Complete Works of James Joyce (198 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of James Joyce
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Troubles, raucking his flavourite turvku in



the smukking precincts of lydias,2 with Mary



Owens and Dolly Monks seesidling to edge



his cropulence and Blake-Roche, Kingston



and Dockrell auriscenting him from afurz, our



papacocopotl, 3 Abraham Bradley King? (ting



ting! ting ting!) By his magmasine fall. Lumps,



lavas and all.4 Bene! But, thunder and turf, it’s



not alover yet! One recalls Byzantium. The



mystery repeats itself todate as our callback



mother Gaudyanna, that was daughter to a



tanner, 5 used to sing, as I think, now and then



consinuously over her possetpot in her quer



1 Ex jup pep off Carpenger Strate. The kids’ and dolls’ home.







2 A
vagrant need is a flagrant weed.


3 Grand for blowing off steam when you walk up in the morning.


4 At the foot of Bagnabun Banbasday was lost on one


5 We’re all found of our anmal matter.







Cell and its Pri-

homolocous humminbass hesterdie and ist-



vate Properties.

herdie forivor. 1 Vanissas Vanistatums! And


The haves and

for a night of thoughtsendyures and a day. As


the havenots: a

Great Shapesphere puns it. In effect, I re-



mumble, from the yules gone by, purr lil mur-



rerof myhind, so she used indeed. When she



give me the Sundaclouths she hung up for



Tate and Comyng and snuffed out the ghost



in the candle at his old game of haunt the



sleepper. Faithful departed. When I’m dream-



ing back like that I begins to see we’re only



all telescopes. Or the comeallyoum saunds.



Like when I dromed I was in Dairy and was



wuckened up with thump in thudderdown.



Rest in peace ! But to return. 2 What a wonder-



ful memory you have too ! Twonderful



morrowy! Straorbinaire! Bene! I bring town



eau and curry nothung up my sleeve. Now,



springing quickenly from the mudland-Loosh



from Luccan with Allhim as her Elder tetra-



turn a somersault. All’s fair on all fours, as



my instructor unstrict me. Watch ! And you’ll



have the whole inkle. Allow, allow! Gyre O,



gyre O, gyrotundo ! Hop lala !
As umpty



herum as you seat! O, dear me, that was very



nesse! Very nace indeed! And makes us a



daintical pair of accomplasses! You, allus for



the kunst and me for omething with a handel



to it. Beve! Now, as will pressantly be felt,



there’s tew tricklesome poinds where our



twain of doubling bicirculars, mating approxe-



metely in their suite poi and poi, dunloop



into eath the ocher. Lucihere ! I fee where you



The Vegetable



1 Sewing up the beillybursts in their buckskin shiorts for big Kapitayn



Killykook and the Jukes of Kelleiney.


2 Say where! A timbrelfill of twinkletinkle.







Zweispaltung as

mea. The doubleviewed seeds. Nun, lemmas




quatsch, vide pervoys akstiom, and I think as


of Wiederher-

I’m suqeez in the limon, stickme punctum, but



for semenal rations I’d likelong, by Araxes,



to mack a capital Pee for Pride down there


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