Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (22 page)

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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James glanced out the window, seeing the police pulling Landon from his car. “Oh shit,” he shouted, cutting Becky off. She paused then turned to look out the window.

“Oh my, I wonder what’s going on there. Wow, what amazing strength. Did you see...”

James slid out of the booth and raced out of the diner, heading straight to the fire station. Brody stepped out, his eyes wide. Their gazes met and for a second he thought that would be enough for Brody, but the man didn’t stop. He marched right up to James and wrapped one arm around James’s waist, the other behind his head, pulling him in for a hard kiss. He didn’t care if anyone else saw them together, they needed the contact after the long night apart.

The kiss ended and they stepped away from each other. They both turned to see the cops pulling guns from Landon’s car. He was on the ground, cuffs on his wrists. It looked like this bastard wouldn’t be a problem for Brody for a long time.

But there was one issue they would need to work through. Brody’s location was compromised. He’d have to move if he stayed in the witness protection program. James didn’t want to lose him. There was another option that they would discuss later, after they were alone.

“Let’s go home,” Brody said.

“You got it.”

James followed Brody to his house. They walked in and flipped on the lights, both of them flinching. Brody stripped out of his shirt and pants, glancing over his shoulder before he tugged off his underwear.

“I need to shower and I want you in there with me.”

“I’m okay with that,” James said.

“Good. I want you in my life for a long time.”

“I agree.” James took off his clothes and followed Brody into the bathroom. They turned on the water then Brody shook his head. “Shit, I forgot the gas is off.”

“Crap. I can turn it back on,” James said.

“Don’t bother, I’ll just take a quick shower and you can warm me up in bed.”

“Okay. I’ll watch from here.”

Brody laughed and stepped in, howling under the cold spray as he soaped up his body. He was out in a flash, his pale skin tinged slightly blue. James wrapped him in a towel and led him to the bedroom. They tumbled into bed together, Brody snuggling close as James pulled the covers to his chin.

“I missed you,” James said.

“It was hard being away from you. I like you a lot.”

“Same here. I don’t want to be without you. Landon has been caught and is in police custody, but who knows when he’ll be out. He’s broken parole, but that doesn’t mean much in terms of how much time he’ll serve.”

“If I get help hiding again, I’ll lose you. I don’t want this to end.”

James didn’t want Brody to go, but he didn’t really have a choice. “I know. But you can’t stay here.”

“No, I can’t.”

He chewed his lower lip, wishing things were easier, but they never were. If he didn’t say anything right now, he’d regret it forever. “I can’t lose you. You see, I not only like you, I’m falling in love with you.”

“Love?” Brody asked, his brows rose and his eyes went wide.

“Yeah, love.”

Brody was silent for a long moment and James was afraid he’d scared him away. “It’s hard for me to grasp another guy loving me.”

“I do love you.” James had never felt so certain of anything in his life. The more he thought about the situation, the more he was convinced he was in love.

“I think I love you, but I’m afraid.”

James moved out from under Brody and lifted up on his elbow, staring down at the beautiful man. “Being afraid is natural. Do you think you could grow to love me?”

Brody nodded. “Yeah, I know I could.”

“Do you want to?”

“Yes. I want to fall in love with you. Actually, I’m already halfway there. You’re amazing, and I can’t imagine living without you.” Brody slid his lips over James’s mouth in a slow glide that left James breathless.

“Maybe there’s another alternative open for us.”

“Like what?”

“The ranch could relocate us. We’d have time to go through your dad’s old stuff and you could take what you wanted.”

Brody drew in a breath and started to sit up but James pushed him back down. He smiled down at the gorgeous man, hoping that he really did want to try and make something work.

“You’d leave the ranch for me?” Brody asked.

“Yes.” There was no doubt in his mind, he wanted a relationship more than he wanted to be at Wild Bluff. It would be different, but he was ready for a change.

Brody pulled James down into a lingering kiss. He rolled to his back and Brody climbed on top of him, his dick brushing over James’s cock. He shivered and groaned, arching up to meet Brody’s body.

The kiss ended and Brody hung above him, his eyes lit with lust. “We’ll be together, really that’s all that matters to me. I’ll do what you say and nothing from my dad’s storage locker would ever get me to give up my life with you.”

James flipped Brody to his back and kissed him hard, pressing him into the mattress. James grabbed both of their cocks and began stroking. Brody moaned into his mouth, his fingers digging into James’s back. They both pumped into James’s hand, the slide of their cocks together had James panting. Brody thrashed below him, his breath coming in gasps.

“Like that...yeah,” Brody groaned.

“You like my cock against you?”

“Fuck yeah.” Brody bit his lower lip and threw his head back as he pumped up to meet James’s hand.

Both of them were leaking precome. James squeezed their dicks harder and Brody responded by sinking his teeth into James’s shoulder. He grunted and Brody pumped once more then stilled. His body tensed and James felt the first pulse of Brody’s orgasm just before he came.

James stared between them at the puddle of Brody’s come on his stomach. He wanted that come in his mouth, but more than that, he needed to come. His orgasm stole his breath, and he flinched as Brody reached up and tweaked his nipples.

“Fuck,” James whispered. His breathing was still erratic when he dropped to the bed beside Brody. They were both sweaty, but neither one of them was going to go take a cold shower. James wiped them clean with the edge of the blanket and they both settled on the same pillow, James holding Brody tight.

“Thank you,” Brody whispered.

“For what?” James asked.

“Believing in me. Few ever have. You didn’t run away when you found out about my past, and that made a huge difference to me.”

“I love you. That means I’ll stand by you.”

Brody kissed his neck then his lips, resting his head on James’s shoulder. Together they could get through anything. This week had proved that much to him. It may not be easy, but he was ready for a change, and Brody was just the guy to usher in the change he needed.




Zander had his bag in hand as he exited the secured area at the airport. He, Billy, and Roger had pretended like they didn’t know each other. It sucked, but it kept them from talking about the mission in public. They’d done what they’d intended to, but the price had been high. He’d been too afraid to check on the DEA agent injured in the operation. When he had a secure connection, he’d find out if Mike Jarred survived. He really hoped the guy had made it through okay.

Once out of the airport, he took a cab to the car park where they’d left their car. He waited patiently until Billy and Roger showed up. The drive back to the ranch took too long, and he wished they had another means of travel.

When he pulled up outside of the house, Marshal was on the porch, his smile wide. Zander jumped out of the car and raced up the walkway. Marshal opened his arms and enveloped him in a crushing hug. This was home. Nothing else mattered but this man.

“I missed you,” Marshal whispered.

“I missed you so much. I was so scared when the DEA agent was behind me, chasing me down the mountain.”

“God, how the fuck did you do it?”

“Let me grab my bag then I’ll tell everyone about it.”

“I already have your bag,” Billy came up behind them and gave Marshal a quick hug.

Duff stepped out. “Do you all need to shower or can we begin breaking down the mission?”

“Let’s talk for a while, then I want to sleep,” Roger said.

“Same here. I’m too keyed up to go to sleep now,” Billy said.

Zander nodded as he took Marshal’s hand, leading him into the house. Roger began speaking first, detailing the mission from his point of view. Billy spoke next, going over the high points and the low points.

Zander held Marshal’s hand the entire time. He loved being with his man and couldn’t imagine not having Marshal here to come home to. What he’d done before Marshal, he didn’t know.

“So Zander, what was your take on the mission?” Duff asked.

“We accomplished our goal. I’m glad with that fact, but Mike Jarred, the DEA agent who was following me, he’s seen me. I don’t think it will be a problem. He was shot and losing blood. He seemed out of it and his eyes were unfocused. I doubt he could find me in a photo lineup, and I don’t know if he’d want to. When I was helping him, I’m fairly sure he figured out I was the guy who pulled the trigger on the hillside.”

“Shit,” Grant said.

“Yeah, I’ll just have to be careful which missions I take from here on out. I can’t do any that the DEA could be involved in.”

Zander grabbed Duff’s laptop and opened a secure link, searching the DEA systems for information on Mike Jarred. He blew out a breath when he saw that Jarred had survived. “Looks like Mike Jarred is okay. He’s on his way back to Texas where he lives.”

Duff nodded. “We’ll keep our eye on him. Hopefully he’s not out to get us. We could use a break.”

“What do you mean?” Grant asked.

“I don’t think we need to take on any jobs for a while. James has decided to leave Wild Bluff.”

“What?” Billy jumped up, his eyes wide.

“He’s found a guy. It looks fairly serious,” Duff answered.

“Damn, that’s great, and rough,” Billy said.

“We have a few injuries and we need to recover,” Duff’s piercing gaze met each of theirs. Zander’s respect for the man grew even bigger.

“I like the idea of taking a break,” Marshal said.

“Good, it’s settled then.” Grant reached for Roger’s hand and pulled him close.

“We can do training on the side, also all of us need to take vacations,” Duff said.

“I’m up for that. There’s this great little island resort I’ve been itching to go to.” Zander kissed Marshal’s cheek.

They all started talking amongst themselves. Duff waved and left the room. Zander met Marshal’s gaze and they both smiled, giving each other a knowing look. Tucker laughed as Billy chased him from the room. The sound of the guys laughing and talking filled the house. The stress they’d all felt seemed to bleed away as they paired off, heading to their own rooms for showers, sex, or sleep, maybe all three.

Zander stood and took Marshal’s hand. “Are you ready?”

“For what?”

“Forever, that’s all I can offer you.”

“Yeah, I’m ready for my forever with you.”

They were good. Wild Bluff would survive. For a while, when he’d been with Mike Jarred, Zander thought it was over for him. A government agent had seen his face while he was in the middle of an operation. It could easily come back to bite him in the ass. He wouldn’t go looking for trouble, but he would keep his ears open, because he never knew who could be out there searching for him.


To be Continued...


Writing is Sara York's life. The stories fight to get out, often leaving her working on four or five books at once. She can't help but write. Along with her writing addiction she has a coffee addiction. Some nights, the only reason she stops writing and goes to sleep is for the fresh brewed coffee in the morning. Sara enjoys writing twisted tales of passion, anger, and love with a good healthy dose of lust thrown in for fun.


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