Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (22 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Nothing was moving around the house. After a short time, a rustle of leaves had Garth turning to look behind them. “They’re here. They’ve stopped and left the driver with the fire truck. The firemen are wearing tanks on their back.”

From a slightly different direction, the sheriff and three of his men slowly worked their way toward the larger group. They all crouched low together.

“We’ll leave further questions for later. What’s the plan?” the sheriff asked.

Cad told them what they had decided to do.

“You’re taking a big risk. We could all storm the place and the firemen can fight the fire.”

“We accept the risk,” Garth said. “That place will go up rapidly with all the old wood. If we have a chance to prevent the fire, I’d rather chance it.”


* * * *


Rae woke tied to a rickety chair. George leaned down into her face. “You’re not so snooty now.” He spat the words. “Little Princess, my foot.”

“You know our people consider me their Princess.”

“Your ancestors were royalty, but if they’d stayed all your line would be dead. And after we finish, all three tribes will be obliterated.”

Rae sneered at him. “Better not count us out too fast.”

George slapped her face. “I’d almost keep you alive just for you to see all your people gone. But our boss said you’d be the first and you’ll draw your men to me. They’ll watch me kill you, and then my men will shoot them.”

“Was it you I saw when meditating? Clever of you or whoever to try and fool us.” Rae’s fear had turned to anger soon after she awoke. Her hands itched to get hold of George.

He wasn’t as big as the warriors. She might be able to take him, but not before the other two shot her. What she did fear was that Cad and Garth would sacrifice themselves to rescue her. She didn’t want to die, but even more she didn’t want them to.

“We sped up our plans because you’re too clever for your own good.”

“Why do you hate us? Your family has been a part of our tribes for centuries.”

George slapped her other cheek. “Don’t mention my family. We’ll be rewarded and part of the ruling class. If we allow any tribe members to live, they’ll be our servants. “

He pulled a knife from a leather case hanging from his belt, and held the long, slim blade close to her cheek. He put pressure on the tip, and blood came to the surface as he made a long, thin slice from the top of Rae’s cheek to her chin.

Tears came to Rae’s eyes. She clenched her lips tight and managed to hold in any sound of pain.

“Now you aren’t so pretty.” He stomped off to one of the windows and stared out. “I thought for sure your rescuers would be here by now. Apparently they aren’t as good at tracking as I thought. Taking out these tribes is going to be so easy.” All three kidnappers laughed.

Rae picked at her restraints every time they looked in another direction. She’d loosened her hands and was gradually stretching the ropes holding her feet. She had to be ready. She had no doubt Garth and Cad would come.


* * * *


Cad and Garth walked to the truck and drove back to the road. They’d drive to the front of the house.

“This is it,” Cad said. “We’ll communicate telepathically once we get out of the car. I’ve hidden a gun in my boot.”

“I’m going in without one. When things come to a head I’ll shift. That should take them by surprise and give us an opportunity to strike.”

Cad got out of the car with his hands up, as did Garth. A tall, dark-haired man opened the door to the building. He had a rifle pointed at them.

“Come in.” His harsh voice rang out in the silent surroundings.

Once inside, the man shut the door and stood in front of it. The light was poor, but they saw another man to the left and one standing beside Rae. Rae held her head high. Blood ran from a cut on her face.

Garth had difficulty not shifting. His leopard wanted out to claw the people who had harmed her.

“I knew you’d come. You hate that I surprised you and took your mate. The one you promised to protect with your life.” The man with the rifle sneered at them.

Cad moved slightly closer to him. “I’m considered good at seeing the real person. How did you do it?”

He laughed and stepped in front of Rae. “I can tell you because shortly you will all be dead. We have developed the ability to put up a false front. Even the best have been unable to detect our true nature. So don’t feel bad about being unable to read me. I may let you live longer. We’ll turn you to be on our side. You might be an asset.”

Cad strolled closer. “Why not start now?” he asked. “What do you need me to do?”

George’s expression reflected his surprise at Cad’s words. Cad saw his chance and grabbed his gun. “Now,” he yelled to Garth. “Sorry,” Cad said as he shot George at point-blank range.

Simultaneously, Garth shifted and sprang at the guard to the left. Two shots rang out.

The leopard held his man down and glanced around for Cad. He was limping toward Garth.

“I’m fine. I rolled, but the man behind me was a good shot. He nicked my leg before my bullet hit him.”

Cad reached around Garth and knocked the prisoner out with his gun butt. The man fell over unconscious. “Maybe the blow on his head will make him lose the memory of your leopard or he’ll be so confused no one will believe him.”

Garth shape-shifted. “Let's hope so. The others will be breaking down the door if we don’t wave soon.” He went outside and yelled to the sheriff.

“It’s over. Rae and Cad are injured, but not too bad. Perhaps one of the medics might check them.”

When he went back in, he walked straight to Rae. Garth knelt in front of her. He ran his finger along the cut.

“His death was certain the moment he hurt you.” He untied her ankles and hands. “You almost had your hands loose enough to fight for yourself. Good girl.”

Men swarmed into the building. The sheriff and his men took charge of the prisoner. One medic made Cad sit. Then he cut Cad’s pants to check his leg. The other medic gave Rae a full check of her arms, legs, heart, and head.

“You’re remarkably calm for someone who’s been kidnapped,” the medic said.

“I knew I’d be rescued.” She smiled at Garth and across at Cad. His medic was putting a bandage on his wound.

Once Daren and Phillip saw Rae, Cad, and Garth weren’t badly injured, they went outside to help the deputy mark off the area as a crime scene. The firefighters were washing the gasoline away.

“It was one big miracle this place didn’t go up in flames,” one of the firefighters said. “If those bullets had hit this old wood with all this gas around we might have had a major fire and maybe more deaths.”

“I can walk,” Rae protested, but Garth ignored her. He carried her to the truck, and Cad hobbled along beside them. Cad managed to get in the backseat and took Rae in his arms.

“I’ll go back and see how Daren is doing with the explanations to the sheriff.” Garth took long strides across the uneven ground to where Daren stood talking to the sheriff. Phillip was headed to the truck.

“What the hell happened?” the sheriff asked. “I’ve never known anyone to get on your ranch undetected.”

“The enemy was one of our own men.” Daren said.

The sheriff frowned. “And why would he kidnap Rae?”

It was obvious to Garth the sheriff didn’t totally believe Daren. “Maybe I can explain,” Garth said.

Sheriff Willis, this is Garth Sherwyn.” Daren introduced them.

Garth shook the sheriff’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. What I was going to say is my cousin Cad Quinlain is going to marry Rae. I think George must have hoped Rae would be his someday. He made a remark right after we entered about no one else having her.”

Sheriff Willis shook his head. “I never have understood men who can’t accept when a woman says no. We’d have a lot less crime if men didn’t see the woman they loved as something they owned and go crazy when they couldn’t have her.”

He gave Daren and Garth a hard look. “I understand your wanting to get to her in a hurry. But next time call me immediately, understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Daren said and Garth nodded his head.

Like hell. If my woman is in danger, I’m the one who is going after her. I’ll call you when I can.
Garth smiled, hiding his angry thoughts.

“My men and I will take the prisoner to the jail. I’ll let you know if we get any information out of him. But we have enough evidence to charge him and put him away for a long time.”

Daren and Garth thanked the sheriff and joined the others in the truck. Daren drove, and Phillip rode shotgun.

“Do you have a plastic surgeon?” Cad asked.

Daren glanced in the rearview mirror at Rae. “We do. He’s good. He’ll fix her face if needed.”

“I don’t care about the mark, but I don’t want Rae to have to see it every day and blame herself for getting kidnapped.”

“You’ve been reading my mind without permission,” Rae said.

“No, honey. But I know how you think and you’re hard on yourself.”

Rae started to say something back, but Daren caught her eye in the mirror. “He’s right, Sis. We all know you tend to be a perfectionist.”

“I am not.”

The men laughed.


“We have her almost speechless,” Daren teased. His expression changed when he looked at Cad and Garth. “We have to secure our boundaries better.”

“The equipment to secure an electronic boundary was unloaded first. Our scientist and yours are working on how to use it to cover such a large area. As soon as possible it will be up,” Garth said.

Cad kissed the top of Rae’s head and held her tight. “But we’ll have to be extra vigilant even when it’s in place. When we shut ourselves inside, we’ll also have some of the enemy with us. I’m certain George and his men weren’t the only ones spying on us.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Rae was surrounded by her family when she returned to the ranch. Her mother and father had arrived from their home on the outskirts of the ranch. Sara and the children huddled around her, and Mitch stood to the side with Daren, Phillip, and her men.

Tessa pushed a trolley into the room with cake, cookies, punch, and coffee or tea. “Refreshments for everyone.” She beamed and hurried to Rae to hug her. “I was so frightened for you.” She touched her face. “Will it be okay?”

“A small price to pay for my life. I’ll see the plastic surgeon, but he’s probably not needed. It will be a thin scar.”

Cad put his hand on the middle of her back and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “A badge of courage.”

Tessa heard him and grinned. “I agree.”

Garth came to stand on her other side. “We’re going to take your father and mother aside and tell them our plans. We’d like for us to marry soon. Do you agree?”

Rae looked from one to the other. Her heart swelled with love. They were not who she had expected to love. Both were, in certain ways, very different from her tribes, but her mind and body were completely in accord.

“Yes, please. As soon as possible.”

Both of her men smiled broadly. She watched them move through the group, speak to her parents, and the four went into the study, shutting the door. Her curiosity made her want to join them, but she waited for them to call her in.

Sara encouraged her to eat a cookie or cake and have some tea. But her stomach had butterflies and no room for food.

She watched the door and saw her father wave to her. Quickly she crossed the room and joined them.

Her father motioned for her to sit. She chose the chair by Cad. Garth was on his other side.

“These two gentlemen tell me they want to marry you and that you have agreed.”

“I have.”

Her mother reached forward and touched her hand. She looked Rae in the eye. “Are you sure this isn’t a rebound from Nate? You’ve waited all these years and he comes home with a family. Mitch called and told us.

“We were planning to come see you a little while after you returned from Oregon,” her mother said. “We wanted to give you time to settle back into your routine, but then all these attacks happened and we were told to come to stay at the main ranch house. I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to talk before now.”

Rae felt all their eyes on her. Her mother was right. It could be a rebound. She glanced at Cad and Garth. But she responded to them stronger than she ever did to Nate.

She realized a length of time had gone by since her mother’s question. “I’m certain, Mom. My feelings for Cad and Garth are totally different from what I thought I felt for Nate.

“I held on to the idea of Nate returning much longer than I should have.” She smiled. “My brothers and everyone around me were getting married. Nate was the only man I’d been attracted to. He was my protection from people feeling sorry for me and calling me an old maid. Not that they would. Our people are too kind, but in my mind I think I saw it that way. Then Cad and Garth came along and shook up my world.” She took hold of Cad’s and Garth’s hands.

“Then we will bless your union,” her father said. “They have assured me you all will live most of the time here, if not all. I do not want to lose my daughter to some faraway place.”

Garth gave him a wry smile. “Especially not to two men you don’t trust yet. Before this is over you will trust us, sir.”

“I do to a certain extent. You rescued her and saved her life. But there is just a small concern natural for parents. I’m sure after I see her happily married that will go away.”

Cad and Garth shook his hand and left her with her parents. Garth winked as he closed the door.

“They’re very handsome men,” her mother said.

“Yes, but I love what they are inside. I can count on them. But I fought the attraction thinking, as you suggested, that it was too soon after Nate. They are different from our families. Cad not so much, but did Garth tell you he can shape-shift?”

“Mitch had warned us, but Garth also told us about himself and some of the others.”

“Is that what makes you wary?” she asked her father.

“I think so. It’s a lot to take in and accept even if he wasn’t marrying our daughter.”

“They want to marry soon and said you agreed,” her mother said.

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