Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (13 page)

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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James smiled, his eyes twinkling. “Did the kiss help?”

Brody blushed and looked around seeing that no one was near them. He relaxed and leaned in close. “Damn, the kiss you delivered would turn a straight boy gay.”

“If you’re really straight, I have no desire to turn you gay.”

“No, I’ve kissed another guy. I’ve liked guys for a while, I was just too afraid to admit it.”

“Just kissed?” James lifted one eyebrow.

“That’s all.” Brody glanced around again before speaking. “I went to a club, to see what I wanted. I knew, but then I got scared of what it meant. This guy kissed me and I wanted more, but I was too afraid. I ran home and looked for a girl to date. A friend introduced me to Jessica shortly after that experience.”

“So you’ve never really touched another guy before?”


“Earlier, when I touched you, that was the first time?”

“Yeah.” Brody ducked his head, his cheeks and neck turning red.

James tapped the table and Brody lifted his gaze. “You’re beautiful when you blush.”

“Fuck, that’s just embarrassing.”

He slid his thumb over Brody’s lower lip. “I think it’s cute.”

Brody’s lips thinned out even more, and he shivered at the thought of what those lips could do to him.

“You’re not turned off by my lack of experience?”

“No, not at all.”

“What are we going to do?” Brody asked.

“Eat some food then go back to your place. We’ll take it one day at a time. I want us to work. It might be hard, but I think we can figure this out.” James extended his hand, waiting for Brody to take it. Would Brody be brave enough to touch him in public? They were in a back booth and few people were near. His heart started to sink until he felt Brody’s foot brush against his under the table and saw his hand reaching to bridge the gap. It was a start, something they could build on.




Chapter Fifteen


Connor stretched and rolled to his stomach, appreciating the soft hand Mike Jarred trailed over his back. Mike would take off for South America tonight and he’d be traveling to Houston. Seeing the guys would be great. There were meetings he had to attend, but he’d added in a few days he could relax and have fun at the ranch.

Mike pushed the covers down Connor’s back and over his ass, brushing his fingers over Connor’s crack. He lifted a little and Mike groaned as his finger pushed between Connor’s cheeks. Mike pulled his hand away and popped Connor on the ass, the sting causing Connor to hiss.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Did you enjoy our little nap?”

“It was wonderful. I feel rested.”

“I’m glad. Do you think you can make the drive tonight?”

Connor moaned as Mike slid his hand over his butt cheek. “Yes, I’ll be fine.”

“Excellent. Now it’s time to make you remember exactly who I am to you.”

Connor lifted up on his knees and wagged his hips. He was ready for whatever Mike wanted. They’d fallen into a comfortable rhythm since moving in together. Sex was more than just fucking. They put their mind, body, and soul into coupling.

Mike moved behind him and pressed his body against Connor’s forcing him back to the bed. “I love being on you like this. Your ass is just the right amount of round and soft, yet firm and delicious. I want to sink into you every time I do this.”

Connor could feel the thickness of Mike’s cock against his crack. He pumped his hips, knowing that he was driving Mike wild. It would be more than a week, maybe two before he saw Mike again. They’d both traveled a bit in the last year, but this would be the longest they had been apart. He and Riley were apart too much and it had ruined their relationship. They’d messed up big time, putting work, and pride before each other.

His heart squeezed as he thought of the mistakes he’d made with Riley. He didn’t want something similar to that to happen with Mike.

“Wait,” Connor growled.

Mike paused and Connor used his strength to flip Mike off his back. The look on Mike’s face was a mixture of shock and worry.

“Babe, I need you to know,” Connor growled.


“You’re it for me. I love you with all my heart. I only want you.”

Mike smiled and cupped Connor’s cheeks. “And you have my heart. We’re solid.”

“You do know that, right? You’re it for me.”

“I will never cheat on you. You are the only one for me. Forever.” Mike pushed at Connor’s shoulder, turning him over and pressing him into the mattress. “I’m going to make love to you now, and I want you to remember this during our time apart. This isn’t me just getting my rocks off, this is us coming together as one. You are my world. You’re the only one who matters like this. We haven’t made it official, but you’re my husband. That’s what matters most. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

Connor stared into Mike’s eyes as he rose above him. Mike reached for the lube on the nightstand and squirted some on his hand. He stroked his cock and lifted Connor’s legs to his shoulders.

“You and me, that’s it,” Mike said as he pushed at Connor’s entrance.

He relaxed, allowing Mike to slip in. The gasp from his lips was followed closely by a groan of pleasure. Mike kept pressing in, his gaze never straying from Connor’s. Mike’s dick was lodged so far up his ass he thought he would choke. The beating of his heart grew more pronounced as his dick grew harder. Mike slid almost all the way out before slamming in. He bit his lower lip, praying he could hold onto his sanity as Mike plowed into him, but he doubted he’d keep it together. Mike fucking him always drove him to the edge of reason.

“Feels so good being inside of you.”

“Yeah.” Connor wiggled his hips and pressed up, his dick bouncing against his belly. “So good,” he groaned as his hands clutched Mike’s legs.

Mike’s gaze connected with his. He slid out just a little then slammed back in. “Never forget this.”

Connor arched off the bed and his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. Mike grabbed his jaw and forced Connor’s chin down.

“Look at me as I make love to you.”

The challenge of keeping his gaze on Mike’s almost did him in as desire and lust pumped through his body, mixing with the love he felt for his man. They were meant to be together. It was brutally apparent when Mike was like this, commanding him while they made love.

His balls ached for release. He fought for control, but Mike had mastered him and was pushing him over the edge, leaving him clinging to the thin thread of reason. Then Mike reached up and tweaked his nipples. The pain and pleasure shot strait to his balls, pulling them so tight that he couldn’t hold back the orgasm.

White come shot out of his dick and he squeezed his eyes closed, no longer able to hold Mike’s gaze. The pulsing continued as Mike slammed into him. Connor clutched his balls, riding the delicious sensation of Mike ramming him hard.

The rhythm of his lover failed just before he stilled, his pelvis pressing so hard against Connor’s ass he wondered if he’d have bruises from Mike’s hips. Then Mike dropped down on top of him, his lips delivering sweet kisses as he tried to catch his breath. Connor’s jizz was rubbed between them, the smell of their coupling filled the room.

He would miss this. Together, they created something wonderful. Already the sadness of missing Mike was creeping in.

Mike sat up, pulling out before dropping to the bed beside him. “Hey, what’s up? Why are you sad?”

“I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you. But babe, it will be okay. We’ll get through this.”

Connor groaned and threw his arm over his eyes. “I know. I just like being with you.”

“Same here.”

“You’ll call, right?”

Mike pulled Connor’s arm off his face, his smile reassuring. “Of course. Now then, how about we shower? We both have a lot to do.”


As they showered and packed, Connor worried what them being apart this long would mean. He didn’t like the idea of not seeing Mike for so long. When it was time for Mike to leave, Connor held on to him for a long time.

“I love you,” Mike whispered.

“I know. I love you, too.”

“Good. I have to take off.”

“Call,” Connor whispered.

“I will.”

Connor watched as Mike drove away. He went back into the house, checking all the locks and the windows they usually opened before grabbing his bag and hauling it to his car. It had been a while since he’d seen Lane and Gresh. He wondered how they would feel about him staying at Crazy Hills for a few nights. Hell, he wondered how he’d feel about staying there. Mike was his rock, and that made all the difference in the world. He might be going back to the ranch, but he was returning a different person.




Chapter Sixteen


Brody’s whole body seemed to shake as he exited James’s truck. He stood in the driveway, knowing that when they walked through the door and into his house, they were going to do more than kiss.

“Are you okay?” James asked.

“Yeah, I just was thinking about what would happen once we went inside.”

“You don’t have to do anything. Just because we’re in the same house doesn’t mean I have to sleep with you.”

Brody turned to face James. “I want you in my bed. I want to feel you—I want—fuck this is hard. I think I want you-you inside of me.”

James lifted a brow. “Have you ever used your finger, or a dildo to penetrate yourself?”

“I’ve used my finger before.”

James stepped close then looked up, his gaze shifting over the street. “Let’s go inside and talk about it there.”

Brody took off to the house, tugging his keys out of his pocket. He tried to open the door but his hands were shaking too much. Just the thought of James sliding into him had him so nervous he could hardly breathe.

“Let me.” James took the key ring and slipped the house key into the lock, turning it quickly. The door was open and they were inside.

Brody drew in a deep breath but it wasn’t enough. He tried to draw in another but his whole body jerked. It felt like there wasn’t enough air in the house. James was right there, his body heat almost suffocating, or maybe it was the heat Brody was throwing off. Either way he was freaked out and about to pass out.

James smoothed his fingers over Brody’s chest. “Relax, we’re not going to have sex tonight.”

“But I want...”

“Let me just hold you. You’re shaking.”

He nodded, relaxing as James rubbed his back. Neither one of them moved, giving him another moment to relax. He blew out a breath and reached to flip on the light but James’s hand stopped him.

“What?” Brody stilled as James’s fingers tightened around his wrist.

“Hear that?”


“That hiss.” James jerked Brody closer.

Fear filled him and he wanted to flip on the light so he could figure out what was going on, but James wouldn’t let go as he clutched Brody in an almost vise like grip. “That’s gas. Take a deep whiff.”

He breathed in through his nose, but the air was thick with something that made his head spin. He couldn’t catch his breath. “Shit.”

“Outside, now,” James growled.

He tugged open the door and they both raced out. James had his phone out, dialing before Brody could pull out his.

“Duff, someone set it up for Brody’s house to explode. There’s gas inside. The line was broke.”

Brody stood beside James, afraid to leave his side. What if the person was watching them? Fuck, they could have a gun trained on him, or worse, on James. He didn’t want James to die. Should he move closer or farther away to keep James safe? A noise sounded behind them and Brody jumped.

“James,” he screamed, his body flooding with heat as his heart began to thump faster.

“It’s okay.” James hung up his phone and tugged them over to stand behind a bushy tree. “I’m going to call the cops.”

“But-but...I thought you didn’t want the cops involved.”

James dialed his phone and waited for the dispatcher to answer. Brody wound his arms around James’s waist and held him close. James draped his arm over Brody’s shoulder, giving him comfort.

“Yeah, there’s something wrong with the gas at my friends house. We need some help.” James gave the dispatcher their address and then hung up.

“Why bring the cops in now?”

“This is too dangerous. They went from tapping you with a car to willing to blow up your house. But they didn’t do a good job of it. It’s random.”


James nodded. “A good hit man would have rigged a spark to fire the second we opened the door or a few minutes after. The house is still standing because we didn’t turn on the lights. And turning on the gas or breaking a line doesn’t always work either. They’re acting dangerously. They could go after your crew in the morning. It would put the public at risk.”

“That would suck. Actually, that was what I was most afraid of. Should we move, you know, get out of the open?” Brody asked.

“I think we’re safe right here. We’ll wait for the cops to show.”

Brody leaned his head against James’s shoulder, his hands roaming over James body, searching for comfort. Before the gas incident, he was ready to have sex with James. Breaking it off with Jessica had been the right thing to do, not just because he wanted to be with someone else, but he really was gay or at least bi, though he doubted his attraction to women would ever really surface again.

James was what he wanted. He only had to get his life sorted for that to happen. It sucked that his life was going to hell just as he found the one person he actually wanted to be with.




Chapter Seventeen


The cops arrived along with the fire department. It made sense that Brody had pulled away from him. These guys worked with Brody and he had to face them every day. Being gay wasn’t popular everywhere and James had no idea how the guys at the station would feel with Brody batting for the other team.

He held back, letting Brody take care of everything. Somehow, Brody managed to keep James’s name out of the official police report. Watching Brody interact with the other men, he wondered how their relationship would affect his work life. Jumping into a relationship would be hard on Brody. He couldn’t make a decision to leave the ranch so rashly. What if Brody didn’t really want him? Two days together wasn’t enough time to build something lasting. What the hell was he thinking?

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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