Consequences (33 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Chapter 49
Lena and Brandon jumped when they heard her phone ringing. She quickly answered it to silence the tone. All she could hear was loud voices. They sounded like people yelling and crying.
“Carmen?” she said, knowing it was Carmen by the ring tone.
“Lena, it's Nic. Man, something real serious happened. You need to come to the Med.”
Lena could hear the seriousness in Nic's voice. “Nic, what happened?”
“Lena, there was a fight. Cooley is hurt and Denise ...” Nic couldn't finish talking.
Lena felt her body tense up. “Nic, please what about Cooley and Denise?”
“Lena, it doesn't look good for Denise. You need to come.”
Lena's whole body began to shake. Brandon quickly grabbed her.
“Baby, what's going on?”
Lena started crying hysterically.
Brandon grabbed the phone from her and continued to talk to Nic. “We're on our way.”
Lena couldn't move. Brandon put her pants on her and carried her to the car. Lena cried the whole way there. Terrible images flooded her mind of Denise being hurt bad, or worse.
Lena jumped out of the car as soon as Brandon pulled up in front of the Med. She didn't wait for him. She ran in.
“Denise Chambers. Where is she?”
“Ma'am, we need you to calm down. Do you know her birthday?”
“Where the hell is she?” Lena yelled as she hit the desk.
“Lena!” Nic yelled.
Lena ran toward Nic. “Where is she? Where is Denise?” Lena cried. “What's wrong?”
“Lena,” Nic struggled to get her words out. “Denise. Denise was stabbed.”
Lena felt her whole world crashing around her. Her legs gave out, but Nic caught her. She heard Nic calling her name, but she couldn't speak.
“Lena, we don't know what is going to happen yet. They are operating on her now.”
“Take me to her. I need her! I need her!” Lena cried. Nic helped her toward the operating room.
Carmen jumped up when she saw Lena. Misha and Carmen held Lena. They comforted each other.
Nic's heart was breaking. Carmen was in so much pain, and there was nothing she could do for her.
Brandon quickly joined them. Nic and Patrick filled him in on what was happening. They waited together.
Two hours later the doctor came out of the two large doors. His grim look didn't make them feel any better. “Is there any family here?”
“Yes, I am their sister,” Carmen said.
The doctor looked at Carmen in disbelief. “Ms. Wade has suffered trauma to the right side of her head. The most she will probably have is a permanent scar. She will be all right, but for now needs to rest.”
“What about Denise?” Lena asked.
The doctor's face became very stern. “Ms. Chambers lost a lot of blood, but we were able to stop the bleeding. The next twenty-four hours are very critical.”
“Can we see them?” Carmen asked.
“You can see Ms. Wade, but I strongly ask that you not excite Ms. Chambers too much.” The doctor gave a smile.
Carmen and the others headed toward the back.
Lena grabbed Carmen's hand. “I'm going to see Dee.”
Carmen nodded.
Lena walked into the small hospital room. Tears began to pour from her eyes as she looked at Denise on the bed. Denise looked so helpless. Lena's knees started to get weak. She quietly sat in the chair next to Denise's bed, and slowly reached out and held Denise's hand. A surge of energy ran through her body.
“Dee, I hope you can hear me,” Lena whispered. “You get better, OK? I, I need you to get better.” The tears continued to run from her face. “You are strong, and you're going to make it through this. I only wish I could be as strong as you.” Lena's voice began to tremble. She struggled to get the words out. “Denise, I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life. You can't leave me. I love you so much. I, I am in love with you.”
Lena heard the door creak. She turned around but did not see anyone. Lena jumped when she felt pressure on her hand. She looked down. Denise's hand was squeezing hers. Lena smiled. She knew everything was going to be all right.
As soon as the doctor gave the OK to go visit Cooley and Denise, Brandon had headed to the cafeteria to get Lena some water. He finally realized how close the group was, and that, regardless of orientation, they were Lena's first true friends.
He walked back to room 406. He didn't want to be loud, so he slowly pushed the cracked door open and paused. Lena was talking to Denise. He didn't want to disturb, so he stood there listening through the crack. He heard her tell Denise that she loved her. She paused. Just as he was going to open the door, he heard her say something else. “I am in love with you.”
The light from the hall way suddenly was blinding. Brandon stared at the closed door. He knew he should be mad, but he wasn't. All he could do was stare at the wooden door. His wife was inside. She'd just told another person that she was in love with her.
Brandon took a step back from the room. The statement was replaying over and over in his mind. He threw the cup of water away and walked toward the bathroom. Brandon splashed cool water on his face. He needed to stay calm. All sorts of questions rushed into his mind. Were they sleeping together? Did Lena no longer love him? Had Denise been sleeping with Lena all along? Rage began to set in.
Suddenly, a small voice began to speak to him.
If she did stray, could you blame her?
Brandon walked back toward the room. He saw Lena walk out of the room. She was so beautiful to him. She was carrying his child.
Lena looked up at Brandon and smiled. “Denise grabbed my hand. I think she is going to be all right.” Lena wrapped her arms around him.
A quick image of Denise touching Lena's naked body flashed into his mind. He tried to shake it off. “That's wonderful, baby. Do you know how long you want to stay here?”
Lena looked at Brandon. He had a strange look on his face. “Bae, are you all right?”
Brandon gave a smirk. “Yeah, I just was thinking about you and my baby.”
Lena smiled. “You're right, we probably should be heading home. Let me go say good-bye to Carmen.”
Brandon watched her walk away. As soon as she turned the corner, he entered Denise's room. He looked down at Denise, who looked like she was in a peaceful sleep. “Denise.” She didn't move. Brandon shook his head. “I just want to say ...”
There were so many things he wanted to say. He wanted ask her if it was true, if she had slept with Lena. He wanted to know how she could make Lena want her. He wanted to tell her never to come around his wife again.
Brandon looked down at Denise. “I just want to tell you to get better. My wife ... she really ... she really cares about you a lot.”
Brandon couldn't speak anymore. Tears began to fall. In his mind he knew it was true. He also knew he couldn't blame anyone but himself. He knew that he could never tell Lena what he heard. He also knew he was going to have to work overtime to keep his wife and to make her love him again.
Chapter 50
Misha heard the rustling of Cooley's bed sheets. She opened her eyes to see Cooley tossing and turning. She jumped up and put her hand on Cooley's arm.
“Carla, what are you doing?” Misha asked.
Cooley slowly opened her eyes. Everything was a blur. All she could see was white walls. She turned her head. A face began to come into focus. She soon realized it was Misha. Cooley licked her dry lips. Her voice crackled as she spoke. She cleared her throat. “Denise?”
“She is fine, Carla.” Misha smiled. “You were having a bad dream again.”
Cooley looked at Misha. Slowly, images began to come in her head. She saw Denise lying in blood.
Cooley rose up but quickly fell back down. “Fuck!” Cooley yelled. She had been out of the hospital for a week, but Denise was still in.
“Cool, are you all right?”
“Where is Carmen?”
“Carmen and Nic are at the hospital with Dee. They have been staying with her while I stayed with you.”
Patrick popped into Cooley's head. “Where is your dude?”
“At the hotel.”
“Well, I guess that wasn't a part of my nightmare.”
“No,” Misha said.
Cooley looked away. “Damn. I gotta pee.”
Misha helped Cooley up. Cooley slowly walked to the bathroom. She turned to wash her hands in the sink. She paused when she saw the large bandage on the right side of her face. She rubbed her hands against the dressing. She remembered everything now. “I guess karma finally caught up to me.”
“Don't say that. You didn't deserve this.” Misha walked over to Cooley. She put her arm around her waist.
“Misha, I've done some fucked up things in my life. I've treated women real fucked up. I finally have to deal with the consequences of my actions. But, Dee, she ain't done nothing wrong. I would have preferred to die than have anything happen to her. It's all my fault.”
“Carla, it's not your fault. It's Rhonda's fault.”
“Misha, there would have never been a situation if I wasn't trying to be up to my old self. Dee would have never had to go to that room if it wasn't for me. I can only hope she will forgive me. I want to go see her.”
“You sure you up for all of that?” Misha asked.
“Yeah, I am. I gotta see my bruh.”
Vivid memories of the night continued to haunt Cooley. She was filled with emotion as she walked into the hospital. She had almost lost her best friend.
“Hey, bruh. Dee, look who's here.”
Cooley's heart tore apart when she saw Denise lying in the hospital bed.
Denise smiled when she saw Cooley and Misha. “Bruh, I was wondering when you were going to get up out of your bed,” Denise teased.
Cooley smiled. “You know how I do it. Gotta sleep in.” She didn't want to ruin everyone's mood, so she held her feelings in.
“I missed you, bruh,” Denise said.
“Man, you will never know.” Cooley grabbed Denise's hand. She tried to hold back but couldn't. “I am so sorry, bruh.”
“Cool, come on now. I'm gonna be OK. You're gonna be OK. Fuck it. We got big things to do.”
A nurse walked in the room.
“You here to tell me I can go home?” Denise said to the nurse and smiled.
“Oh, you know you aren't going anywhere.” The nurse smiled as she checked Denise's machines.
“I'm so happy to have my crew here with me again,” Carmen, said hugging Cooley.
“Well, I'm sorry to spoil your moment, Carmen, but I have to go.”
“Oh, you are headed to Atlanta tomorrow morning right?” Carmen hugged Misha. “I'm going to miss you so much, girl.”
“Aww, me too, but you know I am going to get out to L.A. while I am still sexy.”
“I hear that.”
“You're going to Atlanta?” Cooley asked.
Misha could see the hurt in Cooley's eyes. “Yeah, I'm moving there.”
“Good luck.” Cooley gave Misha a hug. She didn't want to let go, but she knew she had to.
“Bye, everyone.” Misha headed out the door.
Cooley yelled her name, causing her to turn back around.
“Misha,” Cooley said, walking toward her. “Just know, you were the first. Misha, I will always love you. Remember that.” Cooley kissed Misha on her hand.
Carmen and Denise were surprised by Cooley's statement.
Misha smiled. “Same here.”
They let go.
Misha walked out of the room and out of Cooley's life.
Cooley turned around to see them looking at her. “Yeah, that's right. A nigga said the
Everyone started laughing.
“Fuck y'all, man.” Cooley laughed as she sat back in her chair.
They talked and laughed the rest of the night.
Chapter 51
Denise pulled her shades off as she looked down at the tombstone in front of her. “Well, I guess we both knew this day was going to come.” She wiped tears from her eyes. “I know you always tell me to be strong, but you can't blame me at this point.” Denise smiled as she read her grandmother's name on the tombstone.
“I hope I made you proud of me. That's all I really ever wanted to do.” She placed the creamy white orchids she bought on the grave. “I really wish you were here with me. I love you so much, Mema. I hope I will continue to make you proud. Well, I am out of here, headed to the big New York. I know you're watching out for me, so I'm not worried. I am about to take New York by storm.” Denise placed her hand on the tombstone. “I love you, Mema.” She stood up and walked a few graves down.
“I love you too, Tammy.” She placed a single rose on the resting spot of her mother. She walked back toward the car, where Cooley was waiting.
“You ready to go, bruh? Damn, check that out,” Cooley said, looking at the sky.
Denise looked up to see a full rainbow spread across the blue sky. She smiled. “Yeah, bruh, it's time to go.”
Lena tried not to think about Denise leaving town. She knew she couldn't go to the airport because it would be too hard on her. The television was now watching her. Vivid thoughts of Denise were rushing through her mind.
She remembered their first meeting in their dorm room. Denise caught her as she was about to fall out of a chair. That was the first time their eyes met.
Thoughts of Denise working out in their room came. She could see Denise's magnificent body, especially the tribal tattoo she had on her arm. It was always Lena's favorite tattoo.
“Baby, I know you told me to stop buying shit for the nursery, but I couldn't help myself,” Brandon apologized as the doorman and maid brought in his numerous bags.
Lena didn't hear anything he said. All she could hear was Denise's voice.
“Lena?” Brandon said, noticing that she did not respond. He walked over to her on the couch. “Lena?”
Lena looked up at Brandon. “I have to go.” She jumped off the couch and headed toward the door.
Brandon grabbed her arm. “Where the hell are you going?”
“I have to go say good-bye,” Lena said, quickly grabbing her purse and keys.
“Naw, you ain't got to go nowhere.” Brandon stood menacingly in front of the door.
“Brandon, let me go. I just need to...”
“What, Lena? You need to tell her again that you're in love with her?” Brandon looked at Lena.
Lena's entire body froze.
“Like I said, you ain't goin' nowhere.”
Lena looked at Brandon. She could see he meant every word. Denise's face entered her mind. She thought about never kissing Denise again, never feeling Denise's skin. “I'm going.”
“Lena, walk yo' ass out that door if you want.” Brandon walked away from the door. “Go ahead and do it. Just leave ya key here. And, on the way, call ya family and explain that you walked out on me for a woman. For a muthafuckin' woman!” Brandon punched the wall so hard, his fist went through it.
Lena jumped.
They both stared at each other in silence. Lena dropped her purse on the table. Brandon walked away to the bedroom. Lena knew things would never be the same.
Brandon's body froze when he heard the front door close. He ran out of their bedroom to find Lena gone. Brandon went to grab the door when his son began to cry. He turned the doorknob as the little boy cried harder. Brandon turned around and walked back to the nursery.
“I don't know what I am going to do without you two.” Carmen's tears had left wet spots on Denise and Cooley's shirts.
“Carmen, we're gonna see you soon,” Cooley said. “I'm gonna come out to L.A. right after I'm completely settled.”
“Denise, call me as soon as you make it,” Carmen said.
“I will, Carmen. Y'all better get on the road before your mom starts to panic.” Denise heard the call for her flight over the intercom. She looked at Cooley, Nic, and Carmen. “I guess this is it.”
“Don't say that,” Carmen said. “This is just a see-you-later.”
“Dig that.” Denise gave Nic daps and hugged Cooley and Carmen. “Bye, peeps.” Denise walked toward the walkway. She looked back one more time. A piece of her knew that Lena wasn't going to come, but she wished she was wrong. She took a deep breath as she walked through the gates.
They watched from the window as Denise boarded the plane and took off.
Denise looked down at the view of Memphis from in the air. She sighed. “Good-bye, Memphis. Good-bye, Lena.” She closed her eyes and exhaled.
Cooley hugged Carmen one more time. “Well, I guess I'm next.”
“If you want us to wait on you, we can,” Nic said.
“Naw, I'm good. Y'all get on the road—What the hell?”
Everyone turned when Cooley noticed a familiar face running toward them.
“Where is Denise?” Lena panted. She was out of breath from running down the concourse.
“I'm sorry, sweetie. She already left.”
“Nooo! I didn't get to say good-bye!” Lena yelled. She looked out the large picture window at the sky. She wanted to cry, but couldn't. She turned around to see them staring at her. “I guess I was too late. I better go.” Lena turned around and headed back toward the door.
No one knew what to think about her. They watched as she headed back to her car.
“Well, we better get on the road. Your mom ain't about to kill me,” Nic said to Carmen.
“You're right. Carla, take care of yourself in Miami. Don't make me come there and hurt you.”
“Trust me, boo, I'm gonna be on my best behavior.” Cooley grinned. “After all, I do have a permanent reminder.” She pointed to the scar on her face that she would have to live with forever.
Carmen smiled and gave Cooley another hug. They said their final good-byes and parted ways.
Lena sat in her car. Her hands had gone numb. She looked at the sky again. She watched a plane soar through the blue sky. She couldn't let it end that way.
“Give me the first ticket to New York. I don't care about the cost.” She placed her ID and credit card on the counter.

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