Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (15 page)

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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“Stop!” I screamed.

“Fuck off.”

“Asshole, stop. What are you going to do?”

“Going to make sure she’s dead.”


My whole body was shaking. I feared what he would do next. The contents of my stomach wouldn’t stay down. Everything I’d eaten came up in one huge gush, splattering on my shoes. I was empty, not just my stomach, but also my soul. I’d never seen such a disgusting act of inhumane violence, and here I was going along with his plans all because I thought Daniel Metcalf was hot. But actually killing Missy was too much. I had a line I wouldn’t go past, and this was it.

Daniel punched me when I stood up. “You freak. Look what a mess you made. I don’t have a lighter or a match anyway. Do you?


“Fuck. Go jerk off on her and we can go.”

“I’m not doing that.”

He twisted my arm and shoved me at Missy, forcing me to the ground beside her. Pain raced from my arm to my spine, blossoming into a raging headache. Daniel grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down so my lips were almost touching Missy’s face. I could feel the fast puffs of her breath on my cheek. It gave me hope that she might make it.

“Spit on her.” Daniel’s punishing fingers held me tight.

“No,” I yelled.

“Spit on her now. Or I’m going to really hurt you.”

After seeing what Daniel had done to Missy, I knew he could do damage, and I didn’t want to die. Self-preservation kicked in and I gathered spit in my mouth then opened my lips, letting it run down onto Missy’s face. Tears filled my eyes and try as I might, they wouldn’t be held back.

I cried for Missy, for what I thought Daniel was, and for myself. I could never have guessed what would happen next, but I knew it was going to be bad. Before we stood, Daniel grabbed Missy’s hand and dug her fingernail into the back of my hand, scratching me. I cried out, the sobs coming hard as blood beaded on my skin.

Daniel hauled me up and patted me on the cheek then gave me a hug. “I knew you’d pull through and make me proud. Keep quiet about this. Don’t tell a fucking soul and everything will be fine.” He laughed as he slapped me on the back one more time. “Let’s go.”

I stared at Missy before turning, wondering what would happen to her. It was well past midnight, the sky awash with moonlight that broke through the tree limbs, casting shadows on the forest floor. Everything had changed. I knew the world was a harsh place, I’d learned that when my mother died, but I had no idea how harsh it really was.

His brother was at home when we arrived. He grabbed Daniel and hauled him inside, slamming the door in my face. They must have cleaned Daniel’s house from top to bottom because Missy’s DNA was never found there. On the way home from Daniel’s I took a detour and ran by a store that had a payphone. I called the cops, never revealing who I was, or who had injured her, just where she was located. I didn’t know the store had a security camera pointed at me. It was down hill after that. The conviction came easily. Missy didn’t die, at least I didn’t have that on me, but she was never the same. Her family moved away after the trial. It could have been so much worse. Had I been tried as an adult, I would still be in jail.


Brody hadn’t looked at James once while he’d relived the events of that night. Fear had kept him from looking anywhere but out the window. He was ashamed of what had happened. It had ruined his life and his father’s life. Once the papers started running the story, his dad had to move. Plus all the worry had probably made his dad even more sick.

“Did Daniel serve any time?” James’s voice shook Brody back to the present.

“No. His dad was very wealthy. The DNA evidence pointed at me. They never tried him even though I told my story to the cops. Daniel’s dad paid off Missy’s parents and more. Had to have, since the DA never allowed me to tell my story in court. They railroaded me. I know that now.”

“How long were you in?”

“I was in juvie for three years. When I got out, my dad was sick. I helped him as much as I could. Then he got worse right after I graduated high school. That’s when I started buying him drugs and selling them because we had no money. My dad had moved to a different town, but I went back to where we lived previously to search for Daniel’s dad, but they’d moved away. I had no idea where he was. If I had known where they moved to, I would have gone to them for cash. They owed me, and at that time, I was pissed enough to demand they pay.”

“Was the drug dealer someone you knew from prison?”

“No, just a friend of someone I knew when I was in jail.”

James was silent as they pulled into the hotel parking lot. Brody had talked the entire drive and James hadn’t said much. There were things he’d done in his life that he carried guilt from and that was the biggest one. He should have called the cops when he showed up at Daniel’s house. Missy was alive, but the doctors did say that if they’d found her earlier, she probably wouldn’t have lost three fingers to frostbite.



Chapter Eighteen


James had listened to the entire story, fearing that Brody was going to expose something really awful that he’d done, but he’d revealed a story about how he’d gotten screwed over. James didn’t know what to say. There were too many thoughts swirling in his brain.

“I’ll be back after I get us a room. Stay in the truck.”

The hotel was off the highway and he was positive they hadn’t been followed. He’d used every trick in his arsenal to insure they were safe on the drive out of town. This hotel had the best location with easy access to the freeway. He’d thought about staying at a motel in town, but he liked the added security of having a front desk and elevator blocking them from harm. After paying for two nights, using a fake ID he kept around just for this type of thing, he left the building. Brody watched him from the moment he exited the hotel lobby until he was back at the truck. His gaze was wary, his eyes hooded.

“We’re on the third floor.”


Brody’s story had revealed something James had already figured out earlier, he just wasn’t sure why he’d come to the conclusion he had. But now, after Brody’s tale, he had a better idea why he’d thought Brody was a good guy from the start. Brody never should have helped his friend to move the girl, that was a huge mistake, but understandable with the circumstances. All sorts of things could have gone wrong when they’d moved her, but they hadn’t. He should have received a slap on the wrist, not juvenile hall. The other boy had been the guilty one, but it sounded like no one believed Brody.

They grabbed their bags and started walking to the lobby. He wanted to get Brody inside and into bed. The man looked exhausted.

“Let’s go up. We’re in three fifteen.”

Brody nodded but didn’t say anything. James didn’t blame him for the silent treatment. Telling a story like that, reliving those events, had to have been hard. After the quick elevator ride, he used the keycard to open the door and stepped inside, holding the door so it didn’t swing back on Brody. Once Brody had cleared the door, James let it shut.

The curtains were open, allowing light from the parking lot to spill inside. It was a typical hotel room, nothing out of the ordinary. But they were alone, protected from prying eyes, and in a safe place. James wanted to hold Brody. He dropped his bag and stepped close to Brody. A glimpse of the lost, hurt little boy who’d been sent away from his dad flashed on Brody’s face then was gone. James was going to go slowly, rubbing Brody’s arm, maybe giving him a gentle hug, just showing him some reassurance, but the pain in Brody’s eyes left a gaping hole in James’s heart. He hauled Brody into his arms, holding him tight. Brody shook as he gulped in air. The man had been through so much and James wondered if he’d grieved at all.

“I’m so sorry all that happened,” James whispered.

“I never should have helped him.”

“You were young. Give yourself a break. Daniel took advantage of you. The cops should have listened to your story. You never should have been separated from your father that way.”

Brody drew in a deep breath after a racking sob. “But she could have died.”

James pushed Brody to arms length. “Babe, you weren’t the one to rape her. You made a mistake in not walking away, but few adults would have walked away in a similar situation.”

“I’ve never stopped feeling guilty about that.”

“I can understand why, but it wasn’t your fault. You’re a good guy.”

Brody snorted. “Good guys don’t end up in juvenile hall.”

“Hey, let’s get one thing straight, you were taken advantage of.”

“But I should—”

James cut him off by pressing his lips to Brody’s then quickly demanding entrance with his tongue. The kiss was feral, hot, twisted in passion and lust, shaped by a driving need to possess. At first Brody held stiff, then he melted against James, giving up all resistance as he accepted the kiss, opening for James.

Everything else faded away. All that mattered was their two bodies pressed together. Brody groaned. The vibration reached all the way to James’s cock, filling him out more. He needed more skin-to-skin contact.

James lifted Brody’s shirt, revealing smooth pale skin. He pressed in close but it wasn’t enough since his shirt was still on. “Lose the clothes, now.”

Brody blinked at him twice. His lips curved up in a sensuous grin that had James tingling all over. Frantically they both tugged at belt buckles, and zippers, kicking off shoes as they revealed body parts. The heap of clothes lay at their feet as they paused, their gazes roaming freely over the other.

“You are so freaking beautiful,” James whispered.

Brody glanced down at his body, rubbing one hand over his chest and stomach. “I’m pale.”

“Fucking gorgeous. I want to kiss and lick every inch of you.”

The shiver that skated over Brody’s body made James even harder. His dick bobbed and Brody’s attention was drawn to it. James clenched his muscles, fighting the urge to shove Brody against the wall and fuck his brains out.

“You can touch me, actually I want you to,” James said.

Brody glanced up at James’s face then back to his dick. “I want to do more than touch.”

“I know.”

“I’ve never actually given another guy head.”

James smiled. “You don’t have to.”

The look that crossed Brody’s face was beautiful and tragic. “I want to.”

“I’m yours to do with as you wish.”

Brody drew in a deep breath through his nose, his nostrils flaring as his chest rose. “Anything?”

“Yeah, I’m yours.”

Any hesitancy Brody had vanished as he reached for James, pulling him close. Their dicks brushed together and Brody jumped back.

“Fuck.” His eyes were wide, his body shaking. “That felt so good.”

James smiled and reached out, smoothing his palm over Brody’s pecs. “Just wait, it gets better.”

Brody stepped close, his gaze on their cocks. He groaned when they touched. James relished the sounds Brody made. James wanted more so he stood still, just waiting for the next thing to happen.

He didn’t have to wait long. Brody placed his hand on their cocks, holding them together, smoothing his fingers over their dicks. James clenched his fists at his sides, willing his hips not to rock too much. This was Brody’s time to explore and he wasn’t going to rush him.

The sweet slide of his length against Brody’s had him almost coming. He bit his lower lip, wondering if he’d last this first round.

Brody was gasping for breath, his face and chest flushed red. His eyes were wide as he stared at their cocks. James needed more contact so he reached out and placed his hands on Brody’s waist. Brody looked up, heat shining in the grey-blue eyes. James had never seen such a beautiful shade of blue before, it was almost like they were glowing. He couldn’t hold back, his need was too high. He batted Brody’s hand away, lining up their dicks between their bodies as he pressed Brody into the wall. He thrust his hips against Brody, their dicks were trapped between them in a delicious press of hot flesh.

The thin hair on Brody’s body provided enough friction that he was going to lose it. They humped together, his face buried in the crook of Brody’s neck. His balls were pulled so tight they almost hurt. Precome leaked from the tip of his cock and spread over their flesh.

James had one pump left in him then he came, biting down at the curve of Brody’s neck as he pressed in harder. Brody’s fingers dug into James’s back, clawing at him as he bucked hard. Then Brody stilled, his head thrown back as he came. The musky sent of come, sweat, and man filled his nostrils. They’d gone at it so quickly they hadn’t even made it past the vestibule by the bathroom. Bags, clothes, and shoes littered their path to the bed, but the bathroom was right there beside them.

He pulled Brody into the bathroom and flipped on the light. After turning on the tap in the tub he opened the toilet lid. Brody watched him piss before lining up to empty his bladder too. James flipped the lever for the shower and they both stepped in, neither saying a thing as James unwrapped the bar of soap and began working it into a lather.

“You first.” James switched places with Brody, positioning him closer to the spray. When his soaped up hands smoothed over Brody, he sighed. “So smooth and beautiful.”

“If you keep telling me that I might believe it.”

“You are very good looking. Very sexy.”

Brody reached out and touched the trail of hair between James’s pecs. “I like your chest hair. It feels good when you press up against me.”

“I’ve done the totally smooth thing before.”

“Don’t do it again. I love running my hands over this.”

James had soaped Brody’s chest and back then reached under his arms. Brody jumped and laughed.

“Hey, that tickles.”

“You just gave me some ammunition.”

Brody’s eyes got huge and James started laughing.

“That’s not fair.”

“I’m so going to use that on you later.”

“You’re evil.”

James lathered his hands again then reached low, cupping Brody’s dick. “What about this?”

“What about it?”

He stroked the length slowly, loving how heavy the thick meat felt in his hands. Without breaking eye contact, James slid his hand over Brody’s balls and squeezed gently. “Do you like this?”

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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