Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (23 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Rae got up. “I do. I’m going to ask Elle when we can plan the ceremony. I love you two. Please accept my decision and be happy for me.”

“We love you. We’ll be happy as long as you are.”

Her father gave her a bear hug, and her mother kissed her cheek. “Go plan your wedding,” her mother said.

“Thanks, Mom and Dad.”

Outside the door, Garth and Cad leaned against the opposite wall, waiting for her.

“Mitch, Sara, and Elle are waiting in his office to discuss our wedding date,” Cad said. He took her hand, and Garth walked behind. “There are some safety concerns. Our wedding will have to be quick with few guests.” Cad glanced down at her face. “Will you be too disappointed?”

“No. We’ll have a big party after all this is over.”

Cad knocked on the office door. Elle opened it and welcomed them inside.

Mitch stood in front of his desk. “This wedding will help bring our tribes closer. But if you aren’t truly in love, Rae, don’t do it.”

“Thanks, Mitch. I am in love with them.”

“Mitch suggested you marry downstairs in the meeting room for safety, but I prefer you have the ceremony on our sacred ground between the circle of trees,” Elle said. “We can do that if it’s late at night and no one but family is aware of the date and time. After midnight will be the start of a new day. We’ll plan the ceremony to start right after twelve. It will be quick. When we’ve conquered our enemies, you can have a second wedding with all the trimmings.”

“We can wait,” Cad said.

“Yes, we don’t want to deprive Rae of the full ceremony and party,” Garth said.

Rae stamped her foot and glared at Garth and Cad. “Unless you’ve changed your minds, I plan on getting married as Mitch and Elle suggested.” She faced them. “I’ll be in the ring of trees tonight.” She glanced at Elle and got a nod. “Will you two be there?”

Both men threw back their heads and laughed. “That’s our woman. Tonight it is.”

Sara, Elle, and Rae left the men to talk of war and plans. Sara took them to the now-empty study.

“Your parents went to their room. I’ll start a fire and we can talk about the wedding.” Sara worked at the fireplace and soon had a small fire taking the chill out of the air.

“Being tonight, it’s late to do much planning. Flowers haven’t been ordered, but I’ll find some in my greenhouse,” Sara said.

“The only guests will be my husbands-to-be, and our families,” Rae said.

“I wish you had the customary gown to wear,” Elle added.

“I have.” Rae grinned at the surprise on their faces. “One of those times when I was hoping Nate might return any day, I had a dress made.”

“Where is it?” Sara asked.

“In the back of my closet in a hanging dress bag.”

“Then we’ll plan on midnight at the circle of trees. I might have some flowers in my garden, too. I’ll check. Until later.” Elle kissed Rae’s cheek and left.

Sara walked Rae to the door. “Phillip will take you home and stand guard until Cad and Garth return.” She put up her hand. “No arguments. Orders from your men and your brothers. And I agree. You must be exhausted. Go sleep.”

“Guess I’m outnumbered. I am tired, but I have a doctor’s appointment in an hour.”

“I’ll call and reset it for another day. Phillip, go with her.”

Phillip walked beside her to her house and stepped inside the kitchen after she unlocked the door. “I’ll check the rooms, and then sit here until the others return.”

“I hate for you to have to do this.”

“No problem, Rae.”

She quickly showered and fell into bed. Maybe she’d sleep without any dreams. George and one of his men were dead. But how many more were out there?


* * * *


Rae woke in the dark. She glanced at her clock, ten. She peeked out her door. There were no sounds. Both Cad’s and Garth’s doors were shut, but a note was pinned on Cad’s door.

We’ll see you at the wedding site at midnight. Call Phillip and he will come to take you to Sara’s. We’ve been told to not see you until the ceremony. Love you, Cad.

She’d wanted to surprise them in her wedding dress. This worked out perfect. She put on jeans and a shirt, and her boots. Her makeup case, jewels, dress, and shoes went into a small suitcase. Phillip answered her call. He picked her up and drove the short distance to the main ranch house.

“I’ve been a lot of trouble to you today,” she said to Phillip as she got out of the car.

Phillip walked around the car carrying her case. “I’ve quite enjoyed the excitement.”

“There was enough of that for several days.”

He opened the front door and touched her shoulder as she went to go in. “Does your face hurt?”

“A little. But I won’t let it interfere with my wedding.”

Sara waited right inside. “I’m anxious to see you all dressed in your gown with your hair and makeup done.” She led Rae to a back bedroom. “You so seldom wear skirts or dresses.”

“I’ve grown fond of jeans and casual shirts. Maybe after marrying I’ll dress up a bit more.”

“Hah,” Sara said. “Once the children come you might as well wear overalls. They’re always spilling something on you or running to you with grimy hands.”

“You love it. I’m surprised to say I can’t wait.”

“Go ahead and dress. I’ll be right back.”

Rae took her gown off the hanger and slipped it over her head. The deep-purple sheath dress would fit perfectly once Sara helped her get all the buttons fastened.

Sara stopped just inside the door. “That dark-purple color makes your eyes shine like amethyst jewels. And your shiny black hair makes a gorgeous backdrop. Your husbands are going to be bowled over.”

“Thanks. I loved the color the minute I saw it.”

She opened her jewel case. “Cad gave me a set of jewelry on our visit to the compound. Garth had given me a beautiful cocktail dress to wear to dinner. Cad designed and made the jewelry.”

“Isn’t it strange how things work out? You had your gown made several years ago. Then recently you are given the perfect jewels to accompany the dress.”

Rae removed the earrings, bracelet, and necklace from the jewelry box. Each piece had one diamond and one amethyst stone alternating. But, at the middle of the necklace, a large amethyst twinkled in the overhead light.

“They’re gorgeous,” Sara said. “Let me help you put them on.”

The necklace hung perfectly around Rae’s neck and above the cowl neckline of her gown. The bracelet shone through the lace-trimmed, long sleeves.

Rae pulled her hair back and fastened it with a gold clip. The long strands fell over her shoulders almost to her waist. She put on her earrings and moved her head, admiring the shiny stones.

Sara sat watching Rae put on her makeup. “I don’t need to instruct you in the ceremony. You instructed me.”

“I know it all, but look at my hands.” She held out her trembling fingers. “I’m nervous just like anyone else.”

“It’s a big step. Your family will be behind you and I understand Cad and Garth’s family and a few friends will be here. One of the best things about being part of the tribe for me was the complete support not just from my husbands, but from the families and others,” Sara said. She looked at her watch. “Time to go.” She helped Rae adjust her veil, and then went ahead, leaving Rae to follow.

Rae took a last look in the mirror. Her heart fluttered in her chest. This was the start of her life with Garth and Cad. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out onto the satin runner walkway. The quiet of midnight embraced her. She started toward the trees. As the sliver of moon peeked from behind the clouds, Rae walked into the circle.

Tiny lights twinkled in the darkness. In front of her, the white pavilion sparkled from the lights wrapped around the columns. Greenery and a few white flowers had been arranged to decorate the altar. Rae stood in the silence as joy seeped into her.

Garth and Cad waited for her. They were standing on either side of the Priestess in her red-and-gold gown. Garth wore a blue suit, and Cad’s suit was black. Her heart swelled with pride knowing she’d soon be their wife. She waited impatiently for Elle’s signal to go forward.

A trio of parents rose from the back line of seats and came to Rae’s side. They introduced themselves as Cad’s parents, and they pointed out Cad’s two sisters and two brothers, one of which was Lann. One of Cad’s fathers had the same dark hair and golden eyes. The other had light-brown hair and blue eyes, and several of Cad’s siblings resembled that father. His mother was a tall, statuesque woman with auburn hair. Each parent hugged her and stood to the right as Garth’s mother came to her.

She held Rae’s hands. “How lovely you look. I am proud to have you as my daughter-in-law. My son told me how brave you were during your kidnapping.”

“I knew he and Cad would rescue me.”

Rae stepped forward, and Cad’s parents and Garth’s mother moved behind her. Then her parents came to her right side.

Sara handed Rae a small bouquet of orchids. She whispered, “From my greenhouse.”

Mitch, Sara, and Daren stood to Rae’s left. She was completely surrounded by family.

The soft sound of a flute surprised Rae. She glanced at Mitch. She hadn’t expected music.

“We decided the music of the flute was quiet enough to use.” He smiled and put her hand on his arm. Her father did the same on the other side. They all began the walk down the wide aisle to the altar.

Later, the ceremony was a blur to Rae. Her heart had beat so fast, and the love in Cad’s and Garth’s eyes had held her spellbound. She did remember them both slipping each half of the wide, gold wedding band on her finger. Three hearts were engraved across the top of the band. A diamond had been placed in the middle of the side hearts and an amethyst in the center one. Tears came to her eyes as she remembered the Priestess wrapping the golden cloth around their three wrists.

At the very end, the Priestess for the third tribe stepped forward and said a special prayer for their health and happiness.

The few guests and family had gathered at the main ranch house for cake and punch. Rae had excused herself and gone into the back bedroom to get her clothes together and give herself a few minutes alone.

She glanced around the room. This had been her room when she was growing up. They’d taken down her pictures of favorite movie stars and changed the curtains and bedspread with the tiny roses. She’d had a happy childhood. Her first real sadness hit her when her one of her fathers died. Then Nate didn’t come back home right away.

But she was overjoyed to have Cad and Garth as her husbands. The only dark cloud was the possibility of them getting hurt or killed in the upcoming battles with the newly arrived visitors from their home planet.

Cad knocked and then stuck his head in the door. “Sweetheart, our guests are looking for the bride.” Seeing her face, he stepped inside. “What’s wrong? Your face was lit with joy just a few minutes ago.”

Rae pushed her dark thoughts away. “I’m fine. I was just coming to join you.”

“No, you aren’t.” Cad stopped her from going out the door. He held her shoulders firmly in his hands. “Spill it. What brought on the sad look?”

“I don’t want to lose you and Garth like his mother lost her husbands. We have a huge battle before us. You know they’re regrouping and will hit us somewhere soon.”

“We might lose you, sweetheart. I can’t imagine you’ll agree to sit back and let us do all the fighting. But don’t worry, we’ll come through, and we’ll win. If we don’t, we would have fought as hard as possible. Everyone dies. We can’t worry about when or we spoil today.”

“Like I’m doing now.” Rae smiled and kissed his lips. “Not another negative thought. I promise.”

Cad grinned. “You tend to worry, so I’m not sure you can keep that promise. Just keep it down to a minimum. Garth and I will certainly be keeping your mind off of anything but us tonight.” He put his arm around her, and they went out to greet their guests.

When Garth saw them, he went to stand on Rae’s other side.

Cad’s father raised his champagne glass. “May you always be healthy, happy, and prosperous.” The guests cheered and raised their glasses.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Cad unfastened the line of tiny buttons at the back of her gown while Garth undressed.

“It’s good he’s undoing those. I’d never have the patience. I’d rip the gown off.”

Rae wrinkled her nose at him. “Your beastly side coming out, I suppose.” Her silky gown fell to the floor, and she stood in her lilac-colored bra and panties. She heard a growl and turned. Garth had shifted. His leopard stared at her. If she didn’t know it was Garth, she’d fear he was going to eat her.

“Oh I am going to eat you, my dear. Just not in the way you mean.”

Cad moved back to undress and get away from between Garth and Rae.

Garth moved with an animal grace toward her. He sniffed her legs and paced a circle around her body. Her heart fluttered with excitement and just a bit of fear. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, and yet looking at him in his leopard form sent a spark of uncertainty up her spine.

“Touch me.”

Rae bent and ran her hand back and forth along his muscled back. She massaged his large neck. The big cat purred.

“Put your arms around my neck.”

After taking a shuddering breath, she knelt at his side. His head turned to look at her.

“Trust me. Go ahead.”

She put her arms around his wide neck. It brought her body against his fur, and she felt his heart beat against her chest. He stood perfectly still. His warm body and soft fur felt good against her.

“Playtime’s over.” Cad picked Rae up and put her on their bed.

Garth shifted. “Spoilsport,” he said to Cad. Then he said in a more serious tone, “I wanted her to know, whatever happens, if I’m shifted she can still trust me.”

Cad was paying little attention. He’d already captured her mouth. Rae sucked on his tongue, making him moan.

Garth got on the bed and pulled her legs apart. His mouth covered her clit and his tongue licked the very sensitive spot. Her body moved restlessly. He raised his head.

“You want more, my love. I intend to sip every drop of your sweetness before I bury my cock in your hot pussy.”

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