Conflicting Hearts (24 page)

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Authors: J. D. Burrows

BOOK: Conflicting Hearts
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“Yeah, driving to PDX. We have an eleven o’clock flight back
to Boston.

“It was good seeing you both with mom and dad,” Ian says,
reaching over and slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his side.
I think he’s giving some kind of signal to Jack, but I’m not sure.

“It was nice meeting you both,” I say, smiling. “I hope I
get to see you again.” There, I’ve made my own statement of sorts.

“Well, that’s possible.” Jack looks at Karen with
mischievous grin upon his face.

“Might as well tell him now,” she chides him.

“Tell me what?” Ian asks.

“I got offered a position as assistant head of psychiatry at
the university medical center up on the hill.”

“No kidding, bro! Did you take it?” Ian’s voice is ecstatic.

“I’m thinking about it.”

“Take it, damn it!”

“I don’t know,” he says, shaking his head. “It rains too
much in Portland.”

“Yeah, and when the Nor'easter blizzard hits you this winter
in Boston, don’t go calling me up and complaining,” Ian ribs him. “I hear it’s
El Nino this year, so you’re in for it.”

Karen pokes Jack in the side. “Stop teasing your brother and
tell him.”

“I accepted,” Jack confesses with a big grin.

“Great! Do mom and dad know?”

“Yeah, I told them not to say anything until I had a chance
to tell you. Mom’s delighted to have both of her boys back on the west coast.”

“God, that’s great, Jack.”

“I’ll be calling you to help me with housing.”

“Hey, I’m on it. When you moving?”

“The hospital is giving me a couple months to relocate.”

I can sense Ian’s joy, and I’m happy for him. After we all
exchange hugs, Jack and Karen drive back to the inn. The house feels empty. The
day is coming to a close. I look at Ian feeling sad that it will soon end.

“It’s late, are we heading back to Portland?”

Ian closes the door. “I don’t feel like driving back,
Rachel. Would you mind staying the night, and I’ll drive you back early in the
morning in time for work?”

I smile at the thought. “Sure, I’d love to.” Ian looks at me
adoringly. “So, what did Jack have to say about me?” I’m dying for him to spill
the beans.

“He said that you’re on the right track, and that I should
keep you around.” Ian brings me into his arms and gives me a passionate kiss. I
passed the exam and melt with relief.

Chapter 24

A Healing Moment

Ian and I share the same bed and fall asleep hugging each
other. A few hours later, a bright light suddenly awakens me. My eyes open, and
to my horror, Susan Richards is standing at the foot of the bed. The vile look
on her face gives me the shivers. She is dressed to the hilt and looks like a
Vogue cover model. I can’t believe that she is here.

“Ian.” I nudge him gently in the side.


“We have company.”

He stirs, and for a brief moment confusion flashes across
his face as he wakes up.

“Ian,” she hisses through her clenched jaw. “What the hell
are you doing?” She thrusts both her hands on her hips and postures herself

Casually, Ian sits up in bed, while I grab the sheet and
cover my bra.

“Sleeping” he answers. “What does it look like?”

I can’t believe he’s so calm while the three of us are in
his bedroom.

“More like sleeping after fucking a whore, you bastard.”

Suddenly her attention turns to me. She eyes me for a
moment, and then the light goes on in her pretty little head. “I know you.” She
scowls. “You’re that inept assistant at Kennedy Advertising.”

Inept. What kind of shit remark is that?
Now I’m

“Boy, Ian, you must have been desperate for a lay to stoop
to her level,” she spits. Susan glowers at me as if I’m a prostitute.

“Shut your condescending mouth,” Ian angrily jabs back.

He turns and looks at me and heaves a frustrated sigh. His
eyes are ablaze, and I can see he’s mad as hell. “Stay here sweets, I’ll be
right back.”

I nod in an agreement, because I’m certainly staying out of
this argument. He swings his legs out of bed, and gets to his feet. Quickly, he
takes Susan by the upper arm and escorts her down the stairs.

“Why are you in bed with that trash?” she snaps at him.

I sit straight up in bed and scoot to the end so I can see
them at the other end of the great room. They’re standing by the sliding glass
door. She’s postured in his face. Ian is raking both his hands through his
unruly hair, but holding it together.

“Would you stop yelling at me?” he calmly asks.

“Why are you with her?” she yells again.

“It’s none of your business.”

“Like hell it isn’t.”

“What are you doing here anyway?” His face turns into an
angry scowl.

“I ended my trip early and thought I would surprise you, and
it is my business! She’s in our bed in our house, you bastard!”

Ian raises his palm in the air like he’s halting oncoming
traffic. “Now wait a minute. Last I knew this was
house and
bed. We are still divorced, and you don’t fit into the equation of property

Susan’s face seethes. I can see her turning multiple shades
of red from where I’m sitting. This is not good.

“You bastard, see if I’ll ever take you back now.” She
snarls at him.

“You act like taking me back is doing me some kind a favor.
That’s a bunch of horseshit, Susan,” Ian spits back at her. “You just lost the
last man you failed to control, now you want to weasel yourself back in my life
and start controlling me again. Well, it isn’t happening.”

Way to go, Ian!
I think to myself.

To my utter horror, she hauls off and slaps him in the face
really hard. I want to jump up and run downstairs to strangle the woman. It’s
all I can do to contain myself. Ian doesn’t react. He merely holds out his hand
palm up.

“I want the key back that I gave you. Then, get the hell out

“Fine,” she says, taking it off her key ring. She throws it against
the wall and glares at him like a witch. “I hope you rot in hell with your

Susan turns around, stomps toward the door, and slams it on
her way out. Ian disappears, and I hear him lock it behind her. I scoot back
toward the headboard and wait for his return. He looks frazzled when he reaches
the landing.

“I’m really sorry about that, Rachel,” he says, crawling
back in bed. “Come here.”

I quickly scoot to his side and let his arms encircle me.
this mean I won?
A flood of relief flows through my veins that she’s gone,
but I have to hear it from his lips.

“Are you done with her, Ian?” My voice is trembling.


He turns my face up toward him and kisses me. Ian’s tongue
enters my mouth, and I’m putty in his hands. A moment later, he looks into my
eyes. “I love you Rachel, and I’m not letting you go…ever.”

Oh, my God, I can’t believe the sincere adoration in his
eyes. It’s impossible to contain myself, and I hug him tightly. “I love you
too, Ian.”

We hold each other, and I revel in the moment of being in
his arms. The embrace between us is warm and inviting.

“I need you, Rachel—need you bad.”

I know what he means, and I want him too. The no-sex gig is

“Then I’m yours,” I tell him sweetly, touching his reddened
cheek where Susan slapped him. “Why don’t you take my bra and panties off and
let me comfort you.” Wow, I can’t believe that came out of my mouth.

“You sure?” He’s hesitating, but I don’t want him to wait.

“I love you Ian, and I want you to make love to me.”

He tenderly strokes the side of my face and smiles sweetly.
“I love you too, Rachel, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you—make

Oh, God, I can’t believe this is happening to me.
was right. I want Ian to love me, and he does. My whole body feels as if warm
honey has been poured upon me. He kisses me with sweet passion, and my tongue
swirls around his. I’m aching for him.

My body begins to tremble as his warm hands embrace me. He
slips his smooth palm across my breasts, down my waist, and over my thighs and
legs. My panties and bra disappear somewhere between kisses. His mouth finds my
nipple, and he sucks on it making it erect in his mouth.

The whole experience is dreamlike. I can sense his love
through his fingertips, and I arch as his fingers slide up my inner thigh and
enter me. The door in the back of my mind is closed, and a new awareness of
self-worth keeps it shut. I trust him and have no doubt of his sincerity as his
love begins to consume me with his skillful hands.

Ian takes his time to make sure I’m enjoying every movement
of his long fingers, while he kisses me and keeps my legs parted.

“You like it like this?” he asks in a dreamy voice, as he
stimulates me with one hand and fondles my breast with another.

I look at him like a drugged woman and nod.

After a few moments of deep penetration, I feel him take my
wetness and spread the lubrication. His actions surprise me.

“What about this,” he asks, with a devious looks upon his
face. He takes his finger out and inserts his thumb instead, and then slides
his middle finger gently backward and brings pressure against his penetration
into my vagina. I can’t believe what he’s done!

“Oh, my God, Ian, you’re driving me crazy. What are you
doing?” I’m literally having spasms of pleasure over his little trick. My eyes
widen with astonishment that he even knows how to do that or wants to, for that
matter. I see him hovering over me with a self-assured smile, and I wonder if
he’s been reading dirty magazines to find ways to do me.

“What do you think I’m doing to you, Rachel Ann Hayward?” He
pushes his thumb into me deeper. “I’m making you wet and ready for me.”

I moan in the pleasure. It’s almost unbearable, and I never
thought I would ever think those thoughts.

“Ian,” I beg, gasping for breath. “Please, stop.”

“You don’t like?” he says, pulling his thumb and finger out
and looking a tad disappointed.

“I love it, but I need you now. Fill me,” I beg. I sound

Ian licks his lips and stares into my eyes. There’s a wicked
glint in his gaze as he stands up, takes off his pajama bottoms, and exposes
himself to me. He reaches for the nightstand drawer and grabs a condom.

“Oh, so you want my cock, is that it?”

God, he’s talking dirty and driving me berserk. When he’s
through with the protection, I wish he didn’t have to wear, he climbs on top of
me. I open my legs to receive him. Slowly, he slips inside of me and thrusts
deep. My eyes roll back in my head, and then he starts his movements. He’s more
aggressive, but still laced with tenderness. The fullness feels incredible, and
I lose myself to the sensations.

His hands slip underneath my buttocks, and he pulls me up
into him and angles my body to bring more pressure. Back and forth he glides
deeply into me. He’s pressed hard against my clitoris, and it’s sending shivers
through my body. The feeling is glorious and intense. My legs are wrapped
around his waist so that his penetration is deep and unhindered.

“Rachel,” he whispers with a heavy breath. “Open your eyes
and look at me.”

I do. His blue-eyed gaze is piercingly intense.

“You’re the most delicious woman, I’ve ever known,” he says.
“You have no idea how tight and wonderful you feel inside, sweetheart.”

His breathing gets heavier, and he doesn’t take his eyes off
me. The sexual tension in my body is rising to a place of explosion. I start to
close my eyes again to go to that dark place, but he gives me a command.

“No, Rachel. Don’t go there. Keep looking at

My eyes shoot open, and I look into his face. I’m mesmerized
by his call to remain.

“Look at me and think about what
doing to you
right now. Feel it,” he exhales, with a deep voice.

Oh, my God, I can barely handle it. It’s almost there—at
that place where you peak and know at any moment that ecstasy will throw you
over the side into pleasurable oblivion. Our eyes are fixed upon one another,
and I’m lost in his love.

“Keep looking at me, Rachel. Don’t leave me.” He lowers his
head and fervently kisses me, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth.

Ian will not let me go into that dark room. He’s purposely
keeping me there with him, as if he owns me and rules me now instead of my
past. It’s insane to think I’m so close to actually experiencing it with a man
who is drowning me in passionate love. I don’t want bondage. I want Ian’s
lovemaking, and that’s all my mind feels—his pressing fullness making me one
with him.

He releases my mouth and looks at me again. “Come on,
Rachel, give it to me. I want to feel it.”

His thrusting intensifies, and then it happens—I burst with
pleasure. “Oh, my God,” I scream like a wild woman. My hands grab his back and
a rush of sweet release fills my abdomen. Ian is right there with me, and with
one hard thrust, he groans loudly over his own climax.

This is insane,
I scream in my mind. The orgasm is a
deep, lingering and pleasurable as it flows through my body. I’m overwhelmed
that he’s captivated me in love. It’s too much, and the tears start rolling
down the side of my face and into the pillow.

“Oh, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asks tenderly, stroking
my face with the palm of his hand. Ian looks sadly at me, but stays inside of
me. I don’t want him to pull out. I want to be part of him forever.

“Nothing,” I blubber. “I’m just so thankful for you because
you love me…really love me.”

A small smile parts his lips as he looks adoringly at me
underneath him. “I’m thankful for you too, Rachel. You’re the best accident
I’ve ever had.”

I glory in the release that flows through my head to my
toes. Ian is indeed one gracious gift from heaven above.

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