Colin Woodard (55 page)

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Authors: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

Tags: #American Government, #General, #United States, #State, #Political Science, #History

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Jason Sokol,
There Goes My Everything: White Southerners in the Age of Civil Rights, 1945–1975
, New York: Knopf, 2006, pp. 97, 100–103, 293; Jim Crow examples from the website of the National Park Service's Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site at
Sokol, pp. 58–59, 86–88, 104, 116–123, 163–171, 196–197, 213, 243.
Ibid., pp. 204–205; Claude Sitton, “Civil Rights Act: How South Responds,”
New York Times
, 12 July 1964, p. E7; Comer Vann Woodward,
The Strange Career of Jim Crow
, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 175–176; Nikitta A. Foston, “Strom Thurmond's Black Family,”
, March 2004, pp. 162–164; Rick Perlstein,
, New York: Scribner, 2008, p. 131; Charles Joyner et al., “The flag controversy and the causes of the Civil War—A statement by historians,”
, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2001, pp. 196–198.
John C. Jeffries and James E. Ryan, “A Political History of the Establishment Clause,”
Michigan Law Review
, Vol. 100, No. 2, November 2001, pp. 282–283, 328–338; Phillips (2006), p. 215; Daniel K. Williams, “Jerry Falwell's Sunbelt Politics: The Regional Origins of the Moral Majority,”
Journal of Policy History
, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2010, pp. 129–140; Robert D. Woodberry and Christian S. Smith, “Fundamentalists et al.: Conservative Protestants in America,”
Annual Review of Sociology
, Vol. 24, 1998, pp. 31, 44, 47.
Tom Hayden,
The Port Huron Statement
, New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2005, pp. 44–180; Tom Hayden and Dick Flacks, “The Port Huron Statement at 40,”
The Nation
, 5 August 2002.
John Robert Howard, “The Flowering of the Hippie Movement,”
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
, Vol. 382, March 1969, pp. 43–47, 54; James P. O'Brien, “The Development of the New Left,”
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
, Vol. 395, May 1971, pp. 17–20; Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin,
America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s
, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 168–172.
Calvin Trillin, “U.S. Journal: Crystal City, Texas,”
New Yorker
, 17 April 1971, pp. 102–107; Calvin Trillin, “U.S. Journal: San Antonio,”
New Yorker
, 2 May 1977, pp. 92–100; Joel Garreau,
The Nine Nations of North America
, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981, pp. 240–244; Matt S. Meir,
The Chicanos: A History of Mexican Americans
, New York: Hill & Wang, 1972, pp. 249–250.
John Dickinson and Brian Young,
A Short History of Quebec
. Montreal: McGill–Queen's University Press, 2003, pp. 305–360; Garreau (1981), pp. 371–384.
D. T. Kuzimak, “The American Environmental Movement,”
Geographical Journal
, Vol. 157, No. 3, November 1991, pp. 265–278; Curt Meine,
Aldo Leopold: His Life and Work
, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 1–20.
Summary of same-sex marriage laws as of mid-2010 as per information at the website of the National Conference of State Legislatures:
; National Conference of State Legislatures, “Same Sex Marriage, Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships,” April 2010, Web document accessed 2 July 2010 via
; Susan Page, “
Roe v. Wade
: The Divided States of America,”
USA Today
, 17 April 2006.
Michael Lind, “The Southern Coup,”
New Republic
, 19 June 1995; Michael Lind, “The Economic Civil War,”
, 18 December 2008.
Chapter 26: War, Empire, and the Military
Frank Friedel, “Dissent in the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection,” in Samuel Eliot Morison et al.,
Dissent in Three American Wars
, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970, pp. 67–68, 76–93; E. Berkeley Tompkins,
Anti-Imperialism in the United States: The Great Debate, 1890–1920
, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970, pp. 2–3, 115–116, 124–133, 144–147; Robert L. Beisner,
Twelve Against Empire: The Anti-Imperialists, 1898–1900
, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968, pp. 107–108, 160; Colin Woodard, “The War Over Plunder: Who Owns Art Stolen in War?,”
MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History
, Summer 2010, pp. 48–51.
Beisner, p. 160; Tompkins, pp. 107–113.
Anthony Gaughan, “Woodrow Wilson and the Rise of Militant Interventionism in the South,”
Journal of Southern History
, Vol. 65, No. 4, November 1999, pp. 789–808; Henry Blumenthal, “Woodrow Wilson and the Race Question,”
Journal of Negro History
, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 1963, pp. 5–7.
Jim Webb (2004), pp. 48, 192, 254–255.
Michael Lind, “Civil War by Other Means,”
Foreign Affairs
, Vol. 78, No. 5, September 1999, pp. 126–127.
John Peter, Horst Grill, and Robert L. Jenkins, “The Nazis and the American South in the 1930s: A Mirror Image?”
Journal of Southern History
, Vol. 58, No. 4, November 1922, pp. 667–694; George L. Grassmuck,
Sectional Biases in Congress on Foreign Policy
, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1951, pp. 36–41, 122–127; Gaughan (1999), p. 772; Carl N. Degler, “Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis: The South, The North, and the Nation,”
Journal of Southern History
, Vol. 53, No. 1, February 1987, p. 17; Lind (1999), p. 128.
Grassmuck, pp. 36–41, 122–127.
Jim Webb (2004), p. 300; Fischer (1989), p. 877.
DeVoto (1947), pp. 6–7; Fred M. Shelley,
Political Geography of the United States
, New York: Guilford Press, 1996, pp. 219–222.
Matt S. Meier and Feliciano Rivera,
The Chicanos: A History of Mexican Americans
, New York: Hill & Wang, 1972, pp. 202–221.
Randall Bennett Woods, “Dixie's Dove: J. William Fulbright, the Vietnam War, and the American South,”
Journal of Southern History
, Vol. 60, No. 3, August 1994, pp. 533–552; A. J. Bauer, “Ralph Yarborough's Ghost,”
Texas Observer
, 21 September 2007; Phillips (1969), p. 259; Lind (1999), p. 131; Roy Reed, “F.B.I. Investigating Killing of 2 Negroes in Jackson,”
New York Times
, 16 May 1970.
Clark Akatiff, “The March on the Pentagon,”
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
, Vol. 61, No. 1, March 1974, pp. 29–30; Mitchell K. Hall, “The Vietnam Era Antiwar Movement,”
OAH Magazine of History
, Vol. 18, No. 5, October 2004, pp. 13–17; Robert E. Lester, ed.,
A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the President's Commission on Campus Unrest
, Bethesda, MD.: Congressional Information Service, 2003, pp. v–vi, 10–24.
Vote on stopping operations in Cambodia as per:
–294]; Ernesto Chávez,
“Mi raza primero!” Nationalism, Identity, and Insurgency in the Chicano Movement in Los Angeles, 1966–1978
, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002, pp. 64–71.
Sandy Maisel and Mark D. Brewer,
Parties and Elections in America
, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008, p. 426.
Michael Lind,
Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the Southern Takeover of American Politics
, New York: Basic Books, 2003, pp. 147–148.
John B. Judis, “The War Resisters,”
The American Prospect
, 6 October 2002; Congressional votes (H Conf 63 and 2002 Iraq War Resolution) as per
Lind (1999), pp. 133, 142.
Chapter 27: The Struggle for Power I: The Blue Nations
Richard Franklin Bensel,
Sectionalism and American Political Development, 1880–1980
, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984, pp. 63–67.
Ibid., p. 119.
Robert Sobel, “Coolidge and American Business,” [online document] at
Alan Greenblat, “The Changing U.S. Electorate,”
CQ Researcher
, 30 May 2008, p. 469.
In 1960 and 1976, Yankeedom was divided over whether to support (Irish Catholic) John F. Kennedy over Richard Nixon or (Deep Southern Baptist) Jimmy Carter over Gerald Ford, qualms not shared by its allies. In 1968, Yankeedom and the Left Coast were split over Hubert Humphrey and Nixon, while New Netherland supported Humphrey. All three nations—and much of the country—split in the 1948 race between Harry Truman and John Dewey.
Obama was born and raised outside “the nations” (in Hawaii and, later, Indonesia) but has spent almost his entire pre-presidential adult life in the Northern alliance. He attended Columbia and Harvard Law School, lived in New York City, and then moved to Chicago, where he taught at the (decidedly Yankee) University of Chicago and started his family and political career.
Bensel (1984), pp. 300–301.
Jerold G. Rusk,
A Statistical History of the American Electorate
, Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2001, pp. 230–231, 305, 315,
Jessica Reaves, “James Jeffords,”
, 24 May 2001.
Bensel (1984), pp. 296–297, 300–301.
Chapter 28: The Struggle for Power II: The Red and the Purple
Stephen D. Cummings,
The Dixification of America: The American Odyssey into the Conservative Economic Trap
, Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998, p. 193.
Doug Monroe, “Losing Hope,”
Atlanta Magazine
, September 2003, p. 259; Richard B. Drake,
A History of Appalachia
, Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2001, pp. 158–161.
Foner (1988), pp. 178–187.
Thomas Frank,
What's the Matter with Kansas?
, New York: Henry Holt, 2004, p. 7.
Bensel (1984), pp. 74–82.
Robert Dallek,
Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President
, New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, p. 170;
; Arthur Bremer,
An Assassin's Diary
, New York: Pocket Books, 1973.
Peter Applebome,
Dixie Rising
, New York: New York Times Books, 1996, p. 121; Todd J. Gillman, “McCain Campaign Co-chairman Phil Gramm Says America in ‘Mental Recession,' ”
Dallas Morning News
, 11 July 2008; Bob Dart, “Helms: True Believer to Some, Senator ‘No' to Others,” Cox News Service, 21 August 2001.
Lind (2003), pp. 1–8, 92–108, 118; Emmanuel Saez, “Striking It Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States,” unpublished manuscript, 17 July 2010.
Garreau (1981), pp. 301–327.
John M. Broder, “L.A. Elects Hispanic Mayor for First Time in Over 100 Years,”
New York Times
, 18 May 2005 ; Huntington (2004), pp. 242–246; Enriquez (2000), pp. 183–189.
Michael Adams, (2003), pp. 79–85; Edward Grabb and James Curtis,
Regions Apart: The Four Societies of Canada and the United States
, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 146, 212.
Enriquez (2000), p. 171.
Author interview, Aleqa Hammond, foreign minister of Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland, 11 September 2007; Edmund Searles, “Food and the Making of the Inuit Identity,”
Food & Foodways
, Vol. 10, No. 1–2, 2002, pp. 55–78.
Doug Struck, “Canada Sets Aside Vast Northern Wilderness,”
Washington Post
, 22 November 2007, p. A30; Canadian Boreal Initiative, press release, 7 April 2008; author telephone interview, Larry Innes, Canadian Boreal Initiative, Portland, ME, and Ottawa, 20 May 2008; author telephone interview, Valerie Courtois, environmental planner, Innu Nation, 22 May 2008, Portland, ME, and Sheshatshiu, Labrador.
Author interview, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Ilulissat, Greenland, 9 September 2007; Randy Boswell, “Canadian a Favorite for Nobel Peace Prize,”
Ottawa Citizen
, 6 October 2007, p. A6.
Author interview, Aleqa Hammond; Sarah Lyall, “Fondly, Greenland Loosens Danish Rule,”
New York Times
, 22 June 2009, p. 4; Colin Woodard, “As Land Thaws, So Do Greenland's Aspirations for Independence,”
Christian Science Monitor
, 16 October 2007; Greenland Home Rule Act, Kingdom of Denmark Act No. 577 of 29 November 1978.

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