Colin Woodard (58 page)

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Authors: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

Tags: #American Government, #General, #United States, #State, #Political Science, #History

BOOK: Colin Woodard
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and Civil War
and Constitutional Convention
and Continental Congress
defining characteristics of
and democracy
diversity in
and Dixie
English takeover of
founding of
geographical areas of
immigrants in
and Northern alliance
and Revolution
and slavery
and social engineering
and swing nations
and trade
and Vietnam War
and World War II
New Orleans
New Spain, and El Norte
New York:
antiwar activism in
Burnt-Over District
and Civil War
and Constitution
and Continental Congress
diversity in
Greenwich Village
immigrants in
and Midlands
and New Netherland
and revolts against England
Tammany Hall in
and Vermont
and Yankeedom
Nicholson, Governor
Nipissing people
Nixon, Richard M.
North Carolina:
anti-evolutionary views in
Borderlanders in
and Civil War
and Continental Congress
cultural influences in
and Deep South
and democracy
and Revolution
and Tidewater
Northern alliance:
and Blue Nations
and civil rights movement
coalition of
defining characteristics of
and Democratic Party
Dixie vs.
and Republican Party
and sixties cultural revolution
and social engineering
and social issues
war resisted by
Northern Confederacy
Northern Pacific Railroad
Northwest Territories (Canada)
Northwest Territory (U.S.), creation of
Nova Scotia:
cultural influences in
and Loyalist Myth
and New France
and Revolution
and Yankeedom
Noyes, John Humphrey
Nye, Gerald
Obama, Barack
and Greater Appalachia
and Midlands
National Road in
and Northwest Territory
religious revival in
Western Reserve
and Yankeedom
and Cherokee nation
and Far West
and Greater Appalachia
Oneida Community
and First Nation
and Loyalist Myth
and Midlands
and Far West
federal lands in
and Left Coast
state constitution of
and Yankeedom
Oregon Territory
Otis, Harrison Gray
Pacific Northwest
Paine, Thomas
Common Sense
Parker, Samuel
Parks, Rosa
Parr, George
Passamaquoddy tribe
Patton, George S.
Paxton Boys
Pearl Harbor, attack on
Penn, John
Penn, William
and Borderlanders
and Civil War
and Connecticut
and Constitution
and Continental Congress
and democracy
founding of
and Midlands
Quakers in
and Revolution
and Yankeedom
see also
Pennsylvania Dutch
Penobscot Indians
Pepys, Samuel
Pequot Indians
Perot, H. Ross
Pershing, John J.
Philip II, king of Spain
Philip III, king of Spain
Philipse, Frederick
Phillips, Kevin
Phillips, Wendell
Pierce, Franklin
Poland, immigrants from
Polk, James K.
Port Huron Statement (1962)
Powell, John Wesley
Protestants, Private vs. Public
Pueblo Indians
Puget Sound
Cavaliers vs.
and English civil war
in New England
proselytizing mission of
and Quakers
waning influence of
Purple (“swing”) Nations
aversion to slavery
and Borderlanders
in Canada
and Continental Congress
governance by
and Indian raids
and Midlands
pacifism of
and Revolution
and First Nation
founding of
and Loyalist Myth
and national identity
and New France
and Revolution
Quincy, Josiah
Quincy, Josiah Jr.
Quitman, John
Radisson, Pierre-Esprit
Randolph, Edmund
Randolph, John
Rayburn, Sam
Reagan, Ronald
Red Nations
Regan, John
República Mexicana del Norte
republicanism, classical
Republican Party:
and Dixie
and Midlands
and Northern alliance
and slavery
and Yankeedom
Republic of Fredonia
Republic of Texas
Republic of the Rio Grande
Rhett, Robert
Rhode Island
Rivers, L. Mendel
Robert the Bruce
Robertson, Pat
Roe v. Wade
Rolfe, John
Rome, slavery in
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Rev. Fred A.
Royal Proclamation (1763)
Ruiz, Francisco
Russell, William
St. Augustine
Saint-Castin, Jean Vincent d'Abbadie
St. Mary's City, Maryland
San Antonio
San Francisco
Santa Anna, Antonio López de
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Saul, John Ralston
Scandinavia, immigrants from
Schneider, George
Scopes Trial (1925)
Second Coming
Seguín, Juan
Seminole Indians
Seneca Falls, New York
Seneca Indians
September 11 attacks
Sequoyah (Cherokee)
Seven Years' War
Shawnee Indians
Shippen, Edward
Shorto, Russell
in ancient Greece and Rome
in Barbados
in Canada
and Civil War
in Deep South
fears of revolt
and free blacks
Fugitive Slave Law
in Haiti
indentured servants
languages and music of
in New Netherland
opponents of
and popular sovereignty
and Reconstruction
and religion
and Revolution
slaves as property
soul drivers
three-fifths ratio
in Tidewater
and westward expansion
Smith, Gordon
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph
South Carolina:
Borderlanders in
and Civil War
and Continental Congress
and Deep South
plantations in
Regulators in
and Revolution
ruling families of
and secession
slavery in
caste system in
and Cuba
Inquisition in
New World empire of
and religious wars
and slavery
Spanish-American War (1898)
sphere, use of term
Spinoza, Baruch
Springfield, Massachusetts
Stanton, Elizabth Cady
Stark, John
state, statehood, definitions of
Stevens, Isaac
Stevens, John Paul
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stickles, Daniel
Stone, Lucy
Stowe, Harriet Beecher,
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Strevell, Jason
Strong, Caleb
Stuyvesant, Peter
Taft, William Howard
Talon, Jean
Tammany Hall
Taylor, John
Tea Party movement
temperance movement
anti-evolutionary views in
Borderlanders in
and Civil War
and Deep South
and democracy
Regulators in
religious revival in
slavery in
and Tidewater
anti-evolutionary views in
and Civil War
and Deep South
and El Norte
and Greater Appalachia
and Mexico
and Midlands
ranches in
Republic of
Revolution (1836)
slavery in
and Spanish culture
Texas Revolution (1835–36)
Thatcher, Samuel
Thirty Years' War
Thurmond, Strom
anti-Spanish views in
caste system in
and Civil War
and Constitutional Convention
and Continental Congress
country gentlemen in
defining characteristics of
and democracy
and Democratic Party
and Dixie coalition,
and education
and English civil war
founding of
geographical area of
indentured servants in
and Iraq
Lost Cause in
and Midlands
plantations in
and Reconstruction
and Red Nations
and revolts against England
and secession
slavery in
and swing nations
tobacco in
and World War II
and Yankeedom
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Topsfield, Massachusetts
Trail of Tears
Trans-Appalachian West
Truman, Harry S.
Tryon, Sir William
Union Pacific Railroad
United Nations
United States:
as Confederation
and democracy
and empire
federal infrastructure projects
immigration to
and independence,
American Revolution
waning influence of
see specific wars
and Far West
federal lands in
Great Salt Lake in
and Mormons
U.S. acquisition of
and Yankeedom
Vallandigham, Clement
Vallières, Pierre
Van Buren family
Van Cortlandt dynasty
Van der Bilt, Jan Aertsen
Vardaman, James
Vesey, Denmark
Vietnam War
and Appalachians
Borderlanders in
and Civil War
and Constitution
and democracy
House of Burgesses
leading families of
religious revival in
and revolts against England
slavery in
and Tidewater
and western migration
and West Virginia
Virginia Company
voting rights:
for blacks
in Canada
in Deep South
in El Norte
and ethnographic origins
in Greater Appalachia
in Tidewater
in Vermont
for women
in Yankeedom
Walker, William
Wallace, George
Wallace, William “Braveheart,”
Walpole, Horace
War of 1812
Washington, D.C.:
and Vietnam War
and War of 1812
Washington, George:
and Continental Army
and Revolution
and Tidewater
and U.S. Government
and Whiskey Rebellion
Washington, John
Washington state
and Far West
and Left Coast
and Yankeedom
Watt-Cloutier, Sheila
Webb, Jim
Weld, Theodore Dwight
Wentworth, Paul
Western Caucus
Western Reserve
West Virginia:
and Civil War
and democracy
and education
and Greater Appalachia
secession from Virginia
Wheeler, Burton
Wheeler, William
Whiskey Rebellion
Whitney, Eli
Wigfall, Louis
Willard, Frances
William and Mary
William of Orange
William the Conquerer
Wilmer, Richard

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