CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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“You think I don’t want you?” he questions
as his thumb starts circling my clitoris, his look full of hunger and want for
me. “Do you?” He questions.

I can't concentrate, I can only feel as his
thumb continues circling, fulfilling a need I feel deep within me. Then with
his other hand, he deftly undoes his belt, his zipper and pulls down his jeans
and boxers, freeing his erection –
Holy fuck! –
I moan in approval. Then
he stops, pulls a condom out of his pocket, rips it open and puts it on.

“Lift up your legs,” he orders. I instantly
do so, he grabs me by the hips and pulls me towards him, so I’m right on the
edge of the sofa, his tip teasing my clitoris, his thumb still making circles.
“You want this?” He growls.

“Yes,” I gasp. He slams into me.

“Ahh…” I moan I feel so full, the feeling
is exquisite. Then he really starts to move, pumping hard and fast, in and out.
I watch with wide eyes as his erection pumps in and out of me, it’s so fucking
hot, so sexy, god I love him!

“Tristan!” I gasp. I can already feel I’m

“You think I don’t want you?” he pants, pumping
harder, faster. It’s all going so fast!

“No!” I shout.

“Because I do,” he grunts. “I’ll always
want you. Can you feel me baby? Can you feel how much I want you?” he croaks,
his cheeks flushing, his eyes dark chocolate –
Holy fuck!

“Yes,” I cry out, my back arching, my head
craning back.
Jesus I’m so close!

“Give it to me,” he shouts. “Come with me
baby.” I manage to look up at him, he’s right on the edge. “Now Coral!” he
shouts and I let go, just as he does, my head spinning, my whole body tensing
as my orgasm pulses through me, through every cell in my body.

Tristan collapses on top of me, his head on
my chest and I float away to a far distance place. I feel so content, so happy.
It’s pure ecstasy, a sea of sexual bliss.

“I’m sorry,” he croaks. I open my eyes and
see Tristan has his chin propped up on my chest. He’s staring at me with wide,
guilty eyes.

I frown back at him, and take his face in
my hands. “What for?” I whisper.

“That was…I’m sorry,” he repeats and rests
his forehead on my chest. I run my hands through his hair and chuckle, his head
whips back up, his look is one of confusion.

“Tristan, that was hot,” I say, still
breathing hard.

“Hot?” He questions.

“Yes,” I giggle. “Don’t you think so?”

“I just…” He trails off again, closes his
eyes and places his forehead back on my chest.

“Tristan,” I pull his face up to look at
me. “What’s wrong?”

He clenches his jaw and stares at me, his
eyes still wide. “You don’t think I was rough with you?”

“What?” I choke. “No, Tristan, not rough,
that was…” I stop trying to think of the right word to say. “Mind blowing,” I
add staring back at him.
Why is he acting like this?

I think about our lovemaking yesterday,
after our bath and on the sofa, he was so sweet, so gentle with me. I don’t
think he’s ever been like this, so…so
My face falls as it dawns
on me why he’s being like this; he doesn’t want to be rough with me because he
thinks it will trigger what it felt like being raped, how I felt then.

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you,” I choke
out, trying to fight back the tears. He lifts his head again, but doesn’t say
anything. “I’m right aren’t I? You don’t want to be like that with me because
you think it will remind me of being raped?”

Horror dawns on his face, he knows I’ve
worked it out. “Coral’ – “No, don’t Coral me,” I choke. “Tristan, that was
nothing like…” I squeeze my eyes shut and grit my teeth, trying to reign in my
temper. “Tristan,” I whisper and open my eyes. “That was nothing…nothing like
that, you and I, we have passion and love on our side. Don’t you understand
that?” He still doesn’t look convinced. I sigh inwardly.
How can I make him

“You can do that again, anytime you want, I
thought it was really, really hot.” I pant.

“You did?” He questions quizzically. “I…I
didn’t hurt you?”

“No!” I bawl running my hand through my
hair. “Baby, isn’t sex supposed to be varied?” He closes his eyes and puts his
head back on my chest. “Tristan, I love that you’re so sweet and gentle when
you make love to me, you get right in there when you do, right into my soul. But
that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a quick hard fuck too,” I say hoping to shock
him. It has the desired effect, his heads snaps up and a very coy smile appears
on his face.

“Coral Stevens, what language,” he softly

“Well, if you don’t cheer up, I’m going to flip
you over, straddle you and fuck you all over again!” I say, teasing him.

His sexy grin appears as he softly shakes
his head at me. “My, my, surprising me again,” he says, his eyes going all warm
and gooey.

I take his face in my hands again.
“Tristan, I love you and I trust you. I know absolutely, without a shadow of a
doubt, that you will never, ever hurt me, ok? Now stop moping, and help me up.
All that fucking has made me hungry.” I chuckle.

He finally laughs along with me, then leans
forward, takes my face in his hands and kisses me softly. “You are one
surprising, challenging woman,” he says, his thumbs skimming my cheeks.

I stare back at his beautiful face. “And
you are one challenging man,” I retort.

He smiles shyly at me, kisses me briefly,
then leans up onto his hands and gently pulls out of me. “I’ll just get rid of
this,” he says, winking at me.

I watch him walk along the hallway towards
the downstairs bathroom, when he steps inside I sit up and pick up my discarded
jeans. I’m just buckling my belt when he walks back in the room. Bending down
in front of me, he picks up my trainer and holds out his hand for my foot.

“Left or right?” I tease.

He cocks an eyebrow up at me. “Right.” He
answers sternly.

I give him my right foot, he pushes my foot
in the trainer, and ties up the lace, then he does the same with the left.

“Why thank you,” I say sweetly.

“My pleasure,” he laughs, shaking his head
at me.

“So what now?” I ask.

He cocks his head to the side. “If I
remember rightly, you informed me that ‘all that fucking has made you hungry’?”
he says.

“Ah, but I didn’t say what kind of hungry?”
I tease.

His mouth pops open. “Again?” he gasps.

I shake my head, laughing at him. “No,” I
chuckle. “Definitely food, although I like the idea of car sex,” I say kissing
him on the cheek.

He rises to his feet, pulls me up by my
hands and crushes me against the length of his body, then kisses me so softly I
literally melt in his hands.

“I have a favour to ask,” I say,
remembering Bob.

“Anything you want, it is yours,” he tells
me softly.

“I need to get a dinner to Bob today, a
roast. They do takeaways at The Sportsman.”

“Of course, at lunchtime or’ – “No, we
normally have them early evening,” I interrupt.

“Ok, consider it done.” He kisses my
forehead and takes holds of my hand, steering me back towards the kitchen. Well
that’s that then, I don’t have to feel guilty about Bob anymore.

“Take a seat,” Tristan says when we reach
the breakfast stools.

I prop myself up, place my chin in my hand
and watch him move around the kitchen. How can it be that even the way he moves
is hot and sexy? I could watch him all day long.
Jeez Coral, get a grip!
blink several times trying to snap myself out of it. I’ve got it so bad for him.
Shaking my head at myself, I take a deep breath in trying to reign in my
overactive imagination, and I’m hit with one of the best smells in the world – Tristan
and Chocolate Croissants –
What more could a girl ask for?

“Yummy,” I beam at him.

“I guess you know what my surprise is,” he
says, smiling widely at me.

“Wouldn’t be Chocolate Croissants by any
chance?” I say smirking at him. Tristan shakes his head at me as he brings the
plate out of the warmer, and places it in front of us. There are already two
small plates set up, with forks and napkins and two glasses of orange juice.


“Yes please.” Tristan brings the jug over
and fills up both our cups. I am loving that this feels so normal, so easy
going. It’s as though we’ve been together for years, not days.

“When did you get all of this?” I ask
picking up a warm croissant and ripping it open, the smell is divine.

“Yesterday.” He says, smirking slightly

“But I didn’t see you pick them up in the
supermarket?” I say.

“I guess you’re not very observant,” he
I know he’s winding me up!

“No, you’re sneaky,” I bite narrowing my
eyes at him as he sits next to me. “Snap.” Tristan looks bemused. I kick his
foot, which makes him look down.

“Ah Nike’s…” he exhales, a look of
appreciation on his face.

“Indeed.” I hadn’t even noticed the music
was still playing, I guess I was preoccupied. Bruno starts singing Just The Way
You Are, I can't help humming along as I eat and drink.

“You like Bruno Mars?” Tristan asks.

“Yeah, he’s really good.” I say smiling
shyly at him. Tristan leans down and sings a little of it to me, just like last
night, then kisses my hair and returns to his food.

I smile nervously at him. “So I wanted to
ask you something,” I say my heart instantly hammering against my chest and my
throat going as dry as a bone. I pick up my orange juice and take a long

“I’m all ears.” Tristan smiles and caresses
my cheek.

I clear my throat. “So...I think, stop me
if I get this wrong, that you and I are kind of like...well for life?” I say a
little breathlessly.

“Yes, we are.” Tristan is gazing at me that
way again, I have to look away or I’ll never get this out. I stare ahead, out
through the windows, the sunshine making me squint. My leg is jigging up and
down with nerves.

“Ok, so...I was just thinking about...well
kids.” I take a bite of croissant which I shouldn’t have done as I can no
longer swallow, a lump has formed in my throat that I can’t get rid of.

“Kids?” Tristan’s voice sounds off, so I
turn to look at him.

He’s gone as pale as a ghost.
Oh no!

I swallow hard. “Hey, are you alright?” I
ask touching his arm.

“You want kids?” he asks, his eyes wide.

“Well I...actually, I was asking you that
question. I just think it’s important to get it straight what both partners
want. I mean, I don’t see the point in two people being together especially if
one wants kids and the other doesn’t....” I trail off and look outside again,
hoping and praying Tristan will say he doesn’t want them –
Then I'm off the

“It is an important question.” Tristan’s
voice pulls me from my musing. “A very important one, and I completely agree,
no point two people being together if they want opposite things.” I stare back
at Tristan with wide eyes, my stomach sinking. “Honestly, I’ve never really
thought about it. No partner, no need to think about it I guess,” he adds, shrugging

I frown back at him. “Ok, but what do you
see when you look to the future? Do you see yourself as a father?” Just as I
say that the strangest thing happens, I instantly picture Tristan throwing a
little two year old boy in the air and catching him as the kid screams in
delight. He would make a really great Dad.

“I don’t know Coral, like I said I’ve never
really thought about it before.” I nod and look out at the window again.
“What’s brought all this on?” he adds.

“I don’t know. The question just popped up
while I was in the shower, and I thought I don’t know the answer to whether you
do, and it’s an important one, so I thought I’d ask.” I stop there, my voice
sounding far too high pitched for my liking.

Tristan narrows his eyes at me as he
assesses what I’ve just told him. “And if my answer had been yes?”
Damn it,
he’s too shrewd!
I shrug nonchalantly at him, his cocks his head to the
side scrutinizing me even further. “And no?” I shrug again not wanting to give
anything away, although the question has not been resolved. “And you Coral?”
it to hell!

I gaze straight ahead trying to think of an
answer, then I decide to lie, I can’t do it. I can’t tell him the truth, it’s
too scary. I turn and look at him trying to make my eyes look all melty and
warm like he does with me, leaning forward I brush my lips against his.

“I don’t know,” I whisper.

Tristan frowns then takes my face in his
hands. “You don’t know?” he repeats.

“Uh-huh,” I murmur against his lips again.

“Well that’s odd,” he chortles. “But then
there’s nothing that’s traditional about you Coral,” he says kissing the tip of
my nose.

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