Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (770 page)

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vertical aerial photograph
Photographic image taken from an aircraft or similar high-level elevated platform where the camera direction is at right angles to the ground beneath and the face of the film is more or less parallel to the ground surface. Vertical aerial photographs can be precisely scaled if the distance between the ground and the camera and the focal length of the camera's lens is known. Overlapping pairs of vertical aerial photographs allow stereoscopic viewing to create an optically realistic three-dimensional image. Compare
Verwood ware
Products of a medieval and later pottery industry based in the New Forest of southern England.
Veselinovo Culture
Middle Neolithic farming communities occupying southern Bulgaria, the lower Danube Valley, the Plain of Drama, and the Strumica Valley in the later 5th millennium
, named after the type-site tell near Jambol in eastern Bulgaria. The culture is often recognized by its distinctive pottery: coarse wares and thick-walled finewares. The finewares are almost always undecorated and made in piriform and cylindrical beakers with flat bases or standing on cylindrical legs. Many of the pots were provided with curving handles with a round cross-section and a knobbed terminal. Clay figurines of humans and animals are also known. The Veselinovo Culture is represented in Level III at
and is contemporary with stages A–B of the
vesicular ware
Roman emperor, ad 69–79.
Detachment of a Roman legion normally comprising 1000 men.
BOOK: Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
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