CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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The moment we are out the shop, Tristan
pulls me against his body. “Any other secrets to do with me that you want to

“No,” I answer playfully, he leans down and
kisses me, hard. We hear someone shout ‘get a room’ and quickly pull apart.
that was uncomfortable!

“So where to now?” He chuckles.

“The beach,” I say, grinning widely.

“The beach it is,” he says, his answering grin
reflecting mine.




Camber Sands, it’s truly breathtaking. Miles of white sandy beach with lots of
sand dunes, my mind instantly pictures Tristan and I up to no good behind one
of the sand dunes, my body quivers just thinking about it.
Definitely got
sex on the brain!

As we stroll along the beach, enjoying the
sunshine and the nice breeze that’s kicked up, I can’t help wondering what
Gladys and Debs are up to and why Gladys didn’t tell me about Malcolm. I hatch
a plan that I intend to execute next week. Then I start thinking about telling
Tristan about my dream of him, and the image I had of marrying him, but I
chicken out. I just feel like it’s too soon and I might blow it.

“You’re quiet. What are you thinking
about?” Tristan wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple. I panic
for a second then try to think of something random to say.


“Dancing? Yes you can certainly do that,”
he offers.

“I was half expecting to have to wipe the
drool from your mouth,” I banter.

“Oh, ha, ha, I can’t help it if you totally
blow my mind. You really are a very sexy dancer.”

“You’re not so bad yourself Mr Freeman, got
some sexy moves going on there.”

“Thanks.” Tristan looks very pleased with
himself, but in fairness not many men can look that good on a dance-floor.
Tristan absolutely, without doubt does!

“Maybe that should be my new career, lap
dancer,” I retort. Tristan stops walking halting me too. As I look up, I see his
mouth has popped open, his brows are pulled together and he’s staring, wide
eyed at me.

“J-Joke,” I stutter. He blinks several
times, his face still contorted.
Jeez chill out!

“Not a funny one!” he barks back.

I giggle and snuggle against his chest. “As
if I would do that,” I say.

“Do you do that often, dancing?” He says.

“Used to be out every Friday and Saturday
night with Harriet, then it all stopped, well everything stopped.” Tristan
tightens his grip on me. “But I think I would have stopped anyway, I was
partying too hard and the hangovers were becoming a little bit much to take,
and I was desperate to have my own place, so I saved the money I would normally
spend on a night out. I knew it would bulk up my deposit and get me there
quicker. Then when I got the studio, I joined the gym, met Rob and got a social
life again.”

“And you haven’t been out dancing since?”
he asks.

“Sometimes with Rob, but only if it was a
gay bar and Carlos was with us.”

“Carlos?” Tristan stops us again. “Who’s
Carlos?” I look up at him and smile.

“Are you jealous Mr Freeman?” I ask, smiling

“Yes.” He answers honestly, taking me by
surprise. “I’m jealous of any man that gets to spend time with you.”

I giggle at that one. “Carlos is Rob’s

“Oh.” His frown disappears and we start
walking again. “So, you were saying…about dancing?”

“Well, Carlos is a big beefy guy so I knew
if any blokes gave me a hard time, he’d sort it for me. Do you go out dancing?”
I add, instantly picturing him in a dark nightclub, doing his thing -
Man he
can move!

Tristan shakes his head with a mock laugh. “No,
not really a little bit through University.”

“Too busy building an empire,” I answer

“Yeah, I guess.” I look up at him, he looks
a little sad.

“Can I ask you something, it’s just an
observation,” he states.

“Shoot,” I say without thinking about it.

“I’ve never seen you in a dress or skirt
for that matter, not at work or’ – “I prefer jeans,” I interrupt wanting to get
off the subject. “And at work?”
I decide not to answer and
just shrug my shoulders.

“Alright I get it, subject closed.” He
says, his soulful eyes capturing me.

I lean up and kiss his cheek. “Thank you,”
I whisper.

Tristan stops walking and gazes down at me,
he’s got that strange look again, he leans down his hands holding my face and
kisses me so tenderly I almost faint. “Gotcha!” He grabs me by the waist as I
hang onto his strong arms. He pulls me closer against his chest. “You need food,”
he says sternly.

“No, it’s you,” I answer breathlessly.

“Me?” He retorts, his voice high.

“Yes, you just...” I can’t find the words,
it’s so hard to describe how amazing and heady he makes me feel. “I told you, you
take my breath away,” I whisper keeping my eyes closed while the blood rushes
back to my head.

“Ditto,” he whispers in my ear.

I squeeze him tighter and bury my head
under his chin. “Tristan,” I mumble. “You’re changing my mind,” I whisper.

“Changing your mind about what?” he
whispers back.

I take a deep breath. “About…well, us you
know, moving in together…getting married.”

“I am?” he says, sounding surprised.

I swallow hard. “Yeah…I think I want to
marry you.”
What? Coral, what are you doing!

“You do?” I look up and see Tristan’s face
break into his most breathtaking smile.

“Yeah,” I sigh. “Someday…” I rest my head
against his chest closing my eyes as I do. Tristan doesn’t say anything, he
just wraps his arms around my shoulders and holds me, for which I'm truly
grateful. I can’t believe I just said that out loud, so much for waiting!


Tristan drives straight to The Sportsman so I can purchase Bobs

“What are you doing?” I question as I take
off my seatbelt.

“Coming in with you,” he says.

“Tristan, you don’t need to hold my hand,”
I scold. “Besides, someone might scratch your car,” I warn teasingly,
considering the car park is pretty packed.

He suddenly stops and looks around the car park.
“You’re right, I’ll wait here.” I smile sweetly at him, step out the car and
head into the restaurant…

Five minutes later I am back with Bob’s
dinner. Tristan steps out the car, takes the bag off me, helps me into the seat
then places the bag on my lap. “Don’t spill it,” he warns, I can't help giggling
at him. I actually consider winding him up by pretending to almost drop the
bag, but he might try and save it, then crash the car, so I decide against that

Five minutes later, I am knocking on Bob’s
door. “Coral,” he says, looking surprised.

“Hey Bob, got your dinner.” I say brightly.

“Coral, you didn’t need to do that,” he
says. “Come on in.” I step inside, walk over to the kitchenette, grab a plate
and dish up his dinner. Then I fold out his little table and place his meal
down. “Come on Bob, don’t let it get cold.” I say.

Bob walks over to me, and squeezes my
shoulders. “You spoil me Coral,” he says sweetly.

“I like looking after you,” I tell him.
“Besides, you need a decent meal inside you. You can’t keep eating all that
canned crap,” I remind him.

“Thank you darling, you really are the
sweetest,” he says and starts tucking into his food.
Jeez he sounds like

“Need anything else before I go?” I ask
looking around his studio. Everything looks good, it smells and looks clean and
there’s no sign that Bob is struggling with anything.

“No darling, you’ve done enough.” He tells me.

“Ok, but you have my number if you need me right?” I remind

“Yes, stop fussing,” he scolds. I smile down at him, kiss his
cheek and head out the door; feeling desperate to
be back in
Tristan’s presence, I miss him already, I wave to Bob as I shut the door behind
me. As I pass my studio, I stop and take a quick peek inside and see that all
is well.

Then as I carry on walking towards the gym,
I have the strangest feeling, like I’m leaving a part of me behind. I shrug it
off and carry on walking along the concourse, back to Tristan waiting for me at
the gym car park.


mega pad, the atmosphere in the car charges, getting heavier and
denser the closer we get to it. We keep stealing silent glances at one another,
and I have a very strong feeling we are both thinking the same thing. Parking
the car Tristan jumps out at lightning speed and opens my door for me, pulling
me out a little vigorously; he crushes me to him, and kisses me with a renewed
passion I have not felt from him before – something’s different, but whatever
it is, I don't care – I want him, right here, right now.

He suddenly stops and gazes down at me. “Do that again,” I
challenge. He leans down and kisses me, hard.
I jump up and wrap
my legs around him, kissing him back with as much passion as I can muster, everything
south of my navel tenses and tingles in anticipation.

Tristan marches over to the front door, unlocks
it, pushes it open steps inside and kicks it closed with his foot, then he
slams us up against the wall, right next to the alarm. Then he lets me go,
leaving me breathless, and punches the code into the alarm.

I stay frozen up against the wall, watching
him, then he’s back in front of me, not touching me, but staring at me with a
dark, solicitous look in his eyes.

He places his hands against the wall either
side of my face and leans into me, his lips inches from mine. “What do you want
Coral?” he asks, in his husky sexy voice.

Every muscle in my body clenches in
delicious anticipation. “You,” I whisper.

His mouth swoops down on mine, pushing,

I had other ideas. I push him forward then
yank him by the arm, swing him around and slam him up against the wall. “What
the’ – I place my finger on his lips to silence him. Then sink to my knees – I
want to taste him.

“Coral – “Don’t say anything,” I warn and
unbuckle his belt, then I open the button on his jeans, pull down the zip, and
pull his boxers down with his jeans so his erection springs free.

I take hold of him with my right hand and
gently squeeze, running my hand up and down his shaft, I stare up at him, then
lean forward, place my left hand on his thigh and take him in my mouth. “Jesus,”
he hisses. He tastes so good!
This is so hot!

I lick, suck and tease his tip with my
tongue, then cover my teeth and take him into my mouth. I’m not sure how far I
want to go with this, but I suck hard. I’m not really sure what I’m doing as I
haven’t had any practice, but I try my best.

“Ahh…Coral!” I hear his moans of desire, it
feels so good to hear, it feels so good to know I can do this and he’s enjoying
it. I suck him several times, his erection getting harder and heavier in my
mouth. I decide I want him like this. I want him to come like this. I’ve never
done that before. “Coral stop,” he grunts. “Or I will come,” he states. “And I
don’t want to.” He adds.

I look up at him, his head is arched back
his eyes squeezed shut, I think he’s trying to control his orgasm so I suck
harder, flicking my tongue back and forth across his tip, taking him deeper
into my throat.
Whoa! This is really turning me on too!

I look up at him, he’s completely at my
mercy. Desire swims so strongly inside me that I feel myself climax a little
too; he’s just so damn sexy.

“Coral I...” Tristan shudders once. I feel
his leg tense beneath my hand. He bends forward, I look up at him, he’s almost
stopped breathing, his mouth is slack, his eyes dark. I suck harder, he tenses
again, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment then they flash open.

Our eyes lock right at the moment I feel
him ejaculate in my mouth. I keep sucking and swallow quickly, not sure about
whether I like it or not, then I swallow again as Tristan shudders once, twice,
three times. I feel his legs shake a little. I can't help but feel triumphant.

As I look up at him, I kiss his tip, smack
my lips together then smile shyly at him. That was so hot! I didn’t know doing
that would turn me on so much.
I’ll definitely be doing that again.

Surprising me, he leans down grasps me by
the shoulders, pulls me up against him, turns me around and crushes me against
the wall, kissing me hard, pressing the length of his body against mine. I can
still taste him in my mouth.

“Jesus Coral…” he hisses against my slack
mouth. “Have you done that before?”

“No,” I squeak. I can see the surprise in
his eyes it makes me feel even more triumphant.

He leans down and kisses me, slowly,
softly, his tongue doing a slow salsa with mine, then he pulls back and gazes
at me like I’m the air that he breathes – again.

“My beautiful, sexy woman,” he whispers.

“My sexy man,” I whisper back. Tristan
swoops down, crushing his lips against mine, pushing my lips apart, moaning and
groaning as his tongue pushes into my mouth, probing hard. I suck hard against
it as desire, thick and heavy pulses through me. He suddenly pulls back and
gazes down at me again.

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