Cole: Chrome Horsemen MC (3 page)

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Cole nodded. It was rare that such clandestine activities came from Jim, but if he felt such cautions were required, it was a good bet they were. Besides, Cole didn't have much curiosity in these matters.


"Consider it done," Cole told him.


"I will and do. I'm really glad you are the one that can help me out with this," Jim said, sounding like a weight was off him suddenly.


"I would have broken the date," Cole told him, adding, "If no one else you felt right for the job was available."


"I'm glad you don't have to," Jim said. "Payment for this, by the way, is two grand."


Normally high pay like that for a delivery suggested high-risk expectancy, but Cole figured the trust level required with closed eyes and a blank slate memory after was reason enough, too. "Nice. I can splurge a little tomorrow after."


"After." Jim smiled warmly and then nodded his head as he leaned back in his protesting chair.


Cole walked up to Rat and sat down with a freshly purchased beer. "So, what's new in your world?” Cole asked his longtime friend and partner through some serious scrapes.


"Same shit, different week. Still not busted. Still making cash as a mule. Still have Angie crying every time I head off for the coke-road, begging me not to go, because she has a real bad feeling about this run. All the same." Rat shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Cole. "Something new with you?"


Cole thought about that. Having a woman on the back of his Lowrider wasn't new. Certainly. Why did it feel new? After all, she was a call girl. They would have a good time -- ride some miles together. Maybe they would have sex someday, but, undoubtedly, they would be friendlier.


White noise filled him when he did that -- when he put the term
in his head at the same time he imagined Nicole's image. The term
when associated with her and her touch of vulnerability left him without words and uncooperative emotions flooding his body. This blank, static response was certainly new, but he wasn't going to try to explain that to Rat. "Nope, not a thing."


"Still on pussy patrol?" Rat asked.


"Yep," Cole nodded.


"I hear that's major boring shit," Rat told him.


"Yep," Cole agreed.


"Are you going to start adding more words to your responses or continue to sound like my dad?" Rat inquired.


"Nope," Cole said and then took a long drink from his bottle.


"What did Jim want with you?"


"Can't talk about it. Secret squirrel stuff. Very hush, hush, eyes only, have to kill you if I tell you."


Rat was suddenly very interested, "From Jim?"


"Don't, Rat. No further or I'll have to leave. Seriously," Cole told him.


Rat looked him over and then nodded, "Alright. Just surprising you know? Jim doing the secret squirrel."


"So where are Cap and Phil?" Cole asked, changing the subject.


"Cap is over at the bar, reliving the fight a few times with some of the youngsters. Phil left to go get his money. Jim is right; the fucker owed it to Cap. He should have paid months ago."


"Yep," Cole agreed. "Hard to feel that the job was done right, though, when it included fucking your main live-in girl."


"So Phil was taking out a discount for pussy? He still got the deck. The job was done right. Good craftsmanship from Cap all the way around."


"Suzy felt so too," Cole added with a smile.


"Suzy is a tramp and everyone knows it, including Phil," Rat said disgustedly. "Once a tramp, always a tramp. No dick good enough or long enough to alter their ways. There's no future with them and they will always betray you for money, drugs, or sex. End of story. Phil is a grown man and should have known that. Yet, what's he do? That tramp is still living with him. And she'll pull a dirty on him as soon as she feels like she can get away with it or move on after."


Something turned hollow inside Cole's chest at Rat's words. They were tried and tested words. Proven over and over again by multitudes of men. Was he going to be next in line -- walking in, blindfolding himself, declaring that she was different and he was different, and it wasn't going to happen to him?


Once a tramp, always a tramp.
Cold facts to live by, especially in Cole's world. Fuck her, have a good time with her, take her for a few rides, but never trust her. Never. Trust her and she'll fail you. Every time. No exceptions.


"Yeah," Cole breathed and finished his beer in one long pull. "That’s about the size of it."


"Damn straight," Rat agreed, and motioned with his eyes and expressive hands, asking if Cole wanted another.


"No, but thanks, buddy. It is really good seeing you. Give Angie my best and I'll look in on her for you like always," Cole told him while getting off the stool.


"Good. She likes you coming by. And thanks for not fucking her, too," Rat offered with a wide smile.


"She'd cut me into hamburger if I tried. That little Puerto Rican scares the crap out of me," Cole told him, only half joking."


"Me too; that's why I like these coke runs. By the time she passes through her emotional period of relief and welcome-home sex when I get home, and remembers she’s mad at me for doing them, it is time to leave again. And her happy bed is nirvana."


"Nirvana – hell, Lord of Ninth Heaven -- isn't worth the risk. Hamburger man. I'm telling you. Hamburger."




Cole arrived at home and looked around. It wasn't a bad neighborhood. Chicago had plenty of worse. He was likely the worst element for several blocks. Children played in the street without fear or worry regarding what colors they were wearing. Couples sat on their porches, enjoying sunset light. If you thought you heard a gunshot, it was probably a backfire.


Did Nicole fit here?


Questions like this, when they surfaced as they often did since he began this assignment, bothered him deeply. He didn't even know her! What he knew was her name,
if that was her real name
, and most call girls didn't use their real names, so it probably wasn't.


So, he corrected, he knew she was a call girl. That was what he knew. He knew that the manager, Antonio, who talked to Cole on the phone periodically, placed high value on her safety.


That was it! Nothing more.


Except that she was vulnerable and deeply human, and felt amazing to him during every drive. There was a connection between them, something nearly visible and almost tangible.


"A grown man or not, you are fucked before you even start.  Better hide some money some place for the time she screws you over," he said to himself with a defeated voice and meant every word.


Once inside, he bought ten grand in Google stock just to keep the money safe, but available, and then removed his investment software from his computer and ran the safeguard to remove any sign that it had ever existed.


After that, he went to bed.





"Hope you are available to ride until at least six-thirty," Cole said to her as Nicole skipped up to him from her apartment building door.


"Oh? I'm good with that, even longer. What's up?"


"I have something to do up north while we are there. I can't talk to you about it, can't tell you why, where, who to, or who from. That's just the way it is. Still want to ride?"


"Am I going to be in danger?"


"No, not at all. I'll leave you at a café I found. The wait should be less than an hour and then we are off again for whatever you choose."


She gave him a mischievous smile, "
I choose? I just get to say, do this and we do that?"


"You should be used to that from me by now," he pointed out.


"Hmm," she mused, "I suppose you are right, but I pay you for that privilege and this is personal time. Very personal. I won't be naïve and say it won't affect the other, but in my head, this day is just you and me, nothing else -- except for that thing you can't talk about, which doesn't exist for me anyway, right?"


He nodded his head, searching her eyes and she swore she saw hope laced with fear.

"Agreed," he finally told her.


"So do I just get on?" she asked with a smile, pushing their conversation past that awkward moment where she witnessed her driver and protector suddenly displaying signs of vulnerability.


Cole got her helmet on and strapped, then onto the backseat, which felt comfortable. Then he gave her very brief instructions on what to do back there. She snuggled around, got comfortable, and then wrapped her arms around him. He gave the bike some gas to wake it back up and, right after revving the engine, he put it in gear, sending them flying from the parking lot.


She clung to him with excitement and fear, outrageous emotions swirling around, which were churned up by tactile stimulation based on the degree of muscle definition she discovered in his abs.


"Holy Christ!" she hissed, but the wind carried her exclamation away from Cole's ears.

All right,
she admitted to herself,
his physical attractiveness is very high and getting higher. Fine.


Then Cole put his left hand flat across hers, as if giving her a focused but meaningful hug, as they blasted up the on-ramp to the freeway. Then his hand was gone, returning back to control the bike.


That touch, that warmth from his hand, which was large enough to cover both of hers, she noted, touched her in a way she had never been touched in her life. For a brief moment, she was real and she knew what she wanted out of it now, as clearly as if it were branded on her forehead.


I'm fucked. I'm well and truly fucked now.


She wanted Cole. That's what she wanted out of life and she felt a welling of passion and energy inside of her, powering her commitment to achieve those ends. Nothing else mattered. If she were Cole's, she was fulfilled.


As they roared north, she held him tight, pressing the side of her face to his back, and felt more alive and whole than she ever felt before. Her mind was drained of all its tedium and useless questions about the future or her current employment. Her vague visions of retirement and travel, which were somehow never quite able to sustain a level of appeal for her, were washed away.


Occasionally, he would casually rub her left thigh with his marvelous hand and send blazes of desire rippling through her. When he did that, all of those belonging thoughts and warm desires would rush through her again.


Was this what she caused in her clients? Was this the lust they paid so dearly for? Her bubble, she realized, was definitely popped. She was just Nicole -- nothing else, no one else -- with no bullshit between her ears humming around. If this was what she gave her clients, she needed to raise her rates. But now that she found Cole, her clients were screwed, because she was certain that she was leaving the show.






Cole pulled into a marina area as the time was nearing three o'clock and then walked her into a café. After doing that bodyguard-scanning thing he did with his eyes, he asked her if she was going to be all right there for an hour.


"Sure," she told him and gave him a shrug. "See you soon." Then, as if she had been married to the man for the last ten years, she lifted up on her toes and gave him a quick, intimate kiss on his lips, then turned away to approach the counter. Two steps away from Cole, the previous action played back in her head, highlighting several points of interest she might wish to review.


Whipping her attention back over her shoulder, she saw Cole standing where she left him, helmet in hand, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses, but radiating confusion very similar to her own.


She turned fully toward him again and said, "Shoo. Get your thing done,” while making sweeping motions with the backs of her hands toward him. “Shoo!”


He smiled, shook his head with bemusement, and walked out of the café. Then she allowed her trembles to surface as she inventoried the very familiar, relaxed, display of mature affection she spontaneously performed with Cole. Her first reaction was stark terror and embarrassment. She might as well have confessed to him all of her dreams and desires for him right there in the middle of the café! She liked those dreams and desires, and even believed in the possibility of them, but she also believed in the type of life she would have to live to achieve them. But she had not achieved them yet! To just act-as-if with them? In public?


"I have to get a grip," she chided herself. "Or by the time I get back to my apartment, I'm going to have three kids with the man and a fucking PTA meeting to get to."


It was too fast. It wasn't mature at all. It was wild, unpredictable, and would flip her if she let it. With him absent, she was thinking clearer. Thank God for whatever it was he was doing, because she needed a breath. She needed space.


Her passion to have him remained unaffected by her embarrassment or awe. She felt it was there, solid and passionate.


"All right, fine," she told herself, coming clean with her libido, "But not like this. Not just bam! I could ruin it this way,” she reasoned. I could cross a line, never seeing the warning signs. I could overwhelm him and scare him off. Any number of irretrievable moments could happen doing it like this. Seduction is not a thing to take lightly or treat as a defunct formality,” she recited to herself.


It was one of her points of her philosophy about sex. “So, I want three kids, and a PTA meeting. All right, good. Good to finally have a goal I can get behind. Perfect. But how about we start with some talk, maybe some shared values, so we have something to teach those three kids later on, right? Right. Okay."


She quietly sat down at a back table with her order, waiting for the man she was willing to own an SUV for to return. The man for whom she was willing to work herself senseless with aerobics to fight a losing battle against a fat ass -- that he gave her -- with three fucking kids.


She rubbed the side of her ass, missing its firm sexy cuteness already. "This is fucking insane," she hissed.


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