Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (261 page)

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Name applied to barbarian tribes living on the fringes of the Roman empire and who formed an alliance by treaty with Rome. Federates mainly enjoyed their own customs and maintained a generally high degree of autonomy.
foliated points
Elliptical shaped points, thin in section and pointed at both ends. Reminiscent of Solutrean ‘laurel leaves’ but form part of the Mousterian assemblages of central Europe.
Copper coins common at the beginning of the 4th century.
Folsom, New Mexico, USA
Archaic Stage hunter-gatherer kill site or camp close to the edge of a former marsh discovered in 1926 and found to contain distinctive flint tools (Folsom points) in direct association with the remains of 23 carcasses of an extinct form of bison. The importance of the site is twofold, first in providing firm evidence for early settlement in North America, and second as the type-site for the Folsom Tradition.
[Sum.: D. J. Meltzer , 2000, Renewed investigations at the Folsom Palaeoindian type site.
, 74, 35–6]
Folsom point
Bifacially worked chipped stone projectile points with a symmetrical ovoid outline, hollow base, finely worked edges, and a central flute on one or both sides. Believed to have been developed from the
, although no intermediate forms are known. Found widely over North America, and characteristic implement of the Folsom Tradition dating to the period 9500–8000 bc.
Folsom Tradition

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