brought over?’

Cassie cocked her head to the side. Does that mean he cares what I look like? She thought eyeing him curiously, feeling strange warmth radiating from him. She grinned. ‘I’ve never had to dress myself before. My minders always did that. Maybe you could show me how you prefer me to look. I would be most happy to please you.’ She smiled and curtsied teasingly.

He shook his head. ‘That last sentence is definably something a princess would say, only I’m not someone you have to impress. Now, tell me why you were out here. What was your plan? To steal one of my horses and run?’

Cassie was surprised he would think she had come to take one of his horses and put her hands on her hips, indignant at his accusation. ‘I don’t know how to ride a horse, silly! The baby one made me disobey you. He beckoned me with his cuteness. I just wanted to touch his hair and smell his newness. I wasn’t running, you big bully,’ she answered with attitude and a sense of humour to lighten the fact that she had been thoughtless in her actions and was trying to cover it with a bit of wit. She dropped her arms and grinned.

‘Don’t get cheeky with me, young lady!’ Kayden stomped over to her, picked her up as if she were a lightweight and put her up on his big horse before jumping up behind her. His movement was so quick she barely had time to take a breath. He held on to her and her hands tightened around his arms as the horse moved forward and trotted towards the house. It was a weird feeling. However, the more she relaxed back into Kayden’s frame, the more the horse’s rhythm became bearable and she began to feel comfortable.

He felt her ease and loosened his grip around her waist. Closer to the house he asked if she wanted to go a bit faster and she sat up, shaking her head. He laughed cunningly. ‘I have you.’ He pushed the horse into a gallop.

She felt so fragile, sitting on the horse as if she was going to go flying off. After a little while that also became easier. She enjoyed the wind on her face and the freedom of going somewhere quickly without the restraints of a shell around her, as there was when travelling in a car. He pulled the horse up, held her around the waist and slid them both off before sending the horse back to the paddock. Cassie was still laughing when they went inside to where Jason sat with a laptop, staring at her.

‘Yep, it’s her alright.’ He swung it around for Kayden to see her picture. ‘To save face, her parents have posted the picture for anyone knowing her whereabouts but it can only be viewed from their country. They haven’t gone worldwide with it so Australian authorities would never know who she is or even that she’s disappeared.’

Jason looked at the picture of her parents and the castle from which she had disappeared. Cassie felt the room spin and Kayden’s arms go around her. He sat in the recliner with her, stroking her head whilst talking quietly to Jason. Cassie felt warm and comfortable and Kayden’s attentiveness made her feel better. She finally sighed heavily, releasing the thoughts of home and smiling at the gentle soul holding her.

‘That’s the way, princess. The past is behind you now. Let it go.’

Cassie nodded. He stood up, placing her gently back in the chair. ‘You need to eat. It’s getting late. Come on, Jason. You can give me a hand while our princess rests up a bit more.’

‘Oh alright,’ Jason griped. Glancing at Cassie, he winked. ‘If I have to!’ he continued his playful objection.

Cassie quietly contemplated her future with Kayden. They knew she was a princess and it looked as if they were going to let her stay. She decided she could to learn to cook and take care of them; earn her keep that way. Unable to see past today and pleased that she still had a roof over her head she figured she could relax here for a while until she decided what to do next. No good over-thinking your situation, girl, she told herself as she glanced towards the men.

‘Is there time for a shower?’ she asked, a little embarrassed that she was too useless to help with something as simple as getting a meal ready.
How long will they put up with me if I’m unable to do even the basics?
She felt annoyed for being so useless. It had never occurred to her that one day she would need domestic skills. A princess in her land never needed such capabilities. When they were on their own she would ask if Kayden would teach her. Kayden’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

‘Wait,’ he said, rustling around in the box of clothes Jason had brought in and pulling out a dress and some matching underwear. ‘Try these.’

Cassie shyly took them.
Boy, how embarrassing to have clothes chosen for me in front of Jason
. Still, she had asked Kayden to tell her how he wanted to see her dress. As much as she appreciated his help, in front of the guest it was a little humiliating. Swallowing her pride, she smiled politely and almost ran towards the bathroom to hide the crimson that crept into her cheeks. The hot water streamed over her and the heat washed away her trivial cares. Light-heartedness sent another wave of emotion over her as she remembered how Kayden had told her that she was old enough to live wherever she wanted. Overwhelming joy surged through her knowing that she never again had to return to her homeland or to her horrid parents.

Cassie’s feet barely felt the floor she was so delighted. Everything was now out in the open. They’d accepted her for who she was. Putting on the new underwear and frilly pastel-coloured dress, she decided it was maybe a little too snug. However, it did show up her shapely figure and as she spun around she admired the cut of the skirt, watching it spin out as she twirled in front of the mirror. Brushing her hair, she clipped it up and was amazed at what a difference the small amount of fresh air had made to her complexion. The pasty look was gone, replaced with a slight tan and colour in her cheeks as if she had just applied foundation and blush. She threw her dirty clothes into the basket and made a note to ask Kayden how to use the washing machine in the morning. She opened the door and both of them turned and seemed to freeze.

‘What?’ Cassie looked down and second-guessed what she had on.

Kayden coughed. ‘Looks fine, we just haven’t seen you dressed up before. It’s just a boy thing.’ He turned around grinning and continued cooking.

Jason nudged him. ‘Never looked that good on sis.’

Cassie shrugged and walked to the kitchen. Being around men was a challenge. She now understood the reasoning for the title of the book she had seen advertised once stating that men were from Mars.
Maybe I should have read it.
She grinned to herself. ‘Want some help?’ she asked.

Kayden took her hand and steered her back to the table. ‘You just sit way over here until Jason’s hormones settle down,’ he laughed.

Cassie cocked her head to the side and wondered if she would ever understand the way they talked. She had no idea what she had to do with Jason’s hormones and didn’t want to embarrass herself further by asking a question that she should probably know the answer to at her age. Yes, she thought, and girls my age raised under normal circumstances, would talk and giggle together and go to real schools and would know all about men by now. She sighed.
How uneducated I feel.

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