Collide (6 page)

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Authors: Shelly Crane

Tags: #Young Adult, #Paranormal Romance, #Fantasy, #Angels, #Aliens, #molly

BOOK: Collide
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“Wait. I thought you said you can only see into the future forty eight hours? How can you know all this?”

He looked at me wearily, letting me figure it out for myself. Letting it sink in.

“Oh no. That soon?” I clutched my throat, suddenly unable to breath.

“It’s already begun. All the Keepers have come that could. We can only come to earth when someone dies, just like the Lighters. We take the body, of a person of the same gender, that they are no longer using. We use to only use the ones that no one knew had been killed. Car wrecks, overdoses, where they were alone and never take the body of someone that the Special knew. But since all the Lighters are here we had to come as quick as we could.” He stopped and looked right in my eyes. “I’m sorry about Matt, and I’m sorry about this body.” He bent down to squat right in front of me and then continued his fervent apology. Even though I was freaked and confused his eyes were open and honest and very green. I felt my heart flutter at his closeness and chided myself for it.

“Matt was miles away from here and I just chose the first body close enough to get to you and far enough not to be someone you knew. I didn’t even know it was Matt’s body until you said that name to me in your driveway. I’m sorry about that and I hope it won’t be a problem. The Lighters have taken or corrupted most of the authorities in Chicago. They can put a spell on people, so to speak. It’s not really a spell, they just have a way of making you believe them if you listen long enough. Lighter speak or a form of compulsion. By tomorrow morning, Keepers will be front page on every newspaper and channel as most wanted. We will be blamed for your troubles here and they will begin to hunt us and anyone with us.”

I couldn’t move. I believed him, more than I’ve ever believed anyone. Was he a Lighter? Is that how I believed so easily? No. He explained everything rationally and thoroughly with no lies.

Danny would be a hard sell. We’d have to keep him locked up until we could make him understand. He might go nuts on Merrick for doing this, he wouldn’t think first, he’d just start swinging, in his protective mode. Little hot head.

Merrick offered me his hand to help me up from the chair but I ignored it not knowing what else to do in my shock and not wanting to know what his touch would feel like now that it’s him and not Matt. I wasn’t that upset about Matt, which made me feel some guilt because I didn’t want the guy dead but, he wasn’t exactly on my list of favorite people.

I didn’t know this Merrick guy either. I wasn’t scared though, just cautious and though I was not one to ever refuse a gesture of politeness, I just couldn’t make myself take his hand. He kidnapped me, whether for my own good or not. This whole situation will take some getting use to.

I could hear Danny moving around in the other room, trying to speak. I let out a long steady calming sigh as I stood up. This big long crazy story wasn’t going to be fun to tell him, but it’d be better coming from me.

I tapped on the glass with my fingernail to get his attention, he jerked his head and ran over to me at the window. I could hear him just fine through the thin glass between us. He was not happy to say the least so I started to talk quick, but the look on Danny’s face is strange. He backed away in awe, shaking his head and plopped himself onto the bed again, staring at Merrick. I glanced over at him too.

“The mind thing?” I asked moving a bit towards Merrick.

“It’s the best way to...cut through the red tape,” he answered.

We both finished our half hour long plea for Danny to believe and understand, which he did. After the mind trick it was hard not to, but Danny was mainly concerned for my safety...on the other side of the glass. Merrick opened the door to let him out and Danny hugged me as if he hadn’t seen me in years.

“Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you did he?” he asked loudly, glancing back to glare at Merrick.

Always my tough guy.

“No. No, he didn’t hurt me,” I said looking at Merrick too.

“Don’t mess with her, you hear me? I don’t care what’s going on with everything. We may be stuck together but just...stay away from her.”

It was strange how it looked like Merrick actually was fighting a smile.

“I would never hurt her, or you, but alright, Danny. I understand,” Merrick replied steadily.

“I can’t believe I went along with that story you came up with. I should’ve known better.”

“Yes, you should have,” I replied flatly.

“ were awake, well the car, weren’t you? You could hear that whole time?” Danny said with comprehension setting in.

“Mmhmm,” I answered tersely.

“What was that stuff you gave me?” He turned to look at Merrick. “I heard you guys out there mumbling the whole time but I couldn’t get up.”

“It’s a drug. When we come here, sometimes we have some explaining to do. When we arrive, we are in the body of someone else and have to leave their family to help our Special. They don’t understand that the person has died. Sometimes it’s necessary to put people out for their own good so they don’t hurt themselves or us,” Merrick explained.

He was looking at me, subtly apologizing for doing just that to me not a few hours ago and once again my heart fluttered at being on the receiving end of such an honest look. I shook it away.

“Makes sense I guess,” Danny muttered, rubbing his hand over his face. “Ok. Well. Wow. Whew. What a day, huh?” Danny was a talker when he was nervous.

The whole “he’s a Special thing” would go straight to his head. All this time, I told him he needed a purpose, a goal, an ambition. He had a bigger one than I could’ve ever imagined.

“So. What now?” I asked.

Stuck in the ground with a Special and a kidnapping Keeper, no clothes or anything else personal and my stomach growling. Every girls dream.

“Well. I have food for tonight in the bag I brought. Sherry and I will have to go out tomorrow and get some supplies and we’ll be getting some company tomorrow as well.”

“Can you still see the future?” I asked, praying the answer was yes.

What a useful tool that could be.

“No, not once we take a body. Then we are basically human, except for the mind projection and the symbol behind the ear, there’s no way to tell. Not that I know of anyway. We usually aren’t in a body very long so...we’re kind of in uncharted waters.”

“Hmmm. Ok. Well, can we eat now, maybe? I’m pretty hungry,” I said looking at my watch, 1:30 a.m.

I’d been ‘asleep’ for a few hours then.

“Sure. Let’s head into the kitchen, then I’ll show you two around the place.”

We followed him down the wide white hall with the rooms on it and to the right, there was a grand kitchen area. All silver, and chrome with two entrance way doors on either side of the room. Industrial ovens, stoves and a refrigerator. Even a huge double door freezer.

If you were gonna hideout, this was the way to do it I guess. He pointed towards the bathroom and showers as we passed. There were no shower curtains, doors or stalls.

Hmmm. That would be interesting.

There was a lab area and even a room with a basketball goal and court in it. Upon asking, he told me this was a facility used for scientist and geneticist. They stayed here for months at a time when they worked on fertility drugs. They were afraid of activist trying to thwart their efforts, so they hid in this warehouse with their families while they worked and did their internships.


The cans of tuna he brought, with no crackers or bread weren’t appetizing, but to an empty stomach and no breakfast in sight, it hit the spot. Stale water in the pipes but clean water none the less and thankfully it wasn’t sulfur water. Try to make a good situation out of something crumby. At least Danny was safe.

“There will be ten Keepers coming tomorrow with their charges,” he told us as we walked past another hallway of rooms.

“How long can we stay down here? I mean, won’t the Lighters just keep looking? How long do we have until Danny’s supposed to do...whatever it is he’s gonna do?”

“I don’t know specific dates, Sherry. I don’t know when he’ll need to do something or where, it’ll just happen. As far as staying down here, I don’t know that either but you’re right, we won’t be able to stay here forever. Don’t worry, I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep you safe.”

The way he still looked at me was very strange. He wasn’t looking at Danny that way. It was almost like a man looking at someone he...desires or admires. So I asked.

“Do you have Matt’s thoughts and memories?”

“No. Everything of Matt is gone but his body.”


Well that solved nothing.

“Alright, we got a big day tomorrow. Things might get tense with all of us getting crammed into this small space.”

“You mean things
get tense right? You’ve seen it?” I suggested.

“Yes.” He actually smiled, and it was amazingly gorgeous. He was pleased that I was listening to his story I guess. “Things will get tense. A few of the other Specials and family members aren’t thrilled about this. Some still don’t believe and some are angry and want to fight back, want to fight us, the Keepers.”

“So you can’t see past tomorrow right? That’s your forty eight hours?”

“Right, after tomorrow night, we are all walking blind but just my coming here can alter the course of things. Anything we do can change the way things happen.”

We all exchanged loaded heavy glances. I sighed and fidgeted with my necklace.

“Ok then. I’ll guess I’ll go pick a room and get some sleep? Good night...Merrick,” I said nodding to him and turning.

“Um. Sherry,” he said catching my sleeve and his fingers brushed my skin sending a zing through me. I jolted slightly, looking at him sharply and he released it. “I think it would be best if we all stayed in the rooms next to each other and either you and Danny can share a room or Danny and I can, but someone will have to. There’s only fifteen rooms so...”

“Ah, I guess I’ll share with ya, sis. No snoring though,” Danny said pointing, clearly back to his old self and the shock gone.

Wouldn’t be long until the ego reared it’s ugly head.

“Fine and I do not snore.” I punched his arm and then turned back to Merrick. “Night Ma- Merrick. Sorry, uh...You do sleep, right?” I asked as I twirled a curl in between my fingers, unable to stop my nervousness.

Merrick watched me do it, like he had watched it a hundred times, reminiscent. His eyes were dark and watching but they still have kindness in them, a familiarity but not Matt’s. The dark brown eyes I was used to seeing on that face were deep green now, all Merrick.

“Yes. As far as your concerned, I’m human.”

“Ok. G’night.”

As we turned the corner I couldn’t stop myself from one last look and there it was again! That look he’d been giving me all night. Like he was in some kind of trance. Tomorrow I would find out what that whole ‘you don’t know how long’ business was all about.




Merrick - Explaining To Do

Chapter 4

I laid down on the surprisingly soft and comfortable bed. The white sheets were clean and smelled like bleach. Smell. I actually could smell the bleach. I chuckled under my breath at how every experience on earth was so different. I’d never really paid attention to smell when I was here before. I guessed I didn’t have to worry about it anymore. I would always have smell. It wasn’t like I could go home, not like I would.

I couldn’t believe it. I was actually lying in a bed, on earth, next to the room where Sherry and Danny were sleeping, safely. I was actually here again, but for them this time. I never thought I’d get the chance with them.

I slipped out of bed and walked the short distance to the next room to check on them, again. My charges. Danny was snoring and drooling on his pillow, laid out on his stomach and limbs spread wide. Normal.

My conscience was already starting to buzz with just the thought of leaving him here alone tomorrow.

Sherry was laying on her side with one leg stuck out and curled around the covers, her hand under her cheek and her hair fanned out on her shoulders. Normal for her too.

I guessed the beds were comfortable enough for them. Me, having never slept on a bed, I had no idea what it should feel like, but it felt pleasant enough.

I watched their little mannerisms, Sherry’s sighing softly and shifting slowly, almost dreamlike, rubbing her neck in her sleep. Danny talks and snores, rattling the walls as people say but doesn’t move. They probably wouldn’t be comfortable with me watching them like that, but it was just so in habit of me. Comforting.

I’d always watched them, even in their sleep. They have been my only priority for many years.

Sherry was even more gorgeous in person, and her amazing. Again with the smell. It lingered in the air even after she was gone from the room. Carrying her was almost unbearable. Light as a feather and yet, my knees wanted to collapse from actually being able to hold her, touch her.

And why! Why did I have to come here as Matt! What the heck was Matt doing way out there? She would have nothing to do with me, not even as friends. How could she with this face? He was so brutal to her, berated and belittled her. She could never see past it. Not like it mattered. She could never love me let alone like me.

I was not a human.

And Danny. I couldn’t believe he fell for that act, and with Matt’s face no less. How naïve and gullible was he? Even if the Lighter’s hadn’t pulled this stunt I would’ve been down here soon enough to save his lazy behind. Sherry was right. She thinks she was too hard on him, but he needed guidance that his parents definitely didn’t give him.

They were both so wonderfully normal and real to me.

It still amazed me ,even after all that time, how different people were in person than when you watched them. It was like a dream, a haze, a cloud. Color but a copy, not real but here, everything was alive.

Smells, facial expressions, the fluidity of movement, the way they banter and flash smiles at each other, the way she protects him and the way he loves and reveres her. It was all so real and colorful, loud and wonderful. I was glad Danny has had Sherry all these years.

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