Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (6 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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Cassie eyed Jason as he chatted to Kayden in the kitchen, allowing his charismatic nature to shine through. His age was hard to pick. His fair hair was long, yet shaped, framing his face perfectly. He was clean-shaven and his fair skin was flawless as if he were no older than his early twenties, yet his stunning blue eyes showed her that like Kayden he was an old soul and had been around for a long time. Her eyes were drawn to his male shape that was buffed and toned. With such good looks she wondered if he did any modelling although he hardly looked the type to strut his stuff in front of a crowd. She smiled at the thought.

So many questions I have. Yet if I ask, will they want more from me in return?
Cassie decided that time would reveal all. Tonight was not a time to dredge up old lives, but the beginning of a new era, with new memories to make, far more memorable than those left behind.

Kayden and Jason brought dinner over and during the meal, Jason was so nice to Cassie that she hardly remembered what he had been like in his drunken state. She finally felt as if fate had played a part in finding these two men who seemed to like her. Listening to them made her heart feel at peace. She was filled with gratitude as they included her in every topic as if they were actually interested in what she had to say.

‘Hey K, we should take the princess for a ride up to the Wittenoom gorges tomorrow. What do you reckon, man? She’d love it if she hasn’t been outdoors before.’

Kayden shook his head. ‘She still needs a couple of day’s total rest.’

Jason’s face lit up and the smile he directed at Cassie was stunning. ‘Hey, if it’s the foot you’re worried about, K, I can carry her easily. Problem solved.’

If Cassie were aware of the impact she was having on him she would have blushed at his blatant advances. However, Cassie’s natural innocence left her merely flattered that he was being so sweet.

Kayden however, was no fool. He frowned at Jason’s sneaky offer and seeing that Cassie was unaware of his mate’s undertone, intervened. ‘She’s been pretty banged up, Jase. Her bruises are getting better; it’s the head wound that’s worrying me. Until she stops getting dizzy and passing out on me she goes nowhere.’

‘What bruising?’

Kayden motioned for Cassie to show him, noting her timid look. ‘It’s okay, Cassie. Believe me; Jason is very familiar with injuries. I want him to look at your head too, just to make sure you’re healing alright. My forte is horses. A second opinion will ease my mind.’

Jason checked her head and she felt him running his fingers lightly over the area and along the cut that was healing but still tender to his touch. ‘The cuts healed but there’s still is a lot of swelling. Maybe she should still be lying down.’

Cassie shook her head slowly. ‘No way, I’ve spent my whole life in the bedroom. Kayden said if I take it easy I can move around, just so long as I lay down if I start feeling tired. He’s been taking really good care of me.’ She smiled at Kayden, who winked back at her.

‘Okay, but if you want my advice I’d recommend total bed rest. But that is if I was here looking after you.’ He chuckled and Kayden shook his head, keeping his eyes on Jason with a look that made him quit mucking around and finish the examination. He checked the bruising on her thighs and freaked out. ‘You should have told me we hit her, K. Shit! You poor little thing,’ he said, sitting back down. ‘You’re damned well black and blue. Christ, I must have really hurt you when I jumped on you the other night. No wonder you screamed.’

Kayden raked his hand roughly through his hair. ‘It wasn’t just from that, idiot. Our princess had never been … um … kissed either. Sorry, Cassie but he needs to know. Didn’t you feel her?’ All of a sudden he sounded grumpy.

Jason looked at Cassie with regret, before turning to Kayden with a puckered brow. ‘In my defence I was drunk and come to think of it, yes she did freak out when I French kissed her. I thought she was having me on. Anyway, I have already apologised to her. Stop trying to make me feel worse.’ He looked back at Cassie. ‘You forgive me, hey princess?’ He slid off his chair and knelt on the floor, holding her hand between his in a begging gesture.

Cassie touched his face with her free hand and smiled sweetly. ‘Jase, it’s okay, let’s just put it in the past. I looked a mess when you found me. It’s perfectly understandable you would have considered me to be of a feral nature. Please believe me when I say many of my bruises are from my trip here and the rough handling. I think they forgot to put, “Handle with care” on the outside of the crate and instead it said, “We will pay you double to throw this one around”.’ She giggled, trying to lighten the moment and not wanting the subject to ruin a perfectly enjoyable night.

Jason’s eyes softened. ‘We’ve been so cruel to you, thinking you were just a plant sent in to spy on our group. This has happened to us a few times before and I’m afraid you’ve borne the brunt of other liars who came before you. I hope you can forgive us,’ he said sincerely.

‘Group?’ Cassie asked, confused.

Kayden cut in. ‘Later. Let’s just enjoy a truce and talk about details another day.’

Jason kissed the back of her hand, treating her like a true lady and showing her how he felt about her now. It was a nice gesture and Cassie giggled at his smooth charm. Glancing back at Kayden, she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t completely sure about trusting her yet.

Entertaining Companions

Cassie had been on Kayden’s farm for a couple of months. All of her bruising had gone and she felt happier than she had ever thought possible. She was even learning how to cook although Kayden only let her do the easy parts, like stirring the pots and helping him roll out the dough for bread rolls and so forth. Mostly she sat at the bench and her job was to chat and keep him amused while he prepared the meals. Kayden still grumbled about having to do everything for her even though Cassie knew he actually enjoyed taking care of her more than he let on. When he took over a chore that she could barely get her head around or when she made a fuss of his male ease at doing it, his face would break out into the cutest smile.

Cleaning the house was the only chore he left her to learn on her own. She was fascinated that even after so many months there was still one monster that hid in the laundry and refused to work with her. The dreaded washing machine! As she told Kayden, it seemed to have a vendetta against her. He just laughed when she told him that it had big teeth that snarled at her and kept eating the washing.

Much of their time on the property they spent outdoors, like today. It’d been a nice day. Kayden had taken Cassie for a ride on his horse, Zoltan, for a couple of hours. They stopped near a lovely stream that flowed with fresh, cold water so the stallion could have a drink. Kayden left Zoltan by the water’s edge and walked Cassie over to a log to sit and enjoy the view. They both laughed at Zoltan who seemed to be making a big deal about how to get close enough to drink without getting his hooves muddy. Finally, he drank the water and settled down. Kayden had only just begun to broach the subject of Cassie’s unusual gift when a sound by the river stopped him in mid-sentence. Both swung their heads toward the noise.

A pack of wild dogs had advanced on Zoltan while he drank. They were creeping up and around him, poised and ready to attack. A large, black, longhaired mutt came from behind a bush and snarled. With the pack leader making his move, the others closed in on Zoltan. Frightened, the steed made a loud noise and reared up, thrashing his hooves in their direction. Kayden had already jumped up and let out a call to scare the dogs and at the same time, ran towards Zoltan.

Cassie’s senses came alive with the danger. Without thinking she threw up her hands aiming them towards the pack. The impact of the power she sent towards the snarling animals hit them like bricks, hurling them backwards, slamming them into the trees and bushes over the other side of the stream.

They made yelping, painful sounds, leaving her feeling bad as they scurried off. The ones on the other side of Zoltan ran from the fear that they felt from the rest of the pack’s agonising howls.

Kayden already at his horse and Cassie noted his speed was so much faster than a normal human’s or maybe in the confusion it just seemed that way because she was shocked. She had gone and used her power again when she knew it was bad to do so. Yet as it did prevent the attack, she thought Kayden might not be too cross with her.

Cassie was shaking and rocking, waiting for the punishment she usually received from her parents for using the curse she had been born with. Instead, Kayden shocked her by picking her up and swinging her around. ‘You little powerhouse! Remind me never to stir you up and get you angry at me.’

‘You’re not mad?’ Cassie felt stunned by his reaction.

‘Mad? I’ve been waiting to see what you could do and I was starting to think your altercation with Jason was a fluke. That was excellent!’ Kayden hugged her before hoisting her back onto his horse. ‘Let’s get Zoltan out of here before the mutts come back,’ he said, still excited at what he had just witnessed.

Cassie was still dumbstruck. Kayden’s reaction was not what she would have expected. She had grown up feeling ashamed of her powers and knew the use of them was forbidden. Yet amazingly enough he wanted her to use them and had actually been waiting patiently to see what she could do.

Kayden’s voice interrupted the thought she was reaching that maybe there were others like her that he knew of; that in this country her curse was normal. ‘Can you use your gift at will or only to defend yourself when you feel threatened?’

She shrugged, not used to talking about it so casually. ‘I have no idea. I was a child last time I tried.’

They stopped again a little further up the track.

‘This spot should do it.’ Kayden helped her off Zoltan.

He chose a spot where soft grass and pretty pink and white wildflowers carpeted the ground. Pulling off his backpack and laid out drinks and snacks for them, chatting as he organised their food. He could see how freaked out she was so made an effort to make her feel comfortable about what she had just done.

It was working. As they ate Cassie told him how she had feared using her ‘gift’, as he kept calling it and how for years it had only brought shame on her folks and given her nothing but grief.

‘You should be proud of who you are, Cassie. Talents such as your’s should never be squashed.’

She smiled. ‘You’re the first person who hasn’t hated me for what I just did.’

‘That’s because you lived with people who obviously had no idea how special you really are, girl.’

Cassie giggled. ‘I think you’re just being kind,’ she said before looking more seriously at him, remembering. ‘You understand because you are a bit like me. Am I correct, Kayden? I just saw how fast you moved to get to Zoltan.’

He nodded. ‘Yes, I too have gifts but your’s absolutely fascinate me.’ He took a swig of his drink and pointed. ‘See that old tree over there? It needs chopping down. Can you knock it down?’ he asked.

She thought about the tree, put her hand up and nothing happened. ‘Nope, looks like you’re just going to have to use an axe,’ she chuckled.

Kayden shook his head, amused, and cupped her face in his hands. ‘Cassie, concentrate and think of someone or something that makes you angry.’ He urged her on, removing his hands and pushing her hair back from her face so he could watch.

Cassie thought about home and how her parents made her angry. She could suddenly feel her insides power up. This time when she threw her hands at the tree it was with emotions deep within her and the tree shattered into sawdust that floated through the air and settled around them. She sat up straight, shocked that she could direct it so well.

Kayden kissed her hands. His eyes and voice filled with emotion. ‘You’re so valuable. I can’t believe you just walked into my life and that you’ve been happy to stay.’

Cassie smiled at him as his eyes sparkled. His gaze, behind those long lashes, captivated her with secret thoughts. In some kind of trance she felt a magnetic pull towards him as if he was linking them together somehow. She could feel, just for an instant, every emotion he was feeling and by the look on his face she felt sure that he was also feeling her.

Did I really feel his strong feelings for me or did I just imagine it?
Cassie felt bewildered as Kayden stood and started packing up the remains of the picnic lunch, closing off from her and acting as if the exchange had never happened.
I guess if he did, we would be still here in each other’s arms
. Feeling a bit young and stupid for wishing they would be together, she sucked it up. If he was only ever going to look upon her as a friend, Cassie intended to be the best one he ever had.

A funny thought struck her. Maybe he was worried that she might zap him like she did to Jason.
My thinking is probably way off. As if a strong male like him would be scared of a pint-size girl like me.
Followed by an even worse thought.
What if I am just that to him? A girl, a princess, too young and not womanly enough for him?

When they arrived home after their ride they saw that Jason had come for a visit and had been waiting at the house for their return. ‘I’ve come to ask the princess if she’ll accompany me to town on a dinner date,’ he said, smiling sweetly.

‘Whatever saves me from looking after her.’ Kayden’s mood changed. He became aggravated and impatient with them both and dismissed them as if he had put up with enough. He practically pushed them out the door together.

Cassie was so surprised at Kayden’s reaction. The final hope that there would be more to their friendship crashed around her. The fact that there had been no protest and he hadn’t cared about her being in the company of another man at all got her dander up so she swallowed her hurt pride and went with Jason. He was charming as always and chatted all the way into town. He had become a good friend and it wasn’t long before he’d eased her anguish about Kayden and they started to enjoy themselves.

As much as Cassie adored Jason, he was not Kayden and many times during the night a little part of her strayed, wishing it was Kayden she was on a date with. How mean and insensitive is that? she thought pushing it to the back of her mind and concentrating on Jason again, becoming attentive for as long as her brain would allow before diverting again.

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