Conflicting Hearts (21 page)

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Authors: J. D. Burrows

BOOK: Conflicting Hearts
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Chapter 21

Hang in There Doll

One last glance in the mirror and I’m pleased. God, I look
hot. I have to admit that since I started back in counseling my self-esteem has
moved up one notch. I’m feeling more confident about myself, in spite of some
of my screwy sexual desires.

I’m dressed in my black dress that hugs my curves. My legs
are covered in sheer black panty hose, and my shiny patent leather four-inch
heels are making me feel tall. Thank goodness Ian is taller still. Wearing them
makes my ass look good, and my boobs thrust temptingly forward.

My hair is upswept on the sides, but I’ve let my long blonde
locks cascade down the back. I brought a few pieces of my nice, gold costume
jewelry to wear. A few dabs of my favorite perfume, the last touch of mauve
lipstick, and I’m ready.
Watch out Ian, you’re in for it
, I smugly think
while looking at myself.

Slowly, I emerge from the bathroom and walk out into the
great room. Ian is pacing back and forth. I’m shocked over his behavior,
because he’s usually the cool cucumber. He turns around and takes one look at
me, and his eyes grow wide. The man is speechless. I can’t help but feel
powerful and provocative. I’ve got the upper hand on the law man.

“Good Lord, Rachel, you’re a knockout.”

“Why thank you, Mr. Richards,” I say in a soft drawl. “I’m
glad you like it.” I turn around and give him the complete view.

Afterward, I stop and assess him. Ian is dressed in a black
suit, ivory-colored shirt, and dark gray tie. He’s smoking hot. I like it when
he wears dark colors, because it accents his hair and dreamy eyes. “Not bad
yourself. You look extremely handsome in that suit, sir.”

He approaches me like he’s going to give me a kiss. I raise
my hand in protest. “No messing up the makeup. Hands off.” He shoves out his
lower lip in a pout.

“All right,” he sighs, lowering his eyes to my cleavage.
“You ready?”

“Let me get my wrap.” I take the black silk shawl that came
with the dress and drape it over my shoulders and arms. Now I truly feel like a
million dollars. Ian looks mesmerized, and I feel as if I’m gaining ground in
my favor.

We climb into the car and drive south about a mile to the
beautiful inn that sits right on the ocean. I’ve never been there, and I’m
frankly excited for a romantic dinner for two.

After we pull into the parking lot and park, Ian’s face
looks as if he just ate a sour grape. He sits motionless for a moment and then
turns his head and looks at me.

“You okay?” I reach over and touch his hand. It’s hard not
to question his odd behavior.

“Yeah, sure. I’ve got something to tell you when we get

“All right.” The whole situation is becoming confusing, and
I don’t understand what all the mystery is about.

We walk inside the lobby of the hotel. The resort is
beautiful with wood and stone decor. A sense of excitement flows through my
veins, because I know it’s one of the most expensive places to stay and dine in
Cannon Beach. Ian walks me around the huge stone fireplace that faces the front
door to an elevator on the other side.

He pushes the button and the door opens. Once in, he pushes
two, and then turns and looks at me with a worried look in his eyes.

“Hang in there doll.”

Hang in there, doll? What the hell is that supposed to

The elevator door opens, and we step out into the reception
area of the restaurant. Ian stops, and I assume we’re waiting for the hostess
to greet and take us to a table. Instead, I see a strange man heading in our
direction. He’s extremely good looking, brown hair, and I guess that he’s a few
years older than we are. He’s dressed in a fantastic, well-tailored,
three-piece, gray suit, which makes him look intriguing and important. I’m
aghast that he has come to greet us. He heads directly to Ian and gives him a
manly bear hug.

“God, Ian, it’s been far too long! Good to see you.” He pats
him a few times on his back. Afterward, he squeezes Ian’s upper arm and looks
at him up and down. “Shit, you look good.” He nods his head with a broad smile
on his face.

Ian flashes a grin from ear to ear. “Shit, you look good
too, Jack.”

Jack? Jack?
Where have I heard that name before?
Suddenly, it dawns on me that Jack is his freaking brother! My head spins to
Ian like I’m possessed or something, and I give him the Rachel evil eye. Ian
ignores me, keeping his focus on Jack, who suddenly turns his attention to me.
He flashes the typical male once-over from my boobs to my toes and up again, then
looks me in the eye with obvious curiosity.

 “And who is this beautiful, young lady?” he asks. His
voice is enticingly warm.

“Jack, this is Rachel Hayward.”

“Nice to meet you, Rachel,” he says enthusiastically,
extending his hand out toward me.

I look at it for a moment and glance at Ian. He’s got a
stupid look on his face like he’s pulled one over on me. All I think about is
how I’m not going to be able to eat anything, and I’m starving. Hesitantly, I
take his brother’s hand.

“Nice to meet you also,” I say, trying to be the mature,
graceful, young woman. All the while inside, I’m a raving lunatic. “This is a
surprise.” Jack doesn’t say anything and turns his attention back to Ian.

“Mom and Dad are waiting for you in the dining room. We’ve
got a large table by the window.”

“Great,” Ian says. “We’ll be right in.”

Mom and dad? What trick has he played on me?
seems to understand that this is all news to me. He turns and heads toward the
dining room leaving us, for a moment, alone in the lobby.

“What is going on?” I say, giving Ian an angry glare.

“It’s my family, Rachel. My mom and dad are celebrating
their fortieth wedding anniversary. They drove up from California for the
weekend. Jack and his wife flew in from Boston for the occasion. They’re
staying here at the inn.”

I can’t believe what he just told me. My stomach balls into
a hard knot. I’m livid and scared to death.

“Then why did you bring me here this weekend, when you
should be spending it with family?”

“Because, I realized that I wanted you to meet them, and I
wanted them to meet you.” His sincere eyes are pleading with me.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Ian,” I say, shaking my
head. My body trembles. “I told you how I am eating in front of strangers. You,
I can handle, but your brother and parents?” I shake my head again. “This is
too much.”

Ian reaches out and grabs my hand. He brings it to his lips
and kisses it softly. “You can do this, Rachel,” he encourages me. “I have
faith in you.
, it’s extremely important to me that you meet my

Now he’s beseeching me to relent. I guess that I should be
glad he’s decided to introduce me. Does this mean I’m up for approval? Maybe he
wants to see their reaction to his crazy girlfriend before he makes a decision
as to who gets him for the rest of their life. If this gives me an upper hand
on Susan, I should suck it up and go with the flow. I swallow the lump in my
throat and draw in a deep breath.

“Okay, for you, but I hope you don’t have any other
surprises up your sleeve.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.” He kisses my hand once more and
then flashes a smart-ass smile before escorting me to their table.

I’m sure the restaurant’s interior is gorgeous, but I can’t
focus on my surroundings. Ian directs me to a large table, and before I can
completely collect my wits about me, I’m up for scrutiny before the whole lot
of them. I’m trembling in my heels. Thank God, Ian slips his arm around my
waist and holds onto me for support.

“Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Rachel Hayward.” Ian looks
at me and gives me the scoop nodding toward his parents. “Rachel, this is my
mother Grace, and my father, Bill.”

I smile and my eyes look at his parents. I’m in a daze. I
see them, but I don’t see them. I’m on the verge of zoning out. His father
stands from the table like a gentleman and gives me a warm, welcoming smile.

“Nice to meet you, Rachel,” he says enthusiastically. “It’s
good of you to join us for our anniversary celebration.” He places his hand on
his wife’s shoulder and smiles down at his cherished companion. “This is my
wife, Grace.”

“Rachel, how nice it is for you to join us this evening.”
Her tone is welcoming, and I see in her eyes, what I hope is pleasure, that Ian
has brought a date. “Please, I insist that you sit down next to me.”

Grace invites me to the empty chair to her right. His
mother’s voice is warm and friendly, and it’s quite obvious where Ian learned
his manners. The man grew up in a loving, caring family. I’m in a fantasyland
and definitely out of my element amongst these people.

“Rachel,” Jack interjects. “This is my wife, Karen.

I look across the table and see his wife flashing me a warm
smile. “Nice to meet you, Karen.” I nod in her direction. She’s very pretty,
too, with short brunette hair and a swan-like neck. Karen is dressed in a classy
red dress. It’s obvious, by their attire, that they have money. Since Jack is a
doctor, I’m not surprised.

“Hello, Rachel, glad you could join us.” She smiles, but I
see a curious look in her eye that catches me off guard.

Swiftly, I turn and look at Ian, pleading for his help. He
slips his hand underneath the table and grabs mine, rubbing his thumb along the
top of my knuckles. I glance at his brother, who is intently watching me. His
face is serious, and I’m wondering what has gotten into him. Maybe he doesn’t
like Ian’s choice in women.

“So, you have a nice drive up the coast, Dad?”

Ian starts a conversation with his father. A waiter comes up
and gives us our menus. The dinner has started, and I’m a basket case.

“Yes, not bad, actually. We took our time and stayed at a
few towns on the way. It’s a nice drive this time of year.”

“Have you lived in Oregon long, Rachel?” Grace turns and
looks at me, sweetly starting up a conversation.

“Uh, yes. I was born in the Midwest and came out here about
twelve years ago.”

“I love Oregon, frankly. I keep telling Bill when he retires
we need to move up here.”

There are no airs about his mother and father at all. Even
though both of their sons have successful careers, I can’t see a hint of
snobbery in the family whatsoever.

Ian’s mother is wearing a modest blue dress, adorned with a
gold necklace. She’s sparkling in personality, lovely to look at, and has a
beautiful complexion for a woman who is probably in her late fifties. Grace’s
hair is light brown, but looks as if she’s had it tinted to cover any gray.

Bill is unpretentious, attentive toward his wife, dressed in
a brown suit. His hair is graying at the temples and a little thin on the top,
but he’s quite a decent-looking man for his age, and slender. I see the resemblance
in Ian and Jack immediately. They both appear to take after their father, more
so than their mother.

My eyes scan about the table at everyone as they peruse
their menus. I can’t see the words in front of me. I know I have to order
something, but I also know I’m going to be picking at my plate for the next
hour, dreading each bite. My anxiety is growing, and I catch Jack’s eyes again
watching me. Quickly, I look back down at the menu. I wish he’d knock it off.
What is it with him?

The waiter returns to the table to take our orders. I still
haven’t decided what to do. I read my options—filet mignon, duck breast, sea
bass, and crab. God, I’m out of my league. Where are the burgers? The waiter
makes it around to me, and I order fish. It’s the lightest thing on the menu,
and something that I think I can manage after six months of eating frozen
dinners and carry out.

Ian’s father orders two bottles of wine—one white, the other
red. I have no idea what they are, but when they start filling up glasses I’m
mortified. I choose the white, and ask for a small portion. The waiter pours
half a glass. My purple pill is going to be complaining.

I try and smile while the table turns into family chatter.
Quietly, I listen and take in all the conversation. Ian asks his brother about

“Jack, how’s the practice going?”

“Fine. Busy as hell.”

Karen adds, “He’s never home.” She flashes a tender smile.
“But I love him anyway.”

I stare at them both, and then my curiosity gets the better
of me. “Jack, what is your medical specialty?”

He looks at me square in the eye with a straight face.
“Psychiatry. I’m a psychiatrist, Rachel.”

Jack picks up his glass of wine and takes a sip, keeping his
eyes on me.
Shit! A psychiatrist?
Now I know why he’s been looking at me
like a hawk. Ian has told him about my past, I’m sure of it. He’s checking me
out big time, doing a little psychoanalyzing of my behavior at the dinner
table, no doubt. I try not to feel threatened, but it’s hard. I reply calmly,
but I’m perturbed.

“Oh, Ian, didn’t tell me that you were a
I say, turning my head and looking at him with one of those “when were you
going to tell me” looks. Ian smirks.

“Just never came up in our conversations.”

I feel his hand back under the table again searching for mine,
which is now balled into a fist. He finds it and then holds it tight underneath
his palm. It’s obvious that I’m having a slight hissy fit in private. I glance
back over at Jack. He’s saying something to Karen, but I can’t hear the words.
Maybe my brain wants to tune him out. I wish Dr. Grayson were here to protect

Ian leans into my ear and whispers. “You okay?”

I don’t want to make a scene, so I nod and give him a forced
smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Jack suddenly pipes up and picks up his wine glass.

“I’d like to propose a toast to Mom and Dad on their
fortieth wedding anniversary.”

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