Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (14 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Stop it. I am not going to be such a weak female as to fall at their feet. I will not make such a major decision about my life based on female hormones. Given time, I’ll get my head straight and make a decision that is right for me based on what I want.

Cad looked over at her. “You’re very quiet. Are you feeling all right?”

“Physically I’m fine other than being a bit weak. That will go away soon, I’m sure.”

“I’m glad you don’t remember how sick you were,” Cad said.

“What do you remember?” Garth swung around from where he’d been looking out the window to face her.

Rae closed her eyes as she tried to recall what had happened to her. “There was darkness and I was hot. Something or someone kept trying to send messages telepathically.” She opened her eyes and looked at Garth. “Was it you?”

“Only when we were trying to help you recover and at the end when I told you you were safe and to wake up.”

“It, or whatever, enticed me to join and help destroy the people on the ranch including Mitch and Daren.” She shuddered. “I could feel it touching me inside my head in a soothing manner. But I sensed the evilness in the dark. It took all my powers to protect myself from the singsong repetitive messages.”

“How did you block it?” Garth asked.

“I have a golden shield I can put around me to keep others out of my thoughts. Few know of that particular capability. I visualized the shield and asked to have only good thoughts sent through.”

Cad glanced at her. “That’s why Garth and I were able to reach you in an effort to heal your arm and save your life.” Cad stopped the truck at Rae’s back door. He turned to her. “I still don’t understand. How did you get your shield up before the entity got inside?”

“When I was admitted and taken to my room a chill ran across my body. I was almost certain I saw a dark spot in the corner. When I blinked it was gone. But I felt vulnerable and decided to use the shield. But parts of the messages got through, and I barely repelled the others. My weakness had the shield wavering.”

“Whoever we’re fighting has exceptionally strong powers,” Garth said. “Thankfully the shield allowed us in.”

“Home,” Rae sighed when she looked at her house. Garth opened the truck door and started to pick Rae up.

She brushed his hand off. “I need to start walking to regain my strength. I’ll get out on my own.” Cad and Garth stood ready to catch her as she wobbled once on the way to the door.

Jewel came to greet her. “Welcome home.”

When Rae got inside, Jewel hugged her. “I was so worried. They advised me to not visit until you were better. Look at you. Except for being weak no one would guess you were at death’s door last night.”

“It all happened in one night?” Rae asked. “It seemed longer.”

“Thank goodness it wasn’t or we’d have all been going crazy trying to find something to combat the poison,” Cad said. “You had a lot of concerned family and friends.”

Rae sat on one of the kitchen chairs. “What I need right now is a strong cup of hot tea.”

Jewel laughed. “Coming up. I suspected you’d be wanting your tea.”

Garth stepped back to the door, and Cad followed. “Keep this locked. We want to talk with your brothers, but we’ll be back.” He glanced at Jewel. “In fact we’re going to invite you two ladies to dinner, and we’ll bring along our friends. I heard there’s a good steak house not far from here.”

“True, but I might not feel strong enough to dress and go out.”

Garth touched her chin and tipped her face upward. His lips brushed across hers. “You’ll be fine. I can always help you dress. See you at seven.”

When the door shut, Jewel spoke. “Wow, what hunky men. They had me almost drooling. But it’s obvious they have eyes only for you. Which is good. I want to see you happy and well.”

“I don’t know. Like the rest of our men they tend to try and be controlling. They’ve picked the wrong woman for that.”

“This will be fun to watch.”

“You might like the men they’re bringing with them tonight,” Rae said.

“They’d have to be unusually alluring. I’m married to my work. Which reminds me, unless you need something I’ll get back to painting. Having spent all of my time here with my parents, I’ve gotten behind. But it’s been good to see them.”

“You go on. I’ll enjoy my tea and do some thinking.”

Jewel waved and strode off to the back guest room where she’d set up her easel. Rae took a deep breath of satisfaction.
Alone at last.

Out the window, she watched a blue jay run a squirrel up and down the tree. The blue jay would get close, and then as soon as the squirrel headed that way, he’d jump to another limb. Rae couldn’t help but laugh at their antics. It seemed forever since she’d laughed or been as relaxed. Was it only a few days since she found out about Nate and met his family? In her head it seemed much longer. So much had happened.

In fact, she’d made love with Cad twice already and had a very realistic dream concerning Garth. Before them, she hadn’t been with anyone for several years. No wonder her body responded so readily. Still, she wasn’t going to be pushed into marriage unless she was certain it was love and not lust. She remembered Garth’s comment about helping her dress, and her body flushed with heat. Now that was definitely lust. When her phone rang, she jumped.

“Hi, Mitch.”

“Do you feel up to coming to the house? I’ll send Phillip for you.”

“Sure. But I can walk. It will help strengthen my legs.”

“No. Let Phillip drive you. He’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

He hung up before she could protest. Rae went in her bedroom and quickly showered and put on clean jeans and a white shirt. She brushed her hair and plaited the back. She was tired, but felt more herself.

Phillip arrived promptly and drove Rae the short distance to the main ranch house. Sara met her at the door. “You look great. Go on to the office. We’ll talk later.”

It must be business if Mitch was meeting her in his office. She knocked on the door and entered when she heard Mitch’s voice.

Rae blinked her eyes. “Elle, I didn’t expect to see you.”

Elle smiled and patted the seat beside her. “Join me. I want to visit with you after this meeting.”

Daren sat in his usual seat, and Mitch went behind his desk. Mitch leaned back in his chair.

“I called this meeting to discuss our trip to New Mexico. Garth has invited us to see their compound.” He looked straight at Rae. “Do you want to go along? Both Cad Quinlain and Garth Sherwyn say they plan to marry you.”

“Well, I haven’t decided, so don’t listen to what they say regarding me.”

“We haven’t,” Daren said. “We both agreed there will be no wedding unless you want the marriage.”

“Good,” Rae said. “After all that’s happened the last few days I don’t trust my ability to make decisions, at least major ones. You were right, Mitch, when you didn’t have me at that first meeting. I was in no shape to be much help. But my mind is settling and clearing, and I’ll be my old self soon.”

“I agree,” Elle said. “You’re a strong woman. When we finish here we’ll go to my house and do some work together. Why didn’t you call me before now?”

“I was determined to do it on my own,” Rae admitted.

Mitch discussed working with the third tribe to get rid of the threat from their home planet. “Elle, I don’t think you should go with us. We don’t know what to expect and nothing must happen to you. We would like to take Pruet, and I’ve added Ethan to the ones going. He’ll be our pilot.”

“Pruet will be glad to go. I agree I’m needed here. Also you or Daren should remain behind. If things go wrong we need to have at least one leader to be in charge.”

“We’ve already decided Daren will be here at the ranch,” Mitch said. “You didn’t give me an answer, Rae.”

“Jewel’s visiting, but she won’t mind. She’s busy painting. Seeing where Cad and Garth grew up and meeting their tribe will give me a better picture of them. And I’m getting stronger every hour. I’ll pack and be ready to leave tomorrow.”

“Good. This ought to be interesting.” Mitch got up and opened the door. “Does anyone want to stay for lunch?”

Elle said no, and she and Rae left together. “I’ll drive you to my place and bring you back,” Elle said. “You can tell me what’s been happening, and how I might be of assistance.”

“I do want to visit with you, but I have to admit I’m tired. Let’s plan to meet after I return from this trip. I need to sort out my own thoughts first.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Rae kissed her cheek. “You and Daren keep this place safe while we’re gone.”

Elle dropped Rae off at her house. As soon as the car went out of sight, Rae walked to the nearby barn and saddled her horse. She’d lied to Elle, but she wanted privacy. It looked as though the only place she’d find it was to go riding.

Wind blew tentacles of hair loose from her plait. Her mare galloped across the prairie, and Rae enjoyed the sense of freedom and open spaces. She stopped at a shady spot by the river and dismounted. Her stomach growled, and she wished she’d thought to bring a lunch with her. But then someone would have stopped her and wanted to go along.

She took off her boots and walked in the cool stream. Water gurgled over rocks, and the wind whispered through the tree leaves. Relaxation and calmness surrounded her. Her equilibrium snapped into place, and for the first time in days, she felt completely back to herself.

Stepping out of the stream, she searched for a grassy, shaded area. She found one on the other side of the tree. Lying down, she closed her eyes and sank into sleep.


* * * *


Garth knocked on Rae’s door several times before Jewel showed up. “Is Rae gone?”

“Yes. I’ve been working and didn’t hear your knock at first.” She shrugged. “I’m oblivious when I’m painting. She went to her brothers’ house and hasn’t returned.”

“Thanks, I’ll check there.”

Garth walked the short distance to Mitch and Daren’s headquarters. Sara came to the door.

“Hi, Garth, are you looking for the guys?”

“Actually I’m trying to find Rae.”

Sara glanced at her watch. “She left with Elle some time ago. Come inside. I’ll call Elle.”

“Elle, this is Sara. Is Rae with you? She didn’t? All right, I’ll check. Bye.”

She turned to Garth. “She said she was going to rest. Elle let her off at her house.”

“She’s not there,” Garth said.

“Rae likes to ride and she’s been wanting time alone. Let’s check the barn and see if her horse is gone. Or we can try her cell.”

“I did. It says leave a message.”

“Ah, she does want to be left alone. Maybe we should let her be.”

“Let’s check for her horse. It’s not a good idea or safe for her to be out in the open by herself.”

“The barn isn’t far. Let’s go.” When Sara saw Rae’s horse gone, she told Garth where he might find Rae. “She has a few favorite places. I’d start straight out across the prairie to the river. That’s her most favorite spot.”

“Thanks. Which horse can I use?”

Sara asked one of the men working in the barn to get the brown mare, in the third stall, for him.

“I’ll run and get some drinks and food for you. Rae didn’t stay for lunch, and I bet she left without any supplies.” Sara ran across the street. By the time the horse was saddled and Garth was mounted and ready to go, Sara was back.

“You were quick.”

“Tessa always has food for quick lunches in the fridge. Call when you find her.”

“I will.” Garth waved and rode in the direction she’d given him.

He was angry enough to shake Rae. She’d just recovered and now put herself at risk apparently without a thought. Fear for her safety fueled his anger. He urged the mare on and rode fast across the flat land. Garth spotted her horse first. He studied the land and saw her lying on the other side of the tree. He urged his mare to go faster, fearing she was hurt and unconscious. When the pounding of the horse’s hooves didn’t arouse her, his concern grew.

Garth pulled the mare to a stop and jumped off. He knelt beside her, and his heart rate slowed when he noted her regular breathing and saw she had no noticeable injuries. His fingers trailed along the side of her face. Rae opened her eyes.

She smiled, and all his anger, fear, and frustration melted away. Her beautiful pansy eyes held his gaze, and something shifted inside him.

Chapter Thirteen


My woman.
To be his and Cad’s wife. He lowered his head and kissed her soft, sweet lips.

“Where did you come from?” she asked.

“When I couldn’t find you and your cell went straight to messages I got worried. Sara told me you might have ridden in this direction.”

“Did you bring food and drinks?”

He had to laugh. “I’ve been worried about you lying out here hurt and your first words are about food?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m really hungry and thirsty. I rushed off to be alone and had a wonderful rest, but I need nourishment.” She brushed her hair back from her face. “I’m a mess. The wind blew my plait apart.” She raised herself into a partial sitting position.

Garth held her face between his hands. “You are absolutely beautiful.” He kissed her again and parted her lips. His tongue slid into her moist, soft mouth and tasted her unique flavor. His cock went rock hard, and his leopard growled deep within.

“What was that?” Rae broke away and looked around.

“I growled I’m so hungry for you. But first I’ll feed you.” He forced himself to go to his horse and get the pack of supplies Sara handed him.

Rae dug into the sack. “Oh, Tessa’s fried chicken, potato salad, bananas, and chocolate cookies, with bottles of water. It’s a feast.”

Garth sat beside her. “You remind of a little girl being given a treat.”

“I’m famished. Thank you.” Impulsively she kissed his mouth, and then handed him a chicken leg. “Join me.”

“Why not? I haven’t picnicked in years. But first I’ll call Sara and let her know you’re all right.”

After the call he turned his attention to Rae. Her scent surrounded him, and he loved watching her enjoy herself. He was surprised and pleased at her pleasure in the simple things. Many of the women he’d known would never sit on the ground and eat with their fingers. If they agreed to do it, it would be to impress Garth, not for fun.

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