Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (19 page)

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They finished eating and started detailing their plan for the next few days. They had one opportunity to get this right. The pressure was huge and he didn’t want to mess up his first big assignment.




Chapter Twenty-One


“Duff, I need access to some information that is only available through the computers at the ranch.” James stared at the carpet between his feet. He needed to find out the location of the dealer Brody had helped send to jail.

“James, I don’t think it would be good to bring Brody onto the property.”

“I would normally agree, but there are extenuating circumstances.” James hated having to beg. Taking Brody onto the ranch would put them all at risk.

“Son, I—”

“Okay, I agree. It would be a stupid move. We have to keep the ranch safe. It’s bigger than me or Brody, I get that. I’m going to need help though.”

“I can give you some help. Roger, Billy, and Zander are gone. Grant, Mike, and Tucker are working with the guys to make the mission run smoothly. That leaves me and Marshal.”

“That’s perfect. Thanks Duff.”

He hung up, dropping the phone beside him as he fell back onto the bed. Brody needed to go to work today. It was a little after three in the morning and they’d spent two full days at the hotel, mostly in bed, though neither one of them had penetrated the other they’d had a lot of fun. Brody had argued with him before they feel asleep about going into work. James had thought he should stay out of sight for another day, but Brody wanted to be at the firehouse. They didn’t have much information, and anything he found on the dealer had been public information. Without the equipment to hide their IP address, he couldn’t hack into the government systems. He had to head to Wild Bluff to get information.

The water stopped and the door to the bathroom opened. Brody leaned against the doorjamb, his arms crossed over his chest. “Well?”

“You’re going to work and I’m heading to the ranch.”

“I’m good with that,” Brody said.

“You know how I feel.”

“I do, and I also know how you taste, but I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions about when I work.”

“You dork, get over here.” James held out his hand, beckoning Brody over.

“What are you going to do to me?”

“Let me show you.”

Brody sauntered over, his hips swaying with each step, obviously exaggerated. “Tell me, you sexy thing, are you going to kiss me?”

“Maybe. First, I’m going to suck you.”

James grabbed Brody’s hips and held him still as he licked and kissed his cock. He wanted to fuck Brody, but he wasn’t going to push the issue. They were new to each other and Brody was new to sex with a man. It would take time for Brody to get used to the idea, and James wasn’t going to push the issue. James dropped to his knees and sucked all the way to the base of Brody’s dick, burying his nose in the neatly trimmed pubic hair.

“So good.” Brody grabbed the back of James’s head, putting pressure on him.

James lifted his hand, smoothing his fingers over Brody’s chest, searching for his nipple. Brody grabbed his hand and put it to his mouth, sucking James’s index finger, swirling his tongue around the tip. James tried to match the swirl pattern but he was so excited he could hardly concentrate. His own dick was hard and bobbing. Precome dripped from the tip onto the carpet below. Lust pounded through him. He wanted his dick in something, even just his own hand.

Brody’s precome bathed his tongue and he paused, grabbing the base of Brody’s dick to hold it still. He licked over the flat head once then twice, loving the moans from his man. Brody dropped James’s hand and he reached around with his spit slick finger, slipping it between Brody’s ass cheeks. He bent his legs, allowing James’s finger easier access. At first, he didn’t press in. Then he slid his finger over the tight pucker, feeling Brody flex then relax. James pushed the tip of his finger into Brody, shivering as he felt Brody tense.

“Oh fuck.” Brody’s legs started to shake. He grabbed the side of James’s head and held him still as he slammed his hips forward then pulled out. James tried to hold onto Brody but the man was fucking his face. He lost his hold, his fingers sliding from Brody’s ass.

James opened his throat, trying like crazy not to gag on Brody’s cock. His head started to hurt where Brody held, but he could tell the hard fuck was almost over as Brody’s dick grew bigger. Then Brody stilled, his dick almost all the way out of James’s mouth. Brody’s legs shook, his hands clenching James’s ears. James wanted the man’s come in his mouth so he reached up and grabbed Brody’s ass and sunk down on Brody’s dick.

“Gonna—fuck.” Brody shouted as he came down James’s throat.

Thick come leaked from the corners of James’s mouth. It was too much to swallow and his airways were closing up. He pulled off, letting most of Brody’s come run down his chin. James sucked in air and closed his eyes as he sat back on his heals.

He felt Brody’s gentle hands on his shoulders and opened his eyes to see Brody drop to his knees in front of him. He smiled through the haze of lust.

“You are so fucking good at that. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, I’m good.”

Brody smiled then leaned in and licked James’s chin, cleaning his own come from James’s face. He shivered and Brody sat back.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, just horny as hell.”

“Get on the bed and let me take care of that.”

James crawled to the center of the bed and reached for a pillow, placing it under his head. He closed his eyes as Brody started kissing his chest, swirling his tongue over James’s stomach. When Brody swiped his tongue over the tip of James’s dick, he almost lost it. This was heaven and he wanted more. Not just sex, but more of Brody. He wanted to wake up with this man and go to sleep with him. Long nights filled with sex, love, arguments, and makeup sessions. He wanted it all.

Brody sucked hard as he pulled off James’s dick, making a loud popping sound before running his tongue over the underside down to James’s balls. He sucked one of James’s balls into his mouth and wrapped his hand around James’s dick, stroking him slowly.

James fisted the sheets as he fought for control, but he couldn’t find any. He came hard and fast, his come splashing over his belly and running down his dick onto Brody’s hand.

Brody lifted up, his eyes half hooded with lust. “What did you think of that?”

“I think we need to have a serious chat after we figure out who is trying to hurt you. Once we have that taken care of, we need to be honest with each other.”

Brody straightened, his brows pinched together and his lips turned down in a frown. His gaze stayed on the bed as he spoke. “I hope you’ll give us a chance.”

“Brody, look at me.”

Brody lifted his gaze. His lips were pressed thin and his brows pinched together, worry shining in his eyes.

“I think we have a very good chance of being more than just friends. I think we have something special, and I don’t want to lose you.”

“What are you saying?”

“We need to head back to town so you can get to work, and I need to spend the day at the ranch. After we figure this out, we need to discuss the realities of our lives. I don’t want to lose you, but I can’t bring you back onto the ranch.”

“I understand.”

“It’s just too dangerous. The stuff we do, it’s way out there.”

Brody nodded and stood, turning back to face James. “So you’re not blowing me off?”

“No way. I care too much for you.”

Brody nodded. “Okay, lets get ready and roll out.”

James stood and stepped close to Brody. “We have a lot to talk about. And I’m going to have to dig into your background.”

“That freaks me out a little.”

“I won’t judge. Trust me.” James hoped Brody had told him everything. He wanted their relationship to be special, but they would have nothing if the foundation was based on lies

“I do trust you.”

“Good, now let’s get out of here.” James kissed Brody on the cheek, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to live without this man. He’d give up Wild Bluff for Brody and that shocked the hell out of him.



Chapter Twenty-Two


Zander loaded his clip and stored it in the pouch under his arm. He had one chance to get this right. Rafael Ruiz was flying in to Rio de Janeiro International airport and traveling north of the city to his private encampment by limousine. There would be six cars in their caravan. Two of them decoy limousines to confuse any potential threats. What most didn’t know was that Rafael Ruiz wouldn’t be driving in any of those cars. Instead, he’d be traveling in the back of a taxi, one that wasn’t open for public transportation. Normally he would take a helicopter, but one had been shot down three weeks ago in São Paulo and Duff had heard that Ruiz was afraid the same thing would happen to him, thus the convoluted travel plans.

The plan was for Roger to be set up in a building on Ruiz’s route. Billy would be following behind on a motorcycle. He was going to be set up near Ruiz’s camp as a backup. If Roger missed, it would be his job to finish Ruiz off. It was almost midnight and he was about to move out. He needed to be hidden completely before the sun came up. They knew that Ruiz’s patrols around his own place were lax, even when he was set to arrive home. His chief of security was careless, thinking that those around him loved Ruiz and wouldn’t harm him. But the bastard had taken a few too many young girls and boys, forcing them into sex slavery. His neighbors didn’t really care for him, but that was another story.

Over the last twenty-four hours they’d procured enough guns and ammunition to take out Ruiz and fight their way out of a situation if needed. Ruiz had a small army, but the boys of Wild Bluff had insider information and that was more valuable than all of Ruiz’s men.

“I’m taking off.” Zander shouldered his pack and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge.

“Be safe.” Roger stepped close and hugged him.

Billy joined their hug, kissing Zander on the cheek. “We’ll be in touch. You know where to go after the job is done?”

“Yes. I’ll see you in two days. Be careful.”

Zander stepped out of the room and headed downstairs, skipping the elevator. He was outside, blending in with the crowd as he made his way to the car they’d purchased off some old woman. They gave cash and no names. The drive north was uneventful and he was three miles away from Ruiz’s house before two in the morning. James grabbed his gear and left the car parked in a shopping lot. He figured the car would be picked up eventually so he wiped it clean, leaving the car key under the seat.

The hike over the hills to Ruiz’s place took him a little over two hours. If it had been a straight shot, he could have run there in thirty minutes, but he couldn’t draw attention to himself and there were other properties he had to skirt. Once he made it to the spot they’d decided had the best angle, he set up, covering himself with brush. Before the sun came up, he was asleep, safely hidden out of the patrol zone.

The bud in his ear beeped and woke him. He listened to Roger’s voice. “Package didn’t follow the prescribed path. Be aware we are operating on plan B.”

“Shit.” Zander pulled out the empty water bottle he’d consumed on his walk to his current spot and opened the lid. He pissed into the bottle and screwed the lid back on. After eating some jerky and a cookie, he set up his sniper rifle, making sure his gun was ready with one in the chamber. He had one shot. That was it.

Getting out of here would suck. He couldn’t use the car he’d parked three miles away. His only hope was finding the rendezvous spot where Billy could pick him up, otherwise, he’d be on his own to make it to the hotel near the Copacabana district where they could disappear as tourists in the mass of humanity visiting the city.

Time ticked by slowly and he knew it was an illusion. He only had a short amount of time before Ruiz showed up. Zander emptied another bottle of water, drinking down the refreshing liquid before taking a piss into the opening. He capped the bottle then stored it using minimal movements so he wouldn’t attract attention. After he was finished with that task, he cleaned up his area. Leaving anything behind would give the enemy ammunition. This mission, like all others he’d ever been involved in, had to run smoothly. If they figured out who killed their boss, they might want retribution.

He heard a beep over his earbud and he paused, paying attention to the words.

“I’m narrowing in on your location,” Billy said. The low whine of the motorcycle could be heard over the transmission. “Going to branch off. Five minutes at the most. I’ll see you in a few if all goes well.”

“Got it.” Zander played through his exit strategy going over the path he would need to take to meet Billy.

Zander closed his eyes and envisioned the operation. He had one shot, only one, and he had to get it right. The sound of a car approaching alerted him to their arrival. He opened his eyes, looking through the scope. Zander was up the hill, about a half a mile away from the entrance to Ruiz’s compound. His rifle’s range was around a mile, a bit longer depending on the wind. For perfect accuracy through a car window, he was in the sweet spot.

The first car came into view and stopped. Two guys got out and stood in the middle of the path. Two more cars came into view and they stopped too. This was not what he was expecting. Four of the guys had automatic weapons and probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill him.

He drew in a slow breath and let it out. The spot he’d chosen was near the top of the rise. In less than ten normal steps he’d be over the top and out of danger. With two huge leaps, maybe three, he’d be over the rise. They’d fire first then ask questions later. His best bet to escape would be to fire twice, ensuring he hit his target and then take off running. He wouldn’t have a second chance to kill Ruiz. After this attempt, if Ruiz didn’t die, he’d increase his security. This was a one shot deal.

The taxi pulled up and stopped. To Zander’s surprise, Ruiz stepped out as the cabbie exited his vehicle. Zander aimed, seeing one of Ruiz’s goons raise his gun and aim it at the cabbie’s head. His chances just got better.

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