Consequences (31 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Chapter 44
A week had passed, and Misha found herself standing on Patrick's doorstep.
Misha was sitting in her dorm room packing up all of her belongings. She found a picture of herself and Cooley together. They had taken it right after she crossed into Chi Theta Sorority. Usually she got butterflies when she looked at that picture, but this time she felt nothing.
She turned and looked at a picture of herself and Patrick. It was taken at Lena's wedding. She looked at him in his suit and her in the bridesmaid's gown. They looked beautiful together.
Emotions began to flood through her body as she realized that she had made a big mistake. She constantly tried to contact him, but he would never answer her calls.
After she had filled up his voicemail on his cell and home phone, she realized there was only one thing to do. She borrowed Lena's car and drove to Atlanta. Now, here she was, standing on his doorstep.
Misha rang the doorbell a few times. She looked in the garage and saw Patrick's car in there. She realized he just wasn't coming to the door.
“Patrick!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. “Patrick, I'm not leaving until you come out here!” Misha realized neighbors were starting to look out their windows, but she didn't care. She rang the doorbell again, until she heard the door unlock.
“What are you doing here, Misha?” Patrick stood in the doorway blocking her so that she couldn't come in.
“I need to talk to you. You wouldn't answer the phone.”
“I don't think we have anything to talk about.” Patrick went to close the door when Misha yelled out.
“Patrick, it's you. You have me and my heart. I want to be with you and our baby.”
Patrick opened the door back up. “Why, Misha? Just a week ago you were kissing a fucking woman. Why you want me now?”
“Patrick, I can't lie and say that I don't have an attraction to women. Just like you will always be attracted to other women, I will too. But it's about acting on it. I don't have the urge to act on it. I love you and you only. You have held my heart all these years, and you still hold it.”
Patrick looked at Misha. “How can I know that in a few months you won't want to go sleep with a girl?”
“Because you love me, and I love you. Just like I know that you are not going to go sleep with another woman. It's trust. I trust you.”
“I don't think I trust you anymore, Misha. I saw a girl doing you!” Patrick yelled.
“I know, and it was a mistake. I was emotional and it happened. But, baby, I promise you it will never happen again.” Misha grabbed Patrick's hand. “Please give me the chance to make it up to you. Let me earn your trust back.”
Patrick looked at Misha. He shook his head. “I'm sorry, Misha, but I can't. It's over. I'll be there for you and the baby, but I can't be with you. Now, please leave.” Patrick slowly closed the door, leaving Misha in tears.
Lena and Brandon sat on the couch watching
Law and Order.
Brandon looked over at Lena. “Lena, I want to ask you something.”
“Baby, I fucked up, more than once. You've been there for me through it all. But I can't help but have the feeling that you have tip-toed out on me at least once.”
“No, let me finish. If you have, I can't blame you. I haven't been all I should be to you. Yeah, it may hurt for you to tell me, but I would rather know than not know. So, we can start over fresh.”
Lena looked at Brandon. She knew she needed to tell him the truth. She turned to tell him everything about her relationship with Denise. “Brandon, you're right. I deserved to go out and mess around, but I promise you I haven't.”
Brandon's face lit up. He kissed her on her forehead. “I love you so much, baby. I'm going to get a water, you want something?”
Lena nodded.
Brandon headed to the kitchen.
Suddenly Lena heard a baby crying. She had been in her room for weeks and had almost forgotten there was a baby in the house. She followed the sound to the guest bedroom. The nanny was giving the baby a bottle.
“May I?” Lena asked the woman, who gladly handed the little boy to her. She held the baby in her hands and fed him the bottle. Lena lit up inside. For the first time, she truly felt motherly.
“You look so beautiful doing that.”
She turned around to see Brandon standing in the door, smiling. “He is a beautiful baby,” Lena said as she caressed his soft curls. “What's the status on the mother?”
“Still haven't found her. They think she may have left the country,” Brandon said as he walked closer. “I guess we got some things we need to talk about.”
“Yes, we do.” Lena sat down in the rocking chair. “Brandon, I love you, and I want to make this work.”
Brandon's face lit up. “Baby, are you serious? I will do anything.”
Lena smiled. “First, we are going to go to counseling. Second, you are going to do what you have to do to get legal custody of this boy. We are going to raise him.”
“You really want to raise him?” Brandon questioned.
“Yes, he is going to be our baby's big brother. We will raise him as our own. And there is one more thing. You need to apologize to Denise for what you did.”
Brandon sighed. “You're right, I do owe her an apology. I will do it when she gets back in town.” Brandon kissed Lena on her forehead. “Lena, you are my earth, you know that.”
“Let's hope you don't forget it again.” She raised her head up so that he could kiss her on her lips. Things were finally looking positive.
Chapter 45
Denise sat in the chair with her cap and gown on. Graduation was bittersweet for her. She was happy that she finally did it, but the one person she wanted to see her graduate was not there. A tear fell from her face as she thought about her grandmother. She knew she had to be smiling from heaven.
Denise walked across the stage. People in the stands roared as they called her name. Denise turned her tassel to the other side. She felt intensely proud of herself. She quickly snapped the graduation picture at the bottom of the stage.
Denise yelled as they called Cooley and Carmen's names. She couldn't help feeling proud of them as well. They had experienced and endured so much together over the years.
At the closing of the ceremony, the class stood up and threw their hats in the air.
Denise didn't throw her hat. A picture of her grandmother was taped to the inside. She pressed the cap to her heart instead.
“Bruuuhhhh!” Cooley yelled as she hugged Denise.
“Y'all turn around and let me take a picture,” Carmen said, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“She been crying all day,” Cooley said.
“I'm sorry, I can't help it,” Carmen said as she snapped the photo.
“Leave my baby alone,” Nic said as she wrapped her arms around Carmen. “Let me get a group picture of you all, the three amigos.” Nic snapped the picture of the trio.
“That was beautiful.”
They turned around to see Lena standing there.
Carmen had Nic snap a picture of her and Lena. Denise watched as Lena smiled for the camera. Their eyes met. Lena walked up to Denise.
“Hold up, let me get a picture of you two,” Carmen said.
Denise wrapped her arm around Lena as they posed for the picture. She felt a warm sensation take over her body.
“Let's give them some privacy,” Cooley said. “Besides, I want to meet Nic's family. I know it's gotta be some sexy girls in it.”
“Hey, stay away from my cousins, Cooley!” Nic yelled as they ran off.
“Dee, I am so proud of you.” Lena smiled.
“Thanks. I'm a little proud of myself.”
“Dee, I just wanted to tell you—”
“Lena, please don't. Don't apologize, don't tell me how you feel, just don't do anything. My heart can't take much more right about now.”
“So, do you think we will ever be able to be friends again?”
Denise shook her head. “Lena, you mean a lot to me, and I will never forget you. You are going to be a great mother, and I know your baby is going to be the most beautiful baby in the world. But I can't be friends with you. I can't be friends with the woman I'm ... that I'm in love with.” Denise hugged Lena. “I wish you nothing but the best.”
Lena fought to hold back tears. She didn't want to let go. “I wish you the same.”
Denise finally let go.
Lena watched her walk away. Denise never looked back.
Misha threw her gown and cap on the bed. She was glad the graduation was over. She broke down crying when Cooley walked across the stage. She didn't stay for pictures. She didn't have any family to be with. She realized she'd lost her chance to have a family again.
Misha looked around her dorm room. Everything was packed. She was supposed to leave for Atlanta the day after graduation. Now she had no idea where she was going to live or go. She heard a knock on her door. Misha opened the door to find Cooley standing there.
“Look, I am not in the mood right now if you are coming to yell at me,” Misha said as she walked back into her room.
Cooley closed the door behind her. “I ain't here to yell. I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry about that incident. I admit that I was hurt. I reacted real badly.” Cooley sat on the bed next to Misha.
“I'm sorry about everything too. I don't know what's wrong with me.” Misha began to cry.
Cooley wiped the tears from her face. “Nothing is wrong with you. Everyone fucks up from time to time. So, are you really pregnant?”
Misha nodded. “Yes, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with me, unless it's dealing with the baby.”
Cooley looked at Misha's facial expression. She realized that she had truly lost Misha. “You really love him. I can tell.”
“I do, Cooley. I can't even lie. I have loved him for years. He was my first, and I wanted him to be my last. But I fucked it all up.” Misha buried her head into Cooley's chest.
Cooley put her arms around her. For the first time she was in complete friend mode with Misha.
“Now I know how Dee felt about Lena.” Cooley sighed. “He'll come around. Just give him some time. You will be OK.” Cooley stood up. “I gotta go. See you tonight at the party, right?”
Misha shook her head. “Yeah, I'll be there. Cooley, thanks for this.”
“Anytime.” Cooley put her shades on and walked out the door. She finally let Misha go, and it hurt like hell.
Chapter 46
Cooley pulled out all the stops for the graduation party. She called in some favors with Super Sonic and had her perform at the party. The party was in the campus ballroom, which was also a big surprise. It was definitely the party of the year.
Cooley saw Lynn walking toward her. “What's up?” Cooley hugged her when she walked up.
Lynn smiled. “I have something to tell you later.” She kissed Cooley on her lips and headed off toward her friends.
Denise walked up and put her arm on Cooley's shoulder. “Have I told you that I am proud of you?”
“Why is that?” Cooley said to her friend.
“Because while I have been up here dealing with drama, you have been in chill mode with a great girl. You have totally impressed me.”
“Don't read anything into Lynn. I am not with her. I'm still single.” Cooley smiled.
“Yeah, OK, well, I am still proud of you. We did it. We made it through school, and we are going on to do big things.” Denise hugged Cooley.
Carmen walked up behind them and wrapped her arms around them. “I love you guys so much!” she exclaimed. Carmen had been sentimental since they got to the party.
“We love you too, boo boo,” Denise said as she kissed Carmen on her forehead.
“I don't know what I am going to do with you all so far away—”
Cooley quickly cut her off. “Damn, C, not tonight. We're supposed to be partying. Save that shit for tomorrow.” Carmen hit Cooley on her arm and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
The party continued through the night. All of the Greek organizations were present. The sororities were doing their strolls, and the fraternities strutted through the crowd.
Cooley caught the eye of Tara, who was in the middle of the AKA stroll line.
Tara excused herself from the line and walked over to Cooley. “So, I guess I didn't get it before your graduation. Is it still too late?” Tara asked seductively.
Cooley looked at Tara. Her body was banging in her low-cut shirt. “There's a possibility I can still let you cash in that rain check.” Cooley winked her eye.
Tara smiled. “How about meeting me at my room in thirty minutes?”
“I'll see you then.” Cooley turned around and headed toward Denise. “Dude, I will be back in a little bit. I gotta go handle someone.”
“All right. Be careful,” Denise warned as she continued to dance.
“Cooley!” Lynn ran out the door when she saw Cooley walking out with Tara. She caught them right in time.
“Lynn, what's up?” Cooley said nonchalantly.
“What are you doing?” Lynn said.
Tara stood to the side to see what was going to happen.
Cooley walked up to Lynn. “I'm about to go kick it with her.”
“But what about us?”
“What us? Lynn, how many times have we gone through this?”
“So, you mean to tell me it really is that simple for you? You can just go off and be with the next girl after spending all this year with me?”
“Don't ‘Lynn' me. Cooley, I have held out for you all this damn time.”
“I told—”
Lynn quickly cut Cooley off again. “Don't tell me what you told me. Your actions spoke a hell of a lot louder than your words!”
Cooley wanted to hug Lynn and apologize for hurting her, but something in her was holding her back. “Look, you knew the deal when you got into this with me, so I don't know why you acting new. I'ma holla at you, shorty.” Cooley turned around and grabbed Tara's hand.
“One day someone is going to get you for the hurt you have caused me, you cold bastard!” Lynn yelled as Cooley walked down the steps.
Cooley ignored the comments.
Dayza headed out her door to go to the party. She noticed Rhonda walking out of her door as well.
“Rhonda, I didn't know you were back. How are you doing?”
“I'm fine,” Rhonda snapped. She was in a rush to get to the party to see Denise.
“Oh, well, I was worried about you.” Dayza played her role. “You goin' out?”
“I'm going to the graduation party.”
“Oh, OK. I'll be there too. Shit, I left my wallet. I guess I'll see you there.”
Rhonda walked off. She didn't have time to wonder why Dayza was finally speaking to her. She hurried down the steps.
Dayza waited for her to disappear before running back into her room. She pulled out a credit card and quickly popped the lock on the door. She placed the pictures they had taken back into the drawer.
“What the fuck are you doing in my room?” Rhonda yelled as she rushed toward Dayza.
“Back, back, bitch!” Dayza said, holding her guard.
“What were you doing with my stuff? I'm calling security!” Rhonda yelled.
“Yeah, OK, you do that. And when you do, I will tell them how you have been stalking Denise Chambers. I'll let them know how you broke into their apartment and fucked up Cooley's clothes.”
Rhonda froze. “How you know all that?”
“Bitch, you're busted!” Dayza said. “Cooley is going to blow the lid wide open on your ass. Denise is never going to talk to you again!”
“No, stop it! Shut up!” Rhonda yelled. The room began spinning. She couldn't let that happen. She had to stop Cooley.
Rhonda ran out of her room but froze when she saw Cooley walking with a girl she knew named Tara. Her first reaction was to go hurt Cooley, but then she realized something. Tara had a boyfriend, and Cooley had a girlfriend.
Rhonda took the steps to her dorm room to avoid running into them. She peeped around the corner and watched Tara pull Cooley into her room. Rhonda's eyes brightened. Maybe she was going to have her revenge after all.
Rhonda headed into her room and pulled out the campus directory. She knew Tara's boyfriend's name. She quickly found his dorm number.
A male voice answered the phone.
“Is this Tyrone?” Rhonda tried not to laugh.
“Yeah, who is this?” Tyrone said, trying to figure out who was calling him so late.
“Let's just say a good friend. Look, your girl is in her dorm room right now with a dyke. She is getting her pussy ate, and the girl is making her moan more than you ever could.”
Rhonda hung the phone up. She knew her work was almost done.
She picked up her phone again and called Lynn's number. She got the voice mail; she realized she must still be at the party. Rhonda was about to hang up when she heard Lynn say her cell phone number on the message. She quickly hung up and got on the computer.
Rhonda went to send her a text message via the Internet so that it could not be traced.
Cooley is fucking a girl right now in Jefferson
Hall room 603.
She pressed send. Rhonda lay back on her bed. Vengeance would be hers.

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