Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (257 page)

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flanged axe
An early to middle Bronze Age style of flat copper or bronze axe that has the side edges of both faces bent out to form flanges that secure the haft in place and reduce the lateral movement of the haft when the axe is being used.
flash lock
Contrivance for releasing the rush of water to enable a boat to proceed up or down stream.
A narrow-mouthed jar without handles.
flat grave
A burial consisting of a simple oval or rectangular pit containing an inhumed individual. The pit is infilled but not marked by a mound or any kind of upstanding earthwork.
flat rimmed ware
A type of late Bronze Age pottery found in northern and northwestern parts of the British Isles having a rather coarse fabric, generally dark colour, and distinctive unornamented flat-topped rims.
flesh hook
A type of implement found in late Bronze Age and Iron Age contexts in Europe which comprises a long bronze shank, sometimes heavily decorated and ornamented with attachments, one end of which is bent and worked to form between one and three sharpened hooks. They are often associated with bronze buckets and cauldrons and it is believed they were used as serving implements to distribute choice cuts of meat at a feast.
flexed burial

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