Consequences (30 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Chapter 41
“You're what?” Patrick turned around when he heard those words come out of Misha's mouth. He slowly walked back to her.
“I'm pregnant, Patrick,” Misha said as tears rolled down her face. She never expected things to come out this way.
“Are you sure?”
“We took tests today. I have to go to the doctor to be sure, but my test came back positive. Patrick, just give me a chance to explain.”
Misha noticed that something had caught Patrick's eye. She turned around to see Cooley walking toward her car. Patrick sped past her and ran up on Cooley.
“Pat, no!”
Before Misha could catch him, Patrick's fist met Cooley's face.
“Hold up!” Cooley said as she ducked past the rest of Patrick's attempted blows.
Misha grabbed Patrick's arm. “Baby, please stop.”
“You been fuckin' with my woman!” Patrick yelled at Cooley.
“She was my woman before she was yours!” Cooley snapped back.
“Bullshit!” Patrick broke free from Misha and attempted to hit Cooley again. Cooley ducked, causing Patrick to lose his balance and hit the ground.
Cooley stood over Patrick. “Look, man, I don't know you and you don't know me. But I tell you one thing, you never have to worry about seeing me with yo' bitch again.”
Cooley's words cut Misha like a knife. “Bitch?” Misha snapped at Cooley. She couldn't believe she just called her out of her name.
Cooley turned her anger toward Misha. “You heard me! You got this nigga trying to fight me and shit over your lying ass. I thought you were gay, Misha. Remember, you don't even fuck with bisexual bitches? But looks like you're just like them. A bisexual bitch!” Cooley walked over to her door.
“Cooley, that's fucked up. You don't even know the situation,” Misha pleaded, forgetting Patrick was standing there.
“I don't give a fuck!” Cooley said as she got in her car. “Go be with that nigga. I'm out.” She slammed her door and sped off.
Misha stood there looking at the spot Cooley's car was in. She suddenly remembered that Patrick was still there. “Pat,” she said as she realized he was walking away. She grabbed his arm, but he pulled away.
“Misha, how could you? I thought you loved me. You're gay? You have been gay this whole time?”
“After you left I was gay. I've been messing with women ever since you left. But when you came back in my life, I realized I still loved you. I want to be with you.”
Patrick snapped, “I can't tell. You practically lost it when that chick called you out. Misha, I don't think you know what you want!” The thought caused Patrick to go from angry to hurt.
Misha and Pat stood outside. The dorm steps were filled with onlookers wondering what was about to happen next.
“Can we take this inside?” Misha asked, not wanting anyone else in her personal business.
“No, you need to tell me something now. Do you want to be with me only? Can you give up women?”
Misha looked at Patrick. Her heart told her to say yes.
“I—I don't know,” Misha stammered. She could see Patrick's face drop in front of her.
“Well, I guess we are done here.” Patrick turned around and walked off.
Misha wanted to move, but she couldn't. Her whole body was frozen. She had lost everything.
Brandon and Lena stared at each other in silence. Lena could see the fear and hurt in his eyes. “Brandon, where is the baby?”
Brandon sighed and shook his head. “At the house with the nanny.”
“And the mother?”
“Got people looking for her, but they haven't found her yet.” Brandon wiped a tear from his eye. “Baby, I am so sorry.”
Lena reached her hand out toward him. “Brandon, how could you do this to me? I was supposed to be your baby's mother. I was supposed to be the only one.” Lena put her hand on her stomach. “Now we're waiting to find out if I've lost my baby because of you.” Lena felt herself getting upset. After his fight with Denise, she woke up to find herself in a hospital bed.
“I'm sorry, baby. I don't know what to do or say. I fucked up so bad and then to find out you were with her. I, I just lost it. I thought you—”
“So, because you've been cheating on me and dogging me out, you thought I was going to go and fuck off on you in retaliation! Even if I was, could you blame me? It's not like you wouldn't have deserved it!”
Brandon sat there in tears, like a little kid listening to his mother yelling at him.
“I always knew you were fucking off on me. I always knew that you had side flings. But, no, you had a relationship with this girl, and she had your baby. You don't give a fuck about me!”
Before Brandon could respond, the doctor walked in. “OK, I am happy to say that you are stabilized and that you did not lose your baby. I am placing you on immediate bed rest for the next few weeks, just to monitor your activity though. No stress, you hear me?”
Lena and Brandon nodded in response.
“Don't worry, doctor, I'm not going to let her lift a finger.” Brandon stood up and shook the doctor's hand.
“Great. Well, I will send the nurse with the release papers. Remember, Mrs. Redding, no stress, OK?”
Lena nodded, knowing that stress was something she was bound to have.
When the doctor left the room, Brandon looked back at Lena. “I know right now there is nothing I can say. I love you, Lena, and I have always only loved you. I fucked up big time, and I'm willing to spend my lifetime making it up to you. Just don't leave me. I can't be without you.” Brandon fell to his knees at Lena's bedside. “You're my earth.”
Lena wasn't trying to hear him. “We'll keep the baby until you find the mother. I will come home so I can rest. You know, the funny thing is, I was coming home to you today. Then you had to come show your ass.”
“Baby, I fucked up. I was so lost. I didn't know what to do. Then that girl told me that you were with Denise, and I lost it.”
Lena turned her head to Brandon. “What girl?”
Brandon looked up at Lena. “Denise's ex-girlfriend. She told me that she caught you all together, and I lost it.”
“What!” Lena got up out of the bed. “Brandon, that girl didn't catch me with anyone. She was trying to start some shit.”
Brandon grabbed Lena by her waist. “Look, I know you're angry, but no stress. You're coming home, and we can deal with this later. I will take care of Denise.”
Lena looked at Brandon. “I just want you to know that it's Denise that kept us together. She told me to go back to you. Think about that.” Lena walked out the room and went to sign her papers.
Brandon stood in one spot, realizing he had made a big mistake.
Chapter 42
Denise couldn't get off of the couch. She had too much in her head for one day. She heard the door open. Cooley and Carmen walked in.
“What the hell happened in here? Why the fuck are you bleeding?” Carmen said as she ran to the bathroom. She came back with a cold towel.
“Well, Brandon and I just got into a fight.”
“What the hell is going on today?” Carmen said.
Cooley sat on the couch next to Denise. “Man, I just got into it with Misha's fiancé,” she said in disbelief.
“What?” Denise was confused. “Please don't say anymore. I got too much going on now. Tammy passed.”
Carmen put her hand over her mouth. “Dee, are you all right?”
“Lena is in the hospital. Brandon hit her.”
“What!” Cooley and Carmen both said.
“It was a mistake. It happened while we were fighting.”
“Oh my God. Let me call her.” Carmen headed into the kitchen to call Lena.
Cooley looked at Denise. “What the fuck is going on, bruh?”
“Tell me about it,” Denise responded. “My mom died, Misha is straight or bi or something, and Lena is pregnant. What the fuck is really going on?”
“Oh yeah, Misha is pregnant too.” Cooley began to laugh hysterically. “And don't forget about your stalker.”
Denise began to laugh too.
Carmen came back into the room and looked at them, wondering what was wrong.
“Lena is OK. The baby is OK.” Carmen sat on the couch. “This is some strange shit.”
Cooley stopped laughing. “Man, y'all, out of all the women who I have been with, the one that I fall in love with leaves me and starts to fuck with a man. Karma is a bitch, I guess.”
“Yeah, and out of the women that I actually start to deal with one is psycho and the other is married with a child on the way.” Denise had to laugh. “Shit. That's supposed to be your ass, Cooley.”
Carmen began to laugh as well. “My friends. I swear I need to write a book.”
Cooley and Denise laughed with her.
Nic walked into the apartment, looked at the three of them, and wondered what was wrong with them. “What did I miss?”
The question made everyone laugh harder.
“Nothing, man, have a seat,” Denise said motioning for Nic to take a seat in the chair. “So, are y'all OK?”
Carmen sighed. “We will be. Isn't that right, baby?”
Nic smiled. “That's right. How are Lena and Misha?”
Cooley rolled her eyes.
Carmen frowned at her. “Don't act like that now ‘cause you got played. It wasn't like y'all was together or anything. Misha is grown. She can do what she wants to do and who she wants to do.”
Cooley couldn't respond. She knew Carmen was right. “Man, I got played.”
Everyone started to laugh again.
Denise stood up. “I can't believe that nigga came up in here trying to jack.”
Carmen smirked. “Whatever, Dee. Don't act innocent. We all know what you been doing with his gal.”
Cooley began to laugh again. “Damn, that's right. That nigga had an ass-kicking for you, just for the wrong reason.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
They all laughed. That's all they could do.
Chapter 43
“Hey, sweetie,” Misha said as she walked into Lena's bedroom.
Lena smiled. “Hey, girl. Come over here and lay with me.”
Misha walked over and climbed onto the bed.
“Do you want anything?”
Misha shook her head.
“Well, how was the doctor's appointment?”
Misha felt tears forming in her eyes. “I'm pregnant. And I have lost the only man and only woman I have every truly loved. I fucked up.”
Lena placed her arm around Misha. “I can't lie, baby, you fucked up. But if you love that man, you need to go to him. But if you know that you are not going to be fully satisfied, then you need to let him go.”
Misha knew that Lena was right. “Lena, I have never been so happy before in my life. When I am with him, I am happy, just like when we were kids. But at the same time, I still am attracted to women. I don't know if I am going to slip up again like with Cooley.”
“Misha, I understand,” Lena said as Misha laid her head on her lap. “I am, after all, in love with a man and a woman.”
Misha raised her head up. “Denise?”
“This doesn't leave this room,” Lena said as she lowered her voice. “I love Brandon. I truly love Brandon. But after being with Denise, I admit that I love her too. I wanted so much to be with her. She makes me feel like I have never felt before. But I made the decision that here is where I am supposed to be. I value my friendship with her too much to jeopardize it again. And I love Brandon's lying ass so much that I am willing to give him a second chance.”
“But why would you think you couldn't be with Denise? You know she loves you too.”
“Because my heart truly belongs to Brandon. She only holds a piece of it. Brandon holds the most. If he didn't, I wouldn't still be here. So, Misha, you need to figure out who truly has your heart, Patrick or the lifestyle.”
Misha laid her head back down on Lena. She knew that she was right. She had a decision to make, but she wondered if it was too late to turn back.
Cooley sat in Lynn's dorm room. She looked around at her desk. She had pictures of them in frames. Cooley laughed at a picture that Lynn took of her sleeping. She realized that Lynn really did love her. She just didn't feel the same way. Cooley loved Lynn, but she was not and never would be in love with her.
Lynn walked into the room in her robe. “Just give me a few minutes to get dressed.” She pulled the robe off in front of Cooley.
Cooley looked at her body. It was nice, but it wasn't the best she had seen. “Lynn, why do you like me so much?” Cooley asked.
Lynn turned around and looked at Cooley. “What do you mean?”
Cooley looked down at the picture of her sleeping. “Just what I said. Why do you like me so much? I'm just an average type of nigga. I ain't worth shit. So, why you choose to be with me, even though you know we ain't together?”
“Cooley, I don't know. There's something that I see in you, I guess. That first day at the bookstore, I felt this attraction to you that I don't usually feel with anyone. I knew then that you were going to be someone special in my life.”
Cooley looked at Lynn. She could tell that she meant it. “Lynn, after graduation I'm leaving for Miami. I'm moving there, and I'm going to be in a very fast-paced industry. I kept telling you, we aren't together, because I didn't want you putting too much into me. I don't know what the future holds, and I didn't want you to ever place all your marbles in my bag.”
Lynn pulled her shirt over her head. “Cooley, I hear you. I do admit that I don't want you to move 'cause I care about you. But I've been looking into some things, and maybe things will work out. I have faith that one day soon you'll realize how much I love you and give yourself to me completely.”
“I don't see—”
“Just let things happen, Cooley. Stop thinking so much and just go with things. That's what I do.” Lynn smiled.
“Lynn, seriously, I'm telling you this as a friend. You gotta think with your brain, 'cause the heart and emotions get people into trouble. No matter what happens with us in the end, I just want you to know that I do value you as a friend.”
Lynn didn't know what to think about Cooley's statement, but she just smiled and let it go.
They headed out the door to the movies.

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