Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (13 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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After parking the truck, he took the steps two at a time and headed toward the elevator. A tall man stepped out from the hall.

“May I help you?”

“I’m going downstairs.”

“Not until I check with my boss. What is your name?”

“Garth. Who are you?”

“The butler and general handyman.” He opened his cell and called Mitch. He explained about Garth and then snapped his cell shut. “You may go downstairs with me as your escort.”

The man stuck his nose in the air and walked ahead of Garth to the elevator. He didn’t let Garth out of his sight until leaving him with Mitch in the conference room.

“Is he an English butler?” Garth asked.

“His family and mine have been together a long time. He’s much more than my butler.”

Garth looked around the empty room. “Where is everyone?”

“They’ve been taking turns trying to get information from the intruder.”

“I gather no success thus far.”

“No. We may have to use our mind machine. I’ll give Sahale one more chance to try his less intrusive methods.”

“What is a mind machine?” Garth asked.

“We’ve developed a machine that can do a mind search to find out what specific information the person has or do a sweep to take away all of the memories regarding us and why he or she came here.

“Naturally, we use it only in the most dire circumstances to protect our people. The person is left with either partial or full amnesia. They don’t regain those memories.”

“Our scientists have also made many discoveries during the past and present. With the three tribes rejoined we’d be almost invincible.”

“But can we completely rely on each other?” Mitch asked. “I’ve given you a good deal of information. Don’t break my trust. You may share what I told you with Cad and your other leader, no one else.”

“Ah, this is a test. I’ll have to find one for you.”

“Why not share your secret? I’m sure it has to do with why the third tribe was sent away centuries ago. Once you let us read the scrolls your ancestors stole, I’ll know anyway. I’m sure the elders wrote about that incident. It’s one of the reasons the scrolls were taken.”

“You’re a wise man. You’ve studied our past.”

“What we have of it.”

“Come to our compound in New Mexico. Meet our people. I will not tell you my most important secret until I am certain you are interested in our tribes joining together.”

Mitch frowned. “I won’t be interested in us joining until I know what you hide.”

Garth shrugged. “Then join with us to fight these intruders from our past. When we’ve succeeded we can address this question again.”

“I agree. This is the best decision for now. And I will be watching you two with my sister. Don’t hurt her or all deals are off.”

Garth stepped forward. “You insult me. We love her. She is safe with us.”

“Good. I’ll still be watching.” Mitch stared at Garth, and he returned the glare.

“Take me where they are interrogating the prisoner,” Garth said.


* * * *


Mitch led the way down the hall to the interrogation room. Garth would make a mighty friend or a dangerous foe. Mitch’s body wanted to take on his warrior’s persona. He cooled himself down. He’d smelled Garth’s stronger scent and knew of his desire to fight Mitch. This wasn’t the time. They had to rely on each other until this new danger was taken care of, but then, who knew what would happen?

He and Garth joined Daren and Cad in the viewing room. They were watching Sahale work with the prisoner.

“Any success?” Mitch asked.

“No. He says he doesn’t know the overall plan. He and his partner were told to kill Rae and anyone else that got in the way,” Daren said. “I’m beginning to think he’s telling the truth. The leader gives the assignments and keeps the complete plan to himself. Then if one of them is captured they don’t know anything to tell us. Whoever this guy is, he’s smart, and he knows a lot about us,” Daren said.

“How? If they just got here six months ago? They had to have met up with someone in one of our tribes that became a traitor and is helping them.” Mitch frowned. “An almost impossible task in such a short time.”

“Maybe not.” Garth glanced at Cad before continuing. “We had the radio off our spaceship and have been working on it for years. About eighteen months ago our scientists made a breakthrough. They got it to working.”

“You used it?” Daren asked.

“No. We had a council meeting and decided to wait. We had already discussed meeting with you and seeing if the three tribes could reconnect. Our decision was to wait and have all of us decide whether to use it or not. But, in the interim, the radio disappeared. It had to be an inside job. We kept it in a secure location.”

“You think whoever has the radio contacted our planet which led to their landing and this trouble?” Mitch asked.

“Yes. We think the person reconnected with our planet. The warriors from there must have been planning this attack for some time. When this person talked to them they offered him something he wanted enough to betray us. He’d be a valuable asset to get questions answered before their arrival, prepare a place for them to stay, and a means of transportation.”

“Then we need to make a visit to your place. The traitor has to be there,” Daren said.

Mitch glanced back at Sahale and the prisoner. “We’ll have a mind sweep done to see if he’s hiding information, but I doubt it. Then day after tomorrow we’ll head to New Mexico with you.”

“Good. I’ll let my council know to expect us,” Garth said. “I’m going to leave and go back to the hospital.”

“You do love our sister,” Daren said.

“Cad and I both do. Will someone see me out?”

“I’ll take you,” Mitch said. They walked to the elevator and got on.

“Can I use the same truck Cad and I have been driving? Where is Cad, by the way?”

“He left just before you arrived. He said he wanted to let your other two men know what had been happening. And sure, take the truck and use it while you’re here.”

A slight grin crossed Garth’s face. “A little more trust or another test?”

“I’ll let you figure it out.” The elevator door opened and they got out.

From the front door, Mitch watched Garth get in the truck and drive off. He had mixed feelings about the man. Part of him wanted to trust Garth and the rest of his men.

But being one of the leaders for his two tribes, he cautioned himself to keep his guard up. There was plenty of time before he needed to decide about Garth and the third tribe.

Chapter Twelve


Garth drove by the cabin first. He’d shower and change before seeing Rae. Cad was inside with Raoul and Aleron. He turned when Garth walked in.

“Thanks for calling on your way to the ranch house and letting me know she was better.” Cad motioned to the others. “I’ve been filling them in on all that happened last night.”

“The man they caught is still not talking. I agree with Mitch that he was probably not told the whole plan. Anyone else we capture will not be fully informed either. The head of this group is sharp. We mustn’t let our guard down. He could be anyone. I’ve got to hurry. I’m anxious to see Rae.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Garth grinned at Cad. “I expected you would.” Garth quickly undressed, showered, and dressed in a clean shirt and jeans. When he was ready, he strode through the room and out the door. Laughing, Cad hurried to catch up.

“You aren’t too anxious to see our woman.”

“I’m ready to mate with her. I told you about going to her in her dream, but that’s not the same as her being awake and with me. I wonder how long it will take for her recovery.”

“Since I assume you used your magic to help her heal, I’d say not long. Our bodies heal fast once we’re on the road to recovery and especially if helped along.”

“I hope you’re right. I’d like to claim her before we leave tomorrow.”

Cad looked worried. “That might be pushing it.”

“We’ll see. I want to bond with her as you have.”

When they walked in the room in the protective gear, Sara stood.

“How’s she doing,” Cad whispered.

“She’s slept most of the time. Jack has checked her twice. No fever, no restlessness, and her arm is much better. Jack said she’s almost well.”

“We’ll give you a break and stay with her now,” Garth said.

Sara laughed. “You two are like all the rest of our men. You want to be the one to take care of her and protect her. I understand. See you later.” She waved and went out.

“I like her,” Garth said as the door closed behind Sara.

“I do, too. And she’s a descendant from our tribe. That was a surprise.”

Garth had walked around the bed. He put his hand on Rae’s forehead. “She’s nice and cool.”

Cad took hold of her hand. “Yes and, thanks to you, well on her way to recovery.”

Rae blinked her eyes and looked at Garth, then Cad. “Am I still in the hospital? I want to go home.”

“You’re weak. You’ve been very sick,” Cad told her.

“I remember snatches and at the end the darkness started to recede. My body felt as though someone was literally pulling the sickness out of me.” She stared at Garth. “It was you.”

“Don’t tell anyone,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s our secret.”

Rae looked at Cad. “You just told him.”

“We have no secrets from each other. He and his brother, our other leader, were my only confidants until now. You will be completely included in that group as soon as we marry,” Garth told her.

“Why are you not the other leader?” she asked Cad.

“Because my twin brother was born first by two minutes, and I’m very thankful. He is the best for that job. We may be twins, but we have different personalities.” Rae’s eyes closed. “I think we’ve bored her back to sleep.”

“No you didn’t. I’m resting my eyes.” She looked straight at Cad.

Jack came in the door. “My patient is awake and better.”

“And I want to go home.”

“You’re recovering at an amazing rate even for us. Let me check your arm.” He unwrapped the dressing. The edges of the wound were pink and healthy and almost completely healed. “Your recovery is phenomenal.” He checked her temperature and vitals. “I see no reason why we can’t release you. Your last blood test was normal.”

“Was her previous one not normal?” Garth asked.

“Our scientists isolated the ingredient in the beak, but they haven’t been able to identify what it is or how to treat it. At least not yet. But several of them are working long hours to find the answers.

“All right, Rae, I’ll write the order for your discharge. Stay away from any flying birds.” Jack kissed the top of her head. “We all love you and don’t want to have another frightening night like this last one.”

“You look tired, Jack. You need to rest.” Rae held his hand. “Thank you for working so hard to save me.”

“I’m sorry to say that none of my medicine did much good. These two pulled you back.” Jack looked at Cad and then Garth. “Maybe someday you can share with me how you succeeded when I couldn’t.”

Cad shook his hand. “Hopefully we will be able to share many things. But thank you for watching her so closely and doing all you could.”

Jack waved. “I’ve got to go. Call me if I’m needed. But I’m sure these two will be close by if you need help.”

As soon as he left, Rae looked at Garth and Cad. “Get me out of here.”

“I’ll go see about the paperwork,” Cad said.

“He’s much more diplomatic than me,” Garth said as Cad left the room. “He has the ability to get people moving without making them mad.”

“Whereas you are quite the opposite.”

“You wound me, sweetheart.” Garth put a hand over his heart.

Rae laughed, and Garth stared at her. “What’s the matter?” she asked, puzzled over his change in expression.

“You’ve never laughed around me. You’re even more beautiful. It makes me want to do things to bring a smile to your face more often.”

“Why did you save me? Am I involved in whatever plan you have for reuniting the tribes, or do you really care?”

Garth sat in the chair beside her bed. He took off the gown, mask, and gloves. “I don’t need these anymore. When Cad called and said he’d found our soul mate, I had my doubts he was right. I’m not sure why, but we’d looked so long and hard for you. Then for you to be the sister of the leaders of your tribes seemed too convenient.”

“So you went to Oregon to check me out.”

“Yes. By that time I’d decided it didn’t matter whether you were my soul mate or not. You could be the bridge to make my plan work.”

“To rejoin the tribes?”

“Yes.” He ran his fingers up her arm. Her body reacted quickly to his touch. He saw goose bumps rise up on her skin. “Then I saw you, and I knew Cad had been right all along.”

“Just that quick?”

“You felt the same feeling when you saw me. I could tell from your reactions and your scent. But you were determined to say no to Cad and me. I don’t take no for an answer without trying to change a person’s mind.” He kissed her palm.

“I haven’t said I’ll marry you two or even one of you.”

“No, you haven’t. But we haven’t finished trying to convince you either. I’d be bored with a woman who didn’t stand up to us. I like your fire, and I intend to have it centered on me when we make love later tonight.”

“We are not making love.”

Cad came to the door. “They’re bringing a wheelchair. I’m going to drive the truck to the side entrance to get you two. See you downstairs.”

Garth leaned close and whispered in her ear. “We’ll discuss this later.”

“There is nothing to discuss.”

“Ah, here is your transportation, my lady.” The nurse brought in the wheelchair.

“If you’ll step outside, sir, I’ll help her dress.”

He winked at Rae and left the room.


* * * *


Rae was surprised at how weak she was from such a short hospital stay. She remembered very little of what happened after they got her in bed. The nurse helped her into her jeans and shirt and soon had her at the side door.

Garth lifted her out of the wheelchair and into the truck. She waved at the nurse as Cad started to drive off. Garth had swung into the front seat beside her. She found herself in the middle between the two men who said they planned to marry her. Their scent swirled around her head, tempting her to touch them.

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